Friday, December 13, 2024


I'm an old crank but you know what? This is Xmas music I can get with.

To paraphrase the old Chinese, we are now Living In Interesting Times every goddamn day. One of the latest wacky bits is the lawyer/accomplice of HHS-Secretary-nominee RFK Jr. petitioning the U.S. Government to revoke its approval of the polio vaccine. It’s something I’ve joked about over the years and now it’s – well, still a joke, though obviously the lunatics promoting it don’t know that. This would seem to be a nadir in the epic insanity of Tubby’s appointments, though I’m sure they’ll find a way to dig deeper. 

By the way, do you wonder what mainstream conservatives (you know, Conservatives with Good Taste) think about this? You will be unsurprised to learn that Kimberly Strassel at the Wall Street Journal absolves Tubby of all blame, and pins it on other people who aren’t working hard enough to make him look good. Doesn’t make sense? Here, read it yourself:

It seems not to have occurred to Senate Republicans—who ought to have learned a little bit about Mr. Trump by now—that he needs a rescue here. No insider believes this is a heartfelt pick. Even political naïfs understand what happened: This agreement was entirely transactional. Mr. Trump saw an opportunity to gain RFK’s endorsement. The price was a promise of a big post. The president-elect is holding true to that deal as a businessman, so he won’t dare whisper misgivings for fear of leaks.

“Holding true to that deal as a businessman” yeah, that’s Trump, alright – his word is his bond

Instead Senate Republicans are playing monkey-see-monkey-do to an extent that even Mr. Trump must be exasperated. 

“Why is no one wiping my ass? They must have smelt it by now!”

Nearly every GOP senator looks at Mr. Kennedy with wincing concern—knowing the havoc the anticapitalist big-government regulator can and will wreak on a Trump agenda. 

(Oh, yeah, the problem isn’t that Worm-Brain will kill us all – the problem is he’s against capitalism.)

Yet no one steps up to save the president. If Joe Biden chose Hulk Hogan to be Treasury secretary, does anyone think Democrats would have let him step into that trap? 

Maybe there was an upside to electing a President you can’t imagine doing any such thing. (Oh, right, Biden was supposed to be senile!)

But so desperate right now are Republicans to nod along that they are abdicating the real job of advice and consent—and protection.

Normally I’d say that sounds like a “you” problem except the “you” problem has been made an “all of us” problem by the shitheels and grifters, Strassel not excepted, who condemned us to this madman’s whims and wiles. 

Oh, the Roy Edroso Breaks It Down freebies – yes, this week we have two (remember, it’s a five-day-a-week publication and absurdly cheap to subscribe, so why don’tcha): First, my gloss on Adam Serwer’s essay on conservatives’ inability to tell heroes from villains in fiction and what it means for their politics; second, that rich asshole who runs the L.A. Times plans to give MAGA readers Trump-friendly alt-versions of the paper’s news stories, so I created an example of what they would look like

Special blast from the past edition now that celebrity murderer Daniel Perry has gotten away with killing a black guy and Tubby is taking him to a football game: My original statement still stands

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