Friday, August 26, 2016


I like their sound. h/t @sethdmichaels

•  There can be none more Rod Dreher: Apparently Clay Higgins, a rightwing Baton Rouge character currently running for Congress  ("Looking to be a 'loud, angry voice' in Washington, D.C.," per The Advertiser), wanted to go into Red Cross centers where flood refugees were staying and conduct prayer meetings; Red Cross politely declined, and explained themselves thus:
Is it true that the Red Cross doesn’t allow people to pray in shelters? 
We have been so moved by the outpouring of care and kindness we’ve witnessed among Louisiana residents. At the Red Cross, our priority is also providing comfort to all that reside at our shelters. We recognize and are sensitive to the fact that hundreds of people from different backgrounds are often sharing a large space with limited privacy. It is of the utmost importance that we respect people’s individual needs, backgrounds and beliefs in accordance with our Fundamental Principles, which state that we bring assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinion. With this in mind, and for the privacy of our shelter residents, we do have policies in place on who can enter shelters to ensure that people have a private, secure place to stay as much as possible. Please know people in the shelters are also welcome to pray and gather among themselves.
Dreher quotes these very words, and responds:
So much for the “Cross” in Red Cross. No wonder south Louisiana people are pissed off at them.
Elsewhere at his blog -- check the caption:

Maybe his whole Benedict Option off-the-grid malarkey will in the long run be a blessing to us all.

•  I see people are debating the efficacy of Hillary Clinton's alt-right speech. I of course am fully on board -- she's adopted my method! I've been telling the world about the very large racist component of conservatism for years, starting from back before they had a fancy "alt" name for themselves. I've also told people how they take small stories like the "knockout game" and inflate them into harbingers of race war, and how more mainstream wingnuts promote such loony ideas as a hi-sign to the neo-Confederates in the back room. I have been vilified for it by VDare and other such like, which is just gravy -- I really do it for the Moscow Gold, and also because I think it's  important that we cut the crap and acknowledge where all their crocodile-tear hurts-me-more-than-it-does-you social welfare and policing policy ideas really come from. Hillary's not all the way there, of course -- her husband was a big part of the bullshit, after all -- but I'm for anything that pushes the ball along.

•  Speaking of the alt-right, D.C. McAllister of The Federalist tells us "It’s important, therefore, to step back and analyze exactly what the truth is about race in today’s politics," and the truth is that conservatives aren't the racists liberals say they are -- in fact, liberals summon racism (or something that looks very much like it) by invoking its name:
Those accusations increased so dramatically during the Obama presidency that I would also add it has created an emotional backlash that has caused many Americans to develop negative feelings toward minority groups. We are seeing much of this negativity expressed in politics today. It is important to understand this development in the right context. It doesn’t stem from white supremacism, but frustration born of racial identity politics...

Polls that show Trump supporters having negative feelings toward minorities reflect this backlash. Unfortunately, too many conservatives have misinterpreted such polling, using those errant interpretations to promote the false narrative that Trump supporters on the whole are racist, when they’re actually reacting to the charge of covert racism and to racial identity politics.
When you accuse someone of racism, how else is he supposed to react but with racial slurs? But that isn't the half of it -- apparently, in addition to making these poor people look racist, liberals are also behind the recent murders of cops, and are coming for Rush Limbaugh and D.C. McAllister next:
Today, the violence is directed against police. Tomorrow, other stigmatized groups will be targeted. The question is, what is all this leading to? What’s the endgame? What happens when you stigmatize a group, negate it, make it powerless, and then blame it for all your struggles? They must be annihilated. 
Boy, I remember when they used to call us sissies -- now we're storm troopers! Well, you live long enough, you get to see all kinds of weird shit. Anyway, on to McAllister's solution:
For conservatives to successfully de-stigmatize their identity, they must do something that is not happening right now. They must unite with all stigmatized out-groups. Everyone who opposes the Left has been labeled by the same brand. To fight back, they must unite, overcoming differences to face a common enemy.
Alas, McAllister doesn't say who those other out-groups are. Maybe it includes people who hate gay people -- excuse me, people who are made to look as if they hate gay people. OK, but what other liberal stigmatees are there? Billionaires who want even more tax breaks? Pretty sure they're already with the conservatives. Oil and gas executives? Ditto. I suppose the real play here is to convince white working class people in general that liberals are denigrating them -- Obama said that bitter-clinger thing once! -- but that'll be stretch, since conservatives are these days busy telling those folks their problems are nobody's fault but their own. You know, it's too bad no one in that movement knows anything about community organizing.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


I know, fellas, he's in here a lot, but once more, David French:
Debunking the ‘Born This Way’ Myth
It about time someone smacked down that Lady Gaga or Googoo or whatever she's called!
A new study challenges progressives’ tall tales about sexuality. 
Here is the world according to the LGBT Left: Just as there are black and white, there are gay and straight. One’s sexual orientation, like one’s race, is fixed and immutable at birth. The process of “questioning” one’s orientation isn’t a process of deciding but of discovering...
Cut to the chase: Libtards think gay people have to be gay, and there's such a thing as "transgender," and they call it "science": "This, you see, is science. Anyone who contradicts it...isn’t just ignorant, but bigoted," says French, echoing his passive-aggressive "denying that science not only makes you a Neanderthal, it makes you a bigot" shtick from the previous week. Liberals are always using science against the godly, and it's so unfair, because they also have "the academy, pop culture, progressive corporate America, and, lately, the Supreme Court" on their side. What a bunch of bullies!

Well, this time David French will show them some science: Behold, a study, from The New Atlantis, a wingnut "journal of science and technology" which is not peer-reviewed (indeed, is against peer review as a concept), but whose authors have gone through a bunch of papers and found that gays can be straightened and a good thing too because being gay makes you sick. Q.E.D., faggots!

There's a little pantomime of nuance ("Human sexuality is not so neatly and cleanly divided and determined") to give readers who are unfamiliar with French's shtick the impression that it's really the homosexualists who are rigid and inflexible -- but inevitably French can't keep it up, and he returns to the Old Rugged Crock of theocratic certainties:
Here’s ["the Left's"] vision, in a nutshell: Consenting adults should be able to do what they want with their bodies, and the resulting physical or emotional harm is either reasonably tolerable or can be alleviated through a combination of government programs and public re-education.
It may sound like freedom to you sodomites, but it ends in re-education! See, it's right there at the end of the paragraph. Be grateful French didn't put "the Holocaust" instead -- Jesus put him in a generous mood!
The Judeo-Christian model, by contrast, is aspirational, calling on people not to do what they want, but what they should.
And the reason they should is something something hey where's everybody going.
Admittedly, this path is far easier for some than others...
Some of you men do not love the cilice. Weaklings!
...but there has always been some play in the cultural joints.
The Left’s response is alluring, but it offers a self-indulgent path down which lies cultural ruin. The LGBT Left is driving us there just as fast as it can depress the gas pedal, but thanks to [study authors] McHugh and Mayer, we now know they most assuredly are not doing so in the name of “science.”
I have to ask: What is this intended to achieve?  No one who isn't already standing on a pillar with maggots in his legs, or aspiring to pretend to do so, will find the proposition attractive as French puts it. This is strictly "the heathens will be sorry" material. All I can figure is, the idea is to keep the Saving Remnant seething with resentment at the unbelief of the unbelievers so that, if an opportunity arises (such as global conflagration, fantasies of which wingnut grifters like to use to shake down suckers, and which French might just be crazy enough to believe in), they'll be juiced and ready to fan out and effect the gay-straightening themselves, with pliers and pruning hooks.

Again, remember that in addition to being a National Review writer, the man was considered by Bill Kristol and other prominent morons to be Presidential timber. And they wonder why the whole rotten enterprise was vulnerable to Trump!

Monday, August 22, 2016


As I noticed some months back, Jonah Goldberg has been off his feed lately -- shoved off it, I assumed, by the goons and musclemen of Trump Inc. who took over his beautiful conservative Playland. But today he's showing some of the old stuff. His topic is Trump's transparent and offensive pretense of a play for black and Hispanic voters.  (Relevant quote: "You'll be able to walk down the street without getting shot. Right now, you walk down the street, you get shot. Look at the statistics.")

