Sunday, December 08, 2013


...about the rightblogger reaction to Nelson Mandela's death. I was surprised to find so many of my usual subjects still condemning Mandela as a menace -- message discipline ain't what it used to be -- but for the most part the big boys made with the crocodile tears, though without much disguising that they are in fact crocodiles.

Here's a bonus for you late-night people from one of the holdouts, Some Guy at Babalu:
The MSM that is now in full honors mode for Nelson Mandela who was a political prisoner for decades, and who fought against apartheid and for freedom in South Africa would be the same MSM that would be in full honors mode if the dictator of the Cuban apartheid, Fidel Castro ... who currently holds political prisoners ... were to die.
Yeah, dead Castro's gonna be big on network. They'll get Rachel Maddow to do the eulogy and Miley Cyrus to dance.

UPDATE. Found in course of research: I wonder if these t-shirt models know to what purpose their images have been put at

"Oh hi, Marge. I saw your son modeling a shirt on the internet! Er, no, I can't remember the name of the site..."

UPDATE 2. Speaking of white resisters, at National Review today:
Former Secretary of State: Reagan Regretted Apartheid Veto
Oh, well then.


  1. Another Kiwi8:51 PM

    I have read fiction and non fiction books on London's sewers and seen a documentary on Paris' sewers and I still do not think that they had more shit in them than Roy has collected here. Salute to you, sir.
    Does it worry you that these people may be on your highways, driving along looking all normal? Just waiting for a chance to explode in a welter of atomised manure all over you after you have had the temerity to say "hi"

  2. MBouffant8:51 PM

    "Message discipline" ain't what it used to be? Comprehension that the century & millenium have changed & the world w/ it ain't what it ever was, really.

  3. hellslittlestangel8:51 PM

    I hear that Reince Priebus got the word out -- "Ix-nay on the acism-ray ... emporarily-tay." But a lot of right-whingers just snarled back, "This is America -- speak English!"

  4. MBouffant8:56 PM

    This is one reason I don't drive & avoid riding in cars.

    This apprehension is generally expressed by the phrase "These people live among you."

    The sewer boat ride was the first touristy thing I did when I hit Paris. Very clean compared to what our host drags up weekly.

  5. They really believe that in every liberal home is a picture of Fidel hugging Che next to a hand tinted portrait of Karl Marx.

    I did have a mover freak out, years ago, when he saw my bookshelves and all the copies of Marx on them. Eventually I calmed him down.

  6. Formerly_Nom_De_Plume8:57 PM

    Gregory Hood observed..."If anything, a sudden outbreak of anti-white violence upon Mandela's death would be a good thing."

    Good for your erectile dysfunction, maybe.

  7. I'd think even if they were hoping for it, it might be a bit...deflating.

  8. M. Krebs8:58 PM

    Cuban apartheid? Apparently the MSM have done a good job covering that up for 60+ years.

  9. BigHank539:22 PM

    Well, you know: a black guy on the other side of the planet is a lot less threatening than a black guy walking down your street, and a dead black guy is infinitely less threatening than a live one, so a dead black guy on the other side of the planet is pretty easy to deal with. Unfortunately for the bretheren of the right, there's a very much alive black guy putting his feet up on the desk in the Oval Office, pooping in the same holy commode that Saint Reagan used, and they don't even want to think about the ungodly perversions he and his commie wife are probably committing right now, in between plotting the commitment of Real Americans to FEMA camps and banning the Bible.

    If Romney was presidentin' his heart out right now, a lot more of them could stand up and fold their hands, looking downcast at the appropriate moments during the Mandela wake. But Obama's presidency sits as comfortably with them as a lit cigarette down their shirt collar: Mandela croaks and is mourned by the President? Fucking commie Obama. Goldman Sachs has to pay a thirteen billion dollar fine? Fucking commie Obama. Your town's been hit with freezing rain so the power's out and you'll be late to work tomorrow? Fucking commie Obama.

