Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Glenn Reynolds in USA Today:
Democrats' terror compassion gap
And as is always the case anytime a conservative mentions "compassion" he's being sarcastic. Let's skip past all the palaver in the middle and get to the button:
....Yes. When we talk about “compassion” in American politics, it usually involves some sort of scheme to give poor people money.
What'd I tell ya? Pfft, imagine giving money to poor people! They'd only spend it on non-artisanal food.
But compassion ultimately comes down to caring what happens to people, and when Obama acts as if he doesn’t take the threat of Islamic terrorism in America seriously, he’s sending a signal that he doesn’t care what happens to Americans who might be victims of terrorism or even about Americans who are worried about becoming victims.
Doesn't Obama remember FDR, who said, "We have nothing to fear but HOLY SHIT HERE COME THE JAPS WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE"? Well, soon enough this country may graduate from a President who reminds people to hold fast to American values even when they are under threat, to one who'll encourage them to piss their pants with terror while his buddies loot the treasury.

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