For a second, Goldberg actually seems to see what the rest of us see:
The conventional wisdom is that Trump isn’t trying to reach out to African-American voters. Rather, he’s trying to signal to moderate and suburban whites, particularly women, that he’s not the racist some have painted him to be.
But then:
I think the conventional wisdom is right, though it wouldn’t surprise me if Trump himself thinks his pitch his sincere.
What? What makes you think --
I would also note that I think the strategy is very Kellyanne Conway, but the words sound more like Roger Stone and Steve Bannon.
?? So... he's sincere about mouthing the script of his latest campaign advisors?
Shouting at blacks that they all live in poverty is not exactly a nuanced or persuasive way to go. It’s more like a guy losing his temper in a bar argument.
Oh, so that's why you think it's sincere. But then why did you --
But at the general level, some people seem to think it is a terribly cynical thing for Trump to reach out to whites by making an overture to blacks. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but that doesn’t mean it’s not the right thing to do. Just because one has cynical motives doesn’t mean one’s actions are objectively bad. Lots of people cynically give to charity to make themselves look good to the public, that doesn’t mean charities should refuse money from anyone not of pure heart.
Keep in mind that Goldberg is comparing "shouting at blacks that they all live in poverty" to charitable donations. One may seem worse than the other, but you gotta look to motive! Similarly, when the guys from The United Way shakes their canister at Goldberg, he tells them, "HEY WHATTAYA CALL A PUERTO RICAN TEST TUBE BABY! JANITOR IN A DRUM!" and offers, as they withdraw in disgust, to explain why this was an appropriate response.
...George W. Bush campaigned with Colin Powell in 2000, not because he was under any illusions that he would pick up a big swath of the black vote, but to reassure those very same moderates and independents that Trump is after. The differences between Bush and Trump on minorities, immigration etc. are deep and wide, but the tactic was similar.
Bush only got 9% of the black vote in 2000, but he won 35% of the Hispanic vote, and in 2004 he won 44% of it. Trump will be lucky if they don't deduct votes from his totals on behalf of those communities.  You only have a couple lines left, Jonah -- play us home!

He's still got it!

UPDATE. I should add that putting quotes from rightwing columnists into Frinkiac is something I learned from @ralphdouthat.


...about the allegations that Hillary is too sick with some unidentified disease to be President. I'd been seeing shit like this for months but thought it beneath notice, like those creepy "Here's a picture of Hillary with an Ay-rab -- now here's one of Bill next to a chick with big tits!" slideshows that you find in the clickbait zones of rightblogger sites. I should have known nothing is beneath anything in this campaign; now, with Rudolph Giuliani pushing this sick-HIllary shit, I guess it's worth talking about, at least as a lesson in abnormal psychology.

Among the outtakes: At the New York Observer, a paper run by Trump’s son in law, Austin Bay complains “the media is 'flat-out' unfair,” which has been “only just discovered” by a certain prominent media reporter who “emerged (at least momentarily) from the New York-Washington-Los Angeles media jungle” to acknowledge bias against Trump. The punchline: The reporter in question is Howie Kurtz. That's right -- the reliable Fox News pushover Kurtz is Bay's Mr. Media Bias Insider! Next up: The scales fall from the eyes of Mickey Kaus! (Bay goes on for over 2,000 words, rehashing Hitlery's Greatest Hits, and closes with a series of links to his own work: “SEE ALSO: WAR ON HONESTY I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X.” C'mon, Austin, you can grift better than that -- offer them parchment editions bound in Corinthian leather!)

Thursday, August 18, 2016


I hate to go to that well again but goddamn, David French is on a roll. In this case he tackles the transgender menace. Apparently a lot of kids are goin' trans nowadays -- it's "fashionable," a fad, like pop rocks and rainbow parties -- and like them incredibly dangerous!
Indeed, transgender diagnoses have become so fashionable that doctors are sometimes stampeding to prescribe life-altering drugs even to kids — and then later, when the kids grow up, recommending mutilating surgery. In other words, doctors aren’t necessarily waiting for evidence of “consistence, insistence, and persistence"
"When the kids grow up" means "when they're adults," by the way. Oddly, I haven't heard of any American parents being forced to let their kid's dick get sawed off -- please let me know if you have! -- nor even to let him or her take the initial "life-altering drugs" (I assume French means hormones, but he doesn't specify, perhaps hoping his readers will imagine an Instant Pussy Pill that alters your young'un in a puff of smoke and with a sound effect like twink).

In fact, so far all French can offer for data is a vague reference to the number of minors in the U.K. some anti-trans group says are seeking counsel for gender dysphoria, which is up hundreds of percent -- though when you trace his source you see that means it's gone from 94 to 969, out of a population of 64.1 million.

So what does he have as evidence that the Transmanian Devil is sweeping America?
Here in the United States, the evidence is more anecdotal...
Uh huh.
...but the anecdotes are disturbing. Rod Dreher...
Rod Dreher! There's the tell. You may have read some of Brother Rod's anecdotal Tales of Trans Terror, but if you know his work at all you'll know that for hysteria he outstrips even French, especially when it comes to sexual apostasy.

Now assuming, as I said, that no one is forcing this stuff on the families of the prototrans kids, what is French's beef? It's not as if people can't judge for themselves whether they want it for their kids; aren't Republicans, after all, of the party of personal responsibility? Even a whiner like French can't pretend that Ma and Pa Kettle would let their boy Jethro take pussy pills just because he saw Caitlyn Jenner on the teevee and felt unbidden feels.

It seems what's really enraging French is really that transgenderism is acknowledged and (especially) that it is acceptable among people he can't successfully marginalize. The tell is in lines like "It’s all science, you see. And denying that science not only makes you a Neanderthal, it makes you a bigot," of which the wretched thing is full.  His sputtering rage is not that something is being forced on him and his, because it isn't, as much as his desire for unearned sympathy compels him to pretend -- it's because someone else chooses it, and when he tries to bully them he finds himself unsupported, because bullying such people has gone out of style. How that must sting!

UPDATE. Early in the morning and already comments are glorious. Here for example is Big_Bad_Bad_Bastard, with an apposite reference to French's earlier obsession: "Anecdotally, the vast majority of male-to-female transpersons are millennial boys who were ashamed of their low grip strength. Now they have perfectly acceptable female boomer grip ranges."

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


A new study shows grip strength among young people today is not as good as it was among people of their parents' generation.

Part of me interprets this to mean that the Modern Youts are sissies, not like me when I was a lad -- well, actually I was kind of a sissy, but still I was compelled by the social pressures of that get-out-the-house-kid era to perform physically demanding jobs, loading trucks and slinging hash and the like, and I bet my grip-strength then could beat the band (had I but known to have it measured so I could wave it in you young punks' faces!).

That is, as I say, how part of me interprets it, for a few seconds anyways; but, like any sensible, grown person who is still troubled by ridiculous, juvenile reactions like this, but also has matured enough to take them in stride,  I remind myself that every generation feels the succeeding generation to be degenerate and weak by comparison; and that even if I don't approve of the way modern parents raise their kids, it's their business how to raise them, not mine.

In other words, not that being a little less of an asshole than I might be is much to brag on but I'm apparently a little further along the evolutionary scale than erstwhile Presidential can'tdidate and eternal pain in the ass David French of National Review, who reads the grip-strength report thus:
If you’re the average Millennial male... You’re exactly the kind of person who in generations past had your milk money confiscated every day — who got swirlied in the middle-school bathroom... Welcome to the new, post-masculine reality
Once upon a time it was only selected sissies who got the dick-wagging locker-room treatment -- now David French will take all you millennials on! Look what a tough guy he was in high school:
I look back to my own childhood. In 1985, I was 16 years old, and I was a nerd’s nerd. I toted graph paper and 20-sided dice to school to play Dungeons & Dragons at lunch. (I like to think I was the finest dungeon master Scott County, Ky., had ever seen.) When I wasn’t playing D&D, my nose was buried in Lord of the Rings, or the Shannara books by Terry Brooks, or the Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey...
[Blink. Blink.] I'd like to give him credit for 'fessing up, but still I have to ask: if French was such a numpty as a teen, why is he barking out butchness lessons to young people now?
But none of my nerdiness relieved me of the responsibility of learning how to be a man — a protector, builder, and fixer. So that meant spending my Saturdays hauling out the ramps to change the oil and oil filters on all our cars.
Cars, plural? Look-surey!
That meant helping my dad build a new back porch or constantly wrestling with immense piles of firewood. (We heated our house with a wood stove.) I made extra money working in neighborhood yards. Being a guy meant doing manual labor...
Ah, so like many of us fossils French had chores, and after-school and summer jobs. How nice. But so what? Some generations back, kids could count on being bound to their parent's serfdom and poverty till the day they died. That was manhood then. We have progressed, and now that fate is less common in America than it was -- including for French (Harvard Law, 1994! Dungeonmaster's come a long way).

