Sunday, October 28, 2012

NEW VOICE COLUMN UP, about the Lena Dunham ad. It seems such a slight topic, yet how much rightblogger lunacy I found therein! This election must not be about much of anything.

As a bonus for you Late-Night Real People, here's the Photo of the Day, which I found at Legal Insurrection, where they're trying to make people think the Obama campaign dumped a bunch of nails in the parking lot of a Tea Party rally in Wisconsin. (Jim Hoft, not being too bright, just flat out says, "A truck affixed with Obama stickers drove through the parking lot outside of a tea party rally in Racine, Wisconsin on Saturday and dumped nails." Mongo only pawn in game of life!) The LI description is lovely:
A man caught the license plates of a van covered with Obama stickers leaving the scene, but police reportedly refused to take the information because there was no evidence of the van actually being connected to the incident. 
The Tea Party attendees picked up as many of the nails as they could, although many of their tires had been punctured, and left the pile for all to see.
But the photo is magnificent:

The foam cup plainly says "evidence" yet the police refused to act! Clearly ObamaHitler has corrupted all authority.

Oh, go read the Dunham thing, it's a pisser, too.


  1. AGoodQuestion11:28 PM

    A man caught the license plates of a van covered with Obama stickers leaving the scene, but police reportedly refused to take the information because there was no evidence of the van actually being connected to the incident.

    This Marxist concept of "evidence" carries the day again. Conservatives need to institute a swifter, surer form of law enforcement, in which all you need is a length of rope.

  2. Marilyn Merlot11:34 PM

    Awesome, my state is more evidence of idiocy. As if Walker getting reelected wasn't enough. Oh good, I still have wine left over from watching Homeland.

  3. AGoodQuestion11:40 PM

    At least the GOP has counter-ads lined up to go against Obama's Lena Dunham thing, assuming they can get the rights to run the climax to Birth of a Nation.

  4. Marilyn Merlot12:00 AM

    Of course it was Obama's van! Who else would put Obama stickers on it?!?!

  5. Were the nails left in a backwards B formation?

  6. "NEW VOICE COLUMN UP, about the Lena Dunham ad. It seems such a slight topic, yet how much rightblogger lunacy I found therein! This election must not be about much of anything"

    On the contrary, this is precisely what this election is about for wingnuts: the utter distastefulness of the dark-skins and the disgustin' sexifyin' effect they have on our white wimmen.

  7. Wow, they drove their cars knowing the lot was filled with nails? Are they blind or stupid?

  8. Another Kiwi12:26 AM
    Moar Nails! Look the cup has fallen over what with the weight of evidence. No one saw the nails get spread. Opinions are divided as to who spread the nails , a truck or "Two cars with Obama stickers were trolling ahead of the rally". Now , the address that is given is a shopping centre which I guess might be used by any number of people who might or might not have Obama stickers on them.
    I wonder if this was an apolitical act, in the category of a disgruntled employee? Surely Tea Party member wouldn't piss anyone else off besides the Kenyan Usurper?

  9. A real policeman would have dipped a finger into the cup of nails, tasted the residue, and pronounced it 100% pure uncut Alinsky.

  10. when i read this comment, i heard the "CHUN-CHUN" sound that plays over title cards on law & order.

  11. Another Kiwi12:55 AM

    And NOTHING is too slight for these people with the ants inside their skulls. It has been like this since early 2007

  12. Another Kiwi1:00 AM

    Barak Obama and a couple of friends are out driving around
    Number one contender for the president's crown
    Dropping nails all over down town
    When a cop pulled him over to the side of the road
    Just like the time before and the time before that
    Barak says you better let me go
    If you're Tea party you might as well not show up on the street
    less you want to get nails in your feet

  13. Steven Crowder is impossibly rageaholic, isn't he? Christ, he makes Gyp Rosetti look refined and subtle.

  14. Spaghetti Lee1:36 AM

    Is this like a condensed version of Poor Richard? "For want of a nail, GRRRR FUCK OBAMA!"

  15. Chris Anderson1:39 AM

    I'll drive all over some nails, up and down the lot. I don't care who dropped 'em. Nails don't puncture tires, people do.

    Last time I checked, the only way to get them to stand up was to hold the shaft. A couple fingers is generally enough, but be careful ... If you're gunning for vehicles, the pointy end goes up. As usual, watch your fingers at the moment of truth.

  16. Leeds man1:44 AM

    Sounds like a dim bulb covert op.

  17. montag21:45 AM

    The entirely proper response to all this Puritanical--and hypocritical--whinging is: fuck `em if they can't take a joke.

    Hell, the right wing is full of cretinous dildos excited by any opportunity to describe a political opponent as an ugly slut (especially since they have such sterling examples as Limpballs and Newticles doing the cheerleading for same), but... not a friggin' word about this guy, who seems to epitomize their views on women.

