Sunday, September 01, 2013


...about rightbloggers' reactions to Miley Cyrus. Usually they turn something serious into something ridiculous, but I think I like them best when they turn something ridiculous into something bugfuck crazy.

UPDATE. Whittle seems to be a fan fave in comments. Kia:
He seems to hate [Kurt] Weill even more than the Nazis did, and for the same reasons. That he totally misses that irony is, of course, only to be expected. But to invoke the music of Kurt Weill--composed during a period of total political and economic collapse-- as the source of the political thuggery that hounded him out of Germany, well, that takes some doing...
AGoodQuestion wonders why Whittle didn't even bring up Bertolt Brecht, whose lyrics he must surely find as "dark, dystopian and depressing" as Weill's music, and went instead for Lost in the Stars, with lyrics by Maxwell Anderson. I'd love to know what Whittle thinks of Weill's collaboration with Ogden Nash and S.J. Perelman. "I'm a Stranger Here Myself" always makes me want to smash the state!


  1. Blast, Roy, why do you dare us to read what right-wing jerkoffs are saying about Billy Ray Cyrus' daughter's crotch?

  2. edroso10:50 PM

    Don't think of it as a "dare," think of it as the gift of laughter.

  3. A moment of clarity from a murky mind... I present vigilant citizen's searing insight:

    Well, here’s a moment of clarity: It WAS done on purpose and, moreseo, it was ALL staged.

    Do tell!

  4. BigHank5311:29 PM

    Twerkers in the hands of an angry God.

    The classics never disappoint, do they?

  5. BigHank5311:31 PM

    Isn't there a saying about blind squirrels and acorns?

  6. BigHank5311:50 PM

    Glenn Reynolds is particularly special this week:

    If you wish for men to behave as they did in past times, you may have to live with women behaving as they did in past times, too.

    Actually, Glenn, you see, the problem is that men are still behaving the way they used to do, what with the raping, discriminating, casually punching, and fairly frequently murdering* the females of their acquaintance, all the while claiming that they couldn't help themselves because that 14-year-old was really hot or the bitch wouldn't let them buy that pickup truck they wanted or just fuck-it-I-have-a-penis and what other explanation do you need? It sure was sweet of you to bring up chivalry, but you sort of left out the part of chivalry that explicitly stated that it was for ladies only, and the person who got to decide if someone was a lady or not (and therefore either wound up on a pedestal or with her skirts thrown over her head) was usually the person with both a sword and a dick, both of which came in handy when there was some raping to be done.

    I would ask, rhetorically, if anyone truly thought that Reynolds believed that there was some mythical time in the past when chivalrous gentlemen populated the earth and that rape, domestic abuse, etc were invented in the sixties, probably by that commie Martin Luther King, but I'm pretty sure that Reynolds is, in fact, stupid enough to believe that.

    By the way, his blog has comments now. Reading 'em will make you root for the giant asteroid. Or a flu pandemic.

  7. redoubt11:53 PM

    Pretty much shorter Bill Whittle: Amerikaner Erwacht!

    PS: Everytime The Closing of the American Mind comes up I think not of Ravelstein but of the late Ralph Wiley referring to the book dismissively as "The Closing of the European Mind in America".

  8. AGoodQuestion12:06 AM

    "If you wish for men to behave as they did in past times," he wrote, "you may have to live with women behaving as they did in past times, too. In the age of Miley Cyrus and Sandra Fluke, that doesn't seem especially likely."

    The Insta One's vision of the past and its sexual mores would appear to be highly selective.

  9. AGoodQuestion12:14 AM

    Bill Whittle is down on Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya for their cultural nihilism, but doesn't mention Bertolt Brecht. I guess for the same reason the Hogwarts faculty doesn't invoke He Who Must Not Be Named.

  10. BadExampleMan12:18 AM

    Bertolt - was he the one who could run really fast in The Adventures of Baron Munchausen?

