Wednesday, September 17, 2014


So David Solway of PJ Media went to the swimming hole the other day and these guys tried to peep between the towels he was holding up as his wife changed out of her bathing suit, "mesmerized by the partially hidden lure of a woman in semi-undress."

This is not just gross behavior, Solway will have you know, because these people are not like, say, Florida assistant state attorney William Richard Ezzell, recently accused of trying to film a woman in her underwear at a tanning salon, or any of the other white peeping-toms and molesters you'll read about in the news; no, these were Muslims, and "dark-clad" Muslims at that. What's more, they were also seen "conspicuously observing the traditions of their native culture" -- that is, praying. And some people had to drive around them as they bowed toward Mecca.

Solway's inevitable conclusion: We Westerners are all mesmerized by the "sedatives and platitudes of multiculturalism" into ignoring our creeping dhimmitude:
Such behavior is patently different from the Muslim-inspired havoc and thuggery erupting in Canadian cities like Calgary, Toronto and Montreal, or in the municipal war zones of many European cities with sizeable Muslim populations. But it was nevertheless a visible presumption of specialness and of indifference to the conventions of ordinary civility.
And "the spirit of natural entitlement that goes hand in hand with Islam," and they're all "enjoined to conquer, enslave, tax and slay the kafir, or infidel," etc. etc. -- all the standard anti-Muslim yak, weaponized for the Age of ISIS.

I'll grant him this: Religion does make men fucked up about women -- remember when the Israeli Hasidim used to attack women who had the affrontery to pray at the wailing wall? I think the American answer is to give religious maniacs pluralism good and hard -- which is why we're making Jesus freaks bake all the gay wedding cakes. Enjoy your re-education, assholes!

UPDATE. In comments, FlipYrWhig: "If this habit of attempting to look surreptitiously at women undressing happens to take root among Westerners, it's going to make for a very naughty 30,000 years of unrecorded and recorded history."

mortimer2000 directs us to Solway's personal page, where "The Bard," as he refers to himself, discourses on several topics, including country music:
Country music loves America and cares about those Americans in ‘fly-over country’ whom sophisticated New Yorkers and CBC listeners love to hate: the farmers, ranchers, truck drivers, waitresses and cowboys who still work the land, go to church, and fight the wars that keep other Americans safe (at least for now).
As a sophisticated former New Yorker who loves his Country I take exception, particularly to being thus lectured by a guy who was first brought to the music by Brooks & Fucking Dunn.


  1. To hell with Mecca, I'm going to pray facing Mrs Solway's ass.

  2. But it was nevertheless a visible presumption of specialness and of indifference to the conventions of ordinary civility.

    Yeah. CIVILIZED, EXCEPTIONAL countries bomb families from far up in the skies. And label them "militants" to keep the crowd back in the home country content.

  3. Megalon12:07 PM

    Jesus, PUT DOWN THE THESAURUS, SOLWAY! You've had more than enough.

  4. Life's
    like that, isn't it.
    Only the other day, I was walking in the West
    End, when suddenly I was set upon by hordes of fans and admirers who wanted
    to... touch my toes. So I took sanctuary in a nearby cinema - normally, of
    course, I don't go in - but that day I saw something that really moved me. I'd
    like to share this wonderful experience with you... It's called "The Sound
    Of Music".

  5. Jay B.12:22 PM

    The muslim-inspired havoc in Toronto? Did the Fords convert or something?

  6. Ah, the conventions of civility, like harassing women who enter health clinics; insisting on strolling through Kohl's with assault rifles and making people guess as to your motives; forming angry mobs to surround buses filled with undocumented immigrant children; and insisting on Christian-only prayers at events where multiple faiths and cultures are represented. If only American Muslims could learn these civil ways instead of all their conspicuous prayer and sidelong glancing at women undressing in public.

  7. TGuerrant12:28 PM

    Is this a Canadian custom? Putting on your suit AFTER arriving at the beach? No wonder Muslims are perplexed.

