Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Shorter Allahpundit: Look, everybody used to call them redskins -- they used to call themselves redskins too! Don't they still call it the National Association for the Advancement of Redskins? And suddenly everybody's like, "ooooh, don't say redskins," and they go around not saying redskins like some kind of bien-pensants. What is this, Russia?


  1. XeckyGilchrist10:41 PM

    Surely he wouldn't say Russia is bad, with such a manly-man at the helm!

  2. JennOfArk10:48 PM

    Anyone who doesn't "get it" should ask themselves how they'd feel about teams called "the Pittsburgh Pollacks", "the Boston Drunken Irishmen", "the New York Kikes", "the Atlanta Crackers", "the Tennesse Snake-Handlers" or "the Texas Morons." Though that last one is pretty appropriate.

  3. XeckyGilchrist10:50 PM

    "the Boston Drunken Irishmen"

    Hm, I think I'd go with "Micks." Concise, and synonymous. We Irish appreciate that.

  4. they used to call themselves redskins too!

    Let us henceforth never fail to describe Allahpundit's site as a "gay old blog," just as his forefathers might have in the days of yore.

  5. Doc Washboard11:24 PM

    As a guy of Irish extraction, I have to admit that I'd laugh if a team were actually called something like "the Boston Drunken Micks."

  6. Spaghetti Lee11:29 PM

    The Atlanta Crackers were actually a fairly successful minor league team up until the MLB moved in. No info on whether the famously politically-correct people of early 20th century Georgia raised a stink.

  7. XeckyGilchrist11:29 PM

    You know, I would too.

  8. There is no whine tastier than the obvious whine. Whine against the dying of your dimbulb light.

  9. AGoodQuestion11:52 PM

    Obama politely suggests that sports team owners voluntarily try and pick names that don't make you sound like you're trying to start a fight with the bouncer. This is the kind of thuggery you learn in Chicago politics.

  10. Gromet12:05 AM

    Me three. I'd buy me a Micks shirt. Till then we only have the Fighting Irish and their highly excellent/racist logo, which I love and want to last forever. Jaysus, what's with us micks?

  11. mortimer200012:08 AM

    Exactly. I've always thought a good offensiveness test for an ethnic term would be to walk into a tavern full of members of the group in question, say, Native Americans, and shout something like, "Wow, willya lookit all the damn Redskins in here!" I'm guessing that the results of similar tests for a lot of these words must have been recorded at one time or another, since folks like Allahpundit don't seem all that inclined to try it anymore. Which may also explain why we don't have the Milwaukee Wops, the Tennessee Crackers, or the Georgia Rednecks, with their devoted and outspoken fans defending harmless ol' tradition.

  12. For a bunch of really tough people who like to drop bombs, conservatives sure have touchy fee fees.

  13. marindenver12:14 AM

    Even shorter Allahpundit: What's happened to this country when you can't casually insult minorities without it ending up on TEEVEE!

  14. glennisw12:22 AM

    Can I take this comment out for romantic night on the lakefront with a deep dish pizza and a carafe of red wine?

  15. glennisw12:27 AM

    they used to call themselves redskins too!

    "You got it right from the headman
    The real true story of the red man
    No matter what’s been written or said
    Now you know why the red man’s red"


  16. glennisw12:30 AM


    According to Tim Darnell, who wrote The Crackers: Early Days of Atlanta Baseball, the origins of the team name is unknown.

    Darnell cites several possibilities as to why this name was chosen:
    A term that means a poor, white southerner.
    Someone who is quick and efficient at a task.
    In reference to plowboys who cracked the whip over animals.
    A shortened version of "Atlanta Firecrackers", the earlier 1892 minor league team

  17. DocAmazing12:39 AM

    Oooh, "bien-pensants"! Want some arugula with that, Allahpundit?

    As long as DC plays host to a football team with such a name, how about changing the motto on the license plates from "Taxation Without Representation" to "Nigga, Please!"

  18. montag21:06 AM

    Hmm, weren't the Morons owned by George W. Bush?

  19. montag21:15 AM

    M'self, I think the Washington team owners should just admit where they're located and change the name to the Washington Lobbyists.

  20. Spaghetti Lee1:52 AM

    A guy in a giant Charles Koch foam head can be the mascot.

  21. montag22:05 AM

    Or, alternately, Charlie Koch himself. His head's pretty fuckin' big without augmentation.