  10. BigHank539:23 PM

    No, pretty much any blood with work for them. Except their own.

  11. TGuerrant9:34 PM

    At American Renaissance, they're busy designing Mandela t-shirts to mass produce.

    They've come up with some slogans they like to go with his portrait: "The only good Communist is a dead Communist," "Just another Communist Millionaire," and "'My people' are the world leaders... in rape and murder." But Dutch is Greek to them so they're struggling with the spelling of "apartheid".

    Worse, they're concerned about wearing the shirts except among friends. One commenter predicts a wearer of such a "nice" t-shirt will "spend all day having pretty girls call you a 'horrible person'" and wind up getting insulted by a group of blacks, who then kill you and really make that extremely annoying by getting off with just a wrist-slap from the authorities.

    Comes the timidly centrist suggestion, "You could have the text really small, so you get the fashionable credit, until they put on their reading spectacles and get really close."

    But finally, someone steps forward with the anti-pussification option: Glaring. "No really I have a tee shirt with a Swastika and walk around all over, nobody really says anything. Mind you I am in shape and will glare at people if they look at me."

  12. glennisw9:36 PM

    I like the way they're pre-emptively condemning the MSM for something they haven't done yet. It's efficient.

  13. hellslittlestangel9:47 PM

    Spaghetti Lee anticipated this sort of shit on Friday. I think I'll pass on clicking those links.

  14. Bethany Spencer9:48 PM

    Doesn't Saul Alinsky have to be in there somewhere?

  15. Bethany Spencer9:49 PM

    Got that not-so-fresh feeling down below...?

  16. Bethany Spencer9:52 PM

    Pretty sure this comment makes you a racist.

  17. You are shitting me. No really. Can this be real? If it is it is the greatest collection of nutpicking the internet has ever seen. I salute you.

  18. Its like time travel. They are their own grandmother.

  19. glennisw10:04 PM

    It begs the question, what kind of lunatic would expect there to be a sudden outbreak of anti-white violence upon the peaceful death of a 95 year old man at his home?

  20. Code Name Cain10:07 PM

    Gregory Hood may have delivered one of the greatest lines in the recent history of race relations:

    "Independence, apartheid, and even the terrorism of the AWB were all Afrikaner attempts to avoid exactly what has occurred: political dispossession followed by measures that will lead to collective economic and social extinction."

    On one reading this is something like "You see black people, all the murders, oppression and terrorism was for your own economic benefit." On another it is "You see black people, all the terrorism was to prevent the real suffering that is redistribution of wealth from white people to black people." I'm not sure which is more frightening.

  21. StringOnAStick10:10 PM

    Well, I think that just about settles the "republicans; racist or just misunderstood?" question.

  22. Code Name Cain10:26 PM

    If I dare guess, I'd say his theory of the world involves black people foaming at the mouth for race riots but they don't want to do it while Mandela is still around to watch because that would give the game away that Mandela really wanted to kill whitey.

  23. BigHank5310:27 PM

    Maybe they just forgot that black men can die of natural causes.

  24. This question,sadly, will never be settled if the rearguard stragglers in comment threads are any indication. 60 years from now people will still crawl out from comment threads, like Japanese soldiers from WWII stranded on some desert island, desperately trying to bayonet the question before it can be answered.

  25. What are the fourteen words?

  26. Code Name Cain10:40 PM

    On a serious note, it astonishes me that Republicans don't seem to understand that, for a politician, there is no meaningful difference between someone who opposes all policies that would help minorities attain equality because of racial animus and someone who does the same thing for some other reason.

  27. Okay, I've been rolling this around in my head for a few days: Why is it that so many cons hate Mandela so much? I'm being serious, here. Yeah, you've got your fringe idiots with their "white genocide" crap, that was predictable. But there are also people who generally don't listen to neo-Nazis using basically the same rhetoric, with the "communist" and the "terrorist" and all of that. Is it really just because of Saint Ronnie? For that matter, why did Reagan hate him?