So why does it bother French so much that the new breed have it easier than he did? If you're a generous sort, you might think he's just concerned that kids today are deprived of the pleasurable experience of useful labor -- of joy in their own physical strength and a job well done. But French is a wingnut: Promoting pleasure, let alone the physical kind, is the furthest thing from his mind. He snarls, he nags, he kvetches -- never does he suggest they're anything rewarding in physical labor except the opportunity to escape his bitching about it.

You can see hints of what's really eating French when he leaves off grousing about yardwork and starts... veering in an interesting direction. For example:
In the age of zero-tolerance school-disciplinary policies — where any kind of physical confrontation is treated like a human-rights violation — [young men] have less opportunity to develop toughness. Today’s young males don’t have common touchstones for what it’s like to grow up to be a man.
The modern boy's teacher helps him get out of the locker into which, doing only as God and nature intended, bullies have stuffed him, and thus is he emasculated! Why didn't these teachers-union ballbusters let him figure out himself how to deal with bullies? Chances are he'd come out tougher -- well, actually chances are he'd come out emotionally crippled, perhaps suicidal, but at least he'd be a man! Perhaps even a Dungeonmaster! Speaking of which, later French brags that he and his D&D buddies could, despite their nerdom...
...pop the hood of a car and get to work right alongside the future mechanics of my high-school class. We weren’t as good or as knowledgeable, but we held our own. And there were no social-justice warriors shrieking that there was no such thing as distinctively male or masculine pursuits.
Social justice warriors! So that's the problem! Modern boys might be manly enough to suit French -- they might want to work on car engines -- but they're being stopped by Zoe Quinn, Sarah Silverman and their fellow SJWs, who swarm like emasculating Valkyrie over Shop Class, wrestle the boys away from their Ford Fairlanes, and make them write essays for Vox. In their pajamas!

Bottom line, French is a rightwing hack factotum, in fact a hacktotum, and this latest stray datum is only meaningful to him as an excuse to shake his fist at feminists and non-homeschool-educators -- and, mostly, at millennials, because it seems they've turned against conservatism in a big way. In other words, the butch is a bitch.  And not even the fierce kind.

UPDATE. Comments are all very funny, but if you must choose start with the dialogues invented by Pere Ubu and Andrew Johnston ("You are enjoying tankards of fine ale when two orcish barbarians who look just like those assholes who hang around on the north side of the building come up...").

Monday, August 15, 2016


...about the CryptoTrumpers and their sneaky third way of promoting the GOP candidate, or at least his ideas. There are a lot of columns out there about how of course Trump is a wrongo but still you must admit [insert bullshit here] and call me cynical but this is, in most cases, an admission that you'd openly support Trump if your careerism and social anxieties weren't preventing you. Have a read and see if you don't agree.

I should mention the latest NeverTrump fantasy object that emerged last week, Ted-talking former CIA officer Evan McMullin, Presidential candidate. At National Review Josh Gelertner gamely offers a winning scenario for McMullin, which begins with “If, among swing states, Trump wins Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania…” so I didn’t read it. Kidding! Long pathetic-fantasy short, if McMullin wins Utah and neither Trump nor Clinton has enough electoral votes to clinch, the vote goes to the House, where Gelertner speculates the Republican majority would naturally vote for a nobody rather than for the nominee of their own fucking party. (As David A. Graham’s useful tally at The Atlantic shows, very few GOP Congressmen have come out against Trump.)

“Note, however: If McMullin were to run anywhere but Utah, he will tip the race to Hillary, Ross Perot–style,” closed Gelertner, “…Which means, if he does run anywhere besides Utah, he’s making it clear that he isn’t interested in winning, just in guaranteeing that Trump loses. Which would be perfidious, to say the least.” Enemies everywhere, even in their own fantasies! I hope this guy has his post-election electroshock booked -- interventional psych wards are going to be filling up their calendars quickly this year.

Friday, August 12, 2016


Been listening to a lot of Dave Dudley lately.
This one's my favorite. Written by Mr. Tom T. Hall

• If you've been reading Rod Dreher lately, you know he's been quoting at length (everything he does is at length) letter writers who wish to remain anonymous for reasons you can only guess who claim their children and/or other people's are faking a transgender identity. Here's one who says her daughter is only pretending to be a trans boy because "she developed physically and boys and men started treating her like a piece of meat and a second class citizen" -- in which case it would seem sham trans claims are the least of their problems in whatever hick burg she's stuck in. The correspondent also quotes an anti-trans source that says there's been a "930% Rise in Child Gender Identity Referrals" in the UK; read the source and it shows that in five years such referrals rose from 94 to 969 -- out of a population of 64.1 million. The letter-writer suggests that physicians are "ready to prescribe testosterone shots and a double mastectomy despite the fact that she is a minor" but does not tell us whether the child can be given these treatments against her mother's will; I strongly suspect this vagueness is intentional. Another claimant in the same post says he was an adolescent psychotherapist but had to stop because of all the fake trans kids Big Homo was forcing him to validate:
The children are all absolutely confused, rightly terrified of being linked or in any way associated with beliefs that have been deemed toxic and contaminated – anything from the western tradition. They are desperate to rid themselves of the contagion of their own history. Being “queer” is the new salvation, it is the new blood in which the children are to be cleansed of the sins of their fathers; the youth are celebrated mightily for their embracing of any lifestyle that erodes the power of the individual to stand alone – that erodes the sacredness and sovereignty of our very humanity...
Plus they all listen to that "rap" music. It may be this fellow was actually forced to stop practicing by a state medical board or a restraining order. There's more, oh so much more, in this post and others but if you had to choose I'd say check out the one where someone who "grew up in an American expat family living in a Persian Gulf monarchy... a conservative Islamic society with strict standards and codes for sexual purity"  revisited the Gulf and found that, thanks to the "corrosive" influence of Western culture, the place had gotten all porny and gay:
At the wedding we attended, members of the village performed a very traditional dance where a group of men and a group of women congregate on opposite sides of an open space. The two sides call out responses to one another while they dance on their separate sides, and it’s virtually the only contact men and women have during the whole of the celebrations. During the dance, two young men who had grown out their hair (very unusual in this culture) participated flamboyantly on the women’s side. In a society where women and men are kept strictly separate, no one even bothered to try to prevent them from joining, because it was widely known that they were gay and wouldn’t bother females.
These young fellas should have been out decapitating infidels for ISIS, like real men! Then you get to hear Brother Rod preach about how settlers kidnapped by Native Americans in the Old West often declined to be rescued, which he does not read as desperation or Stockholm Syndrome but as a sign of some sort of spriritual superiority over the Enlightenment-sickened West. Well, I think he's got the Ghost Dance part down, anyway.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


How goes the Culture War, soldier? Hilariously! Kurt Schlichter, aka Wild Man, has up a piece of ordnance called "Liberals Are Neidermeyer and That Team the Bad News Bears Played." Real rebels are right-wing, see! The Bears were "incredibly politically incorrect," just like the Delta boys in Animal House, meaning if they were real live people instead of movie characters they'd want to build a wall & no Mooslims:
In other words, they are kind of like Trump voters. They are deemed unfit for polite company, begrudgingly accepted, and generally treated like dirt by their betters. And they are expected to go hang out forever with Muhammed, Jugdish, Sidney, and Clayton, with whom they will have plenty to talk about.
Especially Muhammed! "What you doin' in our country, raghead? Pow pow pow!" As for the Bears, didn't they have a girl on their team? Yuck, PC cooties! But Schlichter keeps at the fanfic:
And Hillary? She’s the sorority mean girl, a frosty, neurotic, mid-western over-achiever whose freaky daddy issues compelled her to marry a guy who treated her with the same contempt as Pops. She’s the a bitter, striving, hard-four Mandy Pepperidge who hooked up with a cleaned-up Bluto because she knew he was going places, but then finally broke him and forced him to become a vegan.
I was sort of with him until he introduced Bill Clinton as Bluto. Canon has to count for something, Wild Man.

