Monday, January 04, 2016


...about the Bundys and their moron-labe crusade in Oregon. As the original Cliven Bundy clownshow in 2014 showed, straight-up insurrectionist sentiment has become part of mainstream conservatism, and now we see not only the usual crackpots but also allegedly serious writers like Glenn Reynolds and Jazz Shaw siding with the crazies. Speaking of crazy, here's Kurt Schlichter -- a frequent guest on talk shows for some reason -- discussing the matter at The Federalist:
There’s no denying that the Oregon action is contrary to the rule of law. But then, is there really a rule of law anymore, at least for the kind of people who participated in this action?... 
You look at it from their perspective, and you see an Obama administration that enforces two sets of laws. Its opponents, like troublesome ranchers, get the Department of Justice going to the Court of Appeals to send them away for longer terms than the judge would impose over relatively minor misbehavior. 
But friends of the administration like Hillary commit crimes...
The sheeple think it's the rich who get away with everything, when in reality it's Hitlery Klintoon! Someone should write a tea-party version of The Silver Box for Schlichter to star in ("she took the purse -- she took the purse but [in a muffled shout] it's Saul Alinsky got 'er off--JUSTICE!"). Then Schlichter tells us we better watch out because his buddies the Bundy boys represent a "pre-insurgency with terrifying potential to expand" that's had enough of your gay wedding cakes and is a-fixin' to muscle America into doing what they want:
When they do make their will clear at the voting booth, like with gay marriage, five judges on the coast tell them their vote doesn’t count, and if they don’t submit and bake a wedding cake their life savings will be taken. Now you can argue about whether they are right to feel this way, but the reality we need to deal with is that they do feel this way. Simply telling them to shut up and accept it isn’t going to work—this situation in Oregon is going to be repeated until they feel they are being heard... 
But these guys are spread out over the rural West. Many of these guys are themselves ex-military. They are not street thugs. I bet few of them even have a criminal record. They have sympathizers—and some of them are law enforcement.
That they're resorting to threats, and using a bunch of numbnuts in a bird sanctuary to back it up, says a lot about the modern conservative movement. Anyway, read the column, my editor left in most of the jokes.

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