    You know, I wasn't kidding with that Pinochet thing last time. Given their reaction when he died, they're willing to forgive anything up to mass murder. What was Mandela's unforgivable sin?

  28. Formerly_Nom_De_Plume10:55 PM

    even if they were hoping for it

    If? These people pray for race riots the way some people pray for a winning horse.

  29. JennOfArk10:58 PM

    I always figured inbreeding had something to do with why they are the way they are, but had no idea their family trees were this twisted.

  30. When you are committed to fucking everyone over, your pedigree collapses rather quickly.

  31. They understand it--they just figure its as good a dodge as "think of the children" and "widders and orphans!" Its the media who insist that to know the meaning of the act you must "look into someone's heart" and that because "we are all sinners" no one should be judged too harshly. As for politicians, I think they know exactly what they are doing and value it down to the last penny. They no more care why the bag man hands them the swag than they do what the Koch brothers think when they hand them a check. Its all about the benjamins and the votes and they don't give a fuck what anyone thinks "in their heart."

  32. Some people have never quite figured out that when you write those things, people can see them. This ain't the country club, friend.

  33. Being black and being famous and beloved, and ending Apartheid. As for the "commie" and "terrorist" stuff--the people who are ranting about this have a vested interest in not knowing how complex the world is or the specific history of a place like South Africa. They may have Mandela mixed up with Savimbi, or with Lumumba, or with Idi Amin. They probably have South Africa mixed up with Rhodesia. And to the extent they have any mental image of pre-Mandela SA its a misty water colored scene derived from movies about Kenya and safaris--for damned sure they don't know that the Boers fought the British and were herded into the first concentration camps, and they discount the bantustans and the poverty of the black majority because it happened "off the books" like Bush's two wars. So Mandela gets the same complaint that Obama got when he put the cost of the wars back into the budget--once you have to actually account for the income and wellbeing of all those newly meaningful black citizens the country stops looking so great. Nothing has changed financially except that you are acknowledging the enormous gap between citizens instead of suppressing it or naturalizing it.

  34. Once upon a time, I did have a poster of Che on the wall to the left of my computer. Now it's Lewis Black.

    Also, as an amateur Sinologist, I do own a copy of the Quotations of Chairman Mao. Not sure where it is, though - probably in a bin in storage somewhere.

  35. Hell, any riot will do as long as we get to shoot someone we don't like.

  36. I have a lovely little copy of something by Marx published very cheaply in China in the days when they were subsidizing the production of marxist literature for sale here. The frontspiece photograph of Marx has been airbrushed, just a tiny bit,to make him look chinese.

  37. Some of them know about the Boers. You remember when guys like Max Boot kept bringing up the First Boer War during that period when the chickenhawks were discussing the "El Salvador solution" to Iraq?

  38. JennOfArk11:22 PM

    I have a Chairman Meow t-shirt.

  39. The military buffs do, of course. But the vast majority of punters who are ranting about Mandela don't (I don't think.) I mean I'm sure there is a white supremacist/aryan nation connection as well but "Commie" and "Terrorist" are still all purpose insults that are basically content free--I mean people hurl them at me just for coming from a blue state.

  40. Code Name Cain11:50 PM

    I meant the rank and file. Many conservatives I've talked to legitimately seemed not to understand this point. OTOH, the pros, as you point out, know but don't care.

  41. DocAmazing11:54 PM

    or, alternately,

    "I don't want to get too far into the weeds; readers--any thoughts here?"

  42. hellslittlestangel12:03 AM

    I'd like to buy this comment a plate of shrimp.

  43. Dr. Hunky Jimpjorps12:03 AM

    More nutpicking: according to Newsbusters commenters, apparently the black population of South Africa were all illegal immigrants into the uninhabited, pristine backyard of Boer territory.

