Tuesday, October 02, 2012

OK, JUST A PEEK. Let's see what Hindrocket of Time's Blog of the Year 2004 is on about today:
In the immortal words of Curly, "Ngggnnyahh!"

Hinderaker, which I guess is what Hindrocket's calling himself these days, compares Obama to Lenin and Mussolini because 1.) They all had posters that showed them looking serious ("It is ironic that Mussolini looks downright modest compared to The One"); and 2.) wingnut email-from-Grandma fodder like "the Obama family costs U.S. taxpayers something like twenty times what the British Royal Family costs its subjects," which is so lame Doug Mataconis has debunked it.

I still think Romney has a good chance to win, so I don't see why these guys have descended so precipitously into madness -- oh wait, maybe that's the reason: They're anticipating the crushing disappointment of National Romneycare ("Better Than Obamacare, Because Not So Much Abortion!"), and for these guys that's like waiting for Cthulhu to eat them.

If that's not enough crazy for you, you can read Roger L. Simon's "We Live Under a Media Coup d’État." Apparently it all started with Adolph Ochs, or Woodward and Bernstein; whatever, now the Rule of Katie Couric is so oppressive that "this year the Republican Party allowed the coup plotters to control the debates, even those that determined their own nominee."  Maybe Simon and his like-minded souls will start a resistance movement, and call it "Bathrobe Media" or something. But will it sell?


  1. tigrismus11:34 AM

    Hindy: Consider [Obama's] 983 executive orders, compared with George W. Bush’s 63.
    Archive.gov: Disposition of Executive orders signed by President George W. Bush ... 291 Total Executive orders Issued
    Disposition of Executive orders signed by President Barack Obama ... 135 Total Executive orders Issued

    Disposition of Executive orders signed by President Ronald Reagan ... 381 Total Executive Orders Issued


  2. admiral.naismith12:10 PM

    I'd like to take a break from our regular scheduled Hindrocket coverage for NEW KITTEH! Can't we all agree that this is much more enjoyable?

  3. Read the Assrocket link. My fave:

    "Or his extra-constitutional czars"

    Christ, this again? The classics never die for these idiots. I'm sure Assrocket was very upset at Dubya's czars.

  4. Writing to you from St. Paul, the amazing thing about Assrocket and his cohorts is that no one locally takes them seriously (other than other rightwing bloggers). Only the national media pays any attention to them. Locally they get the same treatment as you give them, which is to say the contempt they deserve for ruthlessly twisting facts to make them comply with their absurdist ideology.

  5. Who are you and what have you done with tigris!?!?

  6. whetstone12:39 PM

    John Hinderaker is the purged intellectual of liberal national socialism.

  7. GregMc12:39 PM

    If there's anything that Lenin and Mussolini had in common, it was a passionate love for czars.

  8. montag212:41 PM

    Ah, yes, Mussolini was a model of humility. I particularly like the subdued way he shows appreciation for the military, in his choice of daywear:

  9. Hindy, like most New Media Professionals, relies exclusively on second-hand sources - in this case, a random blog reposting this email forward which attributes executive orders signed by Kennedy and Nixon to Obama.

    Citizen Journalism!

  10. After being caught using an obviously fake email to prove his point, Hinderaker demonstrates the power of the Self-Correcting Blogosphere! to instantly amend errors:

    Everyone who has been paying attention knows, in any event, that Obama
    has greatly expanded the use of executive orders, most crucially using
    them to create or alter substantive law where legislation would be
    appropriate or, worse, already exists.

    Remember when blogs were going to be the future of absolutely everything? Those were fun times.

  11. tigrismus12:59 PM

    Not a thing, but the lotion better damn well be in the basket.

  12. mortimer1:02 PM

    Everyone who has been paying attention knows, in any event, that Obama
    has greatly expanded the use of executive orders...

    Yes! It doesn't even have to be true, if everyone knows it. Knowing things happens in your head, or on TV, so you just have to go ahead and know them!

  13. Was the Mailer/Greer shoutfest the one where Jill Johnston stood up in the middle of the whole mess and did an interpretive dance about oppression?

  14. tigrismus1:26 PM

    So anyone who supplies evidence that he's wrong is therefore PROVEN to have not been paying attention? Man, I have GOT to add this to my debate tactics, it is GOLDEN.

  15. nanute1:27 PM

    In the spirit of Mussolini, I'll let my avatar respond to Hindrocket.