  8. Jay B.12:29 PM

    And he's also never obviously been to any of the cities in Europe with "sizable" Muslim populations. There are some dodgy parts of town, of course, and there may be muslims there, but mainly because of grinding poverty and a lack of opportunity. However, they aren't "municipal war zones" any more than, say, Fresno or any party in Wasilla where a Palin may roam.

  9. Both Solway and some of his commenters are convinced that Muslims are praying just to annoy / intimidate them. That's kind of amazing. You know, after the thorough collapse of neoconservatism in the wake of Bush II, I figured that the whole "Aiee! Muslims! Kill them!" thing would go away for a little while. Never underestimate the determination of some people to soil their shorts.

  10. Excuse me, a Muslim man praying is a much greater threat than a guy with an AR-15. Yeah, the guy with the gun can kill you, but the Muslims will encourage local fast food places to offer halal alternatives.

  11. FlipYrWhig12:32 PM

    If this habit of attempting to look surreptitiously at women undressing happens to take root among Westerners, it's going to make for a very naughty 30,000 years of unrecorded and recorded history.

  12. carolannie12:33 PM

    I don't get it. A swimming hole used by hordes of white male folks and their female appendages doesn't have a changing room of any sort? And these bozos are dressing in the parking lot? What is wrong with putting on a wrap and going home to change like normal human beings do? Are the elite of which Solway is a part brain dead zombies? But of course!

  13. remember when the Israeli Hasidim used to attack women who had the affrontery to pray at the wailing wall?Hell, I'm so old I can remember when American Hasidim used to attack women who had the effrontery to use the goddamned public bus system. Or bicycle on public streets through the Hasidic theocratic shitholes of Brooklyn. Because these things have happened within the last decade, and I haven't managed to huff quite enough paint thinner in the meantime.

    Also, shouldn't Solway be grateful that the sinister Sharia adherents were ogling his wife, rather than angrily assaulting her because of her God-defying slatternly ways? It means decadent Western culture is working. Next thing you know, they'll be wolf-whistling and groping like the privileged American males whom the likes of Solway are constantly defending.

  14. StringOnAStick12:35 PM

    "Municipal war zones" sounds so much better than "grinding poverty of all races and creeds caused by out of control capitalism/cronyism/oligarchy", but who's counting?

  15. carolannie12:35 PM

    I happen to think Fresno IS a municipal war zone

  16. Evidently not:

    Since there are no facilities at the beach, swimmers often change out of their bathing suits into street clothes beside their cars, shielded by towels held by friends and intimates or strung between the open doors of their vehicles, an operation conducted in an atmosphere of courtesy defined by a mutual and studied disregard.

    Although I'm less concerned with the shortcomings of the "swimming hole" than I am with Solway's ongoing torture of the English language. Seriously, you don't lose points if you write a sentence under 30 words.

  17. carolannie12:37 PM

    I understood that, I was just....amazed

  18. A friend of mine had Hasidim throw rocks at her car because she drove through Monsey on a Saturday.

  19. carolannie12:38 PM

    I mean, it's just like them nude beaches in France or something

  20. tigrismus12:38 PM

    And he's a poet! Epic, no doubt.

  21. FlipYrWhig12:39 PM

    Uh, if there really was a rule of "mutual and studied disregard" they wouldn't be hiding behind towels because no one would be peeking.

  22. carolannie12:39 PM


  23. Also, shouldn't Solway be grateful that the sinister Sharia adherents wereogling his wife, rather than angrily assaulting her because of her God-defying slatternly ways?

    Don't be so sure about that. Back in the heady days of 9/11-based existential dread, there was a rumor among this crowd that Muslim men were allowed to violate their moral code right before they martyred themselves. A lot of people believed that if they saw Muslims (read: dusky men, not Mexican) drinking alcohol or looking at pornography, it meant they were about to blow something up.

    You hear about this sort of xenophobia from ages past, and it seems like we should be past that nonsense by now.

