Monday, July 14, 2014


...surprise, it's about the border crisis. The brethren are really tearing this up like an abused German Shepherd mauling an infant; check this World Net Daily headline:
Exclusive: Morgan Brittany on administration action: 'It is classic Cloward-Piven'
Well, you say, even at a low-rent outfit like WND, the authors don't always write the headlines --
Ah, but this is what the left and this administration wants. It is classic Cloward-Piven. Overwhelm the system, anger the populace, create chaos, and then, martial law takes over...

If Obama gets his way and the system collapses through illegal immigration or financial means, if he succeeds in confiscating our guns and ammo so that no one but the government has them, then we the people will be at their mercy, and the sad thing is that many people will welcome their control. At that point the American people will be helpless against a totalitarian state, and they will have succeeded in the full transformation of this country.
She forgot the bit where a leering Nicaraguan lights his cigar with a dollar bill and sneers, MUCHAS GRACIAS SEÑOR OBAMA! HA HA HA HA! as your sons and daughters are herded off to work as poolboys and tequila-bandolero waitresses in Aztlan, but otherwise it's perfect.


  1. Formerly_Nom_De_Plume9:55 PM

    The Daily Caller's Neil Munro reported that the migrants were "exploiting legal loopholes...President Barack Obama's administration has failed to close the loopholes"

    Stop letting the illegals obey the law, Obama!

  2. Funny how Cloward-Piven remains a right-wing trope: Just mention them, and it proves whatever you were blathering the power of Glenn Beck's glasses!

  3. Pope Zebbidie XIII10:08 PM

    If Obama gets his way and the system collapses through illegal immigration or financial means...

    Wasn't there a perfect opportunity about 6 years ago? He could have just refused to bail out the idiot banks, just as these guys wanted.

  4. DocAmazing10:10 PM


    Yeah, ever since El Salvador and Guatemala divorced the US, they've been after US to support those kids, and I'm not sure the US is even their real father.

    We have MRA borders now? USGOTW?

  5. Go back in time...way back...

    None of the idiots were complaining about bailing out the banks.

    Rick Santelli's rant was against bailing out homeowners.

    The Right always punches down.

  6. Tehanu10:25 PM

    "... in the neighborhood politically-incorrect patois 'cholos'"), we knew
    the contribution of Victor Davis Hanson would be a dilly."

    My neighborhood Mexican restaurant is El Cholo on Western Ave. in LA. Last I looked, nobody was picketing it (or any of its wildly popular other sites) for being politically incorrect. I'd pay good money, though, to see Victor Davis Paranoicus Bigotus Hansen seethed in a vat of their red enchilada sauce.

  7. petesh10:25 PM

    Update, comrade: Rick Perry's glasses

  8. Fucker steals everything.

    And he stole his recent Fred Hiatt guestimatorial lying points from Dick Cheney.

  9. scottclevenger10:51 PM

    Love El Cholo. Used to lunch there bi-weekly when I worked at Wilshire and Normandie.

  10. Exclusive: Morgan Brittany on administration action: 'It is classic Cloward-Piven',/b>

    the morgan brittany?

  11. Derelict10:57 PM

    Overwhelm the system, anger the populace, create chaos, and then, martial law takes over...

    Obama better hurry up with the martial law. He's been promising this for 6 years now! Or, at least, the rightwing nuts have been promising it.

    Bad boys, bad boys!
    Watchya gonna do when they don't come for you?

  12. Another Kiwi11:11 PM

    See cissy boy Obama doesn't have a ranch to go and cut brush on while a constatooshinal crisis overwhelms you.

    And also "Who in the pen-and-phone era of Obama" WTF??

  13. whetstone11:19 PM

    Ah, but this is what the left and this administration wants.
    When you're Wile E. Coyote, everything looks like an elaborately stupid plot.

  14. badJim11:27 PM

    Where did that "no se puede hacer tortillas sin romper huevos" come from? Tortillas are only omelettes in Spain. In Central America tortillas are made from corn.

  15. Yes. Extra funny? The name didn't ring even a tiny bell until you mentioned it.

    Also, every time I hear "Cloward-Piven" I think Hoyt-Clagwell.

