Wednesday, July 02, 2014


Oh, Jeez:

Those figurines [on the picture frame]? They’re all bowing down to her... 
So does Jarrett really consider herself someone to be worshiped?
Wait'll they find out Obama has a mug that says "World's Greatest Dad."


  1. susanoftexas10:21 AM

    I hear the White House folds the end of toilet paper to a point. To a point. Obviously they are supporting the gay agenda.

  2. dstatton10:26 AM

    Credit the Blaze for reporting that it was a gag gift and nothing more, but the comments! Oh, the comments!. The bowing figures are white!

  3. LittlePig10:34 AM


    Good grief. If these people keep age regressing like this there's going to be a huge run on adult Pampers.

  4. edroso10:35 AM

    That how these things work, though: It could be a gag gift, but -- questions remain!

    I don't give them credit for shit.

  5. GeniusLemur10:36 AM

    All the figures aren't even worshiping her. The left and right figures are quite clearly pointed toward the spot above her left shoulder. But I'm sure they'd find some sinister significance to that, too.
    I know! The left side is where her shoulder devil would be! They're worshiping her shoulder devil!

  6. carolannie10:37 AM

    Oh boy, the hotel I go to does too.

  7. dstatton10:38 AM

    I knew crediting the Blaze for anything was mistake as I typed. They were riling up the brethren, of course.

  8. susanoftexas10:39 AM

    Rainbows support the gay agenda as well.

  9. And on her right shoulder, WHERE THE ANGEL SHOULD BE???


  10. I liked the one "Don’t forget her family is from Iran!". All I could think of was this:

    Followed by the sounds of squad cars.

  11. TGuerrant10:55 AM

    The bow tie makes it extra especially righty tighty, too.

  12. ...and as you can plainly see from the footage, Biden's beer cozy states, "Damn I'm Good."

    Good? Good for what?

    Being the largest depositor in the Import-Export Bank?

    Taking away our lawn mowers and pesticides with Agenda 21?

    Or, is it covering up the murder of four patriotic Americans in a place called "Benghazi"?

  13. TGuerrant11:04 AM

    Imma gonna get our Miss Valerie a wall clock for her office so that the next time the Blaze has a look they see it's safe for America's idiots to get rich just like God said they should.

  14. Dr. Hunky Jimpjorps11:05 AM

    The nation's plutocrats build literal palaces to themselves, yet we're supposed to get mad that someone has a toy in their office. Great. Thanks, The Blaze.

  15. Derelict11:07 AM

    I would say "Are you fucking kidding me?" But I knew these people are not capable of shame, and are easily led by their own delusions.

  16. TGuerrant11:09 AM

    But is the Bible in the nightstand an Iranian fake with Satanic Verses in it???? Huh? DId you read the whole thing to check? Huh?

  17. GeniusLemur11:11 AM

    Yes, the comments are astounding. The importance they're attaching to this, the sheer fury they work themselves into, the deep significance they attach to the lack of female figures...

  18. TGuerrant11:13 AM

    They desperately crave validation of their desperate paranoia. If nobody important is conspiring against them, they are the cause of their own problems.

  19. I love the addtional skree induced by this little known but much cherished factoid--that Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran (of American parents) and so she must simultaneously be a crypto muslimo fascist and also some kind of souped up feminist who, rejecting the horrors of muslim male domination, gets an extra frisson from forcing white american males to bow down to her. Its a tour d'idiocy.

  20. XeckyGilchrist11:20 AM

    Sorry, guys, I found Bush's trophy-taking much more disturbing:

    I imagine there's a necklace of ears waiting to be found when they unseal the really secret stuff.

  21. basenjibrian11:24 AM

    Have to admit the pious and pompous "Strong Woman" schtick in her response is somewhat annoying.

  22. carolannie11:25 AM

    ermagerd, i forgot to check.

  23. carolannie11:25 AM

    no more after the rain photos for me

  24. RogerAiles11:28 AM

    I believe that we will whine!

  25. It's pretty much standard-issue wingnut that liberals are homo-loving pro-abortion feminazi atheists who want to impose sharia.

  26. Pesticides are Agenda 22. There was a meeting, dex. (Libs are so disorganized...)

  27. BigHank5311:56 AM

    Eh, heads of state wind up with a lot of weird stuff.Can't throw 'em away, either: they're presents. Wouldn't want to offend the giver.

    No, the far disturbing bit is the tag that identifies the GWB library as the ninth most popular attraction in Dallas. Out of three hundred and forty-eight. The fuck?

  28. Captain Ambiguity12:05 PM

    Dallas is actually a very boring place. After you've visited the Grassy Knoll, there's not much to see. That, plus our resident right wingers, probably explains the library's popularity.

