Sunday, September 30, 2012

NEW VOICE COLUMN UP, on the Obama Phone Lady and the incredibly transparent racist bullshit her elevation by rightbloggers represents. Go look. At least the Voice hasn't changed its template. (Still workin' on that...)

And remember, pointing out the obvious is the real racism.

Oh, and by the way -- WELCOME TO DISQUS COMMENTS! You can complain about those, now.

UPDATE. Now I have to see where the old JS-Kit comments have got to, enable Disqus for the mobile version, maybe get back the Blogger comments from yesterday, etc. Technology is not an unmixed blessing.


  1. *aUT0-diSliKe foR ThIS coMmeNt^

  2. Fuck Disqus.

    Just thought I'd get that out of the way.

  3. hellslittlestangel11:46 PM

    I'm pleased and proud to say I have no fucking idea what this ObamaPhone lady scandal is all about. But if he sent her a picture of his penis, she's gonna need one of those widescreen iPhone 5s to see the whole thing.

  4. hellslittlestangel11:48 PM

    like button test

  5. There has to be an avatar here someplace...

  6. edroso11:53 PM


  7. Spaghetti Lee12:00 AM

    intentionally instilling dependency in a once-proud people

    Rightbloggers kept themselves safe from this by never having any pride to begin with.

  8. redoubt12:03 AM

    Not complaining, as I'm not paying to comment. . .

    If she was actually running for something, this might matter. But. . .

  9. Another Kiwi12:04 AM

    A young person in my workpace asked me today "What are the American Republican Party like?" I had to say "Like the NZ ACT party (neo-con far right arseholes) on acid." I then realised that I should have said "on the bad brown acid" but they wouldn't have got the reference.

  10. hells littlest angel12:15 AM

    Shouldn't your ironic avatar have quotation marks around it?

  11. XeckyGilchrist12:26 AM

    Likewise - this is the first I've heard of it, and I reckon I'm more connected than a lotta the schlubs out there. Sounds like more fail.

  12. the_next_Prescott_Niles12:35 AM

    again: Microphone check, one two, what is this?

  13. MBouffant1:10 AM

    Just to let y'all know, MBouffant is the same disembodied Internet entity as M. (W/ a period & space.) Bouffant.

    Now let's see if this picture doo-hickey works. What to choose? Crap, won't take big ones. What do we have that's resized?

  14. montag21:31 AM

    One would need one of those old bonecrusher wringer washing machines to get all of the flop-sweat out of this "Obamaphone" nonsense. They all know that Rmoney pretty much terminally fucked his chances with his harangue about the moochers in half the country, the "47%," and this is definitely hail-Mary stuff, even if it does bring out the diehard racists (c'mon, assholes, go ahead and secede--I need a little amusement in my otherwise humdrum existence).

    Next thing you know, they'll be nattering on endlessly about Rmoney's debate "zingers," and ignoring the fact that his programmers handlers been working on the Rmoneybot for three months trying to get those lines to sound as if they were ad-libbed.

  15. DocAmazing1:38 AM

    And we are in it!

  16. DocAmazing1:49 AM

    You know, there's nothing like the classics. When all that Ayn Rand jazz proved too highbrow and the Economic Wonk business too off-putting, the Romney campaign just smudged on a little burnt cork and rolled out the tried-and-true Wallace/Helms minstrel show. Wows 'em every time!

  17. Atticus Dogsbody1:52 AM

    WTF?! I just got mugged by Disqus!

    I was just sitting here reading the comments when I was whipped off to some weird Disqus netherland, only to find Churchill, Marilyn and Elvis talking to me.

    I'm not drunk yet! This really happened. Why does it keep happening to me?

  18. montag21:55 AM

    Churchill wasn't finished lecturing you yet?

  19. Tehanu1:56 AM

    I'm just as ignorant as anybody else and only commenting to see if I can get this dern thing to work. If only I hadn't sent Doc Technical out to repair the atomic engines; he's so old and stupid!