  24. coozledad12:41 PM

    But it was nevertheless a visible presumption of specialness and of indifference to the conventions of ordinary civility.

    Like Track Palin expressing his desire to bang someone's wife on his neighbor's lawn?

    Last time I checked, Christians had a morbid love for their dicks, too. And lately they've been celebrating it publicly (see Sanford, Mark).

  25. It's the Muslim equivalent of, "I'll pray for you." Namely, "I'll pray for me."

    I'll take passive-aggression over active-aggression any day.

  26. Susan of Texas12:45 PM

    I thought some woman at The Corner said wolf whistles and ogling were complements and we should tolerate them? Why isn't Mr. Solway merely happy that Mrs. Solway is still ogle-able?

  27. tigrismus12:46 PM

    "Why the hell is that guy holding a towel up to his car?" is the pinch in Islam's millennial agenda classic pincer.

  28. looking at pornography, it meant they were about to blow something up.IYKWIMAITYD.
    there was a rumor among this crowd that Muslim men were allowed to violate their moral code right before they martyred themselves.Similarly, a lot of people believe that if they see fundamentalist Christians drinking alcohol, looking at pornography, or even cavorting with their Brazilian mistresses, it means it's a day of the week ending in "y."

  29. Susan of Texas12:48 PM

    They're just putting the fun in fundamentalist.

  30. Derelict12:50 PM

    Now why would you worship a wooden idle?

  31. mortimer200012:53 PM

    Okay, I was going to prattle about this guy's abysmal writing, self-love, bigotry, you know, the usual, and wow, his website shows that he's a real character. But I'll spare y'all that. However I'm not a very nice person, so here's this, instead. Beware all ye who click upon it.

  32. Mrs Solway's ass.Psst! His name's David.

  33. Wasn't it just a week ago when these guys were defending street harassment?

    There is no god but God, and "Sugartits" is his catcall.

  34. Derelict12:59 PM

    And I'm sure those Hasidim were throwing those rock from inside their erev, which is usually denoted by stringing fishing line along the telephone poles. The erev makes an entire block or neighborhood a single "structure" for the orthodox to wander around in. Being "inside" means they are free to carry house keys, food, groceries, and do all sorts of things that are otherwise prohibited once one steps outside the house.

    Apparently, being so devoutly religious that you would not carry a set of keys out your front door also means think your God is such a fool that he'll be convinced by fishing line strung along the 'phone poles that you're still indoors.

  35. Derelict1:00 PM

    Or, in modern terms, the internet.

  36. kiptw1:05 PM

    "Till you find your… ooh."

  37. Derelict1:06 PM

    Something there is about conservative writers that makes them find offence where none is intended; to find outrage where most find banality; and to find muslims about to pounce where most just see other people going about their business.

    Ah! To be so like the conservative illiterate and quake at every mustachio'ed swarthy face, and quail at every unexpected bump in the night! Please, please, brave souls: Lead to the new Randian paradise!

  38. that's nothing; once i went out to eat at one of chicago's finest restaurants, and saw two dark-clad catholics try and

  39. Wasn't it just three days ago that Jonah was fretting about where the "Muslim moderates" were?

    Oh, yeah, that's right, no moderates because blah blah dhimmitude.

    And I somehow wonder if the griping about "havoc and thuggery" is not so much about being committed by Muslims as the rudeness of Those People being rude enough to clutter up sidewalks with blood and skull fragments when Noble Young Protectors Of National Purity are forced to curb-stomp them.

  40. Sort of like the Sabbath elevator. If you push a button to go to your floor, it constitutes work and you're violating the covenant; if the elevator just goes to every floor automatically, then you're okay.

    On the other hand, I can think of a few very recent times when goyim in this country got really upset at Jewish customs. A few years back, a group of Orthodox Jews moved into a small community and wanted to nail markers to telephone poles denoting an erev leading from their synagogue to the area in which they all lived. The locals lost their shit, and were just about ready to run the newcomers out of town - all over something they probably wouldn't have noticed were it not pointed out to them. You know, we used to have interfaith councils to address and prevent this kind of thing, but the Religious Right destroyed them all in the 80's. These days, it's every asshole for himself.