  11. What's all this about Weimaraner Germany?

    Oh. Never mind.

  12. DocAmazing12:28 AM

    Read 'bout my crotch
    My twerky jerky crotch
    I think you'll find it moves the goods

    So if you see my crotch
    My twerky jerky crotch
    Step up and pay just like you should

  13. KatWillow12:43 AM

    I tried to leave a comment at VV, but can't log on or register or whatever. I got a popup that explained about "cookies", but?

    Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone anywhere has expressed any pity for the poor kid? That's what I felt, watching her show thru my fingers. PITY. Poor girl.

  14. hellslittlestangel1:02 AM

    “Young people know that rock has the beat of sexual intercourse.
    …Rock gives children, on a silver platter, with all the public authority
    of the entertainment industry, everything their parents always used to
    tell them they had to wait for until they grew up and would understand

    Allan Bloomberg says this as if it's a bad thing.

  15. Mikegalanx1:52 AM

    If you want to go Real Old School, you can't beat VDH:

  16. Spaghetti Lee2:06 AM

    Man, that darn rock music. Not like its completely celibate and totally innocent predecessors, jazz and blues.

  17. JennOfArk2:29 AM

    Dood, you got there first. I wuz gonna say, that line alone would have made the whole piece worthwhile, even without all the other goodies.

  18. JennOfArk2:35 AM

    Yes, jiggling one's scantily-clad ass against another person's genitals and publicly acknowledging that women, even young unmarried ones, have sex are exactly the same thing.
    Also, let's take an informal poll. I didn't find the "twerking" itself shocking or objectionable; it's the MTV awards, FFS, and that shit is standard fare. The thing she was doing with her tongue, though? That was disturbing.

  19. AngryWarthogBreath2:49 AM

    Al Sharpton and the grim faces on MSNBC will be angry the rest of their lives

    Yeah, that Rachel Maddow never smiles, and certainly isn't frequently seen/photographed in mid-laugh.

    Look, I'm an outrage addict, I occasionally look up what horrible people have been saying just to get a fix ("MEGAN MCARDLE IS MEGAN MCARDLE ahh that calms the shakes"), and so it's almost like I can picture them just seeing the mote in their neighbour's eye et cetera et cetera. But it's so much easier and more likely more accurate just to dump the "it's always projection" on 'em.

    As to the subject... well, The Onion said pretty much all I care to read. Probably even saw it from a link in the comments here.

  20. AngryWarthogBreath2:52 AM

    Look, it's all quite clear how things were, and I present 14-year-old me as Glenn's character witness. "Well, you see, in Arthurian legend and various fantasy novels," says 14-year-old me, "everything was awesome and purpose-driven and only the bad guys took guff. Whereas if you compare those works of fiction to the experience of the here and now, it kinda sucks."

    Thank you, 14-year-old me. Any thoughts on Arthur sleeping with his own sister?


    And there you have it. I mean, I grew out of it, but you have to forgive Glenn, he's only... fifty three? Okay, Logan's Run solution it is.

  21. AngryWarthogBreath2:57 AM

    Man, I'm not a fan of Brecht on his own, but I would kill for an awards show with a Brechtian theme. Have the sexy dancers hold up signs saying "This Is Being Done In The Hopes You Will Associate Arousal And Quality", have every winner announced as "and the winner is X, according to a panel of judges some would call no more qualified than any other living being, but who we have decided mark our human preferences and tastes!", and halfway through, just rip open all the other envelopes, announce half the remaining winners all at once and none of the others, and then close with "You've just spent two hours watching matters that could not be more irrelevant to your life, and the approach of death is closer by the day. Good night!"

  22. Tehanu3:08 AM

    "oh God go read it yourselves it's amazing."

    Not on your tintype, pal. Roy, you know we rely on YOU to get out of the boat -- not to do it ourselves.

