If you are known as difficult in Hollywood, You... Do...Not...Work. Exit parnassah.I know how it is, bro. In my corporate writing practice, I have encountered many such indignities. Check out my first-person testimonial:
My agent, a wonderful woman, told me, “Just do what they want and walk. It’s only a movie.”
Every day, I step into my office and write the words to the script. Every night, I go to bed and repeat to myself the mantra “It’s only a movie. It’s only a movie.” So why is that I cannot sleep — have not, in fact, been able to sleep for weeks and weeks?
"Edroso, your copy describes our product as 'better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.'"In the end I capitulated. After all, as my creditors always tell me, it's only collateral marketing material. Yet each night my bed burns, and the faces of Tolstoy and Orwell loom out of the blackness, and gaze upon me with contempt. I think Arthur Koestler actually spit at me the other night.
"Well, it is, isn't it?"
"That's not how you sell hand cream."
"But your hand cream feels like salad oil and smells like moose pee. Don't you people care about the truth?"
I don't know why these people think that, just because they pay you, they get to decide what you write. What do they expect me to do, go work for somebody else?