  44. DocAmazing12:06 AM

    It appears that "apartheid" has joined "fascism" and "communism" among Words That Conservatives Don't Understand but Know Mean Something Bad.

  45. I've designed a new t-shirt myself to wear next time I fly into Heathrow.

    Hang Cameron.

  46. Fats Durston12:13 AM

    There's certainly a lot of ideological kinship between the Trekboers and the American right, per Piet Retief's Manifesto:

    1. We despair of saving the colony from those evils which threaten it by the turbulent and dishonest conduct of vagrants [read: Africans without passes], who are allowed to infest the country in every part;...

    2. We complain of the severe losses which we have been forced to sustain by the emancipation of our slaves, and the vexatious laws which have been enacted respecting them.

    3. We complain of the continual system of plunder which we have ever endured from the Caffres and other coloured classes ...

    5. We are resolved, wherever we go, that we will uphold the just principles of liberty; but, whilst we will take care that no one shall be held in a state of slavery, it is our determination to maintain such regulations as may suppress crime, and preserve proper relations between master and servant.

    6. ... if attacked, we shall consider ourselves fully justified in defending our persons and effects, to the utmost of our ability, against every enemy.

    7. ... it is our firm resolve to make provision for the summary punishment of any traitors who may be found amongst us.

    8. We propose, in the course of our journey, and on arriving at the country in which we shall permanently reside, to make known to the native tribes our intentions, and our desire to live in peace and friendly intercourse with them.

    9. We quit this colony under the full assurance that the English Government has nothing more to require of us, and will allow us to govern ourselves without its interference in future.

    10. We are now quitting the fruitful land of our birth, in which we have suffered enormous losses and continual vexation, and are entering a wild and dangerous territory; but we go with a firm reliance on an all-seeing, just, and merciful Being, whom it will be our endeavour to fear and humbly to obey.

    It's like American rightwing bingo: Persecution complex and fears of dolchstoss, going Galt (before goin' Galt was a thing), free people of colour,always a menace/nuisance, slavery a necessary part of "liberty", God 'n' Guns, and "empty" lands with indigenes to be shunted aside.

  47. DocAmazing12:13 AM

    I still have a collection of Novosti Press pamphlets from the early '70s, including a neat translation of "What Is To Be Done?" with a dry point portrait of ol' Vladimir Ilyich.

  48. So... when wealthy white landowners use violent means to overthrow a government because of tax issues, they are the greatest heroes of history ever, but when a black man briefly uses violent means to resist a tyrannical government that affords him no freedoms, is imprisoned for over a quarter of a century, and then ushers in a new era of civil rights through peaceful means he is a terrorist.

    Gotta love wingnut logic.

  49. At American Renaissance, they're busy designing Mandela t-shirts to mass produce.

    I can't wait until these hit Hot Topic or H&M.

  50. AGoodQuestion1:06 AM

    Kathy Shaidle's as much of a class act as ever, I see.

  51. AGoodQuestion1:10 AM

    "Gone is Fidel's greatest admirer," hissed Carlos Eire at Babalu.

    Do I have to do your job for you? The "Fidel's greatest admirer" slur is meant to be aimed at American liberals, still-living ones. Using it on a departed and largely beloved foreign leader is a waste of McCarthyist firepower, regardless of how good it feels.

  52. BigHank531:11 AM

    Now, you see, these idiotic shirts kind of make me feel a bit cheerful.* Where I live, it's not unusual to see the Confederate flag prominently displayed on houses, bumper stickers, t-shirts, and the occasional tattoo. Whenever I see one, it's as if the bearer has taken a Sharpie and written on their forehead: NOT VERY BRIGHT. PROBABLE ASSHOLE.

    So. Really, they're doing me a favor by broadcasting their prejudices. I saw a guy a couple years ago in a Minuteman t-shirt. Didn't have to talk to him to find out if he was really a stone-cold racist asshole. Thanks, dude!