  23. Tehanu3:10 AM

    "What's in the air, the zeitgeist, that turns someone from Hannah Montana into a kind of pathetically desperate, absurdly sexualized, insatiable attention junkie?"
    What, and Hannah Montana WASN'T a pathetically desperate yadda yadda? Did I miss the memo?

  24. JennOfArk3:22 AM

    This problem they have with distinguishing actual human beings from the characters they portray goes way back, even before Murphy Brown...all the way to one Ronald Reagan.

  25. gainsayer4:18 AM

    All the fault of those filthy knee-grows!

  26. D. Sidhe5:58 AM

    That one kind of made me sad, but I'm schizophrenic, too. It read a lot like the sort of thing I would blog if I were compelled to A) watch that kind of shit and B) expose what's deep in my head to people who don't know me.

    I mean, the rest of the people Roy hits with the spotlight every week are more cruel and stupid than genuinely tormented by the things in their own heads, so I feel a bit bad over this one.

    I'm actually trying really hard not to try to explain what I can see of the thought processes of Vigilant Citizen right now because I'm this week just sane enough to know that it doesn't *actually* matter what color tape I use on the mirrors to catch anything trying to come out of them.

    There but for the grace of antipsychotics and just enough presence to know they're helpful most of the time go I. Next week, I may be agreeing with Vigilant Citizen.

  27. You mean all the way back to the Bible.

  28. mortimer20007:14 AM

    Annual Income 2012
    Barack Obama, U.S. President: $608,000
    Tim Cook, Apple CEO: $4,000,000
    Miley Cyrus, Marketer: $54,000,000

    Why isn't this woman a right-wing capitalist icon? I mean, she makes millions more than Sean Hannity, and she hasn't even got her own perfume yet! (Still millions shy of Limbaugh, though, but a girl can dream.)

    Also, Susan L.M. Goldberg describes herself as having a Master's in Radio, Television & Film and a PhD in Life. Roy, for perilous spelunking in the darkest corners of the right-wing American psyche, you should at least have a doctorate in Anthropology by now. The thorazine injections will come later.

  29. Pope Zebbidie XIII7:22 AM

    Now you can get a degree in jazz! A degree! Rome all over again.

  30. After ingenuity, invention, and art have died and Glenn's consciousness has been uploaded to the ever-cloud, I hope he can still experience dismay at the fact that the rest of the ether-minds spend an inordinate amount of time watching porn.

  31. mortimer20008:32 AM

    ...doesn't mention Bertolt Brecht

    Yeah, WTF? Weill was a composer; he wrote music, Lenya sang his melodies. Claiming that their music makes "the inevitability of the mindless brutality of the Nazis understandable is embarrassingly ridiculous. To make matters worse, Whittle presents Lost in the Stars as the epitome of Weill's songs of despair and hopelessness filling the cabarets of the era. As Whittle describes it, in Lost in the Stars, ...Lenya sings of all of the human struggle, all hopes and aspirations as just being a mote of dust flung out into the godless abyss, pointless, aimless, and utterly irrelevant. That bastard Weill with his nihilist notes, and Lenya with her commie voice, hastening the arrival of you know who!

    Except, like all things Whittle, it's so full of shit you almost feel sorry for the slack-jawed cephalopods admiring his preacher's book-larnin' on display. Lost in the Stars wasn't even written until 1948, the lyrics are by Maxwell Anderson, and if Whittle is appalled at Lenya's evil interpretation I wonder how he feels about that of Frank Sinatra, or Tony Bennet, or Sting, or the countless others who've recorded it. And if Whittle thinks the song's about godless nihilism, he can always read the lyrics.

    Such a pretentious fucking asshole.

  32. Jeffrey_Kramer8:37 AM

    "When was the last time you felt patriotic joy about America?" asked Mark Judge
    at The Daily Caller. Probably a while, said Judge, thanks to "Obama's
    crippled economy, Bloombergian buzzkills who want to tell us what we can
    eat and drink, global warming panic, and liberals wailing that if one
    person is hungry the USA is a concentration camp."

