DEAD DRUNKBLOGGING POST-DEBATE. Round oneMcCAIN: We're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them blah blah blah. Iraqis are disappointing.
THOMPSON: I too believe Iraqis are disappointing.
ROMNEY: Iraqis should do what I say.
BROWNBACK: Iraqis and Democrats should do what I say.
GIULIANI: Democrats and Republicans should do what I say.
TANCREDO: I agree with Bush.
PAUL: I agree with Reagan.
HUNTER: The Iraqis agree with me.
HUCKABEE: Gotta get it right the first time, that's the main thing. Wo ho, wo ho, wo ho, wo ho ho ho-o-o ho.
GILMORE: America, whattaya think about Iran?
Round twoROMNEY: I won't raise taxes.
McCAIN: Here's a joke! (
HUCKABEE: Here's a crazy idea, and a joke! (
GIULIANI: I cut taxes in New York, and they're all commie bastards.
BROWNBACK: Biofuel will defeat Hugo Chavez.
THOMPSON: I did 1,900 vetoes, and I'll cut into that useless agency, the Centers for Disease Control.
PAUL: I'll cut everything.
GILMORE: I'm a conservative. You other guys, not so much.
HUNTER: Fuck China, help American businesses, especially war profiteers.
TANCREDO: I'll cut everything too.
Round threeGILMORE: Giuliani loves abortion, Huckabee hearts taxes, Romney loves
health care for God's sake.
GIULIANI: Well, at least I'm not a liberal.
McCAIN: I was in Vietnam.
HUCKABEE: I actually cut taxes. I'm doggone good and I have a moniker.
ROMNEY: I hate the state I used to be governor of.
BROWNBACK: Yay Reagan, boo Mexicans.
THOMPSON: Yay stem cells, boo destroying embryos.
GIULIANI: Abortion? Goddamn New Yorkers. What could I do?
HUCKABEE: Giuliani celebrates death, I look for lost boy scouts.
BROWNBACK: If you're raped, you should have a baby.
ROMNEY: I am recently and totally pro-life.
TANCREDO: I hate Mexicans. These guys love Mexicans.
McCAIN: Well, at least Mexicans aren't Muslims.
ROMNEY: Mexicans shouldn't get a special pathway. Or doorway. Citizenship! (
McCAIN: Why's everyone looking at me? Abortion!
GIULIANI: I'm not soft. I'm hard! I'm America's Mayor! We need tamper proof IDs! And a fence!
built a motherfucking fence.
PAUL: We really fucked up in Iraq.
(applause)GIULIANI: 9/11! 9/11!
(cheers, gunfire)PAUL: Fuck you.
McCAIN: I'm sorry about the Confederate flag, but not as sorry as you should be for asking me about it.
(cheers, "Dixie")HUCKABEE: That murderer? Everyone makes mistakes. If I'm elected, no one will go free.
TANCREDO: Global warming is bullshit. Ron Paul is a traitor!
Round fucking fourMcCAIN: I'm against torture. I was tortured myself.
(No applause)GIULIANI: I'm for torture.
(applause) 9/11!
ROMNEY: More imprisonments without trial! Fuck habeus corpus!
(applause) THOMPSON: Colin Powell! Confused you, didn't I, bitches? Asking me about Africa! Sheeit.
BROWNBACK: Fuck the U.N.!
HUNTER: Whatever I did, I wouldn't
think about it, thinking's for pussies.
McCAIN: I'm still against torture, despite your invitation to get with the program.
GILMORE: 9/11, Virginia stylee! Fuck the U.N., but with foreplay. I was a prosecutor!
HUCKABEE: Bush said "keep shopping," which was great, but let's all pretend we're making sacrifices, and voting for me would be a good first step.
PAUL: Forget taxes, let's talk torture. I mean, let's get Bin Laden.
(deafening silence)TANCREDO: Jack Bauer!
Bullshit minority afterthoughtGILMORE: I like black people.
ROMNEY: No Child Left Behind is good for black people.
I don't even know what this is supposed to beHUNTER: Expanded trade with China may not be an unmixed blessing.
Conclusion: This country is fucked. Our only hope: THROW BATTERIES!UPDATE. Andy McCarthy says, what does that pussy McCain know about torture?
Ace O. Spades sez "Fuck Ron Paul. If I ever see this cocksucker in person, I'll take a swing at him." The Reasonoids go
another way. That Big Tent seems to be leaking some air.