  16. BigHank5312:27 AM

    Are you sure you want to go with seething? Braising would be a bit slower and more likely to tenderize the stringy bits. Actually, I bet we could get away with just roasting the old turkey; he strikes me as being the self-basting type.

  17. So "politically incorrect" may also be translated as "disparaging." Not that it isn't more complicated, but you wouldn't expect V.D. to get it.

    On a personal note, I'm a bit worried; I seem to be literally, geographically between Tehanu to the south & Scott C. to the north. Yikes!

    I'll take it as a hint to visit El Cholo soon. Not for the V.D.H. special though, no matter how they cook him.

  18. Bas-O-Matic12:58 AM

    Cloward-Piven? Saul Alinsky? Just How many shadow Marxists am I supposed to be taking my marching orders from anyway?

  19. Wrangler12:59 AM

    Yes. The most anti-Constitutionalist President of all time now needs to do his duty and fix the law on the fly by executive fiat.

    So sayeth the Antinomies of Derp.

  20. It's something to do w/ Obummer saying he would use a pen (to sign those fascist executive orders) & get on the 'phone to get thing done of the Congress wouldn't.scare people or something

  21. Megalon12:59 AM

    They don't have computers in Mexico, obviously.

  22. Formerly_Nom_De_Plume1:05 AM

    I'm sure if he just issued an executive order they would be totally cool with it.

  23. Budbear1:32 AM

    Yep. She and Victoria Jackson are hoping Jon Voight notices them and their careers will be revived.

  24. montag21:33 AM

    I have seen that one before, but had happily forgotten it existed. IIRC, it prompted a great many Niedermeyer jokes when it first surfaced. And didn't improve Texas A&M's image one bit.

  25. Gromet1:33 AM

    Needs more ascot.

  26. Formerly_Nom_De_Plume1:39 AM

    Man, no grunt who was at Oak Paneled Study will ever forget it. That shit stays with you.

  27. montag21:40 AM

    Well, take comfort in the knowledge that their collective IQ is about 80, and they're not going to be able to fix the thing when it jams.

  28. Cloward and Piven weren't advocating martial law. These nutters have an overactive fantasy life characterized by projection.

  29. davdoodles2:25 AM

    "If Obama gets his way and the system collapses through illegal immigration or financial means, if he succeeds in confiscating our guns and ammo so that no one but the government has them, then we the people will be at their mercy, and the sad thing is that many people will welcome their control. At that point the American people will be helpless against a totalitarian state, and they will have succeeded in the full transformation of this country."
    Darn it, our secret's out. And we would have gotten away with it if it the greasy-bathrobe-clad lady with the not-insane brain hadn't palmed her antipsychotic medications.

  30. If they really wanted a revolution, all the government would have to do is demolish all of the federal infrastructure. With no roads and no electricity, they'd succumb to a combination of pellagra and ennui.

  31. montag23:23 AM

    This rant about lefty totalitarianism always mystifies and amuses me, if only for what it seems to leave out. Of course, it always revolves around confiscation of guns (something that simply has never happened in this country--even Confederate soldiers were allowed to keep their weapons after the end of the war, IIRC), even though it's readily acknowledged (by sane people, at least) that arms in private hands would be hugely ineffective against the firepower of the state. (It's as if these bozos learned nothing from Waco, let alone drone operations.)

    At the same time, they're gloriously oblivious to--or supportive of--all the very real encroachments on their freedoms that have already taken place in the name of fighting terrorism, if only because those measures were initiated by gawd-fearin' conservative patriots, harrumph. That, or they really have internalized Der Pantload's main bit of propaganda, that liberals are the real fascists, because Michelle Obama might have once said something about eating more healthily. It's pretty demented, when you think of it.

    These days, anyone could probably come up with a bushel basket of solid high crimes and misdemeanors against any modern president, but these guys want to complain about Obama following an immigration law signed by Bush the Junior, instead of the arbitrary execution of American citizens? They're turned inside-out about Obama shooting pool and drinking beer, instead of allowing wholesale spying to continue?