    If climate scientists' estimates are correct, failure to take action against CO2 buildup will result in global catastrophes comparable to those that would be caused by a third world war: in other words, the deaths of far more than perished in concentration camps.

    Oops, I forgot to tell a joke.

  33. Jaime Oria9:23 AM

    To quote Roy quoting somebody else: He posited that Cyrus summoned the "unleashed form of Kali... the fearful and ferocious form of the mother goddess...
    Kali Yuga...aieeeeee!

  34. Jaime Oria9:26 AM

    Watching porn? In the uploaded 24th and a Half Century, I'm gonna be porn.

  35. Jaime Oria9:32 AM

    " 3) As to tempo, preference is also to be given to brisk compositions over slow ones (so-called blues); however, the pace must not exceed a certain degree of allegro, commensurate with the Aryan sense of discipline and moderation. On no account will Negroid excesses in tempo (so-called hot jazz) or in solo performances (so-called breaks) be tolerated.
    4) So-called jazz compositions may contain at most 10% syncopation; the remainder must consist of a natural legato movement devoid of the hysterical rhythmic reverses characteristic of the barbarian races and conducive to dark instincts alien to the German people (so-called riffs).
    5) Strictly prohibited is the use of instruments alien to the German spirit (so-called cowbells, flexatone, brushes, etc.) as well as all mutes which turn the noble sound of wind and brass instruments into a Jewish-Freemasonic yowl (so-called wa-wa, hat, etc.).

  36. parsec10:10 AM

    You could name it "The Caucasian Chalk Circle of Exclusion."

  37. So... the "shorter' might be something like "The world really WAS going to hell, and all that wimpy-ass Brecht could do was piss and moan about it. Gott sei dank the Nazis were man enough to step up and DO something about that!"

  38. Throwing caution the the winds, I watched the video (usually, we're thanking Roy for reading the rightbloggers so we don't have to, but in this case, I was happy that Michele Malkin and the rest of that crew watched the VMA so I didn't have to). First of all: Miley Cyrus is WAY to skinny to twerk. Second of all: WTF was it with the teddy bears?

  39. Mark_Bzzzz10:40 AM

    "When was the last time you felt patriotic joy about America?"

    Probably sometime in November 2012, when Americans overwhelmingly rejected the snake-oil fueled idiocy of the Romney campaign. Glad you asked.

  40. Tiny Hermaphrodite, Esq.10:40 AM

    ACORN? We must defund it. Again.

  41. He seems to hate Weill even more than the Nazis did, and for the same reasons. That he totally misses that irony is, of course, only to be expected. But to invoke the music of Kurt Weill--during a period of total political and economic collapse-- as the source of the political thuggery that hounded him out of Germany, well, that takes some doing, it's a wonder Whittle's head doesn't just collapse in on itself and then blow itself right back out of his own asshole.

  42. Mark_Bzzzz11:02 AM

    Mix-A-Lot does not like that butt.

    Miley is surprisingly unattractive for all of the work she puts into herself. I thought Bjork did a much better job with the teddy bear motif, although is was about 25 years ago.

  43. Your compassion and empathy are admirable.

  44. Shake that ass, Kali, show me what you're working with!

  45. It's a not-too-smart, inexperienced person's idea of "sexy".

  46. I thought Miley had mistakenly wandered in to a furry convention.

  47. Mark_Bzzzz11:30 AM

    The gem in Glenn's hand stopped blinking a long time ago, because the battery ran down.

  48. Mark_Bzzzz11:31 AM

    Oh, that was no mistake.

  49. tigrismus11:32 AM

    Now that's some twerking that'll make heads roll.

  50. I don't pity the girl, I think by this time she should have an inkling of what's exploitation and what's not. If she really wanted to make a break with her saccharine past, she could have recorded an album of standards, or sought a collaboration with seasoned writers to produce an album of thoughtful original material, but she decided to go with lowest-common-denominator ersatz shock value (debasing oneself to conform with the worst aspects of the patriarchy ain't subversive) and we see this cringeworthy display.