  29. Brian Schlosser12:05 PM

    There are 348 things to do in Dallas? Does each Applebee's count as a separate attraction?

  30. Brian Schlosser12:06 PM

    The lack of persecution is, in fact, central to their proof of being persecuted.

  31. susanoftexas12:14 PM

    You just know every schoolchild in Dallas and the surrounding area is dragged to it.

  32. BigHank5312:19 PM

    I've been to Dallas. And sadly enough, the Sixth Floor Museum probably is the most interesting thing in town. (And looking out that window will tell you that it's not that tough a shot.) But the rest of Dallas isn't that horrible. Deep Ellum. Paddle around on the Trinity River. Lake Ray Hubbard. I'll put the GWB library above the International Bowling Museum & Hall of Fame....actually, on second thought, I won't. The bowlers aren't fucking war criminals.

  33. Brian Schlosser12:19 PM

    Freshly squeezed mango juice:

    You had better believe that The Puppet Masters have morevdirt on The
    Manchurian Candidate and his/her transgender psrtner in treason than J
    Edgar Hoover would have prayed to have in his most convoluted dreams of
    power and control. [...] The Soetero Conspiracy is the greatest and most treasonistic
    covert operation ever planned and acted upon. Someday, if we as a
    nation survive, more books will be written about it than ALL of the
    so-called JFK consiracy books ever imagined. IMHO, we are doomed.

    This is the first I've heard that the Prez is... Trans? Or Michelle is? Or Jarret? OR ALL OF THEM?!?

    Elsewhere in the comments there are mentions of Obama's gonna-be-revealed-soon-we-promise "down low" lovers. The proof is probably in the Betamax cassette box with the Whitey Tape.

    My favorite comment, though, comes from an entity with the not-at-all amusing name of BetterInformed, and it begins "This is the most important story ever published here." and goes on to talk about Iran and how Jarret and Obama hate the Sunnis because her Dad hated Hussein and that's why we're suddenly BFFs with Iran. So add "Not Liking Saddam Hussein enough" to the list of Obama's crimes against the nation.

  34. redoubtagain12:35 PM

    Wait Until You See The Picture Frame NBC's Cameras Found in Valerie Jarrett's Office
    Well, they had to put Iraq's weapons of mass destruction somewhere.

  35. Jay B.12:40 PM

    I bet she has a whole desk covered with those plastic birds that dip their beaks into the water pointed at her so she knows what it's like to have COMPLETE OBEDIENCE.

  36. Jay B.12:44 PM

    That reminds me. It's time for crackers.

  37. Hey, now. It's Dallas, not Fort Worth.

  38. Bethany Spencer12:52 PM

    No, not really.

  39. Formerly_Nom_De_Plume12:52 PM

    Wait Until You See the Picture Frame NBC’s Cameras Found in Valerie Jarrett’s Office
    Learn this one weird trick for becoming a gibbering idiot. Smart people hate it!

  40. eohippus12:53 PM

    You forgot about the mandatory sharia gay marriage and communist gun grabbing.

  41. basenjibrian12:56 PM

    It's pompous. It's silly when manly men make this kind of statement. It's pompous when politicians do it...even if they are women.

  42. susanoftexas1:10 PM

    I knew all those bobble-headed toys had to be some kind of Orwellian plot.

  43. mortimer20001:13 PM

    - First off, those figures aren't bowing down, they're bending over. How's that for yer gay agenda, huh?
    - The only time I ever saw guys kowtowing like this they were chorus boys in The King and I. Ditto gay.
    - Also, they are clearly facing Mecca.

  44. This is the most important story ever published here

    Remember when they were getting their heckles up about Obama eating arugula and dijon mustard? It seems so long ago now. And we said, "There's no way wingnuts can get any more ridiculous and petty than this."

    We were so naive back then.

  45. Wait'll they find out Obama has a mug that says "World's Greatest Dad."

    *GASP* Just like Jehovah.

  46. susanoftexas1:15 PM

    Because there's little difference between a woman declaring she is strong and a man declaring he is strong.
    But she probably just said that to irk her conservative attackers and let them know that she's not weak and won't put up with their stupidity. Just because the right says she's arrogant doesn't mean they are right.

  47. basenjibrian1:21 PM

    Probably. :)

  48. Wait'll they find out Obama has a mug that says "World's Greatest Dad."

    And look at this postcard he sent me!

  49. Bethany Spencer1:25 PM


  50. basenjibrian1:27 PM

    Oops. This reply should have nested under susan's. I was basically agreeing with her second paragraph (in particular).