  16. If Obama were really blackity black Hitler, wouldn't we have annexed Poland by now? (Or whatever the North American equivalent of Poland is?)

  17. Well actually he forgot Poland.

  18. Erick Erickson is actually my equivalent. I live in Georgia, where Erickson spent about half a term on the Macon city council. (Resigning partway through your first term in public office is getting to be a wingnut tradition.) While there, he proposed disbanding the Macon Police Department rather than letting them unionize. Presumably his plan was to replace them with a Free Market Solution, like Blackwater or whatever their name is these days.

  19. Jimcima3:01 PM

    I just heard that $1.4B meme from a wingnut yesterday who asserted that Barack was spending it all on Michelle to "keep her happy". I pointed out that this worked out to almost $4 million dollars *a day*. So I asked what could Michelle Obama possibly spend $4M per day on? What would she do with $4M of stuff?

    The answer is that I am a "libtard".

  20. That IS central to his point.

  21. Wouldn't the American Poland be Chicago? I think he's already been there/done that.

  22. Well, there you go, then. You may now advance to the next round.

  23. wileywitch5:29 PM

    Got a message that this site and ThinkProgress contain viruses. According to mi amigo the message was from Google. I'm going to trust that avast is on top of it. Could be shenanigans.

  24. I'm waiting for one of them to explain what the media gains with an Obama victory, with a Willard win it's more tax cuts, we know that.

  25. I have the quote here:

    I’m thinking I’ll have the City Attorney draft me legislation to
    dissolve the police department and contract with the Sheriff to provide
    public safety services.

    Make of that what you will.

  26. smut clyde6:07 PM

    Never before made with such thoroughness or care.

  27. You gotta admire the way they've forgotten all about the GW Whos? years in office

  28. I got the same message only it didn't mention this site, just warned me about a nonexistent problem

  29. redoubt6:47 PM

    That was supposed to be "czarcasm". At which he is as bad as he is at history.

  30. ColBatGuano8:23 PM

    The comments over there are sublime. I especially enjoy the "National socialism is the same as regular socialism." ones.

  31. edroso9:09 PM

    I saw that, but it seems to have blown over. Too bad, it was my beest opportunity in years to claim oppression and be lionized.


    There was a time when conservatives were very clear that FDR had done that. The fumes from the meth distillery must have erased the New Deal from their memories.

  33. roger l simon used to be my favourite wingnut. But it's hard to read that post and feel anything but sad. The comments on the other hand are like I would imagine Roger would be 10 years ago if he could write anonymously... watering the tree of liberty, they used to laugh at me but now the don't, and all the usual chestnuts.

  34. Tehanu10:55 PM

    Can I still bitch about Disqus? Fuck it.

  35. Marilyn Merlot11:38 PM

    This is a perfect complement to Drudge hyping up a 2007 video that was already used as "Obama's a ni-[CLANG]!" fodder during the last election. You know, say what you like about the wingnuts, I didn't expect reruns. I at least admired their batshit improvisational spirit to twist and turn nonsense regarding Obama in a new and increasingly dumber way.

  36. Odder1:20 AM

    Been trying to think of something trenchantly witty to add to this discussion for much of the day, but that damned bleeding-heart grav has blunted me edge.

    Feelings... nothing more than feelings... (testing)

  37. I've said it before and I'll say it again: The worst comments sectin on the Internet belongs to the Man Who Created Moses Wine.

  38. Paint chips are one hell of a drug.

  39. Holy FSM. Leaving aside that Hinderaker considers Lenin "the most evil man in world history" ahead of Hitler and Stalin and many other, um, worthies, Hinderaker, one of the dumbest authoritarians on the intertubes, actually wrote this:

    The cult of personality is central to National Socialism, and Obama is part of that tradition to a degree that is, frankly, creepy.

    Yeah, coming from the guy who write this (you knew it was coming):

    It must be very strange to be President Bush. A man of extraordinary vision and brilliance approaching to genius, he can't get anyone to notice. He is like a great painter or musician who is ahead of his time, and who unveils one masterpiece after another to a reception that, when not bored, is hostile.

    Perhaps it goes without saying what with the stupid-evil-crazy vortex that is American conservatism, but from Romney's 47% comments to Hinderaker's dim-witted, paranoid authoritarianism, I'd like to beat these fuckers in the elections because they really dumb and they are tremendous assholes.