    The only thing I can surmise is that they think those things are hunky-dory, and they don't want a Republican president to be constrained by any possible impeachment action against a prior President for actual cause. It will have to be something just as nonsensical as lying about a blowjob. In the process, though, they are certainly showing themselves, once again, to be the nitwits we always knew they were.

  32. Gromet3:33 AM

    Whoa whoa WHOA -- is that an admiralty flag behind him?? HE'S PART OF THE CONSPIRACY.

  33. Glock H. Palin, Esq.5:35 AM

    President Barack Obama's administration has failed to close the loopholes.

    Looks like someone needs to retake 5th grade civics class.

  34. Glock H. Palin, Esq.5:42 AM

    None of the idiots were complaining about bailing out the banks.

    Not until after it was safely done, anyway. Then some of them started to complain about it.

  35. Glock H. Palin, Esq.5:48 AM

    How about a Purple Prose of Cairo-style John Galt and the skull of Saint Reagan as a child?

  36. mommadillo6:25 AM

    Mmmm. Green corn tamales. My wife ordered some shipped frozen to us in KC, but they just weren't the same. It's almost worth going to LA just to have them again.

  37. Is that Tom Cruise from Taps?

  38. Brian Schlosser7:21 AM

    That "P_____ Obama" thing is the funniest bit of wingnut folk magick I've seen in a while. "If we stop calling him that, he will stop being that! If we just believe!"

  39. montag27:22 AM

    Yup, it does have a kind of "clap harder" feel to it.

  40. I work with a guy who lost his successful plumbing business (70 employees, $8 million annual gross) to the housing bust in 2008. He lays the blame on the CRA. Time marches on!

  41. dmsilev7:28 AM

    All of them, Katie.

  42. Hey, this isn't something that just happens. These children must have been studying US law for years to find and exploit these loopholes!

    And yet, despite their brilliant legal minds, they'll probably just take fruit-picking or lawn-mowing jobs away from hard-working messicans who came here the old-fashioned way.

  43. Brian Schlosser7:30 AM


  44. Logic (Obama's a tyrant!" vs. "Obama should do something!") and a grasp of history ("the hippies lost the Vietnam War") have never been their strong suits. To say nothing of an attachment to reality ("Earth's climate is just like Mars" and "corporations are people, my friend").

  45. BigHank537:54 AM

    And didn't improve Texas A&M's image one bit.

    Speaking hypothetically here (because, Lord knows, I'm not actually interested in increasing the world's misery quotient) what could happen that would tarnish the image of Texas A&M?

  46. Emily687:55 AM

    The first definition of "politically incorrect" in most dictionaries is "impolite." As it, it's impolite to call attention to someone's weight problem.

  47. montag27:58 AM

    Uh, wouldn't that be further tarnish the image of Texas A&M?

  48. Emily688:02 AM

    it's readily acknowledged (by sane people, at least) that arms in private hands would be hugely ineffective against the firepower of the state.
    I once read a biography of Earl Long, Huey's little brother, who was Governor of Louisiana in the late 1950s. Leander Perez, big racist, was giving him grief about not fighting school integration tooth and nail. Earl replied, "What can I do, Leander? The Feds have got the A-bomb."

  49. montag28:07 AM

    I get that aspect of it. But, shit, has the tribalism gotten so bad that they'll applaud when they see brownshirts goose-stepping into town just so long as they're wearing GOP armbands?

    Oh, shit, what am I saying? Of course they would.

  50. redoubtagain8:10 AM

    She could always go with Reichskanzler Obama, but her brain would break before it got that far.

  51. I am no fan of Rick Perry, but I'm all for giving credit where it's due. The fact that Perry flew C-130s for five years--to say nothing of the fact that he had to have mastered the T-38 (aka "The White Rocket") to get through flight school--shows that he's not a complete idiot. At least, vis a vis Bush, he fulfilled his commitment.

  52. Fascism didn't get to be the politics of choice in 1930s Germany just because they had nice uniforms. People really dig that shit.

  53. The World Net Daily readers should realize a couple of important points about all this:

    1. There really ARE powerful groups of people who rule the country, but they don't have to take government jobs, and

    2. They don't need your stupid little gun, so you can stop worrying about that. Why don't you put it down before you hurt yourself or somebody else?