    *Not for the future of the human race, mind you. You probably don't want to hear what I think is in store for us.

  53. AGoodQuestion1:23 AM

    No really I have a tee shirt with a Swastika and walk around all over, nobody really says anything.
    That's because saying something would involve talking to you, and who has the time?

  54. smut clyde1:36 AM

    Former Secretary of State: Reagan Regretted Apartheid Veto

    Or in the small print... Reagan may never have bothered to regret it when anyone was listening, or to say anything favourable about Mandela or democracy in SA back when it might have made a difference, but all the same, Baker is willing to ventriloquise his rotten carcase, and have him voice his regret from beyond the grave.

    Have you read Alisdair Gray's novelette, "Five Letters from an Eastern Empire"? The narrator is shown into the presence of the Emperor. He discovers that the Emperor's advisors had had him killed years ago (for he had turned childish and cruel), and embalmed his head in the form of a hand-puppet that they pass around while delivering Imperial Edicts. Somehow Baker's statement brought it to mind.

  55. smut clyde1:37 AM

    they're struggling with the spelling of "apartheid".

    It is not enough for people to want their own facts as well as their own opinions. They also demand their own spelling too.

  56. I'm reminded of Private Eye's joke from the end-of-apartheid era about all the right-wing pundits writing an article entitled "South Africa's Day of Shame: Why oh why oh why weren't there any blood-soaked massacres during the elections like we told everyone there were going to be?"

  57. J Neo Marvin2:05 AM

    I gather he wasn't trying to say that he jammed econo.

  58. smut clyde2:10 AM

    Now I am wondering how this is going to work in the future, once everyone who ever knew Reagan when he was merely braindead is themselves no longer extant. Who will issue this kind of statement, explaining that that each latest verdict of history is in accordance with the Reagan Plan, even if it is a total contradiction of his policies and speeches while he was alive?

    Perhaps there be a hereditary caste of Speakers for Reagan.

  59. smut clyde2:15 AM

    Afrikaner attempts to avoid exactly what has occurred

    "History reveals that we were justified in killing and torturing people to stop them taking back some of what we had stolen from them."

  60. Tehanu2:37 AM

    "exactly what has occurred: ... followed by measures that will lead"
    Notice the sly little switch there from the real present (or at least, their idea of if), "has occurred," to the TOTALLY imaginary "will lead." Yep, that's how I construct a sure-fire logical proof ... if I'm a monkey. And that's probably a slur on monkeys.

  61. redoubt2:54 AM

    But they'd be proud to wear this t-shirt:

  62. "apartheid"

    Turned against liberals in 3...2...1...

  63. redoubt3:06 AM

    Because it's the same kind of thinking that imagines Obama giving African-Americans the keys to open the door to the US Treasury upon his election/reelection. (If that door was opened I personally never saw it, but I digress.)

    You know how liberals/progressives look at latent (and approaching) fascism and say, nervously, "That can't happen here?" Well, conservatives say that about a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission".

  64. Best Left Undisturbed3:35 AM

    "Oh, look, that guy's loudly advertising his status as a psycho scumbag! ...LET'S GO CHAT HIM UP!!"

    This is why they love their guns. Society is "polite" when a nutjob can start spraying the street with lead because you looked at him cross-eyed.

  65. MBouffant4:55 AM

    Rim shot!

  66. MBouffant4:58 AM

    the terrorism of the AWB
    O.K., the Average White Band were, uh, average at best, but they really weren't terrifying.

  67. MBouffant5:13 AM

    Eager young interns at the Reagan Lie-berry will use state of the art CGI to fine-tune any records or recordings; the great man will again be able to speak for himself.

  68. Let it be known that I upvoted yuo but that the comment system went insane.

  69. What do you mean "again"?

  70. Jeffrey_Kramer5:46 AM

    "You could have the text really small, so you get the fashionable credit, until they put on their reading spectacles and get really close."

