Monday, December 08, 2014


At PJ Media, Spencer Klavan (before we go on, thank me: This link is to the single-page version -- the default is "page 1 of 10") :
Why Conservatives Should Make More Dumb Jokes
South Park Republicanism will never die. To sum up: As Aristophanes knew, fart jokes make people like/vote for you. But liberals stole the fart jokes! Judd Apatow was cool because he made Katherine Heigl have a baby, but IRL he "moans about Citizens United" so his fart jokes are invalid. Conservative need to take back the fart jokes!

Finally, the punch line:
We need a little more of that fun-loving, free-wheeling irreverence that the Left is pretending to monopolize. We need more folks like Greg Gutfeld and Ann Coulter...
Stop, yer killing me.


  1. We need more folks like Greg Gutfeld and Ann Coulter

    Yep, nothing says "laffs" like someone who was considered edgy and controvertial ten years ago.

    Come to think of it, that statement describes South Park pretty well, too.

  2. We're just pretending, y'see. The fact that left-of-center comics are more popular than right-of-center comics is because liberals are clever fakers. And really, all their jokes are really conservative jokes anyway. And hey, remember that great episode of South Park about smoking from like thirteen years ago? That was great.

  3. GeniusLemur2:12 PM

    If does make sense if you understand the right-wing sense of humor. conservative "jokes:"
    -A liberal was walking down the street and got hit by a bus.
    -A feminist wanted a man, but she was too ugly and hairy-legged.
    -A hollywood liberal made a movie that he had big hopes for, and it bombed because everybody hated him and his liberal views
    -A gay walked into a real bar that he thought was a gay bar. He asked a guy to have sex and the whole bar beat him up.

  4. There are two of them (remember Andrew?) Probably related--we may have another wingnut welfare dynasty on our hands.

  5. susanoftexas2:15 PM

    Shorter Klaven: We can get away with slander and inciting murder if we throw in a dirty joke and fart noises.

  6. Frank McDerpman2:15 PM

    And you're making fun of conservative humor?


  7. susanoftexas2:16 PM

    "Over-the-Cliff" Klaven

  8. That conservative pop culture time warp is truly a thing to behold.

  9. susanoftexas2:17 PM

    Kicking down is funny and kissing up is respectful.

  10. smut clyde2:19 PM

    Laughing at people in power is "Alinskyite tactics", remember.

  11. It goes like this: A conservative says something shitty - say, a 40-year-old joke about hairy-legged feminists - and then a liberal hears it and transforms into a leaky helium balloon. This hasn't happened yet outside of a conservative's head, but that's just because none of these next-gen Oscar Wildes have found the right cocktail party yet.

  12. This might work is their senses of humor were any more advanced than a third-grade potty-joke level. But, I guess, "fun-loving" conservatives make really great jokes about people with Parkinson's Disease being unable to control their muscles, amazing knee-slappers about young men being gunned down in the streets for being the wrong color, hysterical japes about the children of Democrats looking like dogs, and ROFLMAO memes about the president having a bone through his nose and his wife serving watermelon and fried chicken at state dinners.

  13. And to a conservative, what REALLY makes these jokes work is repeating them when the listener doesn't laugh.

    "J'heer whut Ah sed! She wuz too ugly 'n' hairy! Haw! Haw! Hairy!"

  14. You have no idea how many conservatives can recite line-for-line the entire episode of "Mr. Hanky, the Christmas Poo." I think it's the nuance and sophistication that they love.

  15. runsinbackground2:34 PM

    Because the first person I think of when I hear "fun-loving" is the woman who wrote a whole column on her hatred of soccer.

  16. If only the Three Stooges had given their genius to Capitalism, instead of the lousy commies, we'd be living in a Free Market today, comrades!

  17. DN Nation2:53 PM

    Announcing to the world that you're free-wheeling and irreverent means...that you are not.

    I'm reminded of our dearly semi-departed Don Surber, who used to bookend groaning song parodies on his blog with these "Now I'm going to be funny and do a song parody!"/"That was today's song parody, which was funny and conservative!" announcements that, gah.