  20. Another Kiwi1:56 AM

    I also got a message from Churchill. He has still not replied to my question about the Dardenelles

  21. DocAmazing1:58 AM

    Wow, M., where is that?

  22. 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves...

  23. Odder2:10 AM

    This so reminds me of several junior high school episodes during which it was rumored that *somebody* liked me, but friends intimated that it would be impolitic to indicate just who that might be.

  24. Geo X2:23 AM

    Does this work? HO HO HO! I'M SO COOL! AIN'T THAT THE TRUTH!

  25. MBouffant2:29 AM

    Downtown L.A., in what they call the Arts District. (Whoever "they" are.)

  26. MBouffant2:46 AM

    Man DISQUS is the best thing ever, literally better than sliced bread! Why would anyone complain? (Not kidding, just being a little contrary.)

    Also, I get adverts & coupons (Mailed by the L.A. Times to everyone in L.A. County who doesn't subscribe to their dog-trainer.) which are targeted to the 'hood; on occasion one of the lithographed sheets has ads for these cheap 'phones for losers. None of them make the slightest damn reference to the Prez. Sadly, I've recycled them, or I'd scan & share one for y'all.

  27. I don't want no stinking ordinary phone, I want an iPad or a Galaxy or somethin' new. Cheapskate federal government. I blame the House and Senate Republicans.

  28. MBouffant3:24 AM

    The 'phones in the ads I get are at least smartphones, not mere cells, 'though I dunno if they're iPhones.

  29. Nice frames.

  30. I'm actually a pay-as-you-go Tracfone user. I don't like 2-year contracts for phone service.

  31. MBouffant3:39 AM

    Me too, $15.00/mo. minimum, to Verizon. A quarter a minute, but I hardly ever use the thing.

  32. smut clyde4:01 AM

    You see the connection?

    Ah, it is a phone connection.

  33. Why are poor people supposed to feel shame on top of being poor?

  34. Provider_UNE5:42 AM

    Because the shame of the poor is like a balm for the guilty conscience of the wealthy. For those without consciences, it serves as entertaining subtext in the 21st Century Colosseum.

  35. That's what all the I.Mposters say!

  36. I'd rather complain about the Village Voice comments (which used to be Disqus).

  37. wkiernan6:48 AM

    Somebody has to feel ashamed, either the people who got evicted or the people who made a swimming pool full of money setting those other people up to be evicted.

  38. Can someone tell me the point of "registering" in order to comment? I don't comment often, but it is a nice outlet when the mood strikes me. But I really, really don't like giving my contact information to some company for unknown reasons. I get enough junk mail at my decoy address as it is.

  39. Oh noes...the commenting goes backward with Dickus, too.

    I hate change

  40. Cole: You can change that. Look up under your icon that is to the left of the commenting box, the box that says 'Leave a message...'. Now under your icon, there is a control that says 'Discussion' with a down arrow. Click on that control and you can change comments to sort by 'Newest', 'Oldest', or 'Best'.

  41. I don't think they'll send ya junk email. At least, they don't send me email.

  42. Halloween_Jack7:47 AM

    GIVE ME BACK MY FACE--Rorschach, Watchmen

  43. ckc_not_kc7:53 AM

    ...just wanted to check my avatar....yep, that's it....carry on...

  44. D. Sidhe7:54 AM

    Yep, another boring test. I ain't signing up for anything I don't have to.

  45. D. Sidhe7:57 AM

    Yay! I don't have to. Anonymous liking gives me kind of a sad, though. I may have to be more creative in the future. Oh well, you people are worth it.

  46. satch8:12 AM

    So... the Obama Phone Lady is the EXACT equivalent of the actual Republican candidate for President of the 53%? Are you SURE that's the way you want to play this, Wingnuts? By the by, this is how the debate will go: Willard will mischaracterize or outright lie about as many of Obama's positions as he can, "fact check" the strawmen, and be off down the road to the next campaign stop before the media gets around to pointing out the facts... assuming that they even care to.

