Friday, May 31, 2024



Normally I don’t release “Fun Friday” editions of Roy Edroso Breaks It Down to gen pop, because they’re meant as downtime for REBID regulars after each long week of satire and analysis. (Yes, it’s a five-day-a-week operation, with subscriptions available at the ridiculously low price of $7/month! Sign up now!) 

But this week is something special as Tubby got fingered, so here is the latest. For me the best part of the verdict is this: Usually, when wingnuts rage and threaten after a Trump-related reversal (as they do frequently, since rage and threats are mainly what they’ve got), I confess to feeling at least a little dread; but since a normal process has yielded a normal result that did not magically exonerate the piece of shit, today they seem completely laughable. Clowns can be frightening, but in the final analysis they're just clowns. 

This applies not only to the fringe goons screaming for revenge, but also to the dainty SensibleModerate conservatives who find softer ways to say the same nonsense, like Megan McArdle:

I usually imagine McMegan’s gunning for Peggy Noonan’s job, but now I think she may aspire to be the next Senator Susan Collins. There are no good Republicans, people, and that goes double for libertarians. 

Also for your REBID freebie pleasure: Behind the scenes after Trump’s Libertarian Convention debacle, and why rich dopes keep pushing AI art on us. Deathless prose at rock-bottom prices! 

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