    "But I was thinking of a plan
    To dye my whiskers green,
    And always wear so large a fan
    That they would not be seen."

  71. Stupid liberals, always doing things like writing songs celebrating murdered artists but never celebrating the hard working police who tortured and killed them!

  72. Even better, in some distant Pick Up Artist thread nazi T shirt guy probably whines vociferously that he has a hard time picking up women in bars because they wont tslk to him.

  73. I kind of forgot how much i hated the afrikaners.

  74. Oh its Dionesberrys max headroom representation of reagan come to life.

  75. Fats Durston6:36 AM

    Something close to this myth was the official historiography of South African public schooling (both for white and black schools). So twentieth-century South Africans grew up learning that the "Bantu" (not racist in most English-speaking scholarship, but the equivalent of "nigger" in South Africa) and the Dutch basically arrived in the Cape at the same time, meaning (fictitiously) that black Africans weren't dispossessed by European settlers, but rather a competing colonizing "race." (Khoisan--"Hottentots" and "Bushmen"--were attributed first-occupier status, but not much else.)

    One surprising thing about their history curriculum is that white and black students both learned "white" and "black" histories, but these two narratives were also segregated in their textbooks.

  76. Occam's Razor, man.
    The simplest explanation is that normal people mourn his loss.

    What other motive do wingnuts need?

  77. Curses! Foiled Again! [Vanishes in puff of foul smelling smoke.]

  78. And their own wardrobe malfunctions.

  79. Oh, I get you. Sorry for the misinterpretation. I think the disjuncture goes a long way back, probably to faulty toilet training and authoritarian parenting. I'm only half kidding. I think a lot of people are raised by people who promote appearances over reality and harsh punishments for getting it wrong or bringing unwanted attention to the family. The end result is people who have spent a lifetime offering fake, palatable, accounts for why they did what they did in order to escape the violence of the authorities in the family or the bosses at work. People who privilige appearing clean or appearing pure or whatever over actually being clean or pure. People who admire glib lies over harsh truth. People who would rather get over than stand exposed. Everyone has these moments and no one can raise kids and not see how easy it is to choose to make it necessary for them to lie about their motives/goals or easy for them to honestly choose to be themselves.

    So: Atwater's famous dictum has to be understood primarily as a piece of brilliant psychological insight. People stopped wanting to be identified as racists and the right wing gave them a new language to talk about their selfishness and racism which made them comfortable: the language of segregation became "school choice," the language of forced labor became "no more minimum wage and government cheese."

    People prefer to lie about their motives--especially when a change in the authority structure makes being honest potentially dangerous.

  80. Derelict7:45 AM

    For some of them, their family tree is more like a wreath.

  81. coozledad8:18 AM

    I know they spend a lot of time fantasizing about killing an intruder, or mowing down hungry indigents post-apocolyptically, but you get the impression they have no idea how much actual work is involved in killing.

    Then some of them step up to the plate and show you what they're made of. This couple might have been the Fred and Rose West of their generation, but they got caught after only one, maybe two, slayings

  82. glennisw8:30 AM

    Primal tribalism.

  83. coozledad8:32 AM

    We had some guys out to trim our mule's hooves, a father and son farrier team. Son wore a hat with a confederate flag on it, and a gutting knife strapped to his leg.

    The knife sort of made sense, if he got tangled in a rope with a difficult animal, but the hat was just their way of trying to break the ice. to see where we came down on the whole race mixing! black preznit! thing.

    They were good farriers, but too emotionally and intellectually stunted to risk having out at the house again, except for the son to come back and retrieve the butcher knife he dropped in the paddock.

  84. El Manquécito9:02 AM

    I heard some NR gasbag mansplaining to Diane Rehm that the reason the Reagancons reluctantly supported the apartheid regime was because of Cold War thinking, that dismantling the racist, oppressive police state would have unleashed a tidal wave of Communist victory across Africa. That this was wrong, wrong, wrong, proven wrong by history and responsible for further multi-dimensional wrongness somehow went unexplored in the discussion.