  18. BigHank532:56 PM

    Even a good punchline has overstayed its welcome the third time you hear it. After twenty Duggars, who gives a shit anymore?

  19. Even the phrase "free wheeling and irreverrent" doesn't go with conservativism as a philosophy. Libertarianism, maybe. But conservatives are, by definition, extremely reverent and, being submissive to authority and convention, can't be free wheeling.

  20. DN Nation2:59 PM

    South Park's latest season was its strongest in years. It also had an episode promoting trans rights.

  21. DN Nation3:02 PM

    Libertarians can attempt to get away with an "everybody's an asshole"/"everyone's a loser" schtick that can be amusing as long as you don't read too far into the punch-down meanness of it. I mean, I still like "Holidays in Hell."

    But conservatives? True conservatives? I can only get as far as thinking this:,8871/

  22. montag23:04 PM

    This is one more plea that they, by rights, ought to be "winning" the culture "war." "Hey, c'mon, these people are funny!"

    Well, no, they're not. They've avatars of a subculture that is deadly. Their audience is hopelessly limited by their appeal to people's worst instincts. That's what this moron, who is part of that subculture, doesn't understand, and will probably never be able to understand.

    They're not funny. They're mean.

  23. Kordo3:09 PM

    On a positive note, the structure of SpaceTime appears robust. Using "Fun-loving, free-wheeling" as a description of Coulter should have torn it asunder. No religion, too; an attentive God, if such a thing existed, would smite Klavan to cat-food for hitting "send" on this one.

    Sometimes I wonder why we spend so much time arguing with people whose arguments annihilate themselves...

  24. Did it make up for that "being transgendered = wanting to be a dolphin" episode?

    That's missing the point, though. What made me stop watching that thing is this very annoying tic that Parker and Stone have in their writing. They'll latch onto one specific phrase that ties into whatever point they're trying to make for that episode and then repeat it every forty-five seconds or so. It's almost as though they're afraid that their audience is too stupid to pick up on their subtle, nuanced humor if they don't run it into the ground.

  25. Professor Fate3:11 PM

    Ah yes those fun loving free wheeling hateful rants. Granted it's tough to pull off but if you do it's magic.

  26. DN Nation3:13 PM

    That hasn't changed about the show. Sometimes it's one of those Sideshow Bob/Rake things when it's funny then stupid then funny again, other times it's just halfassed writing.

  27. Kordo3:16 PM

    We are all things, at all times. We serve every purpose. We are Legion.

  28. Giant Monster Gamera3:19 PM

    Nothing says "free wheeling and irreverent" like standing athwart history yelling "stop!"

  29. Quintilius Varus3:20 PM

    Ah, that's where you got to.

  30. Giant Monster Gamera3:27 PM

    This one needs to be re-written:

    A liberal was walking down the street and got hit by a bus


    A liberal was walking down the street and got hit by a Prius

  31. montag23:27 PM

    The best comics of the last few generations turned stereotypes (and stereotypical thinking) inside out. This guy is applauding people who are reinforcing stereotypes. Is it any wonder why he's never going to figure out where he went wrong?

  32. What the fuck?

    Ann Coulter? Really?

  33. He's going to go all the way - writing the whole damn essay in nothing but Simpsons quotes.

    It'll be EPIC.

  34. I'm suprised he didn't mention the daily yuk-fests "Day by Day" and "Mallard Fillmore".

  35. smut clyde3:34 PM

    people who are reinforcing stereotypes
    That mode of comedy may not be the "best", but it's probably the one with the most reliable audience.

  36. Take Seth Rogen.


    Who the fuck is he, and why the fuck do I care?

  37. coozledad3:38 PM

    We need more folks like Greg Gutfeld and Ann Coulter...

    To make glue? Cat food?

    They're even making better fuck toys out of plastic these days.

  38. "Free-wheeling" irrelevance is more like it.

  39. Free-wheeling like a loaded propane truck careening into a orphanage. HAW HAW HAW blurp blurp

  40. coozledad3:46 PM

    They tried Rush Limbaugh on television. It turns out only a small percentage of people think the monologue equivalent of stubbing a cigarette out on a child's face is funny.