    After all, what have Repugs been talking about non-stop for the last several months but rape? It's constantly on their minds. So, if we choose to extend the Dunham metaphor to the Repugs, their concept of voting is indistinguishable from sexual assault. Consensual voting just doesn't exist for them. It's a conceptual impossibility.

    Republicans: Raping the American psyche since 1964.

  18. DocAmazing2:00 AM

    So the wingnuts didn't like the Lena Dunham ad. A proposal for a counter-ad to make them happy: Lindsay Lohan attends the third debate and sees Romney backstage looking dejected. She gives Romney her bottle of Coke, and he gives her a promise ring.

  19. Malignant Bouffant2:58 AM

    Greg Peterson ("this guy") committed suicide a few days ago. CNN managed not to mention that he was a Republican activist/moneygrubber.

  20. montag23:11 AM

    Yeah, I knew that... no point in belaboring that because no one will know if was an act of contrition or a retreat from self-knowledge.

  21. zencomix7:20 AM

    If only someone at the Tea Party rally had been armed with a nail gun, they could have prevented the tragedy by shooting the tire of the getaway car.

  22. aimai7:24 AM

    Noted without comment:

    ""BARACK IS BANGING YOUR DAUGHTER," cried Bride of Rove"

    Becuase its just perfect. Also: stay safe Kia and Roy..

  23. BigHank537:56 AM

    Didn't Bob Dole and Britney Spears already shoot that one?

  24. redoubt8:22 AM

    "I support a woman's right to survive her mother's pregnancy without fear of a sex-selective abortion,"

    I support Josh Trevino's right to print this on a bumper sticker, in Chinese, and tool around Beijing. If only to see how long it takes him to get, um, noticed.

  25. Bizarro Mike8:26 AM

    I think you need to put the Dunham endorsement in context with the "Ryan/Romney will get the female vote because they're hawt" theme from back in July. I think it is interesting that this line of campaigning was acceptable when it was by creepy old women and men for a certain candidate, but now that there's a young professional woman pushing the opposite direction, it is beyond the pale.

    There's some principle at work, but I just can't seem to put my finger on it...
    There we go. Two great tastes that go great together.

  26. Halloween_Jack8:30 AM

    They've got a van, loaded with hardware, packed up and ready to go! A suspiciously convenient and obvious boogeyman, but no less ridiculous than The Donalde, of all people, acting as a public arbiter of proper behavior for young ladies.

  27. Officer Obie would not have walked away from those nails. No sir:

    And they was usin' up all kinds of cop equipment that they had hangin' around the Police Officer Station. They was takin' plaster tire tracks, footprints, dog-smellin' prints and they took twenty-seven 8 by 10 colored glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explainin' what each one was, to be used as evidence against us. Took pictures of the approach, the getaway, the northwest corner, the southwest corner . . . and that's not to mention the aerial photography!

  28. ...or maybe a helping hand from "concerned parties?"

    It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

  29. Doghouse Riley8:47 AM

    Shit. You take two nails and bend them into an "X". That way they stand up like jacks. Regular, singular nails just lie flat (and are unlikely to've punctured "many" tires, or flattened any they did).

    Craftsmanship is dead, I guess.

  30. Derelict9:00 AM

    I'm old enough to remember when Republicans were absolutely certain they'd capture the female vote because Dan Quayle was really cute.

    And the time they'd get the female vote because Bob Dole was like everyone's grandpa.

    And the time they'd get the female vote because George Bush was both a manly man and a caring compassionate man.

    And the time hey'd get the female vote because Sarah Palin has internal genitalia, just like other women.

    With the GOP, it's like a virgin teenager who's convinced that if he just gets a better hair-do, the girls will flock to him.

  31. Chris Anderson9:36 AM

    I've been around the block, had a nail or two in my Kumhos. I dunno how they get there, the question's outta my pay grade. Could be a little man holds 'em straight while I drive over. Could be a goddamned monkey for all I know, I've got my eyes on the road.

  32. BigHank5310:11 AM

    So that's the target audience for AXE body spray. Good to know.

  33. Halloween_Jack10:28 AM

    Sometimes it's hard to be a ninja.

  34. John D.10:44 AM

    I'm impressed. "Evidence for the police" is actually spelled correctly on the cup, and it's not written in crayon.

  35. AGoodQuestion10:48 AM

    That was one of his Viagra ads, right?

  36. The Dark Avenger10:49 AM

    It was a group effort, someone to spell-check, the other to serve as a scribe for the cup.

  37. GregMc11:12 AM

    Someone needs to dump a truckload of rakes outside a Tea Party rally right around election day.

  38. synykyl11:41 AM

    Now all they need is a hammer, and some crosses to nail themselves to.

  39. XeckyGilchrist11:46 AM

    Of COURSE the cops are in on it! They're from the gubmint!

  40. "Whoever thinks all this counts as evidence is about as smart as..." [PUTS ON SUNGLASSES] "... a bag of hammers."