Considering he's always bragging on his "hot wife," I don't get why Schlichter's so hung up on angry-teenage-nerd fantasies. Maybe he believes he owes it to La Causa. But who's going to be convinced by this stuff? Are any of them old enough to vote?


Hey guys, Kevin D. Williamson finds something in common between the left and H.L. Mencken and Mark Twain. As you would imagine, he doesn't mean it as a compliment:
The debunking mentality is prevalent in both men’s writing, a genuine fervor to knock the United States and its people down a peg or two. For Twain, America was slavery and the oppression of African Americans. For Mencken, the representative American experience was the Scopes trial, with its greasy Christian fundamentalists and arguments designed to appeal to the “prehensile moron,” his description of the typical American farmer. The debunking mind is typical of the American Left, which feels itself compelled to rewrite every episode in history in such a way as to put black hats on the heads of any and all American heroes: Jefferson? Slave-owning rapist. Lincoln? Not really all that enlightened on race. Saving the world from the Nazis? Sure, but what about the internment of the Japanese? Etc. “It was wonderful to find America,” Twain wrote. “But it would have been more wonderful to miss it.”
Then Williamson lays into this "very left-wing American history teacher" he had in high school in Lubbock, and into Molly Ivins -- I guess because he dimly sensed that some of his readers would resentfully notice he was associating liberalism exclusively with America's greatest geniuses.

The teacher said mean things in class about slavery and capitalism, which Williamson took as some kind of mania -- "it was, for reasons that remain mysterious to me, very important to her — plainly urgent to her — that the American story be one of disappointment, betrayal, and falling short of our founding ideals" -- rather than an appropriate curriculum for sprats raised on blind patriotism and TV. As for Ivins, well, Williamson finds her a "lazy" writer (yeah, I know! Kevin D. Williamson!) and also mean to America like that commie schoolmarm, plus Ivins was born into money, which means her Argument is Invalid because liberals are hypocrites unless they're dirt-poor day-laborers, a kind of credentialing conservatives never apply to themselves because they're saved by Grace or some shit. (At present, they seem to offload their lingering need for prole-cred onto J. D. Vance and with affectations of concern for the poor white citizens of Fishtown.)

I don't think Williamson was thinking too hard about where he was going when he wandered into this dark wood, because eventually he tells us that while "a nation needs its Twains and Menckens" (though why we need them, despite his aversion to liberal scolds, he never tells us), nonetheless -- get this --
But they are only counterpoints: They cannot be the leading voice, or the dominant spirit of the age. That is because this is a republic, and in a republic, a politics based on one half of the population hating the other half is a politics that loses even if it wins...
If you happen to be Mark Twain, that sort of thing is good for a laugh, and maybe for more than a laugh. But it isn’t enough. “We must not be enemies,” President Lincoln declared, and he saw the republic through a good deal worse than weak GDP growth and the sack of a Libyan consulate.
Again, yeah, Kevin D. Williamson -- who has said that President Obama is "neck-deep in blood" because of abortion, that liberals are racist because they prefer successful Scandinavian socialism to unsuccessful Latin American socialism (and also because he projects his own fear of blacks onto them), and who famously looked at poor white communities in America and said, "The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die" -- now wants to bind up the nation's wounds! But first we must turn away from satire and anything that's divisive and entertaining, except National Review articles, and vote for Trump to stop Clinton but don't tell anybody about it because it's déclassé

Well, there's one bright side to this:  for a while we may not have to hear how great P.J. O'Rourke is supposed to be.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016


Followers of Anti-Hillary Clinton Bullshit from She Killed Vince Foster to She Can't Stand Upright will have noticed the particularly dumb recent bit in which Clinton was alleged to have announced at a rally that she would raise taxes on the middle class.  This makes no sense at all, politically, but hungry propagandists will eat whatever slop you put in front of them and wingnut factota like Robert Kraychik ("Presumably a slip of the tongue, Clinton’s comment came amid broader Marxist-themed demagoguery...") made a feast of it.

Still, you never like to think everyone's a shitheel, and I was a little disappointed with National Review's Deroy Murdock, who put up a column last week called "Hillary: Time to Raise Middle-Class Taxes!" ("So, as of now, Clinton is on record as advocating tax hikes on America’s middle class"). But today I noticed that it has been replaced with an Editor's Note regretting the error. Good man, Deroy! thought I.

Alas, this is from Murdock's follow-up:
Numerous news outlets and opinion mongers, including me, flogged Clinton for targeting middle-income Americans for further economic abuse.
However, PolitiFact subjected the Democrat nominee’s words to forensic scrutiny worthy of the Watergate tapes.
Tscha! Like it was something important.
...This particular story was wrong. However, as the campus Left might say, it nonetheless highlighted a broader truth.
If Clinton reportedly had said, “I plan to dismantle Roe v. Wade,” everyone would know instantly that this was either fake news, or Clinton had a much bigger problem, namely a complete and total short circuit inside her head. 
An eventually inoperative story about Clinton’s envisioning a middle-class tax hike endured for days because she, her running mate, and the man she hopes to succeed all have advocated or enacted middle-class tax hikes — even as America is mired in the economic doldrums.
Old-timers will know what I mean when I say Murdock finds the story "fake but accurate." For the rest of you, I will just point out that his defense is that lies about the most vilified woman in American politics are no big deal because she's the most vilified woman in American politics. (Blaming it on "the campus Left" is the equivalent of throwing the gun when you've run out of bullets.)

This is offered just in case you were thinking of letting your guard down, whether out of fatigue or from some misguided notion of fair play. Snap out of it!

UPDATE. Speaking of bullshit --

Next week, it'll be "Me personally, I don't believe in chemtrails, but I heard it from Alex Jones and he's famous!"

Monday, August 08, 2016


...about rightbloggers' baleful initial entries on the Olympic Games in Rio. I think they'll relax a bit now that Americans are bagging medals, but the past several days have been a real sputterfest for the brethren. On the other hand, they did the same thing last Olympics, so who knows.

Here's the cream of the outtake insanity, from Gay Patriot:
BTW: Sexual abuse of minors … when it happened thirty years ago in the Catholic Church it was an abomination that the church must forever be hated and ridiculed for. When public school teachers do it, it’s swept under the rug because Teacher’s Unions are part of the Democrat Coalition. When Mohammedan refugees do it, the state and the media play it down.
(You will not be surprised to learn that Gay Patriot supplies no links to evidence that liberals cover up for Muslim and schoolteacher rapists.)
How about when Olympic coaches do it and the organization covers up for them? Is it still a bad thing? Are Olympic coaches part of the coalition of the left?
I like to think this is a serious question on Gay Patriot's part -- that they consulted their charts and couldn't find Olympic Coaches under either the "Libtard" or "Patriot" columns, so they genuinely don't know whether they should be normal-outraged or aha-libtards-outraged. On the one hand, athletics are butch, hence rightwing; on the other hand, rhythmic gymnastics. Maybe they'll do a little research and call up Béla Károlyi to ask what he thinks about trans people in bathrooms.

Friday, August 05, 2016


I have noticed a new school of Trump apologist -- we might call them "Trump whisperers." These are conservatives who tell us that they have listened to white working class people, and discovered they have something to say, and that we liberals have not been sufficiently respectful of their needs, and now that these salt-of-the-earth are all backing Trump, that is not the fault of conservatives (who have filled their ears for decades with the poisonous anger they still read back, though in earthier language) nor Republicans (who actually, with their votes, chose Trump), but ours, because we sat in our Ivory Towers eating Brie and Arugula and reading Alinsky instead of attending their plaintive cries. Sometimes their stories come in fictionalized form, as imagined by such as David Frum:
Tom Kean/Tim Kaine? So, so sorry we got the name of your latest precious progressive New South governor a little mixed up. Just kidding: not even a little bit sorry. What you need to take on board is how profoundly so many Americans do not give a … oh yeah, you still live in a country where people don’t use language like that when they talk about politics. Come visit Reddit sometime and see how the other half lives. But I’ll spare your feelings. They like that Donald doesn’t know any of that sh …. Oops. Sorry again.
Apparently Frum thinks it's words like "shit" and "fuck" that the folks back home say to be Politically Incorrect, rather than "nigger" and "fag." Some Trump whisperers like David Blankenhorn of The American Interest actually go among the Trumpists in a sort of Listening Tour (who knew TAI had such a generous budget?) and bring back their pithy assessments, such as this:
I swear I’m not racist. I swear on the Bible, I am not a racist person. But when you go to the VA, it’s nothing but black people working there and they don’t give two shits about you. I went to the triage and there’s two black ladies back there just jabbering about home and stuff, and nothing about work, and I’m just sitting there, I’ve got shingles . . . I’m dying, I’m just waiting, and they’re doing their bullshit and they got an attitude...