    I think we do need more Greg Gutfields, if only to see how many of them it would take to reach that tunneling machine beneath Seattle, equipped solely with spoons.

  41. redoubtagain3:49 PM

    So what's the over/under on the number of Simpsons references Jonah's poor interns will be forced to cram into his farticle?

  42. redoubtagain3:51 PM

    Klaven Klavern Kraves Kash

  43. BigHank534:06 PM

    That should tell you everything you need to know about conservative "humor".

    Also, obligatory when Ann Coulter is mentioned:

  44. smut clyde4:11 PM

    This must be the first time for the Lord of Flies to be accused of stopping the buzz.

  45. BigHank534:13 PM

    Kraven Klavan Konveys Kooky Koncerns

  46. coozledad4:14 PM

    Earl Butz was their Lenny Bruce, but Earl's failure to branch out from the "pussy and a warm place to shit" routine was a liability in some of the fundy clubs. He just couldn't work any "Jesus would piss on the poor" into it.

    That was for later iterations of the conservative comics, all whacked out on cigars and Dominican rent boys.

  47. So, if we're only pretending to monopolize ... what is it we're hoarding this time? Web development? Best selling novels? Decent movies? Good music ...

    Oh, humor. If we're only pretending to monopolize humor, who cares? Was Klavan one of those kids who lost his mind when you played the Got Your Nose game?



  48. mgmonklewis4:18 PM

    To sum up: "Humor, how does it work?!"

    You can tell when you're a comic genius, conservative-style, when you start angrily yelling at the audience for not appreciating your humor. Just like all the comic greats used to.

  49. In conservative comedy, comic heckle YOU!

  50. Or you could do like Dennis Miller and just smear a big vocabulary over unfunny and downright repugnant ideas.

  51. coozledad4:22 PM

    I wish we had a few mountain lions down here, just to purge the woods of fucking deer hunters. They trespass, kill an animal, and leave everything but the head and hips to rot in the woods.

    I can't even tell you how overjoyed I'd be at seeing one of those fuckers being dragged out of the woods by a three hundred pound cat (after I finished running like hell to get myself to safety.)

  52. mgmonklewis4:27 PM

    "...and then the protesters were all like Kierkegaard having tea with the Kardashians while the Shining Path set up a kibbutz in the town square... cha-chi!"

    Or, use Dennis Miller MadLibs: Random dictionary word, random dictionary word, pop cultural reference, pop cultural reference, random dictionary word... You get the idea. Deliver it with a snarky tone and it's supposed to be both highbrow and funny... only it ain't.

  53. I'm sure he's convinced that conservative comics would totally dominate if we could all just get past this political correctness thing that makes polack, kike, and ginny jokes unacceptable

  54. I want to curl up with this comment, a thesaurus, some mulled high-dollar wine, and a roaring fire.

  55. See for example, comedy great, Michael Richards.

  56. mgmonklewis4:30 PM

    It's a weird funhouse mirror that turns Greg Gutfeld into Noël Coward in their minds, and Ann Coulter into Dorothy Parker.

  57. Jay B.4:30 PM

    We need a little more of that fun-loving, free-wheeling irreverence that the Left is pretending to monopolize.

    Contextual tip: When your premise is that there are too few conservatives out there being fun-loving and funny, it's difficult to whine about liberals pretending anything.

  58. mgmonklewis4:32 PM

    *BUZZER* Too close to actually working an element of ironic humor into the setup.

    More like, "A liberal was walking down the street and a guy hit him with a shovel the end ha ha."

  59. mgmonklewis4:42 PM

    Forget it, Jake. It's Jonahtown.

  60. Brother Yam4:43 PM

    I'm good with either tossing Ann aside or throwing her with great force from the public conversation.

  61. mgmonklewis4:45 PM

    I would like to spend a freewheeling and irreverent decade holed up in a 1950s-era underground bunker with this comment and the complete back issues of the National Review.

  62. mgmonklewis4:46 PM

    In future, all comedians should be required to sign a sanity clause.

  63. mgmonklewis4:49 PM

    Protip: Mein Kampf /= Jeeves & Wooster.

  64. billcinsd4:49 PM

    are you Brendan Fraser in disguise?