  41. He's slipping: he didn't say the van was "fleeing" the scene.

  42. Also crowns of thorns...lots of crowns of thorns. Burger King crowns will do in a pinch though.

  43. I'm weirded out that anyone would name herself Bride of Rove.

    The human grubworm? Really?

  44. "If you need any further proof we live in a fallen world destined for hell fire," ululated Erick Erickson of RedState...

    Haha, that's hysterical.

  45. The best part is that by picking up the nails and oh-so-helpfully labeling them as evidence, they've tampered with a crime scene and destroyed the value of that evidence.

  46. Mark B.12:26 PM

    Galvanized roofing nails? Probably not the best choice. It was probably a roofing company that did a sloppy teardown on a re-roofing job. Either that, or they had a problem with carrying away the debris from a job and had a minor spill on the parking lot. It's pretty unlikely this was intentional.

  47. Just a heads up this was posted by Anne Sorock not Jim Hoft. Since this is a pattern with you Roy I'm going to call shenanigans.

  48. Union thugs to boot.

  49. Oh wait it was too separate rightwing blogs that were posting about this. My apologies Roy...clearly this is why they pay you the big bucks.

  50. Why whould they trust the police? As government employees, the police are in on it.

  51. Big_Bad_Bald_Bastard12:44 PM

    When all the evidence you have is a cup of nails, the key to solving the case is a bag of hammers.

  52. Marilyn Merlot12:50 PM

    A few years ago I immersed myself in Steven Crowder's "comedy", including him doing opening act duty on some Glenn Beck special., if you want to write a thesis on "why conservatives aren't funny", use him as your primary source.

  53. calling all toasters12:51 PM

    So their big ratfucking act didn't even get the police interested? And then they run with the story anyway? Color me stunned.
    I'm guessing the next big scoop they get will involve blackface or "FBI for Obama" badges.

  54. Big_Bad_Bald_Bastard12:52 PM

    Nobody makes caltrops like they used to.

  55. Marilyn Merlot12:53 PM

    So can we officially just call the Tea Party the Little Rascals and be done with it? They've already got all manner of "no girls allowed" signs.

  56. Wow, you actually found Conservative News and Views? I didn't think anyone outside of Conservapedia knew about that den of conspiracy theorists.

    If you're ever bored, go over there, find a post by site proprietor Terry Hurlbut and leave a negative comment under it. He's not really smart enough to maintain an argument, but he WILL reply. Believe it.

  57. MikeJ1:16 PM

    Not just gubmint, union thugs too.

  58. Wow. I suspect I'm the only person here who used to build tires. Only a moron would think that a nail laying on the road can jump up and flatten anything but the baldest of tires. You want to flatten tires? Make some caltrops.

  59. XeckyGilchrist2:17 PM

    Collectivists! Liberal infiltrators!

  60. tigrismus2:49 PM

    The LI site specifically mentions the nails were there already when someone arrived early to set up, no one saw anyone do anything and more specifically no one saw the van do anything other than be suspiciously stickered after the nails had already been found. But the police should still harass two people who were there who knows how long after the nail spill happened because OBAMA STICKERS. And for those joking about the police being unionized so OF COURSE they didn't investigate, a couple righty commenters beat you to it.

  61. BigHank533:16 PM

    It was actually a Pepsi ad that riffed on the Viagra ad. Innocent teevee viewers were forced to simultaneously think of the 20-year-old Spears and the considerably older and much wrinklier senatorial dick. Thanks, advertisers! I like the taste of my own vomit!

  62. BigHank533:21 PM

    Given that nobody's really used them since the 1600s, that's not really a surprise, is it?

  63. Another Kiwi3:38 PM

    "Why stay in college, why go to night school" doesn't really apply to the teahadis, I think.

  64. Big_Bad_Bald_Bastard4:48 PM

    2 baggers, 1 cup?

  65. Big_Bad_Bald_Bastard4:52 PM

    A Gohmert op?

  66. Big_Bad_Bald_Bastard4:55 PM

    Hey, now, that's exactly the sort of small business that is unable to create jobs because of budensome regulations. Those tea partiers should be thankful that there are nails in the parking lot.

  67. The Dark Avenger5:16 PM

    In Texas, they go about in 3s: One to read, one to write, and one to keep an eye on the 2 intellectuals.

  68. KatWillow5:17 PM

    I'd like to burn fragrant Autumn leaves with this comment!

  69. KatWillow5:20 PM

    I've seen a few Obama stickers and yard signs, but so far not one single van "covered in Obama stickers". I'd like to have a photo of that.

  70. They can get you if you are riding a bike.

  71. DocAmazing12:37 AM

    Savin' all your love for just one shogun...

  72. smut clyde5:36 AM

    The foam cup plainly says "evidence"
    Objection! My Bladerunner Image-Enhancement software shows that it actually says "Evidense".
    Still trying to work out the afterthought word before 'Polic'.