  41. Did the Fords convert or something?Honestly, at this point it wouldn't surprise me.

  42. it seems like we should be past that nonsense by now

    Everything old is new again, thanks to the 19th Century mindset of FAUX and the GOP.

  43. Well, at least they got into trouble with a local Christian group.

  44. On the other hand, I can think of a few very recent times when goyim in this country got really upset at Jewish customs.Like voting Democratic?

  45. Derelict1:19 PM

    You know, we used to have interfaith councils to address and prevent this kind of thing, but the Religious Right destroyed them all in the 80's. These days, it's every asshole for himself.

    Indeed. And these are the same Religious Right assholes who screech the loudest about how everyone is just too intolerant because we won't allow them to force their religion (and bigotry) on the rest of us.

  46. But it was nevertheless a visible presumption of specialness

    OH GOD FORBID someone from an "off-brand" religion presume.

    That's for Judeo-Christianity(tm).

    Judeo-Christianity(tm) - Ask for it by name!

  47. mgmonklewis1:32 PM

    In his writing he's kind of a long fellow.

  48. I'm pretty sure that he bought his crack from Somali gangs, so maybe that's what Solway is thinking of.

  49. tigrismus1:44 PM

    Wait, so you can't drive but you can pick up a rock and heave it at someone?

  50. PersonaAuGratin1:47 PM

    Even grizzlies want to get outta there!

  51. efurey1:50 PM

    Yeah, because there are no waitresses and truck drivers in New York. It's a little known fact that New Yorker Teddy Roosevelt and Bostonian John Kennedy were the only American presidents of the 20th Century who actually worked as cowboys.

  52. Bizarro Mike1:53 PM

    Only the dead adult males are labeled militants! We're not animals.

  53. Evidently the "new Randian paradise"... well, I'll just leave this here.

  54. The fine concept pioneered in Vietnam: anyone we killed was obviously NVA, because we only killed NVA.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

  55. Derelict1:57 PM

    Country music loves America and cares about those Americans in ‘fly-over country’ whom sophisticated New Yorkers and CBC listeners love to hate: the farmers, ranchers, truck drivers, waitresses and cowboys who still work the land, go to church, and fight the wars that keep other Americans safe.

    Yes, sophisticated New Yorkers and those who tune into the Canadian Broadcasting Company (WTF?!?!?!) simply despise those salt-of-the-earth people in flyover country. Conservatives love those folks, though. That's why they pitch gold-bug ads, and SARAH-PAC ads, and televangelist gimme-money ads, and rightwing fundraising pitches of all sorts at the common clay. And all while doing everything possible to make sure those people suffer under horrible policies, while convincing them to clamor for yet more tax cuts for the Kochs.

  56. tigrismus2:05 PM

    Dad, is that you?

  57. Okay, I'll grudgingly grant you the point about the waitresses and truck drivers. But I defy you to find anyone farming or raising cattle in a liberal enclave like, say, Taxachusetts.

  58. bourbaki2:06 PM

    I guess in his reality the Red Green Show was some sort of backwoods minstrel act.

  59. You know, that'd be a good way of driving these open-carry nuts away from your store/restaurant.

    "Wait - Islam food? Aieee, Mooslim cooties! Retreat! Retreat!"

  60. tigrismus2:08 PM

    Or uber liberal Vermont.

  61. It also presupposes that there are no farms in New York- I imagine the typical New Yorker has more exposure, through green markets and co-ops, with actual farmers than the average exurban denizen.

  62. Derelict2:09 PM

    I always found it interesting that the people who were most moved, outraged, and seeking vengeance over the 9-11 attacks were the ones most removed from the possibility of ever suffering such an attack, or even knowing someone who might.