  65. billcinsd4:53 PM

    Men seldom make passes
    at women with big Adam's apples and are asses

  66. ken_lov4:56 PM

    Surely legendary humorist in his own mind Mark Steyn also belongs in that select group, but he seems to have become a non-person since NRO dumped him.

  67. Alas, the mountain lion's weight range for prey tops out around 140 pounds.

  68. coozledad5:18 PM


  69. Potty humor can be funny. 3rd graders can be funny. Neo-cons aren't that gifted.

  70. BUT! A juvenile cat might not know that and deliver a killing bite before he discovers the kill is too heavy to move.

    And now, I'm going to stop joking about this, because they are reputedly in this area.

  71. gocart mozart5:21 PM

    Awesome Canadian Alinskyite tactic.

  72. TGuerrant5:21 PM

    Angela Box has been auditioning. Tommy's Garage is the new Improv, apparently.

  73. TGuerrant5:25 PM

    It's his pause-to-smirk-at-camera that does it for me. Triggers G.W. Bush-is-back nightmares.

  74. coozledad5:25 PM

    I've heard they've made it as far as western Pittsylvania county (big county, north of us), but only form people of questionable reliability. Apparently they follow old railroad cuts.

  75. "Take my wife [beat] please! Only not really [beat] because I don't believe in divorce or so-called gay marriage because I'm one wild and crazy guy..."

  76. TGuerrant5:26 PM

    That's actually fucking profound. I wish you wouldn't do that while I'm mindlessly scrolling.

  77. TGuerrant5:41 PM

    Victoria Jackson's been very disappointed with it.

    When she ran for the William County (Tenn.) County Commission this year, only 692 conservatives were allowed into the polls to reward her wit with votes, while 1,052,794 commie vote fraudsters were allowed to put Al Franken back in the U.S. Senate.

    Being a loyal comedy classique should count for more than that, Mr. Priebus.

  78. drkrick5:46 PM

    There was also his comment on Pope Paul's position on birth control: "He no play-a the game, he no make-a the rules."

    Hard to imagine the current GOP crop going there.

  79. Per this, cougars don't care what the prey weighs, they leave it & come back for snacks.

    P.S.: Definitely in my sector.

  80. TGuerrant5:51 PM

    Yep. IMDB says Spencer is son of Andrew. Wikipedia informs that Andrew is currently busy being the screenwriter for a crowd-sourced film about Kermit Gosnell.

  81. Oh yes! I remember that!

  82. Yes--my comment would like to write a philosophy ph.d. on your comment, Pere Ubu. I'll call it "Homo Ludens/Homo Sob Fest"

  83. HOMO hurr hurr hurr hurr

  84. a crowd-sourced film about Kermit Gosnell

    funded through KrapStarter.

  85. 692 conservatives were allowed into the polls to reward her wit with votes

    She was able to blackmail that many people?

  86. MOUNTAIN LIONS: Aw, crap, he stopped commenting. Quick, check Facebook, see if there's something there.

  87. TGuerrant6:02 PM

    Yeah, Marxism destroyed American comedy, can't deny that.

  88. TGuerrant6:14 PM

    The 1999 winner of the Vancouver Amateur Comedy Contest! He tweets!

    Our 15 minute Naked and Afraid special airs tonight!!! Our buttholes may be blurred, but that doesn't mean they aren't there.— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) December 7, 2014

    Even though it's commercials are the same length as other movies, from the ads, Interstellar looks loooooooooong as fuck.— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 6, 2014

    .@ZacEfron can't stop masturbating. And Dave Skylark is gonna get to the bottom of it! #TheInterviewMovie— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 20, 2014

    Hurr, hurr, hurr!

  89. FlipYrWhig6:16 PM

    I'm Homer Simpson, I mooned for rebuttal?

  90. FlipYrWhig6:27 PM

    Then again, irreverent isn't THAT far off from irredentist.

  91. FlipYrWhig6:29 PM


  92. salvagesalvage6:36 PM

    > The Left is pretending to monopolize.

    How do you pretend to monopolize something?

    I don't think they think about the stuff they write.

    Speaking of the The Left, I miss Norbiz.