  54. FlipYrWhig8:38 AM

    Elian, ¡ay,
    qué lástima! That moment when the Outrage Especial was the Democratic president sending a child back to his home country instead of letting him take refuge in the warm bosom of Exceptional America, rather than, um, the exact opposite of that...

  55. That's true. It's not just the trappings that Rightwingers like, it's the substance of fascism itself.

    Those nine interrelated personality dispositions of the authoritarian personality mentioned in the first paragraph of your linked article sound awfully familiar. It's almost as if those researchers in the late '40s were peering into a time machine, looking at today's Far Right.

  56. montag28:39 AM

    Well. labor history isn't their strong point, is it? Rockefeller and Ford could hire people with guns, or if they were a little short-handed, they could just call up the governor and have the national guard sent out.

    Don't expect the yo-yos at Weird Nut Daily to figure this out. They're too busy reading goat entrails to find out what the Kenyan Usurper is going to do next.

  57. Yep. It's all in the packaging and presentation.

    I've often thought they could be sold on the idea of defense cuts if we could somehow rename our military things like "The National Public Army" and "The Collective Defense of the People Organization."

  58. FlipYrWhig8:44 AM

    Pellagra... that's the conglomerate that churns out beef jerky and tainted peanut butter, right?

  59. Yeah, the power of belief is 'way overrated.

    Here's my favorite definition of reality: it's the stuff that is still there even when you stop believing in it.

  60. Helmut Monotreme9:01 AM

    And it's guaranteed to work, if they do it for two more years.

  61. glennisw9:04 AM

    Republican domestic policy, right?

  62. BigHank539:10 AM

    Hey, they've already managed to shove the second Bush administration down the memory hole, along with Reagan's deficits and tax hikes. Who knows how far they can take it?

  63. Not me!

    And I don't know whether to envy that way of thinking or not. Maybe it's a comfort to believe whatever one chooses to believe from day to day.

  64. montag29:22 AM

    Certainly, part of this is predicated on the principle that saying it often enough makes it true. Just a few days ago, it was a border "crisis," and now, it's "chaos." That's a given. The other part of it is shit-stirring, hoping that the Bundy Ranch lamebrains will take up the call and head to the border to "restore order," i.e., start a firefight which all the wingnutz can enjoy vicariously. Secretly, these numb noggins are praying for Obama to do a re-run of Waco, which they can then exploit. I do think that's why there's a general call among the wackos for Obama to call out the National Guard (and, no, they don't actually understand how the law on that works). They're just itching for a few bullets to start flying, because no matter who starts it or how it turns out, Obama gets fitted for Stalin's uniform.

  65. montag29:32 AM

    I kinda doubt that he did any jet training--that's pretty much reserved for pilots going on to fighters. And, let's acknowledge that he ended up in a plane that goes slow enough for his brain to keep up with it.

  66. Also, also! That cartoon deserves an article of its own.

    In the not too distant past we were supposed to fill up our undies because scary Muslim deathocrats with 10 tons of HEX and scimitars and rocket launchers were trying to sneak into the country via the borders (primarily Mexican because Brown People) so they could slaughter everyone and make Sharia, not love.

    Now they want us to splatter our seats over playful little kids.

    These people are sad little nothingburgers.

  67. Ellis_Weiner10:05 AM


    Not be a pedant, but in Spanish it's "JA JA JA JA!" with an upside down exclamation mark at the start. FYI.

  68. FlipYrWhig10:07 AM

    UPS and Central American refugees: the frightening prospect of a brown-brown coalition.

  69. apocalipstick10:09 AM

    Is this the same Morgan Brittany who was on Dallas back in the '80's? What's her expertise in this matter? What ever happened to "shut up and sing? (thnx, Laura Ingraham)?

  70. montag210:09 AM

    Well, what can I say? That was a waste of jet fuel.

  71. Or if not to avoid punishment, at least to minimize it and not have to, you know, plead guilty.

  72. montag210:15 AM

    True, but, it's an allusion back to something another wingnut Republican wrote years ago.