  47. Superb, Man! Thanks.

  48. chuckling8:15 AM

    I can see their point. All those people who didn't have the gumption to be born into great wealth and are dependent on a job to pay their bills, a federally backed loan to help their small business, a doctor to provide health care, safe food to eat, healthy water to drink, clean air to breath, all kinds of infrastructure, and so on, don't really deserve to have any kind of economic freedom. If grandpa didn't leave you a fortune, just put the old fool on a chunk of ice and kick him out to sea already.

    Oh wait, no more sea ice. Now there's a business opportunity! Manufacture ice flows for grandpas. Get the lobbyists started working on laws to require the poor's dead be disposed of that way and the clever capitalist will be halfway to his second billion.

  49. Well, in the New Improved Modern Journalism, facts don't get checked, that would be showing bias, dontcha know.

  50. Yea, I wish you could see your "likers" too.

  51. Jeffrey_Kramer8:24 AM

    As the icon shows, I am bravely prepared to get out of the boat.

  52. chuckling8:34 AM

    But despite the basic accuracy in the assertion that people are pretty much all dependent on government, running with the slogan that Americans are a bunch of dependent losers may not be the wisest political move. Far from Reaganesque, isn't it? Unless perhaps if Reagan had been cast in the Jim Carrey role in "Liar Liar." Today's conservatives have lost the art of not saying what they really think. For them, it's only morning in America to the extent that they chased too many tacos with too much beer last night and badly need a bowel movement. And whereas Reagan was wise enough to strike a match, his inbred decedents like the smell of their own shit.

  53. Derelict8:37 AM

    I can't see the connection because it's a wireless phone!

  54. Doghouse Riley8:42 AM

    Y'know, with all the economic genius floating around on that side, you'd think they'd figure out how to compete, wouldn't you? Hire all the deadbeats with offers too good to pass up (Act now!) then slowly squeeze the stuffing out of 'em, like they did the middle class.

  55. here is a comment by me, dex, using this new commenting system on this village voice piece roy wrote.

  56. Haystack Calhoun9:39 AM

    Disqus is just overloaded with suck. Who thinks this shit up and what are the benefits to Disqus? Will I need to re-register every damn time? What's the point of registering in the first place? Is there really no straight-on click and comment system available?

  57. satch9:45 AM

    Dare I ask why the comments don't appear in order?

  58. Halloween_Jack10:00 AM

    Comin' straight from the underground!

  59. tigrismus10:14 AM

    Atheist gives instructions on how to reset your prefs below, here pasted for your your convenience: Look up under your icon that is to the left of the commenting box, the box that says 'Leave a message...'. Now under your icon, there is a control that says 'Discussion' with a down arrow. Click on that control and you can change comments to sort by 'Newest', 'Oldest', or 'Best'.

  60. Beware getting out of the boat to read the "Giavelli Report" - you'll need a shower afterward. I don't know how Roy has the stomach to do this on a weekly basis.

  61. Disqus works much better than haloscum/js-basket-echo.

    You just have to get used to it.

  62. Mr. Wonderful10:27 AM

    But does it enable you to see the names of all who Liked you? This was one of my main sources of satisfaction in the JS-KIT days of yore--noting the nyms of all youse guys who(m) I admire and from whom I get laffs. (Deep sigh) Never mind. Just don't look at me for a few minutes...

  63. Mr. Wonderful10:32 AM

    And how does Disqus know I'm a parent? My comments are coming from inside my own house!

  64. KatWillow10:41 AM

    The victims always feel shame/are shamed. The thieves and bullies boast of their deeds.

  65. KatWillow10:46 AM

    But now we have a "Flag" button!

  66. Come in, London. Come in London Control...

  67. Halloween_Jack11:06 AM

    Oh, great; now they're picking on Lifeline. It's one of the smarter ideas to come around in recent years--such a good idea that even the W Administration didn't quash it--in that, if you really want people to get off public assistance and get a job, it might be helpful if, you know, potential employers had a way to call them back. (Kind of like how one of the more important functions of public libraries now is to provide computer access so that people without their own computers, or who have access to a laptop but not to wireless (and can't even afford the luxury of a cup of coffee at someplace that does) can fill out those online applications.)