  93. "I say, those Jewish chaps are a dashed - er, thingummy, eh what?"

    "Menace, sir?"

    "Spot on, Jeeves!"

  94. smut clyde6:43 PM

    Without legacy hires, who would PJMedia have to hire at all?

  95. TGuerrant6:51 PM

    How a dearth of fun-loving, free-wheeling irreverence in Germany forced the Nazis to throw Wodehouse into a mental hospital and then make him appear to be a collaborator in hilarity

  96. Giant Monster Gamera6:51 PM

    Dennis Miller is the stupid person's idea of what a smart comic sounds like.

  97. You don't fool me - there ain't no comedians!


    um, wait...

  98. Giant Monster Gamera7:22 PM

    Oh, I see. Like the Three Stooges, but without the subtlety.

  99. Jay B.7:45 PM

    Wait. You really don't know who Seth Rogen is? I mean, that's totally fine, I'm just more amazed you could have avoided him. He's pals with James Franco and he's been in every third movie since 2008.

  100. I really had no idea and I think I was better off that way.

  101. LittlePig7:51 PM

    You left out 'for great justice'.

  102. montag28:04 PM

    Hmm, that description pretty neatly fits Wm. F. Buckley, and I'm pretty sure no one said he was doing stand-up.

  103. montag28:08 PM

    Oh, I think ever since the lawsuit, Steyn has been concentrating on his tap-dancing over stand-up.

  104. montag28:14 PM

    "Andrew is currently busy being the screenwriter for a crowd-sourced film about Kermit Gosnell."

    So, it's a comedy, right?

  105. Hmm, that description pretty neatly fits Wm. F. Buckley, and I'm pretty sure no one said he was doing stand-up.

    People say the same thing about Dennis Miller.

  106. Jay B.8:22 PM

    Actually, I think he's funny, those idiotic tweets notwithstanding. Superbad, Pineapple Express and This is the End made me laugh. And I'll probably go see The Interview because North Korea might bomb someone because of it.

  107. You have some sort of problem with a racist ventriloquist?

  108. montag28:30 PM

    Thus proving that lefties know what to do with a straight line.

  109. tigrismus8:34 PM

    I think their jokes should be less dumb, but to each his own.

  110. montag28:38 PM

    Oh, yes, as in Every Perfloof Is Cheeto-ey.

  111. realinterrobang8:43 PM

    Greg Gutfeld is about as funny as a kick to the shins...

  112. realinterrobang8:45 PM

    I'm sorry to say that my parents (who are Canadian, may I add) thought Rush Limbaugh's tv show was funny. Then again, they also think Benny Hill is funny, so I guess there's no accounting for taste.

  113. JennOfArk8:45 PM

    Don't fret, conservatives. You own the biggest fart joke of all time.

  114. John Wesley Hardin8:52 PM

    Ann Coulter is to fun-loving, free-wheeling irreverence as Charles Manson is to drugs and free love.

  115. montag28:54 PM

    Hmm. Kristols. Kagans. Klavans.

    Coincidence? Or a Konspiracy?

  116. John Wesley Hardin8:55 PM

    Why, you twirl your mustache and you sneer, sneer at the rubes who believe you, when you proclaim to own the world of low-brow fart comedies, that's how.

  117. Dear Mr. Klavan, here is my joke for you and all other conservative friends and chucklerers to enjoy and guffaw and tell each other and those lefty monopoly-cheating pretenders might like to hear it too, so hear goes;

    We're in the heartland and it's just coming on a wintery dark, the sky ominous with thunderclouds and lightning, a cold wind howling as a middle-aged conservative man leads a young boy by the hand towards a dark copse of trees.

    "Ooohhh," shivers the young boy, clutching the right-winger more firmly by the hand. "I'm scared!"

    "You're scared!" replies the registered Republican, a note of incredulity creeping into his voice as he points to the copse. ""I've got to walk out there alone!"

    Mister Kavalan, I have more of these knee-slappers at your convenience if you so wish them for you.
    Yours truly,

  118. John Wesley Hardin8:57 PM

    It's a job but I wouldn't call it a career.