    I'll save my pity for her peers who will be saddled with decades of college debt, something Ms Cyrus will never have to experience.

  51. It's a celebration of Thug culture.

  52. I beg to quibble with one point- the cowbell is anything but alien to the German spirit, as long as it is played by a cow.

  53. Stop turning me on

  54. Hank types real sexy, it's called qwerking.

  55. Umm... strength through joy? Joy through strength? i can never keep that straight...

  56. Both Hannah Montana and Twerking Miley were basically extruded pop product courtesy the Entertainment Industrial Complex... basically the Cheetos of "culture".

  57. tigrismus11:49 AM

    Germanic, anyway.

  58. Fats Durston11:52 AM

    Learn her Bible verses with her, read scripture together, particularly the scripture that deals with the worth of women

    Like Genesis 19?

    "Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them."

    Numbers 31?

    "Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves."

    Exodus 21?

    "When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again."

    Leviticus 27?

    "then your valuation of a male from twenty years old up to sixty years old shall be fifty shekels of silver... If the person is a female, your valuation shall be thirty shekels."

    Those should help your daughter right good.

  59. Well... that was back in the days when a shekel was really WORTH something...

  60. Mark_Bzzzz11:55 AM

    See, the 3/5ths rule is good! It's right there in the bible.

  61. whetstone11:59 AM

    Paganini and Ravel would like a word with you.

  62. Time for another confession... I love the more crackpot conspiracy theories, preferably ones involving reptilian aliens or malevolent underground dwarfs with mind-control rays. I've read "Vigilant Citizen's" post twice now. The contention that Miley Cyrus' performance, down to the "one-eyed Pedobear" motif was calculated to piss over everybody reminds me of Austin Popper's "campaign of defacement" in Charles Portis' hilarious/melancholy Masters of Atlantis:

    He also commissioned a drawing of a pop-eyed, moronic human face, that of a collegiate-looking fellow with spiky hair and a big bow tie, and had rubber stamps made of it. The face had a strange power to annoy, even to sicken the spirit- one had to turn away from it- and Popper directed that it be stamped on every page of Hen's books, in a different place on each page so that the reader could not prepare himself.

    Miley's twerking had a that selfsame strange power to annoy, even to sicken the spirit.

  63. Mark_Bzzzz12:03 PM

    Here's a corrected link if you want to read the Onion article. The main problem I have with the Onion these days, is that they are being outpaced by right wing outlets on most days. The bar for crazy keeps getting raised, and the Onion just can't keep up.

  64. tigrismus12:04 PM

    Plus ALL the madrigal composers. I mean sheesh, why do these guys always act like sex was just invented?

  65. Seiner Dokumente, bitte. Ahh... Holstein... ist ein name JĂ¼disch?

  66. whetstone12:10 PM

    The funny thing is, my classical-music education would have started a lot earlier if someone had told me "relax, it's mostly dance music."

  67. On the subject of European cowbells, Swiss cows are the Flava Flavs of the cow world. I honestly don't know if German cows sport bells half as grand.

  68. tigrismus12:14 PM

    That was hilarious. I love the implication that sexual sin is only found in and only caused by Democrats.

  69. Tiny Hermaphrodite, Esq.12:16 PM

    Gah, your german makes my teeth hurt.

  70. Mark_Bzzzz12:20 PM

    He's still not over the greek columns used in a TV set in one of Obama's appearances. Weird what people fixate on.

  71. D. Sidhe12:23 PM

    I was kind of staggered by that rant too. The last part is what got me.

    Because the apparently proper response to hunger in the US is to wait until fifty million Americans start missing meals because they're well below the poverty line, seventeen million of them children, and then explain that you're on a diet and you, too, are hungry a lot.

    But, you know, wailing liberals, so melodramatic about kids and their entire lives being fucked up because they lack the nutrition to grow up healthy and are too hungry to concentrate on the Revolutionary War.