    One of my sisters has one of those phones, in fact; it's basically just a Tracfone with a small number of minutes on it (there goes the suspicion that those shiftless 47%ers just sit around all day talking on their Obamaphones), and she does in fact use it for its intended purpose, which is to try to find some sort of steady employment. Like the rest of my siblings and me, she has a variety of physical and emotional problems; unlike the rest of us, her particular combo makes it difficult for her to hold onto a job, or even to live in one location, for very long. But she keeps trying, and it's kind of heartbreaking to watch.

    So, you can imagine my rage at seeing the usual assortment of assholes step up and whine about the lucky duckies and their Obamaphones. We're not talking about anything fancy here, folks; the phone itself is a pay-as-you-go burner (I bought one for myself just as a backup for when I'm riding my bike out in the country where my regular carrier doesn't cover). Their ire reminds me of people bitching about prisoners having TVs, when even that has a practical application (keeping prisoners busy and occupied so that they don't cause trouble). I almost feel sorry for the sort of person who really gets worked up over something like this, as the reality is that it's one more thing to distract them with, rather than confronting the things in their own lives that are making them miserable, and doing something about that, like not voting for the guy whose primary purpose in getting into office is to make him and his buddies even richer. They could start by asking themselves if "RealFreedom1776 (gee, do you think he or she might be a teabagger?), the poster of the YouTube video in question, who seems to specialize in short, context-free videos of people who support lefty causes and/or candidates and are willing to say things that are unflattering to those causes and/or candidates, in a rather short and context-free way (context such as, oh, if they may have had some *coughcough* incentive for saying those things), might not be the most reliable source for this sort of thing, especially given that his/her user description is "Andrew Breitbart Lives!!!! #Bebreitbart". It would be a start.

  68. tigrismus11:09 AM

    I'm not sure, on the Disqus blog there's a post from 2010 saying they've "improved likes" to allow you to see, but I don't see any evidence. Maybe a setting the proprietor has to see to?

  69. Halloween_Jack11:12 AM

    Dearly beloved, I'm here to tell ya, there's something else that Dickus does right: you can motherfucking edit your comments. Don't look back.

  70. Rassin' frassin' furblin' farblin' Disqus - damn' thing's pulled up a random image from among jillions on my Facetubes. I want my Fred Freeman cyborg, dammit!

  71. This light blue just doesn't match my internal vision of Edroso-world.

  72. MCSquared11:36 AM

    Biggus Dickus?

  73. Yeah, seriously.

  74. Damn it, wrong avatar, too. Blerg

  75. Probably. The AV Club's Disqus install allows it, but theirs seems to be heavily modified.

  76. You don't have to register for this one -- just name and email -- not even a humanity test, unlike Blogger comments.

  77. Yeah, I can confirm that Disqus doesn't send any unsolicited emails -- if you register they send a welcome message, but other than that they only send emails you ask for.

  78. Since I'm commenting on the cheap... under "Pick a Name", I don't have the loogshury of ordering the comments. But I'm wondering why the times on some of them are out of order.

  79. So ... the usual takeaway, then? Which is that all those lazy parasitic blah people are the real racists?

  80. Also, you know what I really hated about JS-Kit? The formatting buttons. Thank goodness Disqus does away with those, while not recognizing HTML-style tags either. It was really lame being able to directly upload an "avatar" image without logging in to anything, too.

    ... By the way, I'm being sarcastic. Just in case Disqus strips out sarcasm, too.

  81. GregMc12:19 PM

    This Obamaphone thing has been creeping around the back of my mind for a few days now. A Facebook "friend" posted something about it and I didn't have the stomach to ask what set him all asplutter. Was it that the woman had been given a phone? That she credited Obama with giving her a phone instead of Reagan? That she's a blah? (I suspected I knew the answer. Can you guess without knowing the dude?)

    I can haz commenz agin!

  82. Because the only reason they became poor is that they didn't realize it wasn't cool.

  83. It doesn't allow HTML? WTF

  84. The point:
    1. Some random idiot can't post things under your name.
    2. You can tell it to email you when someone replies to you, if that kind of thing floats your boat.