  119. smut clyde9:09 PM

    I have no idea who Al Gonquin was, but I know a round table when I see one.

  120. KatWillow9:23 PM

    He's confusing "free-wheeling" with "free-basing".

  121. Ellis_Weiner9:23 PM

    "We need a little more of that fun-loving, free-wheeling irreverence that
    the Left is pretending to monopolize. We need more folks like Greg
    Gutfeld and Ann Coulter..."

    This is self-parody eating its own tail. This is an Onion mock editorial that really means it. Calling Coulter and Gutfield "fun-loving" is like crediting Hannibal Lecter with a trencherman's robust appetite.

    Plus, bonus points for "pretending to monopolize." I can't tell you how exhausted I get, swanning around the Internet and pretending to monopolize free-wheeling irreverence. Then again, it's worth it, because I'm good at it, and people say to me, "Man, you and your cohort really have the monopoly on this whole fun-loving, free-wheeling irreverence, don't you?" Suckers!

  122. KatWillow9:25 PM

    "The woman can speak 10 languages and can't say anything intelligent in any of them!

  123. FlipYrWhig9:26 PM

    Come to think of it, I suppose I have a problem with "racist ventriloquist" both separately and together.

  124. BigHank539:26 PM

    After he loses the lawsuit, one does hope he starts concentrating on staying home. In Canada. Forever.

  125. KatWillow9:27 PM

    But- stupid-funny or clever-funny?

  126. KatWillow9:31 PM

    Coulter was a Clinton-hater- so she's more like 20 years ago.

  127. KatWillow9:32 PM

    Sounds like shows from the History channel.

  128. KatWillow9:38 PM

    And that's called SPORT.

  129. BigHank539:39 PM

    I've heard from two eyewitnesses here, up next to the Jefferson National Forest, not far from the VA/WV line. One of 'em was stoned at the time. The other was not only stone-cold sober but also a professional sculptor: if she says she saw a ninety-pound cat with a huge tail, I'm pretty sure that's what she saw.

  130. swanning around gadding about the Internet


  131. mgmonklewis9:55 PM

    Wasn't Al Gonquin arrested for square dancing in a roundhouse?

  132. mgmonklewis9:56 PM

    And not stupid & madcap; just mean.

  133. Sadly, I have a brother-in-law who thinks Dunham is the very acme of comedy and insists on putting one of his Dunham DVD collection on every time I visit.

  134. StringOnAStick10:25 PM

    I personally saw a juvenile mountain lion under the neighbor's deck last spring, and I've got photos from several sightings of a bobcat, then later with her 2 kittens, then a mostly grown juvenile kitten, all from this past spring and summer. It's the first time I've seen either, and they were less than 20' from our back door. Pets are indoors or they are snacks around here. The edge of Denver is wilder than some might suspect it to be.

  135. This goes along with Compassionate Conservatism--when you have specifically label yourself compassionate, it pretty much disproves your label.

  136. The Norb is active on Twitter, for the moment anyhow.

  137. Humorless leftist.

  138. Why Conservatives Should Make More Dumb Jokes... Deliberately, For a Change.

  139. ken_lov10:41 PM

    "They're not funny. They're mean."

    Distinction without a difference. To conservatives, being mean to liberals is hilarious.

  140. Why Conservatives Should Make More Dumb


  141. montag211:12 PM

    True enough, but my point, I suppose, is that they're mean to everyone that's not in their very small tribe, not just liberals, and for that reason alone, will never have the broad audience that this moron, Spencer Klavan, believes they deserve.

    Coulter, in particular, is a purveyor of humor for sociopaths, but sociopaths are still a very small part of the population. Klavan hopes for the impossible.

  142. AGoodQuestion11:38 PM

    Republicans took back Congress by offering solid policy alternatives to the Obama administration’s catastrophic demagoguery. But to take back the culture, we conservatives ought to start telling more fart jokes. Ironically, I’m not kidding about that.
    1. I'd like to know in which country these wondrous Republicans offered solid policy alternatives instead of running on "everybody panic!"
    2/ There is no way to talk about "taking back the culture" without sounding like you should be holding two fingers under your nose and making a sieg heil salute with the other arm.
    3. Fucking irony, how does it work?