    I'm betting Mark Judge will google his name, spot Roy's column, and not get the jokes there, either, because: humorless liberals.

  72. Mark_Bzzzz12:25 PM

    I salute Vigilant Citizen for making the connection between pedo bear and the Illuminimati. Would you have known that had he not pointed it out?

  73. Another one from the WTF file:

    At Pantheos, Deacon Greg Kandrawrote her an open letter, bidding she envision herself in a future time when "someone will be taking care of your kids for you. Their father isn't around--where is he? Belize? Tanzania?

    Of all the locations on the planet, how did he fix on those two? Is this a racist dogwhistle?

  74. Tiny Hermaphrodite, Esq.12:45 PM

    Yes, it's safe, it's very safe, it's so safe you wouldn't believe it.

  75. Mooser1:57 PM

    Ah, finally, somebody I can trust. Look, 4B, as a favor, could you explain exactly what Miley Cyrus did which got everybody all farmischt? Wait, I've got a better idea: She did some kind of obscene dance and offended? Simply nod or shake your head to answer.

  76. Mooser1:58 PM

    Don't worry, it works both ways.

  77. Mooser2:03 PM

    My God, that looks good on her! The way it accentuates the graceful, yet powerful curve of her neck! Shake that thing, Mama! Ring that bell!

  78. Mark_Bzzzz2:03 PM

    What offended me about the performance was the big foam finger. I mean you spend thousands on an elaborate set and costumes, spend a lot of time choreographing the thing and hiring dancers and performers and then you use a foam finger? What happened? The network censor saw the rehearsal and said: "look, this is kind of weird, but you can't just rub your crotch with your hand. You're going to have to do something else." And they got a production assistant to run downstairs and grab a foam finger from the gift shop for the Brooklyn Nets and spray paint it white? It just seemed out of place with the rest of the elaborate staging.

  79. Mooser2:10 PM

    You need a degree to know they heard the breeze in the tree, singing weird melodies and they made that the start of the blues?
    And, of course, from a jail came the wail of a down-hearted frail and they played that
    As part of the blues.
    From a whippoorwill, out on a hill they took a new note, pushed it through a horn til it was worn
    Into a blue note
    And then they nursed it, rehearsed it
    And gave out the news
    That the southland gave birth to the blues! Everybody knows that.

  80. Mooser2:14 PM

    "She could have recorded an album of standards..."

    Like "Birth of the Blues"?

  81. whetstone2:16 PM

    As in the case of 1930s Germany, a culture whose elites, unlike the
    solid, sensible middle, are bored, jaded, and above all filled with a
    self-loathing and self-hatred

    Shorter: Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, dude, at least it's an ethos.

    Alternate shorter: When I hear the word "twerking," that's when I reach for my revolver.

  82. Mooser2:17 PM

    "This Is Being Done In The Hopes You Will Associate Arousal And Quality"

    Holy Shit! I finally understand why I find so many commercials disturbing. Can't thank you enough.

  83. Mooser2:19 PM

    "It's a not-too-smart, inexperienced person's idea of "sexy".

    Oh wow, Now I've gotta go see it! Probably simulate me to madness.

  84. whetstone2:24 PM

    WTF was it with the teddy bears?

    My reaction was: this is what happens when people who have no idea try to get a piece of that Lady Gaga action--i.e. channeling the cultural vanguard for a pop audience. Lady Gaga (and, as noted below, Bjork) are conversant with the avant garde. I guess the people who put that mess together are most familiar with... 4chan? Hell if I now.

  85. glennisw3:06 PM

    It's like they've already written the fanfiction versions for her. They ARE fixated!

  86. Ellis_Weiner3:07 PM

    And while we're at it, we're defunding SQUIRREL, too. Because don't kid yourself. There is one, and it's going down.