I’m willing to take a chance on Trump because I’ve been lied to by the rest of them. What’s the worst thing that can happen? He doesn’t do what he says he’s going to do? I’ve seen that for the last thirty years.
See, you libtards? You got these black people jobs at the VA and they're jabbering while a white man dies of shingles. Had you only understood this man, you might have done something to at least make him feel better -- like go after those jabbering blacks. (Bill Clinton threw a bunch of them off welfare, true, but apparently that wasn't good enough, and now all the Trumpists Blankenhorn talks to hate Hillary Clinton.)

I get the emotional effect these guys are going for, but honestly it comes down to this: liberals have repeatedly diagnosed the problems that keep the working class down and prescribed remedies like taxing the rich, breaking down barriers between all working people, and universal health care. Conservatives, on the other hand, have prescribed tax breaks for the rich, immiserating minorities, and universal gun suffrage. (Also, they focus on the white working class for obvious reasons.)

Liberals have peddled their solutions to the white working class, and to all comers -- but the Trump voters, like pretty much all Republicans from the Nixon Administration to the present, have opted to stick with the latter, in fact, have doubled down on it. Well, we tried; horse to water, and all that.

You'd think Republicans would be happy about this. But some of them consider Trump a liability -- either due to social anxiety or (more likely) a sense that Trump is cutting his and their throats with moderates -- and, as is their wont, seek someone else to blame. So they've settled on the Arugula Eaters -- hell, it's something they know, and if they manage to turn this thing around the Trumpists may remember that when the chips were down, the conservative establishment may not have supported their candidate but they damn sure hated the same people they did -- and hasn't that always counted for something?

Thursday, August 04, 2016


While it's gratifying to see even Fox polls showing Hillary up by 10 points, I would caution you good people that this is August, not the week before Election Day. Also, the polls have been screwy this year. I think partly this has been because of the well-observed rise in distrust of authority, which can be expected to taint pollsters, who used to go door-to-door like Fuller Brush Men to be received with good grace by undisillusioned Americans and now interrupt the work or dinner hours of a more jaded public. But also Trump is such a weird, anomalous candidate that asking whether a person prefers Clinton to Trump is like asking whether they prefer Clinton or one of those Billy the Wide-Mouth Bass singing fish. Maybe they think the singing fish is ridiculous, but maybe it reminds them of their dead dad or good times years ago -- in any case, it's something that, like Trump, has resonances for them outside politics, however silly, and they might well say, sure I like stupid wall decorations more than politics, why shouldn't I?

Tuesday, August 02, 2016


1. [Cameras catch TRUMP in the middle of force-feeding CHRIS CHRISTIE a cowflop.]

TRUMP. Eeeeat the cowflop. Chris. Chris. Eeeat the cowflop.
CHRISTIE. Why ya doin' this to me, Donny? Why? I been so good to ya -- Ptui! Yuk!

2. [TRUMP is on TV being interviewed by a robot over which THE SKIN OF ANDREA MITCHELL has been stretched.]

THE SKIN OF ANDREA MITCHELL. So, Mr. Trump, why have you called us here today.
TRUMP. Well I think, you know, I've been reading this thing, this book, and it's a really amazing book, really huge, by this fellow J.D. Tippit, all about what's going on in the working class today, and men.
THE SKIN OF ANDREA MITCHELL. Forgive me, Mr. Trump, but wasn't J.D. Tippit the police officer who was allegedly killed by Lee Harvey Oswald shortly after the Kennedy assassination in 1963?
TRUMP. Well, I think you'll find that Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy and didn't do any of that which he was accused of doing, it was all Ted Cruz's father, and Paul Ryan's too, I understand that he was involved in some way. But no, yeah, I have it on this piece of paper. J.D. Vance is the name of this remarkable young man, wrote this book called Hillbilly Heaven, really amazing book, outsold the Bible --
TRUMP. They say that, yeah, elegy, heaven, it's pretty much the same thing. But you know, there are all these great writers, absolutely incredible, like Rod Dreher and Ross Cowflop, who have taken this book --
THE SKIN OF ANDREA MITCHELL.  Douthat. Ross Douthat.
TRUMP. Well, you say it's Douthat, there are a lot of opinions. Anyway these really very brilliant, amazing men tell me -- though they don't have to tell me, I know -- that this Vance is very strong on the working class, very strong, and that they've had enough of these media sissies -- bullies, I mean -- no, sissies, they're sissies and they're bullies, it's a thing -- but anyway these media people, they make fun of these working people -- oh, did I mention they're all white! White, these working people are, I mean I love the blacks and the Spanish people but you know they're not working people, not in the sense I grew up with in the little storefront where my father raised us, 10 to a room, 20 to a room, 30, it was a lot, it was a huge number and we were all white -- anyway this guy Vance he, he really gets it, that the sissy-bullies, these people who can read and write and spell and their black friends were making fun of these working people, and that's what made them all into drug addicts and bums, it's really disgusting, we have to do something about it in this country and that's what I intend to do.
THE SKIN OF ANDREA MITCHELL. I'm not sure I know what you mean.
TRUMP. Get entirely rid of welfare, basically, so the blacks don't get it.

3. [TRUMP is standing over the prone body of a 10-year-old boy, surrounded by cheering fans.]

TRUMP. Look at this. Will you look at this. Kid doesn't know enough to get out of the way of the pile driver. If he'd been watching WWE, me and Vince McMahon, he would know but the schools, they don't teach the classics, it's really sad.
SOME OTHER CHILD. Take the bitch down!
TRUMP. OK, here we go, diving hurricanrana. You boys help me up on these ropes.

Monday, August 01, 2016


So I'm idly flipping through National Review when I find this by Ian Tuttle:
Novelist? Essayist? Short-story writer? From our friends at Taliesin Nexus, for creative types who love liberty...
"Love liberty" is the hi-sign -- like "getting a little dark in here" and "I hate fags." There follows a prize pitch familiar to readers of Writers Digest: "Calling the next great American author! If that’s you, then September 9 – 11, 2016, have us fly you out to New York City, put you up in a hotel, and spend an entire weekend developing your work at the Calliope Authors Workshop..." This connects us to Taliesin Nexus which, it turns out, was previously pimped at National Review in 2015 by John J. "50 Greatest Conservative Rock Songs" Miller as "a 'safe space' for libertarians, conservatives, and other right-leaners who want to work in the arts." I guess they've gotten secretive, since you know how Liberal Fascists are always oppressing rightwing artists.