  51. Bethany Spencer1:29 PM

    I always think there will be a floor of stupid. But the floor's never there. The stupid just goes deeper and deeper. I think we're all in Stupid Hell now.

  52. StringOnAStick1:30 PM

    I read the link in the last thread to what the Moonies own/influence/support. $1 million to the GWB library is on that list.

  53. It's John Hawkinses all the way down...

  54. liberalrob2:04 PM

    Kind of depends on what interests you. Dallas has long labored under the perception that it's the "business" town and Fort Worth is the "colorful" town. Not without some accuracy, TBH. But Dallas does have some attractions. The Arboretum is nice, especially in the Spring when it's not 900 degrees outside. The Perot Museum of Natural History is brand new (haven't been there yet, but I hear it's good). The Dallas Aquarium is worth a visit too. The Dallas Zoo is nice. Fair Park has a bunch of stuff going on all the time, not just during the Texas State Fair.

    You can see lots of things in Dallas and not have to step foot in the Shrub Library.

  55. liberalrob2:07 PM

    So does Jarrett really consider herself someone to be worshiped?

    The password is: "Uppity"

  56. Derelict2:30 PM

    And gay abortions! You can't forget how we're all going to be forced to have gay abortions!

  57. Tony Prost2:37 PM

    They have nothing else left.

  58. GeniusLemur2:40 PM

    I have to wonder what they'd make of the picture frame I used to have on my desk. Would they think the ceramic tiger on top meant I was an eco-freak, or that I thought I was so powerful that I could command the mightiest beast to obey me?

  59. tigrismus2:46 PM

    "This is the most important story ever published here."

    That's only because they don't know what her Billy Bass says when the battery is turned around.

  60. And that ties into something I began to notice around, perhaps, 2010 or 2011. "Peak Wingnut" was a popular phrase in places like Sadly, No and Balloon Juice for a couple years after Obama was elected. But then it just sort of quietly disappeared from the lexicon of wingnut-watching liberal blogs. It was like an unspoken recognition that, as you say, we will never hit peak wingnut.

  61. gocart mozart3:52 PM

    treasonistic! more like stupidastic!

    Michele is the one who is supposed to be trans, because Moooochele! Woookie! (wish I were making that up.)

    I guess you can add Saddam to the list, along with Quaddafi, of conservative fallen heroes of the Obamacaust because . . . shit I got nothing.

  62. gocart mozart3:54 PM

    Agenda 21 is 2.3333 times worse than Plan 9 from Outer Space because math.

  63. gocart mozart3:56 PM

    And that toilet paper might be used by children, children's toilet paper Mandrake!

  64. gocart mozart4:04 PM

    Nah, after only a quick glance they'll just assume that it's another one of those Muslim terrorist walk clocks that are all the rage now with us liberals.

  65. gocart mozart4:08 PM

    If you were in the Obama administration, I would say beastality

  66. glennisw4:32 PM

    Right through to the earth's core.

  67. glennisw4:35 PM

    Muslim beards!

  68. glennisw4:36 PM

    They're everywhere!

  69. I once heard a cowboy singer on the radio refer to Fort Worth as where The West begins while Dallas is where The East peters out.

  70. smut clyde5:38 PM

    The lack of persecution proves the existence of the cover-up.

  71. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person6:45 PM

    If only there was a way to turn "one weird trick" and "one tip of a..." into Internet-wide laughingstocks. Ghawdde, I hate those things...

  72. Heh. The Blaahz picked up DESKGAZI from the Washington Times. I assume that by this time next week Louie Gohmert will be blathering about it on the House Floor.

    The neoCon's transformation into a giant human derpipede continues apace.

  73. randomworker10:13 PM


  74. Poe's Law, a demonstration.

  75. AGoodQuestion12:25 AM

    So add "Not Liking Saddam Hussein enough" to the list of Obama's crimes against the nation.
    He's run in two presidential elections and in neither one did his opponent bring up his lack of Saddam love. Go figure.

  76. Brian Schlosser12:25 AM

    Wingnuttery is an Ourobourous comprised of a terrified snake made of Cheetos, compulsively swallowing because it's convinced something scary is biting its tail, and it knows that eating should calm it down.

  77. Hemisemidemiquaver1:40 AM

    A careful reading of Cantor's work (Georg, Eric is NO relation) shows that aleph-infinity is equal to peak wingnut. Peak wingnut is the largest infinity of them all. The next aleph down is God.

  78. Hemisemidemiquaver1:47 AM

    As Jimmie Dale Gilmore once explained:

    "Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eye."

  79. Halloween_Jack9:39 AM

    Let's hear what the rest of the Village People have to say about that.
