Apologies to the video editor, but “how you doing today,” “how are you this morning,” and “have a nice evening” hardly count as harassment. If they do, I’m violated by polite tourists, panhandlers, and assertive shopkeepers every time I stroll along a busy city street.If, when he reciprocated these greetings, they were reliably followed by "I wanna suck your sweet pussy" or similar sentiments, he might feel differently. Oh, and get this:
For better or worse, I’ve never followed fashion. Not only have I never catcalled, I still open doors for women, surrender my seat on public transport, and ensure that I treat them with an extra measure of kindness. I was notified by several liberal men on Twitter that this is A Bad Thing.Sure you were, buddy.
Found via Ole Perfesser Instapundit, who amplifies with some of his traditional cracker-barrel wisdom:
And let’s be honest. What makes these catcalls offensive isn’t that they come from men. It’s that they come from low-status men. Like an unconsented kiss from President Obama, if the catcalls came from George Clooney there’d be much less female outrage.You all know I enjoy extrapolating from the text, but I'm not even gonna try and visualize the fantasy life from which this kind of thing emerges. Don't these guys have mothers?
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UPDATE. In comments, D Johnston:
That line ["And let’s be honest. What makes these catcalls offensive isn’t that they come from men. It’s that they come from low-status men"] is straight out of the MRA playbook ('You wouldn't think it was creepy if I were rich and attractive')... It's yet another example of how the right blogosphere is beginning to absorb the Men's Rights blogosphere. Or maybe the MRA blogs are more like some horrifying gamete, bringing the right blogosphere into a new stage of being?I've noticed the coalescence of the Men's Rights and conservative movements, too; it gets more obvious during events like the Santa Barbara massacre and Gamergate, but it's always there (and of course in the works of the Perfesser) like a stalker. You just have to challenge them a little tiny bit and it comes busting out.
UPDATE 2. I swear commenter ALPHA.MALE is not a sockpuppet I made to give you guys something to play with.