Anyway, Taiesin Nexus connects us to a delightful blog, "a (loosely affiliated) beta project of Taliesin Nexus," called Smash Cut Culture. Its slogan is "Liberate the Culture" -- in case you haven't caught on that what's happening here is culture war, as opposed to what the libtards call "culture" -- books, movies, pah! What's wanted is wingnut propaganda essays, and Smash Cut Culture's got loads. Here's one:
Sexy Panties and Prison: What Orange is the New Black Can Teach Us About The Regulatory State
Wait, don't go yet -- let's give author Anne Butcher a chance!
If you are a fan of Netflix’s Orange is the New Black, you already know that far too much of Season 3 was spent telling the tale of Piper’s Prison Panties. As a fan of the show, I was a bit sad that the screen time invested in this plotline was not spent on some of the more interesting ones. But as a libertarian, I must say that the way this story concluded in Season 4 provides a great parable for how regulation hurts people in the real world.
Yeah I want to run too, but wait -- she's talking about an ep where the female prisoners sell their used panties to pervs (though Butcher seems shy about saying so). Let's see what the libertarian angle is!
At the start of Season 4, Piper has gotten cocky. After mercilessly disciplining some of her rogue employees, she loves her new position of power within Litchfield. But as in the real world, money-making ideas breed imitators. Just like Apple inspired Microsoft, and Coke inspired Pepsi, Piper’s Prison Panties inspired a copycat business as well. This new business, lead by Maria, draws many of of the Latina inmates into the illegal panty trade, and Piper is not happy about it. 
In the real world, there are constantly new startup businesses challenging more established ones. This is a good thing, as it can inspire all businesses to be more innovative, gives the consumers more options, and give employees more freedom to leave unfair employers. Of course we’ll never know if that’s what would have happened to the used panty industry of Litchfield Prison because like other established business people before her, Piper decided restrictive rules were preferable to a free market.
..In real life, protectionist regulation doesn’t just hurt the businesses that challenge more established competitors. It can hurt the consumers who have to pay higher prices.
Yeah, freaks who buy cooze panties from prisoners. Fuck, what's the use of talking to this nutty chick. Elsewhere at SCC:
The Original Ghostbusters: More Than Just Busting Ghosts?
BE NICE, author Brodie Cooper is not like the fedora-heads in your building, bitching about bitches who ruined their childhood. This is about the original, and stupid in a mostly different way:
A lot of public frustration over the government bureaucracy tends to stem from its inaction or overaction resulting in the loss of an individual’s ability to control his or her own decisions. In the case of Ghostbusters, the EPA, which represents bureaucracy, ends up interfering and shutting our heroes down. 
Oh fuck -- the planet is being boiled like a frog, and Cooper is still all about William Atherton getting slime dumped on him because statism.
A recent New York Times poll found that 54 per cent of Americans believe over regulation has stifled economic growth. Furthermore...
OK, Brodie Cooper has ruined my youthful Ghostbusters experience  -- except she's a woman, so yay feminism, it's Thatcherrific. Let's see what else they have --
South Park’s Stance On Censorship: More Relevant Than Ever?
AHGGGHH! OK, I quit, let's go to Acculturated and make fun of Mark Judge.


...about the rightblogger response the Democratic National Convention and its speakers, including the father of Iraq war casualty U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan. At my time of filing Khan had mainly been denounced for his grief by fringe lunatics such as Pamela Geller, but he’s now getting it in some mainstreamier outlets: At The Hill, for example, Charles Hurt claims Khan “was tricked into smearing Donald Trump” by Hillary Clinton, who was only using him to promote her campaign, which Khan could not have possibly known when he accepted an invitation to the Democratic National Convention. The whole thing’s repulsive, but the worst part is Hurt telling Khan’s he’s all upset over nothing:
Despite all efforts by the media to distort Trump’s position about “banning” Muslims, he has made perfectly clear time and again that he does not want to ban all Muslims. He wants to simply perform thorough and complete background checks on all immigrants coming from countries presently in the grips of violent Islamic terrorism.
(Obligatory note that this is bullshit.)
Yes, that means if you are a Muslim who wants to immigrate from Syria or Afghanistan, you are going to get a lot more scrutiny than if you are a Jew trying to immigrate from Canada. That is most unfortunate, but not nearly as unfortunate as innocents getting slaughtered by 10th Century savages killing in the name of Allah.
So you see, Mr. Khan, our Muslim ban — which I’m denying is a Muslim ban because I’m talking to readers of The Hill rather than to a howling mob in Fritters, Alabama — is necessary because when you people aren’t dying for our country, you’re killing for Allah.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

DNC DAY 3/4.

Yeah, I skipped yesterday's events -- I'm only one man! And those fuckers at my job keep wasting my time with their stupid commercial bullshit (don't they know exceptions must be made for genius?). I will say that it's fun to watch the pros work. Biden and Obama were their usual masterful selves, as if you couldn't tell by the pissy reactions of conservatives. And if Keen Tim Kaine was a little goofy and square, I figure Virginia's 13 electoral votes are worth some dad rock. (I remind you that they go for guys like him in some other states that need a push, too.)

I will add that of all the Biden bits full of his vaunted sincerity and schmaltz, what stood out for me, and God bless him for bringing it up, was his riff on Trump's catchphrase:
His lack of empathy and compassion can be summed up in a phrase that I suspect he’s most proud of having made famous, you’re fired. I mean really, I’m not joking. Think about that. Think about that. Think about everything you learned as a child, no matter where you were raised. How can there be pleasure in saying, you’re fired? He’s trying to tell us, he cares about the middle class, give me a break. That’s a bunch of malarkey.
Quite right. One of the worst things about reality TV is celebrities condemning ordinary people on the basis of arbitrary and usually shitty judgment. It's bad enough that Simon Cowell is telling anyone who's talented and who's not. (One of the few unambiguously good things Dave Grohl has given us, BTW, is his speech about how reality poobahs would never have promoted anything as raw and cool as Nirvana.) But what was worst about The Apprentice was the sick joy some working people took in seeing other working people ground into the dirt for not coming up to the standards of Donald Trump -- whose real-life executive farm team has never produced anything but worthless yes-men and pigs. Fuck, I worked for the scumbag myself years ago as a busboy at the Grand Hyatt, his ugly pretense of class on 42nd Street; I slaved over tables while wearing an ugly, uncomfortable polyester uniform someone probably convinced Trump looked like what servants wore in Mittel Europa castles. The only thing that made it worthwhile was the union, which guaranteed me a good wage and job security. Imagine Donald Trump, who loves sitting on his fat ass firing people, without the constraint of a strong union, and you have envisioned his presidency.

UPDATE. I kinda like Katy Perry but not as a Camp Chippewa team leader. If you guys are going for the MOR demographic, guys, you gotta make it more fun -- wait a minute, I'm not Mark Penn, why should they listen to me.

 I kinda like Chelsea Clinton, too, but not as an emblem of "family, female empowerment division" -- whoops, same problem. Well, maybe they were just counting on their adversaries making fools of themselves over her. If so, good move (and I haven't even gotten to Deeper Wingnuttia! Don't worry, you'll see plenty of that shit over the next three months).

UPDATE 3. OK, I'm listening and God bless her, but after all these years she's still pretty stiff. I mean, she's laboriously hitting all the talking points, and I understand why she's laboring: It's not necessarily an issue of talent, and more likely because this country is not inclined to elect any woman President -- hell, even the brain-damaged bint Sarah Palin knows that -- and Clinton has to tread gingerly at every step (while at the same time trying to sound confident and tough) because no one is going to give her a break. Still, she's going awfully hard down the middle -- hell, she talked positively about the "compromises" the Founders made, as if some of us don't remember the biggest Compromise called Three-Fifths.

On the other hand, she has to keep clearing her throat, which I find endearing -- maybe she's been sneaking smoke breaks! And over time, her laboriousness seems less annoying and more admirable -- perhaps because, during the boring bits, you can imagine that great fat shark Trump circling, waiting for a chance to devour the U.S. Treasury (the prospect of total civilizational collapse powerful concentrates the mind) -- and also because she makes a pretty good case for the laborious approach:  "It's not just a detail if it's your kid, if it's your family -- it's a big deal, and it should be a big deal to your President, too." Yeah, OK: Maybe, if you're going to govern in prose, it's okay to campaign in prose too.

And she's got some good lines, too: "Whenever a barrier falls in America, it clears the way for everyone ... when there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit!" Scott Adams is writhing in terror, which would be a good reason to vote for her all by itself. Also, when she's being serious -- that is, not smiling -- of course the usual assholes go "oooh, mean Hillary," which is another reason to vote for her. (Also, too, whatever Bernie Bro assholes the "Hillary" chants are drowning out. Jeez, guys, we lost; show a little class. If we lose, you'll get your chance to reenact the McGovern campaign in four years.)