  143. AGoodQuestion11:41 PM

    -A hollywood liberal made a movie that he had big hopes for, and it bombed because everybody hated him and his liberal views.
    From what I understand that's pretty much the entire plot of An American Carol. Clearly it's a crowd pleaser, depending on the crowd.

  144. AGoodQuestion11:48 PM

    Dennis Miller's is the Emperor's New Clothes of wit. On a day like today his balls must crystallize and fall off.

  145. AGoodQuestion11:51 PM

    If Gutfeld has been freebasing, that still doesn't make him Richard Pryor.

  146. freq flag1:00 AM

    All Hail!

  147. AGoodQuestion1:00 AM

    Observe and Report is to be recommended if you have a dark sense of humor.

  148. freq flag1:06 AM

    Ditto (me better off, not you).
    I guess I don't watch that many movies.

  149. freq flag1:08 AM

    Can't we have both?

  150. DocAmazing2:38 AM

    Mrs. Duggar?

  151. sigyn2:50 AM


  152. Williamson County. Thanks.

  153. Another Kiwi3:36 AM

    Kraven Klavan Klan Kons Konservative Kash.

  154. Another Kiwi3:37 AM

    We're just pretending to do that, Komrad.

  155. Amanda DiFrank5:09 AM

    Idiot commenter goes Godwyn just talking to himself.

  156. Amanda DiFrank5:13 AM

    Biden tells computer code girls: "you're as smart as any guy."

  157. Amanda DiFrank5:19 AM

    Back to bed. Don't forget to fight the power, my white Berkeley brothers wearing corduroy pants while talking on your iPhones .

    The #BerkeleyProtests will subside once Starbucks is open.

  158. If by "crowd" you mean "handful of people." Viewers stayed away in droves.

  159. They tried Rush Limbaugh on television.

    I only wish they tried Rush on television. But for some reason, the Hague hasn't brought charges yet, so . . .

  160. There is a difference. The guy up on stage telling stories about his cat might not be funny. But he's not mean--he's just not funny.

    But conservative "humor" almost always rests on some big chunk of mean spiritedness. The oft-cited "American Carol" is predicated on a liberal getting his ass kicked. The two "comedians" that Klavan names both practice comedy stylings that are essentially schoolyard taunts. And great entertainer Rush Limbaugh does basically nothing but "Feminazis are ugly hairy bitches" types of schticks.

    Personally, I'd rather listen to the guy going on about his cat.

  161. There's an old nostrum about how people tend to retain something they associate with their first big success. In Man Coulter's case, it's that one black dress. I don't think I've ever seen her in public wearing anything else.

  162. And, unlike the monopolists of old, we don't jack up the price for fun-loving, free-wheeling irreverence. We keep it within the reach of everyone and make up for the lost profits through volume.

  163. Frank DiMarcotte6:39 AM

    At least they didn’t beat his a$$.
    White protesters argue with a black dude about racist oppression at a Michael Brown rally.

    The black protester told the mob to quit screaming, “F*ck the police!”
    The mob let him have it.

    You just gotta love drunk white suburbanite kids lecturing a black man on racism in America.

    This was EPIC!
    Via Laughing at Liberals.
    (Warning on Language)

    From the video: “If you want to flip over a cop car, then flip over a cop car!” says a drunken Jessie Sponberg, who, along with Sean Kealiher, tries to tell a black protester how to protest the Michael Brown shooting. The black dude is urging everyone to stay peaceful while the suburbanite white kids are the ones wanting to get violent.

  164. "A western rancher is waiting by his mailbox for his USDA subsidy check to arrive. He turns to his grandson sitting beside him in the pick-up truck and says, 'Later today, we'll take about 200 head on over to BLM tract 1346A.'
    'Grandpa,' says the boy, 'That's going to take at least two hours.'
    'That's what we're about, son--hard work, self reliance, and independence. Not like those welfare moochers with their two jobs and their and Obama phones.'"

  165. Add " bed" to those to make them funnier.

    Or, am I thinking of fortune cookies?

  166. "pretending to monopolize" comedy reveals not only the ignorance of how comedy works in society, but how the conservatiod mind sees economics.