  73. Ellis_Weiner10:18 AM

    Ennui? I doubt it. This whole thread--and this whole century--offer proof that their brains keep themselves occupied inventing shit without any need for external stimulation or objective fact.

  74. XeckyGilchrist10:19 AM

    I doubt it. Do these goons seem comfortable to you? (Apart from material comfort, in the leaders' cases.)

  75. montag210:21 AM

    Yep, same one. Expertise? Who knows?

    Who cares?

  76. I hope I'm not alone in thinking that "What can Brown do for you?" is the most unintentionally shitty slogan anybody's come up since "Hang out with Jesus!"

  77. Yeah, seriously, he's been "coming for our guns" since at least March 2009 (IIRC, that's when the sedition-promoting "Oath Keepers" entirely coincidentally got going). Big government can't do anything right.
    if he succeeds in confiscating our guns and ammo so that no one but the
    government has them, then we the people will be at their mercy
    Uh, Morgy? (May I call you "Morgy"? It's slightly more endearing than "bullshit-catapaulting dumbass.") Morgy? Pretty much no one but the government has military aircraft, state-of-the-art tanks, and metric buttloads of ordnance. If things ever got real, you puling treasonous shitstains wouldn't stand the chance of a celluloid dog in Hell. So go ahead and keep sexually satisfying yourselves with your little popguns.

  78. gocart mozart11:00 AM

    As many as Supreme Leader Soros tells us to. Now get back to work! Those tactics don't Alinsky themselves.

  79. Derelict11:02 AM

    Hey! I used to work for one of Brown's small feeder airlines. What Brown can do for me is go out of business real soon.

  80. Claim we was askeered off by their mighty guns. Remember - Liberals are huge ravening violent cowardly sissies!


  81. dmsilev11:09 AM

    They'll seamlessly pivot to skreeing about Hitlery Clinton.

  82. RogerAiles11:12 AM

    Screw you, WorldNutDaily. We've got Morgan Fairchild!

  83. tigrismus11:22 AM

    It is classic Cloward-Piven. Overwhelm the system, anger the populace, create chaos, and then, martial law takes over...

    Sheesh, not again. I'm SICK of system overwhelming, populace angering, chaos creating, and martial law over-taking. Sure, I know it's a CLASSIC and always works no matter how often we do it, but can't we mix it up a little?

  84. mortimer200011:36 AM

    Apparently Iceland, Ireland, Greece and all those other countries who sacrificed their economies to the banker bonus boyz must have had a CRA, too.

  85. Yeah, I remember the last time we did that and...

    wait a minute; no I don't.

  86. We can throw some giant puppets into the mix.

  87. Smurch11:45 AM

    Upvoted for "Purple Prose of Cairo-style".

  88. tigrismus11:56 AM

    We ALWAYS do it. It's just that all the drug-fueled gaybortions makes us forget stuff.

  89. Yeah, funny about that.

  90. BigHank5312:07 PM

    ... a celluloid dog in Hell...

    Aw, a Zelazny reference. Sniff. Thanks.

  91. Well, the man is what he is: an opportunistic pistol-waving dumbshit who thinks that changing from contact lenses to a pair of horn-rims is going to erase the past and make him palatable to the bulk of the American electorate. What's interesting in all this is that his positive military record--lots of disaster relief flights, apparently--seems to have had zero impact on his "electability." You think they'd have tried a little harder.

  92. montag212:42 PM

    I realize this is heresy in some quarters, but, the mere ability to fly a plane does not convey any particular skills in politics and, in fact, because military flight experience just might swell particular egos, might actually make said pilots very unsuited to serving the public interest.

    John McCain could fly off aircraft carriers (and set them on fire, occasionally). James Inhofe, Prince of Fuckwits, was a military pilot. Jeremiah Denton, very nearly certifiable when he entered politics, was a Navy pilot. George W. Bush, the biggest phony ever, made much of his ANG flying experience--until people started to notice inconsistencies in his stories. "Duke" Cunningham, the 21st Century's most corrupt Congress Critter to date, was a military pilot. "B-1 Bob" Dornan, an air force pilot, was Congress' flake extraordinaire for no small amount of time.