    But, in the bright side, at least it gives the police department in Moleturd, Louisiana the right to get armored vehicles, anti-tank weapons, and grenade launchers so that they can protect the annual Quilting Bee from the muslim hordes.

  63. Gosh, all those dairy farms I grew up next to in Upstate NY must have been my imagination!

  64. (see Sanford, Mark)

    Let's not.

    I'm already apologizing for South Carolina enough with Huckleberry Graham doing his "Gates of Hell" tour.

  65. Yeah, that's happened in Jerusalem on Shabbos, too, so I guess enforcing the death penalty from Exodus 31:14 doesn't have to wait until sunset.

  66. Hey, now, I'll have you know that David is personally acquainted with Archer, Daniels, and Midland.

  67. "The Bard," as he refers to himself

    Someone who does that should not be whining about "presumption of specialness".

  68. Susan of Texas2:41 PM

    There's got to be a country and western song that covers this. Like, "Don't Be Ogling My Wife's Ass With Allah On Your Mind."

  69. OK, I live in Calgary. The "havoc and thuggery" thing he mentions was a July rally at the U of Calgary protesting Israel's bombing of Gaza. More anti-butchery than pro-Islam; students not jihadis. Pro-Israeli troublemakers waded in and started a dust-up, leading to one of them being hauled to the ground by the Israeli flag he was wearing as a cape. Fists were swung, insults issued, scrapes and bruises--pretty minor stuff. Subsequently, a Muslim group apologized and the right-wing (borderline wingnut) National Post called the protesters anti-semites.

    Thinking maybe I'm not following local news closely enough, I Googled for other examples of a Muslim terror campaign. All I found was a recent incident involving a local imam. While walking through a parking lot, he was nudged by a woman's car and called a terrorist.

    Calgary's absorbed a lot of immigrants in the last two decades without fuss, except for the usual percentage of grousers and haters. The two local papers are quite conservative and cling to an old-fashioned white-dominant mentality, so anything negative involving ethnic groups tends to be exaggerated (a decade ago we were all going to be killed in the streets by warring Vietnamese gangs). Among normal people, the "conventions of ordinary civility" are not under threat here.

  70. Susan of Texas2:48 PM

    Does that mean they can run to the grocery store in their bathrobes? Because that would be cool.

  71. Solway is Canadian, which I suppose explains how the CBC got in there. But yes, we all know that real conservatives hate those liberal enclaves like New York, D.C. and Los Angeles and love those good heartland values of the Midwest. That's why they all live here, right? I mean, it's not like every bit-player conservative commentator races to the coasts as soon as opportunity strikes, right?

  72. Well, Yahweh couldn't locate the ONLY TWO HUMANS IN THE FUCKING WORLD back there at the beginning, so maybe it does work after all.

  73. DN Nation2:54 PM


  74. While walking through a parking lot, he was nudged by a woman's car and called a terrorist.


  75. Pro-Israeli troublemakers waded in and started a dust-upAh, so Solway's complaint makes sense once you realize he misspelled "Likudnik."

  76. Nudged by a non-Muslim woman's "bumper"? We've come full circle.

  77. Socialist Cubone3:01 PM

    Kevin needs it for his next column!

  78. lectured by a guy who was first brought to the music by Brooks & Fucking Dunn

    ">Possibly relevant.

  79. tigrismus3:15 PM

    Hepped up on goofballs.

  80. It doesn't occur to him that for some Muslims, the sight of a man holding up a towel while his wife undresses behind it in a public place raises a host of uncomfortable questions: what to think of a man who doesn't seem to notice that the towel does not provide sufficient cover for his wife, who doesn't mind that it doesn't provide sufficient cover, a man doesn't mind that his wife is naked on a public beach, and who is unconcerned that she doesn't mind either. How is it possible to think that the demands of modesty can be satisfied with the risible pretence of that towel?
    It's simply not something they are used to and it is so completely contrary to the norms of their own societies that it would take more than ordinary presence of mind to tear one's eyes from the spectacle of a man who appears to them to be completely devoid of dignity. They may have projected their own social anxieties onto Solway, but in suspecting that they have designs on his wife, he's paying them back in pretty much the same coin.