  87. glennisw3:08 PM

    No, actually, for me what was more annoying and sickening was how she did an offense and obscene dance that was also really boring, stupid, and totally not titillating. I mean, good for her if she wants to do it but Jeez, why so lame?

  88. glennisw3:13 PM

    Those scandalous flappers dancing the Charleston and the black bottom!

  89. glennisw3:17 PM

    "Yes, jiggling one's scantily-clad ass against another person's genitals
    and publicly acknowledging that women, even young unmarried ones, have
    sex testifying before Congress are exactly the same thing."

  90. glennisw3:20 PM

    A performance at a televised awards show was STAGED? What'll they think of next?

  91. Ellis_Weiner3:22 PM

    Maybe he means "Belize" in the Breaking Bad sense, meaning "dead." See what doin' that nasty hoochie-koo will get you?

  92. BigHank533:43 PM

    It also explains the many injuries caused by people attempting to masturbate with household appliances. Though really you might have been happier without having that explained.

  93. BigHank534:07 PM

    Pity? Why? Ms. Cyrus is an adult now, and surely one with thousands of hours more experience in public performance than any of us. And, quite frankly, people enjoyed getting outraged over it precisely because it was such a nothingburger*. Nobody died, nobody lost their home, and the target of disdain was a wealthy white woman so even the most tone-deaf essayist could hardly misstep.

    The appalling part of Ms. Cyrus' performance wasn't her attempted twerking or mock-masturbation or grinding on Mr. Thicke or her tongue gymnastics. The appalling part was that she was trying so hard to be shocking, to be outrageous, to be overtly sexual that it was obvious to everyone. Less "Oh my gawd" and more "Who are you trying to fool?"

    All the jokes about the VMAs have pretty much been made by now, and Ms. Cyrus can get back to planning her next stunt to keep her name in the headlines. When that stops working, she can take a couple years off and use them to count her money.

    *Though the people commenting on her appropriation of black sexuality certainly had a point:

  94. DocAmazing4:29 PM

    Vogue 2013.

  95. Derelict5:44 PM

    Yes, until Elvis came along, nobody had ever written music in 4/4 time.

  96. willf6:27 PM

    He's qwerking with his kerning.

    He's qwerning.

  97. willf6:33 PM

    The resemblance to her dad always comes through in the candid vacation snaps.

  98. Waffle_Man6:37 PM

    It's kind of mind-boggling to me that there's so much discussion about this performance that completely ignores the most important point:

    it sucked.

    Like, on its own terms. That tongue sticking out thing, was it supposed to be sexy? Was it supposed to be, like, some kind of punk rebellion thing? As has been pointed out, she's also just not any good at twerking at all. Also, she did the "Can I get a 'Hell no!'" thing and, no, she couldn't.

    Everything about "We Can't Stop" fascinates me. It's so bad! It's a club party song that makes you want to curl up and take a nap and the video is a godawful pile of dated cliches desperate to shock.

    Who gives a shit if it's lewd? It's terrible.

    I'm kind of obsessed with it, honestly.

    God I can't wait for a duet with Justin Bieber about twerking. It's going to be my favorite least favorite song ever.

  99. tigrismus7:02 PM

    Also MOOSE, though he does promise faithfully there is nothing up his sleeve.

  100. glennisw8:11 PM

    I'm with you. My first reaction was how lame it was.

  101. JennOfArk8:15 PM

    If not MOOSE, then at least Mooselini.

  102. JennOfArk8:17 PM

    That too. Also.

  103. Tehanu8:29 PM

    "Of all the locations on the planet, how did he fix on those two? Is this a racist dogwhistle?"
    Does the Pope -- oh, never mind.

  104. Yeah, I just ... I realize the only feminists he speaks to are the ones invented by DMOP's fan base, but most women today really don't want Don Draper for a boss or a husband.

  105. MikeJ9:24 PM

    God I can't wait for a duet with Justin Bieber about twerking. It's going to be my favorite least favorite song ever.