  22. ohioanseverywhere3:11 AM

    This my head spin when I was 12: baseball leagues were segregated, so Atlanta's Black pros played for the Atlanta Black Crackers


  23. Spaghetti Lee3:51 AM

    Technically, the stadium is located in the charming community of Soul-Searing Industrial Park, Maryland, off I-495. The great Drew Magary described it thus:

    Going to FedEx Field is like traveling 30 years into the future to catch
    a glimpse of America's eventual economic ruin. Biker gangs encircle you
    for minutes at a time. People are drinking pure ethanol. Women are
    tit-grabbed at every possible opportunity. It is perhaps the least
    welcoming environment on Earth. The stadium itself is a gravestone, a
    lifeless slab of concrete designed strictly with the mission of packing
    in as many sweaty bodies as possible, like the steerage cabin of a 19th
    century immigrant ship.

    In that context, the name sounds almost fitting.

  24. Smut Clyde3:52 AM

    Shirley "drunken" is superfluous.

  25. Spaghetti Lee3:53 AM

    For the record, the best Redskins-name-change-related comment I've heard is "Keep the name the same, but change the logo to a potato."

  26. montag25:40 AM

    Now, as I recall, the natives on this continent called themselves (at least the Sioux tribes) the human beings.

    That's got a positive ring to it--the Washington Human Beings. Not exactly truth in advertising, one must admit, but, it's a start..

  27. BadExampleMan6:27 AM

    Coke-head? Cock-head? The joke would work spoken.

  28. Derelict7:03 AM

    There are many who feel political correctness has been carried too far with this controversy over the team name. What's the harm?, they ask.

    Of course, these are the same people who are upset that Chris Rock can use the N-word in his comedy routine, but white people can't use that word in casual conversation.

  29. reallyaimai7:46 AM

    Well, but isn't that the point? What sounds loveable and even pretty great (totemically speaking) when we make fun of ourselves sounds pretty horrible when it is done by a majority which doesn't include us, or to make fun of us. I'd totally join a group of all jewish academics called "the fighting kike feminazis" but I really, really, wouldn't enjoy having that name ascripted to me by the wasp guy down the hall. If I were still an academic. If there were still a hall.

  30. reallyaimai7:48 AM


  31. reallyaimai7:49 AM

    We can change the names of the major sites to things like "tomb of the unknown donor" and "501 (c) 3 protected" or, in Memory of Dick Cheney "We don't have to so we won't tell you."

  32. reallyaimai7:50 AM

    Whiny victimhood interspersed with bitchy triumphalism is really all they've got. Hope they've got a really good supply of lace hankies because there will be a lot of tears shed today as Boehner leaves the key under the mat and wanders away to find a drink.

  33. Bizarro Mike7:56 AM

    I'm a big fan of the Lobbyists since I heard it years ago. But I also like the Obstructionists and the Defense Contractors.

  34. satch8:27 AM

    OK, NOW you've done it! In mentioning that W. "owned" and/or "managed" the Rangers, you brought up something that makes me want to pound my head on a wall. According to Molly Ivins and Joe Conason, and others, while Bush was the public face of the team, he did not manage the team in the sense that he was in charge of acquiring or dealing with players or handling the finances. And he never owned anything more than an 11% share in the team, and initially started out with a much smaller share, bought with money fronted by wealthy friends of his father. Sorry for this rant, but mentioning this subject to me is like mentioning "Niagra Falls" to Moe Howard. On the other hand, maybe it WAS the Morons after all. Never mind...

  35. satch8:34 AM

    Hmm... Redskins? Redskins... Ooh, ooh... I know... football, right?

  36. satch8:42 AM

    After we deal with this travesty, maybe we could turn our attention to that stupid frigging cartoon Indian head the Cleveland base-ball franchise employs as some kind of marketing gimmick...

  37. FMguru8:51 AM

    That sort of logic shows up in all sorts of right-wing places, usually brushing off some particularly egregious bit of privilege (it's all so silly, what's the big deal, man you people complain about the smallest things, can't you take a joke, isn't there anything more important in the world to worry about, just suck it up and deal with, gosh you sure are sensitive, if you don't like it why not just ignore it, etc.)

    Fortunately, it's self-refuting. If a name is not a big deal, then it shouldn't be a big deal to change it, should it?

  38. glennisw8:58 AM

    So what you're saying is that he "managed" the Rangers as competently as he managed every other business venture he touched.