    Apparently, "monopoly" is equivalent to "being very good at something," so translation is "libruhls are pretending to be good at comedy."

    They don't understand the detrimental impact of unrestrained corporatization of Everything. To these brain-dead minions of the Overlords, it's a good thing to have a (real) monopoly--it means everyone loves you and you get to be king.

  167. Dr. Hunky Jimpjorps7:23 AM

    "Computer code girls"? You mean, like, programmers?

  168. Asshole commentator misspells Godwin.

  169. susanoftexas8:02 AM

    I saw a clip of that somewhere. It was like Albert Brooks in Broadcast News without the charm--Rush looked terrified. He wasn't clever enough to interact with the hostile audience members and tv didn't suit his purpose, long hate rants to give his audience a chance to feel good about their own hate..

  170. Frank DiMarcotte8:40 AM


    Seriously, Chutney, GAFL.

  171. I think this is one of those "dumb jokes" that Klaven Minor was nattering on about.

  172. Romney has binders full of female computer programmers, at least. 😃

  173. Frank DiMarcotte9:38 AM

    Thoughtful response, aimai. You're as smart as any guy here.

    Don't let anyone tell you any different.

  174. Frank DiMarcotte9:42 AM

    Liberals think happy face emoticons are cutting-edge comedy.

  175. Helmut Monotreme9:45 AM

    It was on a beach and they were scraping off barnacles and seaweed. And heading towards an orphanage.

  176. I like him. The way he has occasionally blurted out things he probably shouldn't have said just makes him appear more honest and trustworthy to me.

    People who are liars and manipulators learn not to say whatever's on the tops of their heads like that. That's a bad habit if you're trying to put things over on people.

  177. It makes sense if you're willing to start with the assumption that the Left control the mainstream media.

    If you take that as a given, it's easy to imagine that The Daily Show only has a few actual viewers, but the evil Leftists behind the scenes are constantly jimmying the numbers to make it seem more popular.

    That sort of thing.

  178. Yep.

    And with free-wheeling irrelevance comes no responsibility.

  179. Who in the world is Greg Gutfeld?

  180. Halloween_Jack9:56 AM

    If this is asked in sincerity, let me reply by being equally sincere: look, you don't need to gaze into every abyss.

  181. I'll take that advice.

  182. Halloween_Jack9:59 AM

    That's the perfect tagline for Peter Bagge's Spider-Man.

  183. Halloween_Jack10:04 AM

    Hell, try Chicago. The article speculates that it may have been kept as a pet before being released within city limits (!), but I don't think that it's out of the realm of possibility that it followed some of those old rail lines in; according to this report, researchers couldn't find an area of Chicago in which there weren't coyotes.

  184. Halloween_Jack10:05 AM

    Oh, Henry.

  185. BigHank5310:07 AM

    Regardless of his funniness, I would like you imagine, just for a second, exactly how small the audience for Seth Rogan's pixelated butthole really is. I sure am glad we invested all this time and money constructing TCP/IP, fiber-optic transceivers, wireless broadband, and so on, so that the people* who really, really care about Seth Rogan's butthole can get a tweet about it.

    *I do not want to know about the 4,895 people who faved that tweet. DO NOT WANT.

  186. Halloween_Jack10:09 AM

    AAC "star" Kevin Farley, brother of the late Chris Farley, is now apparently billing himself as Kevin P. Farley, possibly hoping to fool people into thinking that the guy in the movie is a different person entirely.

  187. gocart mozart10:17 AM

    The conservative point man on humor.

  188. gocart mozart10:20 AM

    Needs more "What's the deal with those feminazi bitches, amirite?"

  189. From what I hear, it mostly pleased crowds of one.

  190. Yeah, how's he going to get a refill now?

  191. Maybe that's the idea of that long "This train is full of moochers and this is why they deserve to die" scene in Atlas Shrugged - Rand thought she was writing comedy!

  192. "Everything I like is either illegal, illegal, or illegal! Because of liberals and their onerous government restrictions and nanny-state mentality! Ha!"

  193. Only if you eat all your vegetables and take the trash out.