  85. You still can: at the top below the comment box is "Discussion", click on that & you can re-order the comments.

  86. GregMc12:42 PM

    Dennis Leary used to do a (stolen?) bit about how quick people are to offer you advice when they see you're smoking (or eating fast food, or whatever). That may apply here.

    Alternatively, we can imagine the entire Republican Party as Eric Cartman, shouting "You're poor! Why are you so poor!?! Stop being poor!"

  87. tigrismus12:44 PM

    But I'm wondering why the times on some of them are out of order.

    It appears to default to ordering them by number of "likes" received. As to commenting on the cheap, Disqus didn't ask me for any more info than an email address.

  88. Well, but you're registered, aren't you? Because it eated the HTML tags in my original comment. Not that it was all that original.

  89. Okay, I guess it's that it didn't recognize <em>, but did recognize <i7gt;. Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop huffing laser printer toner.

  90. whetstone1:18 PM

    Ring ring ring ring ring ring
    Ding dong ding dong ding
    They're phones for moochers, our socialist future
    It's for free! Like EITC!
    Cellular, modular, redistributivodular

    Skree skree skree skree

  91. satch1:26 PM

    Gotcha! Thanks!

  92. whetstone1:36 PM

    That reminds me: when Mitt was governor of MA and wasn't a-skeered of his own shadow, the state gave CARS to welfare recipients so that they could get to and from work (along with insurance and AAA coverage for a year, IIRC).

    Of course, it got killed after Deval Patrick took over because the Herald threw a shitfit over it. IOKIYAR, especially a white one.

  93. Al Swearengen1:39 PM

    Disqus rules compared to the competition. The comments thread, we can use avatars and edit. Plus lots of sites use it, so one less userid and password to remember.

  94. I'd like to buy this comment a T-Bone steak.

  95. Cynthianne2:13 PM

    Me three... only use it occasionally- $15 every three months to Virgin Mobile, 20 cents a minute.

  96. MBouffant2:23 PM

    Thank you. I was about to ask the very same thing.

  97. MBouffant2:27 PM

    Oh crap, I am being screwed.

  98. MBouffant2:29 PM

    Yeah, that's just so the web log proprietor can send you a note saying you're scum & banned for life.

  99. Halloween_Jack2:36 PM

    How about marquee?

  100. MBouffant2:37 PM

    No sheet. Too pastel!!

  101. Budbear2:41 PM


  102. The Dark Avenger2:55 PM

    Quit talking about me!

    Seriously, you can attach photos to your comment if you're so inclined, so Disqus does pretty good for a commenting system, IMHO.

  103. Spaghetti Lee3:35 PM


  104. JennOfArk4:16 PM

    I used to refer to it as Diqsuks.

  105. Davis Statton4:20 PM

    That woman has a cell phone and Louis IV didn't, which proves Megan McArdle's point about the modern poor.

  106. Jimcima4:25 PM

    I wonder when the wingnuts will figure out that the program that, by far, promotes the most dependence on government is the US military?

  107. Leeds man4:45 PM

    WTF you smiling at? It's still all so new and confusing.

  108. VonZeppelin5:06 PM

    The commenting system is different. I fear it! (retreats to safety of cave and gnaws on wooly mammoth bone until the great light returns to the sky)

  109. montag25:16 PM

    Umm, the quick answer would be: never.

    Really, military spending is pretty much not up for discussion with either party. Sure, there was a head feint in that direction with the law to impose cuts if and when Simpson-Bowles went belly up, but they're already looking for ways around it.

    This is something that's been going on since the 1946 Congressional race when, a year after a Demcratic administration had successfully concluded a world war, the Repugs initiated the "Democrats are soft on defense" meme, and it's been that way ever since. The Repugs scream it, the Dems run from it, and no one does a damned thing about it. If the public knew how much was actually going into "defense," as the Bureau of Economic Analysis defines it, they'd be truly horrified. It's way, way, way more than just the annual military appropriations bill.