  39. BigHank539:05 AM

    The Minority Whips. Unless DC's roller derby team has taken it already.

  40. M. Krebs9:08 AM

    I'd suggest the Washington Lickspittles -- in honor of the press corps.

  41. BigHank539:09 AM

    I used to live about a mile away from FedEx Field. (I have no idea who Snyder sold the naming rights to recently.) It's a shitpile of cement in the middle of 120 acres of parking lot.

  42. BigHank539:12 AM

    It appears unlikely that Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were moving Bush's lips while he was associated with the Rangers. Given the success of the franchise, however, it would appear that someone without the initials "GWB" was doing so.

  43. Halloween_Jack9:44 AM

    "the Boston Drunken Irishmen"

    Well, the team is called the Celtics, and the "Drunken" part is implicit.

  44. tigrismus10:09 AM

    Slowly you turn...

  45. Mark_Bzzzz10:20 AM

    I think a change of the 'Redskins' name is inevitable. Once Snyder gets naming rights from some small tribe that's willing to sell for peanuts, it'll be a done deal. Why? Marketing! Snyder can make a fortune on selling tons of new gear and paraphenalia with the new team name and logo, and the old stuff will also shoot up in price. It's a fucking gold mine.

  46. Helmut Monotreme10:40 AM

    When you think about how violent we are as a species, it's not a bad name.

  47. Mr. Wonderful11:43 AM

    "The Fighting Irish"? Talk about stereotypes. Can't it be "The Politely Disagreeing Irish"?

  48. Mr. Wonderful11:48 AM

    Hilarious. Their mascot would be just some guy, who wanders around the sidelines waving when they score.

  49. MCSquared12:33 PM

    What I had always heard (and my dad's family is from that area) is that the term "cracker" was because the earliest non-native settlers of that area where Florida, Georgia, and Alabama come together were cattle ranchers, and "cracker" describes the sound of the cattle drivers' whips.

  50. marindenver1:00 PM

    The people we call Navajos call themselves Dineh. Which means The People.

  51. Gromet1:27 PM

    Go, Washington Nez Perce!

  52. slavdude1:31 PM

    I've read somewhere that "cracker" is an Anglicization of the Scots word "craik", which referred to a farmer who lived in the border areas between Scotland and England. Given that many Americans descend from borderers, it's likely that the early settlers of Appalachia and the South used the word to refer to themselves.

  53. Mark_Bzzzz1:34 PM

    Go, Fighting Karankawas!

  54. realinterrobang1:37 PM

    In the UK, Tottenham Hotspur FC fans call themselves "the Yids," but that is an *entirely* other kettle of fish.

  55. slavdude1:40 PM

    How about an image of a sunburned white tourist wearing an aloha shirt, shorts, sandals, and black socks?

  56. Jay B.1:48 PM

    Fuck you. [hits you with a bottle of Powers I just finished]

  57. Jay B.1:54 PM

    The whole thing is so fucking stupid, it's an abomination of a name and when they change it the pissy racists who just LOVE THE NAME BECAUSE HERITAGE will whine for a few more months then continue to lap up the shit beer in the hellish concrete while wearing pig noses and dresses. Because heritage.

  58. redoubt2:19 PM

    I have a suggestion: The Washington Thinskins.

    Especially since the current President is a known Bears fan.

  59. The greendale human being, mascot of greendale community collge.

  60. XeckyGilchrist7:31 PM


  61. RogerAiles8:16 PM

    Not superfluous.


  62. TGuerrant9:43 PM

    According to Black Talk: Words and Phrases from the Hood to the Amen Corner, The Color of Words: An Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Ethnic Bias in the United States, Juba to Jive: A Dictionary of African-American Slang, and An American Glossary, the term was derived from the cracking of whips, either by plantation overseers (typically Scots-Irish) or by cattle drivers.

  63. TGuerrant9:47 PM

    Well, if we're going all the way to Georgia, we have to pause to pay tribute to Macon Bacon. Best team name ever.

  64. TGuerrant9:50 PM

    "Washington Porkers" would save the heritage, identify the town's #1 export, and maybe get a certain stuttering cartoon pig out of retirement. Th-th-that's all f-f-f-f-olks!

  65. I think they should keep the name "Redskins" but change their logo to a peanut.

  66. Lancelot Link3:10 AM

    Rugby, with extra padding