  81. smut clyde3:26 PM

    "If this habit of attempting to look surreptitiously at women undressing
    happens to take root among Westerners, it's going to make for a very
    naughty 30,000 years of unrecorded and recorded history."

    Without the "David & Bathsheba" and "Susannah and the Elders" themes, European art history would have lost its two main excuses to paint Biblical nudes.

  82. smut clyde3:28 PM

    ...and the fundament.

  83. smut clyde3:29 PM

    That''s piety, not work.

  84. According to our own special brand of wingnuts here in Canuckistan, the CBC is run by pinko apparatchiks pushing a gay socialist agenda for snooty urban elitists and uses up 90% of the federal budget. Strangely, one of its most popular shows is a rural soap called, wait for it, Heartland.

    Would it surprise you to learn that PM Stephen Harper is doing his best to starve the CBC out of existence?

  85. As long as you aren't "making a spark"; you can turn the car over, for example but not set it on fire.

  86. smut clyde3:41 PM

    He said "Jehovah"!

  87. Or maybe it was a Red Kryptonite flashback.

  88. "Scary brown dudes tryin' too look at mah woman!! (Or at least being in the same vicinity, which is the same damn thing!)"

    Gosh that's original, well done. So now you can go back to pining for the good old days when gangs of cowardly shitbirds held picnics under the bodies of lynching victims, you tedious racist fuck.

  89. smut clyde4:09 PM

    Judeo-Christianity(tm) isn't presuming any 'specialness' so much as presuming "normality". Solway's issue with minority religions boils down to the fact that they are minorities.

  90. PROTIP: Puttin' the fun in the fundament remains illegal in several states.

  91. Derelict4:54 PM

    Well, there you go trying to explain that some other culture may have a standard of modesty that's higher than the culture of Solway's people. He don't care! You're being offensive by pointing out how offensive he's being!

  92. TGuerrant5:08 PM

    The Highline alone puts out three harvests a year.

  93. Bitter Scribe5:57 PM

    To paraphrase the prophet Ezekiel (33: 2-6), those who hear the sound of the warning trumpet and do not take the warning, their blood shall be upon them.

    That quote, in non-mangled form, was used by the priest at Joe McCarthy's funeral. Seems appropriate here.

  94. Mr. Wonderful6:39 PM

    Well it’s Salaam this, Aleichem that
    What’s wrong with “Nice to see ya”?
    You got your choice of Stetson hat
    So what’s with the kaffiyeh?
    If ‘Merican’s how you would pass
    Then if you’d be so kind,
    Please don’t be ogling my wife’s ass
    With Allah on yer mind.

    You’re savin’ up to make a hajj

    And walk around the Kaaba
    Try bankin’ dough to buy a Dodge
    Or stock in Alibaba
    My better half’s got lots of class
    You stare til you go blind
    But don’t be ogling my wife’s ass
    With Allah on yer mind.

    It’s Jesus Christ, so get it right
    When lookin’ for salvation.
    He didn’t need no flight at night
    Or equine aviation.
    So have a steak and drink a glass
    Of brew til you unwind
    But don’t be oglin’ my wife’s ass
    With Allah on yer mind.

  95. satch6:45 PM

    Yee HAW!! Multi-likes!!!

  96. satch6:56 PM

    Come out to western Mass, young man. We're so American we still grow tobacco!

  97. satch7:01 PM

    "Among normal people, the "conventions of ordinary civility" are not under threat here."

    Hah-rumph... and you call yerselves the "Texas of Canada"!

  98. satch7:05 PM

    Yeah... KLo whacks Kevin in the head repeatedly with that thesaurus until a blog post trickles out of his ear.

  99. satch7:09 PM

    "mutual and studied disregard", eh. Sure... as in "I am SO not looking at you..."

  100. ohsopolite7:13 PM

    I love that we have to "click to see more" of this pic...