  40. Bush was totally a genius! He just had trouble talking like one, or acting like one... or thinking like one...

  41. But otherwise, yeah, total genius.

  42. montag29:52 AM

    Funny how this misunderstood genius is now completely ignored by his own party. Of course, this is Little Boots' own fault, since he failed conservatism. I doubt that Assrocket, et al, are bemoaning the lying, the fuck-ups, or the lying about the fuck-ups, because those are conservative strengths, in their minds.

    Nevertheless, how the hell does one square this obsession about "cult of personality" when referring to Dems with the incessant and enduring slobbering over Ronnie Raygun, a simpleton with a grade-school understanding of most subjects even when he was in more or less full possession of his faculties (a condition mostly preceding his election to President)?

    I conclude from this that George Bush, as dumb and as corrupt and as vicious as he was, still was not stupid and venal enough to be canonized by conservatives.

  43. Apparently it's Alberta, unless Wikipedia is lying to me again.

  44. KatWillow10:40 AM

    I've been eyeing Baja CA for some time. When I'm Governor, I'm gonna "annex" it. That's where we'll send all the "illegals"

  45. KatWillow10:44 AM

    Could it be that they have reached the bottom of the barrel?

  46. John D.10:48 AM

    Yup, all of the above is true. But even more: As ever when it comes to the far right loons venerating the likes of Bush while screeching their usual lies and hate at corporate Dems like Obama, the truly remarkable thing about all this is the simple fact of Obama's undeniable credentials as a corporatist and a conservative Democrat. Far from being hostile to their "values," he's doing everything they could reasonably (or even unreasonably) want.

    And the more he sucks up to them, the more they despise him. The more diligently he serves corporate power, the more they shriek that he's a socialist. The more he out-and-out bootlicks the Top 1%, the more they condemn him as one of the moochers and parasites. And the more he pathetically bends over backwards to reach across the asile to them, all in the spirit of "compromise" and "bipartisanship," mind you, the more they scream that he's the new Hitler.

    It's bizarre.

  47. Halloween_Jack11:07 AM

    Few things are more amusing about the "Obama spends $1.4B on himself" thing than that the author of the book worked in the Eisenhower Administration.

  48. XeckyGilchrist11:47 AM

    It makes a lot more sense when you realize it's abusive behavior; the abuser cannot be satisfied. It's like how the Redoublechins will scream "liberal media" no matter how far to the right the news channels and papers wander.

  49. Jay B.1:31 PM

    It's clearly, "yes". The amazing thing is that it took them this long to notice. He not only wants to get re-elected, but he wants popular acclaim too! It's really detestable.

    Their only hope is mass suicide to shame Obamitler into stopping his slide into authoritarianism.

  50. Jay B.1:32 PM

    I thought the oysters would be my avatar. Oh where have you gone JS-Kit? A commentariat turns its lonely keyboards to you.

  51. XeckyGilchrist3:42 PM


    You know, I keep thinking the Repubs are just phoning it in this year. They're starting to recycle their 2008 game-changers - I half expect Rmoney to dump Ryan as his running mate in the debates tonight and announce Sarah Palin as his replacement.

    This Nat'l Soc stuff is pretty anemic compared to the '08 accusations that Obama = Antichrist.

  52. wileywitch4:37 PM

    Went to see what time the debate starts and was a little surprised to see this at the top left hand corner of the first page:

    On the eve of the debate, conservative media outlets claim to have uncovered "exclusive" and "curious" video of then-candidate Barack Obama, but the 5-year-old speech was covered by CNN and other media.

  53. M. Krebs6:16 PM

    mmmmm, oysters.

  54. Rugosa6:20 PM

    No one seems to be asking the important question: where are those two young men in the 1920s (30s?) period costumes, photographed in black-and-white on a sunny day? I've always liked that photo, and wondered briefly every time I loaded the page, who were they, and what were their lives? (And if that's some famous photo I'm just too cloistered to recognize, pretend I never mentioned it.)

  55. Gentlemen, we cannot afford a czar chasm.

  56. BigHank537:16 PM

    I have to admit I liked the pit in the old basement better than this one.

  57. chuckling9:57 PM

    Man, this is ugly, why doesn't Obama just drop his pants and lay down in the middle of the road?

  58. Substance McGravitas10:08 PM

    It was a slow-motion coup. For a while we didn’t know it was happening. But soon enough it was all around us.
    If it weren't for the media Michele Bachmann would be the nominee and a Republican win would be assured!