    If evidence is any guide, none of these people's character--or judgment--were improved in the slightest by being military pilots, so, what bearing does the experience have on their political capabilities? None that I can see. Same with Perry. Flying is irrelevant. After all, how did we assess politicians before the age of flight? By how well they could ride horses, of course... which was just as irrelevant.

  93. The judges would have also accepted "Doc" Smith or Elbert Hubbard.

  94. I realize this is heresy in some quarters, but, the mere ability to fly a
    plane does not convey any particular skills in politics

    In fairness, though, I would accept Derelict talking up the ability to fly a plane if that's what it took to get elected.

  95. I guess so.

    We really ought to have those giant puppets that BBBB is talking about. THAT should make it harder to forget.

  96. George H.W. Bush was a Navy pilot as well, during WWII. He had a respectable flying career, 58 combat missions, and earned the Distinguished Flying Cross.

    And for what it's worth, Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) flew helicopters in Iraq and lost both legs when her ship was shot down.

    Not that any of this is relevant to their politics or political skills. Clearly prior military service, even great sacrifice and officially recognized heroism is irrelevant when right wing thugs want to accuse an opponent of disloyalty.

  97. whetstone1:12 PM

    Maybe they could have him absent-mindedly chew on a pen. Not too often--you wouldn't want him to look neurotic--but like for 10 seconds every two hours.

  98. This, a thousand times. The only quibble I'd have is your use of the word, "secretly." They seem pretty apparent about it to me.

  99. Derelict1:24 PM

    Oh, don't confuse my talking up his flying with any political favorability. Like I said, he's still a dipshit. His flying abilities are a whole 'nother thing.

    For what it's worth, my own experience with ex-Air Force pilots is that they don't do real well when flying in the civilian system because the "missions" are not as tightly scripted. I don't know why so many have such problems making the transition.

  100. Halloween_Jack1:34 PM

    He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
    Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam’d,
    And rouse him at the name of Dad's Den.

  101. tigrismus1:36 PM

    You know what? You said that LAST TIME.

  102. montag21:49 PM

    "... He had a respectable flying career...," especially according to his ghostwritten campaign biographies, which got more dramatic and florid with each ascendant office for which he ran.

    There are probably only two people who could attest to the important details of George H.W. Bush's flying career, John Delaney and Ted White, but they both died on the day George Bush bailed out.

    Only Bush knows for sure, and, like his sons, he's not exactly a paragon of truth-telling.

  103. J Neo Marvin1:59 PM

    Politically incorrect? Maybe I'm naive, but I thought "cholo" referred to a particular street subculture, not Hispanic people as a whole.

  104. I think the point (at least mine) from the beginning was not that being a jet jockey confers some inherent political wisdom. Montag's examples dispel that notion pretty quickly for anyone who might have thought otherwise. I was simply correcting the record about Perry's pilot experience and noting that, given he is still the gun-waving Texas dumbass that everybody from Molly Ivins to you and me know he is, becoming an Air Force pilot still qualifies as an achievement.

    And I am seriously curious as to why Perry hasn't made more of it, especially since he seems to have done some decent, humanitarian things as a USAF pilot, which would look good on anybody's campaign resume. I wonder if it's because comparisons with the Bush military record would inevitably arise, and that's a neighborhood the Republicans definitely do not want to buy a house in any time soon.

  105. Ha this is so funny I was working on a knowledge management project for an organization here in DC that is concerned with development Latin America, and we were having to come up with a name for the project. I pushed hard for "Aztlan." But folks in these places never seem to go for that kind of humor.

  106. AGoodQuestion3:21 PM

    In the photo, Obama is shown laughing while Rick Perry fumes in a sullen snit. I'm with you, Mr. President, I'm with you.

  107. AGoodQuestion3:31 PM

    Yeah, the Clintons are the true, moderate Americans to Obama's dangerous radicalism in the morning, In the evening their the real socialist threat.

    Or maybe it's the other way around. I don't have the gooper schedule on me.

  108. he strikes me as being the self-basting type.IYKWIMAITYD.

  109. AGoodQuestion3:37 PM

    Banks acted as if there were no risk, at least for them. And hey, they totally called it!