  101. Gromet7:17 PM

    Are you kidding?? Kenya is FAMOUS for its coffee farms! (ba-dump-bump, ha cha cha!)

  102. *snif*

    's beautiful, man

  103. I'm somehow guessing his poetry doesn't rise to the masterful level of an artist like, oh, a William McGonagle.

  104. Derelict8:10 PM

    I want to crack a Bud with this comment, and then have it hold my beer while I stunt drive.

  105. smut clyde8:57 PM

    I am coveting this comment.

  106. Those who hear the sound of the warning trumpet and do not take the warning, will be run over in the crosswalk.

  107. AGoodQuestion10:38 PM

    Dave, baby, we love - and I mean LOVE - your treatment for Birth of a Nation 2: Clash of a Civilization. It's got all the bodice ripping and property owning white male discomfort of the original. But Davy, you've gotta understand, the market's changed. Griffith has left the building, and he ain't coming back. Plus, 1915 production values just won't cut it for today's audiences, especially overseas. So we can put this on the tentative schedule for, say, ReelzChannel, but I can't promise you anything.

  108. AGoodQuestion10:44 PM

    At first I thought you said "Mooslim cookies", which is another nightmare of theirs. Nabisco sells Oreos pre-shaped into crescents.

  109. AGoodQuestion10:48 PM

    Holy fuck, I was just about to post the same quote and comment as mds. Now I just look stupid. ("Now"?)

  110. AGoodQuestion10:59 PM

    I could see Rob F converting for the same reason Glenn Beck became a Mormon, with the same result of addictions being hilariously displaced.

  111. AGoodQuestion11:02 PM

    You mentioned common clay, so I couldn't resist.

  112. AGoodQuestion11:06 PM

    Hey, if Graham wants to tour Hell, I say let him.

  113. AGoodQuestion11:12 PM

    I knew Solway must be full of shit, but now I know which flavor.

  114. AGoodQuestion11:16 PM

    Him and Kathy Shaidle. I'm a little worried about who's minding the poetry store in the Great White North.

  115. davdoodles11:57 PM

    "My wife had to enter the car and slide low into the front seat while I glared indignantly at the intruders. Then, as I was about to confront them — the odds were not in my favor, but so be it — they moved aside and, after a few moments, spread carpets on the grass margin a few yards away and ritually prostrated themselves in prayer — close enough that I had to be careful when backing the car out."
    I'm sure his wife was so impressed by this non-act of potentially-chivalrous near-machismo she let him do it with the lights on.
    While she was in the next room, of course. Thinking about that evening's potroast dinner. And swarthy beach dudes.

  116. Susan of Texas7:29 AM

    I want to see this comment performed live so I can throw my unmentionables on the stage at it.

  117. I think Solway will find there's a place in France where the naked ladies dance, and a hole in the wall so the men can see it all.

  118. I think Solway will find there's a place in France where the naked ladies dance with a hole in the wall, so the men can see it all.

  119. TGuerrant9:11 AM

    There's a whole Billy Bob Thornton film that little piece a wonderful, Mr. Wonderful.

  120. TGuerrant9:12 AM

    GMTA. Be proud.

  121. TGuerrant9:16 AM

    Especially in Utah.

  122. glennisw9:21 AM

    Country music loves America and cashes in on those Americans in "fly over country"....:the farmers, ranchers, truck drivers, waitresses and cowboys who still work the land, go to church and fight the wars.....

  123. Halloween_Jack9:42 AM

    He may be hesitant to endorse anything that's sung to the tune of "Streets of Cairo."

  124. Halloween_Jack9:46 AM

    That album cover... has to be a joke, right?