But, bottom line: she's all that stands between us and Il Douche. And, really, that's it; I really don't need to watch much more of this, and only the possibility that the roof will fall in is keeping me attentive. There's no possibility of a Murray Kempton/Bob Dole Romeo & Juliet story here -- you literally have to be an asshole to back Trump. And I guess, at minimum, we have to show the world and ourselves that we're not a nation of assholes.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


There were highs (Joe Crowley stripping the hide off Donald Trump for "cashing in" on 9/11 while Hillary was helping survivors and first responders) and lows (Lena Dunham and America Ferrera making Oscar-telecast-dumb jokes), but I'm a Democrat so it's always fun to watch Bill Clinton work. Headlines suggest it was about selling himself as the First Whatever, but the speech was both more generous and more targeted than that. Bill breezed past his own accomplishments, including the Presidency, to talk about hers; much of it was like some kind of Charlie Kaufman experiment where the President of the United States is a minor figure telling in awestruck tones the life story of some minor politician. It was strange and charming to hear how the future leader of the free world was "dragged around" on an unelected official's quest to get more kids in pre-school. Of course the romantic stuff helps; everyone likes courtship and sending-the-kid-to-college stories. But they were there mainly so the usual assholes couldn't notice their absence and go into their sham-marriage shtick. And even the cute stories were turned toward heroic biography -- it's not just that she was a good mom, but that she was a good mom while doing all these other things. I would add that it was a measure of Clinton's cunning professionalism that he left the implied rebukes to the Trump campaign -- which we all know he is both motivated and equiped to deliver at operatic length and scale -- to a few minutes at the end, as if, compared to the woman he'd just described, the shitheel on the other ticket wasn't worth the sweat off his balls. A+.

Speaking of shitheels, Jonah Goldberg managed to embarrass himself before and after the speech. In the prelude Goldberg does his usual inept search for poetry in slander -- get a load:
The notion that Bill Clinton, of all prominent Americans not convicted of a violent crime, might be officially named “First Gentleman” is a crime against all logic, fact, and decency.
"Ecrasez l'Infame" it ain't, but if you're a wingnut legacy pledge who thinks fist-shakings over Clintons are your sluice to the Pantheon, you're not likely to do better. Eventually Goldberg stumbles into the realm of Clinton fanfic:
I think he could help himself enormously by offering some glimmer, hint or suggestion of remorse or apology for what a spectacularly horrible husband he has been. Everyone in the audience — well, at least the TV audience — knows he’s been a cad. It makes his potential status as the “First Gentleman” endless fodder for late night comedians — and Donald Trump. It might happen, but I doubt it. Bill is a gaslighter...
A few hours later, as the Wells Fargo Center rings with cheers and Clinton is adulated for yet another brilliant speech, Goldberg shakes his head at the gaslit masses and attacks Clinton for not telling them what a shitty family man Goldberg thinks he is:
The simple fact is that everyone expects husbands to speak well of their wives — even Bill Clinton. That was a box he could have checked in 10 minutes of his speech. Instead, he took the 9,072 minutes of his speech (by my rough estimate) reading Hillary Clinton’s C.V. The biggest problem is that the more he talked the weirder it was that he didn’t address the elephant(s) in the room. This is not a great marriage by any normal person’s definition, unless you measure them almost solely on the metric of political success.

I’m not saying there weren’t effective bits. But my God that speech was boring unless you’re already fascinated by Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, because why would people watching a national political convention want to hear about the candidate? It's a good thing Goldberg's writing never had to sell anything except the perpetual renewal of his wingnut welfare.

Monday, July 25, 2016


My fellow Democrats are less interesting to me than the gibbering freaks and glowering goombahs of the GOP, but what the hell, let's have a look in. At 9 p.m. I've been watching an hour of second bananas, some better than others (Bob Casey was earnest but not refreshingly earnest; Arizona state senator Pat Spearman was sharp and righteous; Al Franken should have woodshedded that routine, but there were some laughs).  I note that it's late and we haven't had our first primetime speaker yet -- and that's one of the charming things about this party -- every night is open mike night and nothing's on time! Not like Il Douche, who kept the disembraining running on time.

UPDATE. I like Sarah Silverman I don't care if J.D. Vance and Rod Dreher think that means I'm looking down on them. (By the way, I was born poor and it's not a sin nor treason to my class to enjoy words of more than one syllable and laughing at idiots.) And Franken's come in to turn it into Burns and Allen, or maybe Sacco and Vanzetti. (I wonder if the chanting multitudes are even listening.) And then they bring in Paul Simon! Who seems pissed that he almost walked into the guitar player's instrument. (Yeah, well, I hear he's an asshole. But for the Left!) He sounds like shit singing "Bridge Over Troubled Water." I bet Art Garfunkel is laughing his goddamn ass off. He's probably manically calling for coke and whores, screaming into the ceiling mirror, "THIS IS IT! THIS IS MY PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION!"

UPDATE 2. Eva Longoria accuses Trump of insulting her Mexican mother, and she sounds like she can back that up. Eat that, pendejo!

UPDATE 3. I like Cory Booker, but someone has to tell him that yelling isn't a signifier for sincerity. He's right, though: "Rugged individualism didn't map the human genome." It isn't the only worthy effort in our nation, but after Trump's convention and the conservative pandering to the most resentful, anti-education Americans, it's a breath of fresh air.

That was a great reading of "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" too -- as a call to love one another. "When we are indivisible, we are invincible." And now that he's smacking up Trump for mocking the disabled, veterans, and immigrants, his screaming suddenly seems absolutely appropriate. And "I'm from Jersey, and we've seem how [Trump] 'leads' in Atlantic City" is dynamite -- calling Trump out as part of "a handful of people growing rich... in a nation descending into crisis" is too. Booker is a big Christian -- not the hypocritical, shitheel kind we've been forced by experience to associate with the term, but the real kind that's comfortable talking about love as a force for public good. "We are not a zero-sum nation, it  is not one America against another America, it is you and I... when we respect each, other, stand up for each other work for each other against our challenge... when we show compassion and grace, then we are the United States of America, one nation, indivisible, that is when we are stronger..." Even the we -- will -- rise refrain is kicking. "From Seneca Falls to those who stood at Stonewall Inn..."

OK, bud -- you can shout if you want.

UPDATE 3. I've always thought Michelle Obama was kind of a pain in the ass. I mean, you've seen her looking tough at Barack, right? And, I admit, that led me to believe she wasn't thoughtful. But after a minute or so of this speech, when it became clear that in talking about her daughters and how she told them to deal with the cynicism and slander (including birtherism) that came with their father's Presidency -- "when they go low, we go high" -- that she wasn't just sharing a Mommy moment, she was really talking about Trumpism and the Democratic alternative to it. And when Mrs. Obama talked about how Hillary had been "picked apart for how she looks or how she talks or even how she laughed" and "never buckled," I saw how brilliant a feminist argument she was laying down -- especially when she talked about how someone with the nuclear codes can't be "thin-skinned," and everyone knew what pissy little macho-bitch of a quasi-billionaire she was referring to, and how overmatched he was by this nominee.

"Don't let anyone tell you this country isn't great -- that we need someone to keep it great again." Amazing, for those of us who remember when the wingnuts tried to tie her to a fanciful "whitey tape" eight years ago, to portray her as someone who didn't love her country -- and then nominated a presidential candidate who fit their own fantasy perfectly.

These guys are smarter than I thought.

UPDATE 4. YEAH LIZ TELL THAT FUCKING RICH CUNT.  The BernieBros -- Christ, I voted for Sanders and I hate these sanctimonious pieces of shit -- are trying to throw her. But I've seen her speak in person and she don't throw.  Elizabeth Warren is not roaring like Senator Booker; she's reason itself, she doesn't wait for the crowd, she just invites them to catch up as she lays out Trump's many moral failings -- "the great Trump hot air machine" --  and sums up, "what kind of a man does that?... I'll tell you what kind of a man: A man who must never be President of the United States." She's so right than I'm going to take a break now, confident she'll continue being right. Back soon!

UPDATE 5. The crowd is roaring over Bernie's intro, and there's some tension over whether it will stop. Sanders tries to ride the wave, raising his arms, thanking the crowd, trying to start his speech, raising arms again... Finally he presses on, thanks Warren, thanks Mrs. Obama, and thanks his volunteers -- mere enough, after all they did! -- and thanks the "two and a half million Americans" who kicked in money (and he got the crowd to cry out the average contribution: $27!) -- and the "13 million Americans who voted for the political revolution!" There's a bit of cheer turmoil before he mentions tomorrow's roll call -- that seems to discharge their energy (maybe they think they'll win!) and they settle down. He addresses their disappointment -- and rushes so as not to be overtaken again -- assuring them "our revolution continues." And I'm thinking: Bernie -- you better give them something more.

