Saturday, December 12, 2020


The Supreme Court dismissal of Texas' lunatic attempt to overturn the election offers a momentary respite from what, alas, is an apparently unshakeable conviction among a depressing number of our countrymen that Biden stole the election and Trump doesn't have to leave on January 20. 

Nonetheless a respite it has been, and at times hilarious: RedState reports on "The Cases Still Out There," doing the old King Lear "Look on her, look, her lips" bit ("There are still cases wending their way through the state courts, including one in Wisconsin. The plaintiffs in the Pennsylvania case just filed a petition for writ of certiorari..."). In case that fails to convince, the author portrays a SCOTUS silver lining:

We heard from the left that Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Justice Neil Gorsuch were going to be shills for President Donald Trump. That obviously wasn’t the case. Not that Democrats would ever admit that.

Ha ha, take that, libtards! By saying we're full of shit, the Supreme Court is saying you're full of shit! 

Meanwhile the Texas Republican Party  -- or rather their leader, reliable buffoon Allen West -- is calling for Trumpkins to secede and create their own union, perhaps to be called Griftopia. It's like they're going through Kübler-Ross's five stages of grief at once, or in an endless loop. 

We can laugh -- I sure have! -- but we should note that these people are a little cracked and some of them more than a little: Along with the cries for secession at Parler and elsewhere (some humorously misspelled) are calls to murder judges, and some yahoos who are attending this weekend's Jericho March in DC -- like the Christian "Return" event last summer and the MAGA March last month, an opportunity for Trumpists to vent -- are openly calling for violence and insurrection. (And so are Diamond and Silk!) 

And the high-profile grifters who have played on their illness -- like Sidney Powell and Sebastian Gorka and Trump himself -- are still out claiming the fight isn't over. Their self-interest is obvious, as is their lack of concern for what it's doing to the country. And it's a cinch their agents in Congress will try to leverage this mania as well -- their stonewalling of the stimulus is not about fiscal responsibility (who even believes that about Republicans anymore?) but about making Americans more desperate: They've sized up their suckers and decided that since they blame everything else bad that happens to them on black people, Antifa, and Soros, they'll do the same even as Mitch McConnell spits directly in their faces. 

But those of us who always thought of Biden as half a loaf at best know the transfer of power is a milestone, not a finish line tape. Here's hoping for some lucky breaks, and that good policy (if we can get it!) has slightly more appeal than fascism. 

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