    I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused. Honestly, I just can't give a shit. I don't expect pop tarts to be good, so it doesn't really bother me when they're not.

    Until I hear somebody complaining about it, I won't even know where to hear it. Is radio still a thing? I suppose it will be on youtube, but the great thing about it is if I don't look for it, I don't have to have my beautiful mind disturbed by it.

  106. Halloween_Jack9:37 PM

    OK, Waffs, before I suggest something, I strongly recommend that you cue up some of your favorite tunes as an earworm cleanser/brain bleach. OK? Ready to go? I mean, seriously, have the needle ready to drop on the record/finger on the play button/whatever.

    Right, then. Now: go to YouTube and look up something called (I'm serious about the good songs! Last warning!) "Party in the USA." Just a few seconds will do.

    Back? Still alive and nominally sane? First, I am so, so sorry, but it was necessary, in the sense of a wisdom-tooth extraction or a brisk but gentle smack across the chops. Now here's the Morpheus-grade mind-beblowing:

    She got a whole second career out of that. And if that's true, then why not pseudo-twerking and trying to pick her nose with her tongue and whatnot? This is the world we live in, and that is an excellent reason for supporting a space program, if only so that the nuke-it-from-orbit option is still there.

  107. Halloween_Jack9:44 PM

    Bjork? Heck--and I can't quite believe that I'm typing this--Robert Smith did it better.

  108. Halloween_Jack9:46 PM

    Bloombergian buzzkills

    He'll have to come up with another insult now that McArdle is spewing writing for them.

  109. Halloween_Jack9:49 PM

    it's a wonder Whittle's head doesn't just cave in on itself and then blow itself right back out of his own asshole.


    (but how would we notice any difference?)

  110. Halloween_Jack9:52 PM

    Whittle mentioning Weill and Lenya is in much the same spirit as McArdle mentioning economic statistics: as far as they're concerned, simply having heard of such puts them way ahead of the overwhelming bulk of their audience, so who gives a shit about actually getting them right?

  111. Halloween_Jack9:53 PM

    ...look, I've been on worse dates, OK?

  112. Halloween_Jack9:55 PM

    Dang, and I've already made my nuke-it-from-orbit joke for today.

  113. Captain Ambiguity9:55 PM

    Guess which major 20th German political party loudly denounced the bohemian and degraded culture of Weimar Germany, and tried to redirect the national culture to more inspiring and edifying material?

  114. Halloween_Jack9:57 PM

    It is proof of how less-than-sublime my existence has been that I took very little time to put the appropriate music to those words.

  115. montag210:07 PM

    Somebody thinks it had a lot more power than to just annoy:

  116. redpubt10:18 PM

    "That trick never works!" (Because we defunded it)

  117. Halloween_Jack10:48 PM

    This one's still my favorite:

  118. BigHank5310:58 PM

    God, that sounds filthy. I almost wish it was real.

  119. AGoodQuestion1:37 AM

    Yeah, Cyrus' ideas of what's hot are more woefully misguided than a sign of the Apocalypse. Maybe the cons are upset because they've developed higher standards for barely legal porn.

  120. edroso10:20 AM

    I like "Party in the U.S.A." It's disposable pop crap, but so what? Not everything can be "Time Fades Away."

    This, however, will not stand.

  121. Mooser3:23 PM

    "God I can't wait for a duet with Justin Bieber about twerking. It's going to be my favorite least favorite song ever"

    Now, don't prejudge. After all, I've heard they will do it to "Mack, the Knife".

  122. Mooser3:28 PM

    I don't care what Miley Cyrus does, or doesn't. She's no Damita Jo Freeman

  123. Waffle_Man12:24 AM

    Oh my god. I had never heard of that Nirvana cover.

    She's such a total square* who is desperately, desperately trying to be shocking and cool.

    It's amazing, I hope she keeps it up forever.

    *No offense meant, I am too.

  124. Lurkee11:24 AM

    Has our president spoken out on this obvious killing of a white person by a person of color?

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