  85. pooping in the same holy commode that Saint Reagan used

    You think President Reagan actually made it to the commode?

  86. Thought that website said "whiter sister" at first, since that basically makes just as much sense.

  87. I want to take this comment to a cabin, and cuddle under blankets watching a winter storm.

  88. I had that same reaction at first, but thanks to the Google I learned that is is actually bandied about a fair amount. See, Cuban citizens have apparently traditionally been banned from tourist areas unless they're working in them, though this has been loosened somewhat; hence, "tourist apartheid." Given that it's based on hostility to Cuba and on appropriating a purely racial term for non-racial purposes, it's unsurprising that it seems to be primarily a right-wing turn of phrase. Oh, and also the Huffington Post. Both sides!

    So, in summary, given that Cuba engages in apartheid at least as awful as South Africa's**, we should impose crippling economic sanctions forthwith.

    **True fact: Under Cuba's "tourist apartheid," unruly bands of tourists can bascially murder a non-tourist without any repercussions whatsoever. True fact!

  89. I've designed a new t-shirt myself to wear next time I fly into Heathrow.

    "Good luck in prison."

  90. M. Krebs9:53 AM

    When they wake up James fucking Baker and stick a microphone in front of his mouth, you know some serious lying is about to go down. He is a liar's liar.

  91. He used the whole country.

  92. The mention of right wing scent glands, which I presume must be like the Castor Beaver's, has put me right off cuddling under blankets at this point.

  93. RogerAiles10:35 AM

    Former Reagan Secretary of State: I Regret Not Fucking The Jews.

  94. El Manquécito10:43 AM

    Also, too, classic Chamber of Commerce repubs making large coin in SA. It was a toehold in Africa for MNC's where they could have manufacturing facilities for the continent with the safety of white privilege and no fear of expropriation.

  95. Baker is willing to ventriloquise his rotten carcase, and have him voice his regret from beyond the grave.

    Still, the perceived need to, um, whitewash this at all is progress of a kind. "Reagan totally felt bad about his stance on apartheid afterwards" would have been total apostasy not that long ago. Yet now we have Senator Cruz off to Mandela's funeral as an official GOP representative, and he probably won't even demand to be seated in a separate room from all the black people. That he thinks that attending a state funeral for a terrorist communist race warrior loathed by his much of his own base is necessary to burnish his credentials for 2016? Almost encouraging. The arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards endless conservative hypocrisy about their complete moral and intellectual bankruptcy.

  96. JennOfArk11:42 AM

    Suggestion: for Republicans, they should be referred to as "the crank and file."

  97. Call them "Boers." They like that.

  98. Gromet12:59 PM

    Or that snake that's got it's own ass in its mouth. Wreath-shaped, to be sure, and therefore arguably festive...

  99. Or maybe "rank (as in smell) and vile."

  100. Gromet1:17 PM

    Huh. Good point. Mandela's success refutes their sanctifying of the second amendment as the only thing protecting us from tyranny, doesn't it? He overthrew a vastly more powerful government and replaced it mainly by be being right, persistent, calm, and forgiving.

    And that's not as fun a fantasy as their preferred Walter Mitty heroics, which require taking to the hills with a bunch of guns in order to overcome the tanks and F-15s sent by Washington to enforce PC speech and a tax increase of 3.9% on income above $250,000.

  101. merl11:53 PM

    And because they're bitches and lesbians.

  102. mgmonklewis2:08 PM

    Bonus points to Aimai for using "disjuncture" rather than the odious grad-school-chic "disconnect" (as a noun).

  103. Howlin Wolfe2:14 PM

    Or speak pig-English -- they would be good at that.

  104. A gutting knife strapped to his leg? Hawt.

  105. Yes, the continued invocation by today's white supremacists that the "solution" to apartheid was to create a separate white state and separate black states assumes that the white state would have enough actual workers to survive. It wouldn't. There was no functioning white state or white economy that was not wholly dependent on black workers and the economy of repression.