  110. AGoodQuestion3:40 PM

    How long before they go from pointed not calling Obama President to slipping the title in front of yutzes they find more deserving of it. "As President Ted Cruz told NewsMax this morning..."

  111. especially since he seems to have done some decent, humanitarian things as a USAF pilot

    Actually, that's probably why. "Oooh, 'humanitarian missions.' HAW-HAW-HAW!" Remember, he let a brief glimmer of decency on undocumented immigrant children show in 2012, and his opponents and the base ate him alive for it. Decency is offically a black mark nowadays. As he's seemed to have learned, given his response to the current immigrant child situation.

  112. AGoodQuestion3:52 PM

    Oh hell, just put "Inc." after their names and the wingers will start recognizing them as people.

  113. Yeah, I see why it is hard the separate Good Hair's military career from his political career or the fact he appears to have the personality of cardboard box that has learned to shout DON"T MESS WITH TEXAS when prodded.

    Look at Dr. Ben Carson. He is a very skilled pediatric neurosurgeon and a bigoted fuckhead who should run for president because that would amuse me.

    No one would say he isn't really a skilled neurosurgeon or neurosurgery isn't really that hard because he's a bigoted fuckhead. That would be weird.

  114. smut clyde4:46 PM

    McCain's been filling the President-in-Exile role (without the Exile part) for the last six years, from his palace in Avignon-on-the-Potomac.

  115. smut clyde4:48 PM

    May I call you 'Legion'?

  116. smut clyde4:53 PM

    IIRC the Icelanders weathered the crash without sacrificing anything... they were in a position to tell the investors, "You lent money to Icelandic bankers? Take it up with them, not us."

  117. smut clyde4:54 PM


  118. smut clyde5:00 PM

    The Swedish Air Force used to have psych tests to detect and weed out the real top-gun personalities -- the guys with daddy issues driving them to excel -- because they were the ones who kept crashing planes.

  119. Smurch5:05 PM

    If only.

  120. smut clyde5:06 PM

    it always revolves around confiscation of guns (something that simply has never happened in this countryOne of the first acts of the US occupation in Iraq was to rescind the right to own guns and round up personal firearms... so there is the usual element of projection involved here, the fear that "Naturally people want to do us what we have already done to others".

  121. Smurch5:14 PM

    We few, we happy few, we Band of Librarians....

  122. Sadly, you may be right.

  123. JennOfArk5:55 PM

    They hurt really bad at the time, but their economy recovered faster than anyone else's.

  124. JennOfArk6:00 PM

    It's a variation of Cleek's Law. Whoever the Democrats run or might run for President - or really, any other office - is the most liberal ever, updated daily.

  125. mommadillo6:14 PM

    all of the people that benefit from an open border and nonexistent immigration laws

    And here silly old me was thinking the main beneficiaries of these things were people who own commercial cleaning services and building contractors.

  126. JennOfArk6:16 PM

    On my first read of your comment, I thought you said "have him absent-mindedly chew on a penis," and I thought of this:

  127. Long as he isn't planning on marrying that painting, I think he's okay with his 'stituents.

  128. Seanly6:49 PM

    How many illeagles are there massed on the border? That blurb makes it sound like we're going to be over-run & forced to make tacos all night.

  129. JennOfArk6:52 PM

    Actually, USPS beats UPS all to be damned price- and convenience-wise with Priority Mail. For overnight, they're all crazy expensive. But for 2 - 3 day, hard to beat priority mail. Both USPS and UPS are good about getting things to where they're supposed to be within the promised time frame, but even there I give a slight edge to USPS, since they'll deliver packages on Saturday.

    Don't even get me started on Fed Ex's problems with getting things to where they're supposed to go, period.

  130. Would a WND reader be a WND reader if he/she understood how the world really works?

    It's a conundrum.

  131. JennOfArk6:58 PM

    Yes. It's like that joke about prisoners being so familiar with all the jokes that they now just shout out a number and everyone laughs.