  125. There's a place not in France
    Where the wingnuts have no pants
    And because it makes you sick
    You can hit 'em with a stick

  126. So the Dude was Jewish?

  127. Sung to a tune once published under the title "The Streets of Cairo." Coincidence ... or Muslim conspiracy?

  128. From Solway’s website:
    “I was immediately hooked. What I came to like in Brooks & Dunn, and in other country singers I have come to admire—Alan Jackson, Jimmy Buffet, and Tim McGraw—are the following:”
    Jimmy Buffet? I’m not sure I understand how “The Weather is Here I Wish You
    Were Beautiful”, “Cheeseburger in Paradise” or “Margaritaville” can be termed “…sharp, pungent, profound, and –perhaps most surprising to me—witty and tongue-in-cheek.” or “…about what is perennially meaningful—emotional crises, the redemption of love, the value of hard work and faith…”
    But then again I’ve never called myself “The Bard” so I guess I lack the intellectual depth to ken such from those beautifully written lyrics.

  129. "I told that crowd a fucking thousand times I don't stone on Shabbos!"

  130. Be careful, S of T, there might be ogling Muslims.

  131. Yes, but the halal alternatives contain sodium benzoate...but they DO come with a free frogurt!

  132. Yeah? Well, the cigar wrappers grown further down the Connecticut River here in real America are far superior ... because they taste like liberty.

  133. susanoftexas10:55 AM

    That's okay. I always carry a towel when I travel.

  134. redoubtagain12:15 PM

    I'm already apologizing for South Carolina enough with Huckleberry Graham doing his "Gates of Hell" tour.

    What, North Charleston not hellish enough for him?

  135. Mr. Wonderful12:39 PM

    Because I hate myself, I got out of the boat and read some of Solway's piece. Wow, what rich, beautiful prose. On PJ Media, too. Talk about fake pearls before actual swine. Meanwhile, I wonder if Solway would have been so exercised if the gawkers had been a few white teenage boys.

    Also, to add to Kia's excellent points, it's also possible that the men staring were amazed at a husband's willingness to have his wife be (if not literally appear) naked in public--or, "worse," at the sight of a husband SEEING his wife naked, in public.

  136. redoubtagain12:44 PM

    havoc and thuggery
    So, an Eskimos--Stampeders game?

  137. I wonder if Solway would have been so exercised if the gawkers had been a few white teenage boys

    White teeners didn't fly planes into the WTC blah blah argle bargle.

  138. If he's so country, how come he's playing a high-falutin' CLASSICAL guitar?

    A good ol' honest steel string ain't good enough for him?

  139. hoodie12:54 PM

    "As a sophisticated former New Yorker who loves his Country I take exception, particularly to being thus lectured by a guy who was first brought to the music by Brooks & Fucking Dunn."

    My sister went to fucking prep school with Kix Brooks. Not exactly Merle or Waylon.

  140. Helmut Monotreme12:57 PM

    The Bard huh? how is he going to keep people from confusing him with the other The Bard? I mean, he and Shakespeare are practically twins already.

  141. And hey, if those beach-goers couldn't feign the proper look of studied disregard, they could always wear dark sunglasses...

  142. Sounds more like a Republican law firm.

    "Havoc & Thuggery - when you've been injured by a liberal"

  143. If they really want to avoid those kind of nightmares, I guess they have to eat each Oreo with a single bite.

    Anything less than that, and you're lookin' at one of them evil crescent shapes.

  144. I blame you for what I just heard. Someday, some way I will get even.....

  145. Tbone5:57 PM

    Don't ever get out of the boat. Except to point and laugh. .

  146. I always carry a towel when I travel.DON'T PANIC

  147. AGoodQuestion11:01 PM

    Well, the opening from "My City Was Gone" is pretty much Rush's theme music, and you can't really generalize about Chrissie Hynde and the Pretenders based on that.

  148. Fucker still isn't paying royalties for any of it, far as I know.

  149. Tehanu10:04 PM

    "... close enough that I had to be careful when backing the car out."

    So he normally backs the car out without being careful. Why am I not surprised?

  150. PorlockJunior1:38 AM

    But what if youir action causes and electric spark?
    Is electricity fire?
    See Feynman, R.: "Is Electricity Fire?" in What do You Care What Other People Think?