  106. coozledad3:46 PM

    Isn't it?. i don't even know what world these people think they live in.

  107. KatWillow3:47 PM

    Nobody SAYS anything? I'd avoid making eye-contact with this guy even if it meant walking into a brick wall.

  108. KatWillow3:54 PM

    Just as they think the Liberals are yearning for another Trevon Martin episode, so a decent white man can be sent to jail for exercising his RIGHTS and they can GLOAT; conservatards are longing for RACE WARS and RIOTS, and the more powerful among them are trying to make that happen. Katrina was a good example- I think they really expected & hoped African Americans all over the US to start rioting. And they're still hoping. They gotta use their Drug War paraphernalia on someone after all.

  109. KatWillow4:16 PM

    I'd like to hang out with these 2 comments (JennOfArk & Haystack) at a Denny's, making silly jokes and eating nachos.

  110. KatWillow4:22 PM

    Wow! "mask their scent". Just: WOW.

  111. KatWillow4:23 PM

    They lost the Boer War though, didn't they?

  112. A-a-a-n-n-d my little vignette dies horribly. Ewww.

  113. DocAmazing6:21 PM

    Non, je ne regrette rien...

  114. Ruviana7:15 PM

    I would like to offer this comment a moistened towelette, for that extra fresh feeling.

  115. RobNYNY19577:37 PM

    "Sieg" is misspelled on the middle shirt. Those white supremacists, always proving their supremacy.

  116. realinterrobang8:54 PM

    I saw a guy in a t-shirt a while ago that said: "THE TEN BEST THINGS ABOUT WOMEN" with a blank numbered list, 1-10 underneath. I thought, "Gawd, I love it when stone misogynists wear signs. It makes them so easy to avoid!"

    Needless to say, I didn't rush over with my panties around my ankles and offer him my number. That guy also probably spends a lot of time complaining about how bitchez won't go out with him, but if he's willing to wear that t-shirt, even without it on he's probably burying the needle on the average woman's asshole detector.

  117. Jon Hendry9:25 PM

    They thought he was saying something about the gays but couldn't figure it out.

  118. Jon Hendry10:01 PM

    Just one country?

    Typical liberal, just like Sheryl Crow and her "one square of toilet paper" nonsense. (farrrt)

  119. Jon Hendry10:04 PM

    The NR counterargument would be that the Communist tidal wave didn't happen because the Soviet Union was pretty much over by the time Mandela was released.

    Never mind that this doesn't address, at all, what would have happened had capitalist nations not forced black South Africans into the arms of the Soviets.

  120. Jon Hendry10:05 PM

    Reagan had Fox Dementia before it was cool.

  121. JennOfArk1:20 AM

    B^4 will be bummed that he missed the opportunity to make an Ouroboros joke.

  122. smut clyde4:11 AM

    To be fair, the reservations Bantustans were necessarily limited to disconnected scraps of land so arid and lacking in resources that no white person wanted them. So there was no way they could have been made economically viable, even if their non-viability hadn't been part of the plan.

  123. smut clyde4:13 AM

    That's not its ass...

  124. smut clyde4:14 AM

    Come again, Dr O'Blivion?

  125. Halloween_Jack10:22 AM

    I wonder if she ever gets tired of hating, but realizes that since she's gone all in, she really can't walk it back? I'd like to think so.

  126. Halloween_Jack10:30 AM

    Shaming the Great White Father.

  127. Halloween_Jack10:34 AM

    Whenever I see one, it's as if the bearer has taken a Sharpie and written on their forehead: NOT VERY BRIGHT. PROBABLE ASSHOLE.


  128. Halloween_Jack10:35 AM

    More in hope than in anger, as they say.

  129. Halloween_Jack4:41 PM

    Man, that song still gives me chills.
