Friday, December 27, 2013


Thanks to ol' scribe jones for pointing me to what may be the cuh-raziest Pajama Boy post of the week. Apparently Taylor Swift instagramed herself and her brother dressed similarly to the much-maligned advertising model, adding, "Matching Christmas onesies is a thing that's happening right now."

Maybe you think it's cute; more likely you think, who cares? But John Hinderaker of Power Line is deeply interested:
The guy in the photo is Taylor’s brother; I know because one of my daughters told me so. But here’s the question: can the red plaid onesies possibly be a coincidence? I see three alternatives: 1) Miss Swift really is the only person in the USA who doesn’t know that plaid onesies, paired with hot chocolate and nerd glasses, have been mercilessly mocked by millions for the past week. Argument for this interpretation: She has written many songs, not one of which contains even a hint as to any political leanings, suggesting she has none. She is immensely rich and does indeed live in a bubble.
Or maybe she's just part of the great majority of Americans who aren't refreshing National Review Online every ten minutes looking for a new Pajama Boy post.
 2) Miss Swift is slyly joining in the mockery. Argument for this interpretation: How can she not know? Everyone knows. 3) On the contrary, she is subtly sticking up for Obamacare by assuring her legions of fans that plaid onesies are cool after all. Argument for this interpretation: Swift reportedly looked pained and disapproving when hosts Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley mocked Obamacare at the Country Music Awards.
If Hinderaker didn't know who Taylor Swift's brother was before, you can bet he has a dossier on her whole family now, and has been performing close physiognomical analysis of her performances for political content.

Again I must ask: Do these guys even know any normal people?