He mentions "all of us and not just the 1%," and says he looks forward to being "part of the revolution, but emphasizes this is not about the candidates, nor about strategies, nor about things "the media spends so much time discussing" (HUGE cheer!), but about "the needs of the American people and the kind of future we create for our children and our grandchildren... ending the 40-year decline of the middle class." (He also refers to the poor -- "the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality today" -- but his is an old-fashioned, post-Nixon Democratic message; the middle-class is still the centerpiece.)

Sanders mentions the devastation of the 2008 recession -- when "the world's financial system was on the verge of collapse" -- and he acknowledges that Obama took good care of that, and thanks him, but adds that "much more needs to be done." That's splitting the difference! Now comes the next step, and that's the revolution. But first, 2016: Compared to Trump, "Hillary Clinton must become the next President of the United States.. the choice..." The crowd is making it hard for him to finish. "...this election is about a single mother I saw in Nevada with tears in her eyes told me she was scared about the future because she and her daughter couldn't make it..." This was a working mother, Sanders says, and he has faith that Clinton knows this woman shouldn't feel scared. Again, this is a mainstream Democratic pitch, and once you accept that, you can't be too pissed about Hillary.

Otherwise Sanders is hot on his usual topics. He stops after the words "Koch Brothers" to make room for the boos; he repeats "Citizens United" several times; says "brothers and sisters" and "oligarchy" and a bunch of the words that distinguished him from the neoliberals and have excited his followers, including me.

Then he does the hard sell -- "The Supreme Court justices that Donald Trump would nominate" -- and gently leads his listeners to understand that despite his and Clinton's "different approaches," they now have a deal: "83% of our population will be able to go to a public university, tuition-free!" Also, on climate change, "Hillary Clinton is listening to the scientists" and we can create "hundreds of thousands of jobs transforming our energy system." And she wants an "opt in to Medicare," etc. Negotiations were had; Sanders is satisfied. It ain't Jerusalem, but maybe next year.

Every so often he brings up Trump -- he describes Trump's policies, such as they are, with the same contempt that he's always used on the retrograde thinking he's been fighting within the party. And in fact Trump -- not only a literal friend to the rich and enemy to labor, but also an authoritarian and self-centered scumbag -- is, despite his alleged innovations in working-class appeal, a better avatar than Clinton or any other Democratic trimmer for everything Sanders, and indeed every decent American, has been fighting against.

Sanders wants to go further, and he's being given some room for it -- he wants to break up Wall Street institutions, he wants to stop the TPP! But he's willing, at least for the moment, to work within the system for it. "Our job is to see a strong platform implemented by a Democratic Senate, and Democratic House, and a Hillary Clinton Presidency! And I am going to do all that I can to make that happen!"

OK -- you have to be a total fucking asshole to say, screw this, I'll vote for Jill Stein and heighten the contradictions. Thanks for making that clear, Bernie. I'm glad I voted for you.


...about the GOP convention and the continued conservative slide into objective pro-Trumpism.

Among the outtakes: Michael Brendan Dougherty of The Week comparing Trump's speech to that of Pat Buchanan at the 1992 GOP convention, in which the ancient nativist invited his party to relate to National Guardsmen fighting off black mobs in the recent L.A. riots (“and as those boys took back the streets of Los Angeles, block by block, my friends, we must take back our cities, and take back our culture, and take back our country”). The punchline: Dougherty was comparing Trump's speech unfavorably to Pitchfork Pat's: “at the heart of Buchanan's speech," said Dougherty, "were communities taking care of each other with self-sacrificial love.” Trump’s speech, on the other hand, “never mentioned God,” complained Dougherty.

Also worthy of mention: Charles Hurt of the Washington Times, who looked upon Trump's children at the convention and declared, "A new Camelot is born." If Trump wins, the Ministry of Propaganda will not want for applicants.

Friday, July 22, 2016


Reagan's president elect/ Fascist god in motion

• There are all kinds of things you can say about Trump's speech last night, and pundits are busy saying them.  What I will say is that in terms of policy it was perfectly consonant with 50 years of American conservatism -- by which I mean, there was no policy, except to scare voters out of their wits and then offer to let Daddy take care of them. This has been the traditional appeal of even the more avuncular GOP candidates like Reagan, whose celebrated sunniness was only powerful in contrast to the dark Democratic dystopia he and his henchmen were constantly portraying as the only alternative to himself. If Trump is more frightening to some people than Reagan or any of the others, it's mainly because when he does this routine, he indulges very few of the fake pieties I talked about yesterday with which conservatives traditionally try to make their bait-and-switch look socially acceptable. That's his main innovation. But just because you're scared doesn't mean other people don't find it attractive. Just like Reagan, Trump has a sunny shtick -- those goofy faces he pulls, the snarl-smile with thumbs up, seem wolfish and creepy to me. But then I didn't buy what Reagan was selling either, and I bet a lot of whatever customers of his are still alive are voting for Trump.

What I'm saying is, make sure your passport's renewed.

• And be not deceived about the #NeverTrumps: Many of them are at least Trump-curious already. Jonah Goldberg, for example, still attacks Trump, but in the middle of it says
Many Republicans I’ve talked to find Trump’s willingness to outsource actual policymaking to Mike Pence or Paul Ryan reassuring. And in a sense, it is...

If Trump could be trusted to simply play a ceremonial role, serving as a kind of corporate motivational speaker for the country, I might board the Trump train. But can anyone say with confidence that Trump has the discipline to do anything of the sort?
This is a wussy way of saying, this Hitler's an intemperate fellow but at least he has the sense to delegate important work to von Ribbentrop, perhaps the Nazis can persuade me. Meanwhile at NeverTrump redoubt Erick Erickson's The Resurgent, Steve Berman says of Trump's speech. "It’s honestly the most terrific, finest, greatest speech I’ve read/heard in quite a while (and the crowd reacted very energetically)–and Trump was very well suited to give it. If the speech could run for president, it would win hands down." He does add, "Except there’s no bifurcating Trump from his speeches," and does the usual Trump-is-a-very-bad-man shtick, but finally says, "If the speech wins, and we get Trump along with it, at least it won’t be Hillary." Like I said, Trump is selling standard-issue conservatism with the mask off, and these conservatives, with whatever difficulty their social anxieties cause them in admitting it, are all hoping he'll win.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


I only watched a little of the proceedings last night. I saw one of those Trump Boys -- Uday or Qusay, I can never remember which; this was the one who really looks like he's telling the Student Council what an outrage it is that his frat's panty raid is being characterized as a sexual assault. The Trumplet is mainly known for murdering jungle animals, which he sought to counter last night by bragging on a charity he runs. Speaking of public-relations ass-covering, he also devoted a significant chunk of his time to extolling his father's repairs on the Wollman Rink in Central Park, offering this as proof that Pop can get things done when Big Gummint fails. This will convince the sort of people who are already convinced, while everyone else will wonder what kind of hair gel he uses and whether he has a collection of Huey Lewis and the News CDs and an axe back at his apartment.

Speaking of hair gel, Ted Cruz left the usual oil slick -- attributing the success of the Apollo moon mission to "freedom," rather than to the Big Gummint that self-evidently achieved it, was among the wetter spots. His Big Nope at the end was amusing but, while one can admire the execution of his trollery, let us not forget that it's just one hustler getting over on another: Donald Trump's only significant differences from Cruz or any of the 327 other unsuccessful candidates for this nomination are 1.) the specific donors and cronies who can expect to benefit if he wins (at least at the top layer; defense contractors, for example, will make out no matter what); and 2.) the baldness of his authoritarian affect. As President, Cruz would be at least as much of a nightmare as Trump, but he would also take time every so often to evince humility, understanding, and all the other Delsarte positions a President has been heretofore expected to display. Trump blows them off because he has cracked the code and knows his minions only want the rooster displays and to hell with any less butch emotions. I mean, in his speech Ted Cruz actually pretended to give a shit about black and gay people! This vestigial arnaqueur oblige seems quaint in the present case, and the NeverTrumps probably don't realize how hard it will be to bring it back into fashion among their increasingly feral constituents.