    For the right, they've got Saul Alinsky tactics, New Black Panthers, Sharia law, ACORN, Cloward-Piven, Ward Churchill, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, BENGHAZI!!!!, and many, many others. Most conservative tweets could consist of just one of these words; it would engender just as many upvotes and retweets as the tweets that contain one or more of these words, along with other words like "a," "the," and "and." It's conservative shorthand. They've been so successfully propagandized that all one has to do is mention the name Emmanuel Goldstein to get the desired (angry and outraged) response.

  132. Oh, don't confuse my talking up his flying with any political favorability.

    No, no; I meant for your political career.

  133. Sound policy, it seems to me.

    But then again, aren't they the nation that likes to have their king wear really funny hats?

  134. XeckyGilchrist7:51 PM

    I think it'd be fun to write a Rip van Winkle story about a wingnut who falls asleep for an unusually long time and, when he wakes up, goes to a wingnut cocktail party. While there, he's pilloried for having all the wrong talking points - they're out of date and now completely contradict everything the other 'nuts are saying, because of his big nap.

    Which lasted, like, a week.

  135. Matt Jones8:15 PM

    "OMG librals are gonna take our GUNZ": can we just issue said cowards "WHY YES MY PENIS CERTAINLY IS MAGNIFICENT" t-shirts as a replacement?

  136. Derelict8:35 PM

    Using Saul Alinsky tactics, the New Black Panthers imposed Sharia law through their ACORN foot soldiers. Cloward-Piven's philosophy informed Ward Churchill who trained under Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who in turn inspired Obama to commit BENGHAZI!!!!

    I can haz wingnut welfare check?

  137. Derelict8:40 PM

    Mere seconds before that photo was taken, Obama said, "So, Governor, why haven't you invited me to your ranch? What was the name of that place again?"

    Any wonder why Perry looks as though he's trying to crap a pineapple?

  138. Just don't tell me to buzzz off.

  139. JennOfArk9:12 PM

    Dear Lord, how did you manage to hang in there that long? I got out of consulting way back in '95, after the Contract on America.

  140. And really, 99% of anything that you can mail with a stamp will arrive anywhere in mainland U.S. within 3 days, max.

    UPS will deliver Saturdays, you will just pay a lot more for it.

    A thing I recently learned about UPS - They subcontract out to courier services. Especially for Saturday deliveries.

  141. Derelict9:25 PM

    I only did seven years, and got into it quite accidentally. What broke me was a GOP candidate for county school board in SW Florida (that's a big deal down there). He wanted to hire me, so I asked him what he wanted to run on, what was his plan once he got in office. He said he'd would cut property taxes and give the teachers raises. When I asked him how he'd accomplish this, he noted that the county had $20 million in unused borrowing ability.

    And that's when I decided to get back into aviation.

  142. You can double your money by incorporating Bill Ayers, George Soros and at least one internet search engine or form of entertainment!

  143. The entire RW makes me think of Kubler-Ross, only they've been ping-ponging between 1. (Denial) and 2. (Anger) for a long time but I'm seeing some movement towards Bargaining.

  144. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person9:47 PM

    There's a Nobel and a lifetime of free hookers and blow for the biologist who discovers the Antibodies of Derp...

  145. Tehanu12:35 AM

    Works for me, because now I come to think of it, why waste that delicious red sauce on an old frint like Vic?

  146. smut clyde1:31 AM

    From the Gazoogle, I get the impression that Beck is the main conspiracist in the transformation of Cloward & Piven's 1960s idea for revising the welfare system (by accentuating the inadequacy of the existing system) into a doomsday scenario of rioting and cities afire and martial law. Issat about right?

  147. realinterrobang12:39 PM

    It's Hitlery Klintoon, don't you remember?

  148. realinterrobang12:43 PM

    Excuse me for wondering, because I'm a foreigner and I labour under the delusion that things ought to make sense, but what effing blue hell business does a guy with the last name "Perez" have being a "big racist"?

  149. realinterrobang12:59 PM

    I had a job like that once that makes me feel the same way about Generally Evil, er, I mean, the company that brings things to life.

  150. Emily6811:46 AM

    Wikipedia tells us "The Perez and Solis families were Isleno American, a community descended from settlers from the Canary Islands.