    And, the dependency is built into the system now, in ways that are so deeply rooted we may never be able to dig them out. *sigh*

  110. synykyl5:24 PM

    ... This was one of my main sources of satisfaction in the JS-KIT days of yore...

    Mine too ;-)

  111. Anyone who doesn't want a flag button hates America.

  112. zencomix5:32 PM


  113. M. Krebs6:24 PM

    Who thinks this shit up ... ?

    Quasi-nazi computer geek assholes. You know, the control freaks who are half your age and make twice your salary.

  114. M. Krebs6:31 PM

    Any tips on getting that to stick? Seems like it always reverts back to "best."

  115. M. Krebs6:33 PM

    Yeah. He seems more like a gray, or maybe an ecru.

  116. Alright. I'm convinced. thanks all.

  117. M. Krebs6:35 PM

    How about –?

  118. tigrismus6:35 PM

    Are your cookies blocked? Mine has stayed so far.

  119. M. Krebs6:35 PM

    It works!

  120. M. Krebs6:37 PM

    I don't fear it. It only makes me sad.

  121. whetstone6:47 PM


  122. It keeps telling me I'm a parent, even though I'm not. Maybe I'm just pre-pregnant.

  123. M. Krebs7:58 PM

    Yep. That's it. Thanks, tigrismus!

  124. Julia Grey8:01 PM

    I've got my Gravatar back!

  125. Formerly_Nom_De_Plume8:21 PM

    WTF? Where's the rest of me?

    I just kept clicking on this thingy to the right until it had -6 stars, whatever the hell that means. Did I just downrate the hell out of someone?

  126. That's the absolute truth. You can get pissed off at real shitty circumstances that are really keeping real people down. Or you can get mad at the ghost town socialists who exist only in your mind. The latter doesn't seem very productive to me, but obviously it must have its appeal or so many people wouldn't do it.

    Best wishes for your sister.

  127. BTW, howcum I can't just log in and comment under my Google/Blogger account? I could Sunday night?

  128. Kids today.

  129. Roger Ailes8:50 PM

    This blog was much better when the blogroll was alphabetized using last names.

    But it's still 100 times better than my shitty blog.

  130. M. Krebs9:26 PM

    is for losers. Real cowboys use and bold.

  131. Yay - I can see comments here again :)

  132. Ya load umpteen quips, whaddaya get?
    Another day closer to Alzy's onset.

  133. Anonymous1:06 AM

    These aren't Disquis comments. These are blogspot or blogger comments.

  134. Oh for the good old days when Americans were self-sufficient and proud, and only called upon the gubblement when they wanted land and resources which were already occupied by someone else.

  135. smut clyde5:34 AM

    Who's this 'tigrismus' person?

  136. MBouffant6:07 AM

    Hey, what's that moon over? Hernandez?

  137. MBouffant6:12 AM

    The "tigrismus" avatar's cute.

  138. The Dark Avenger8:27 AM

    The moon is rising over the southern Sierra Nevada in southeastern Tulare County, CA.

  139. Well, I got into the habit of using <em> for emphasis and <i> for titles after it was pointed out to me that it was a useful distinction for certain HTML-interpreting software packages for the blind. Though I will admit that there are comparatively few bind cowboys. [EMOTICON]

  140. "UPDATE. Now I have to see where the old JS-Kit comments have got to,"

    Ya know, a while ago it briefly occurred to me that perhaps I should direct Mr. Edroso's attention to before the six-month transition period ended, so that all our precious comment fluids could be certain of preservation in Disqus mason jars. Alas, my natural shyness stayed my typing hand. Now I fear that it's too late, and that when future potential employers ask me what I do all day, I will be unable to point out my alicublog corpus.

  141. I like this #Bebreitbart thing - since his only major accomplishments were being batshit crazy and then dying, the average teabagger has ALREADY accomplished step #1 and can move promptly on to step #2. ;)

  142. edroso11:08 AM

    I did export comments from JS-Kit and import them through Disqus' tool -- still waiting to hear from them about it.

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