Tuesday, October 22, 2013


What the...
Jay Z’s American Fascism
Remember those stories about how NWA was going to turn your kids into foul-mouthed murderers? David P. Goldman has revived the formula for PJ Media -- with an extra shout-out to liberal fascism!
Who would have believed that a performing genre (it is a stretch to call it “music”) dominated by convicted and confessed criminals, brutally misogynistic, preaching and practicing violence, would come to dominate American popular culture?
Someone who's ever seen Jimmy Cagney shove a grapefruit in Mae Clark's face, that's who.
Violence is not only a legitimate form of expression: it is the only manly form of expression, as in his rap “D.O.A.”...

One should not conclude from this that Obama favors criminal violence, but rather that the popular response to Jay Z’s evocation of felonious rage is so great that Obama finds it convenient to exploit it.

Jay Z appeals to the same kind of rage that Hitler and Mussolini exploited during the interwar years. Never in the postwar period has the United States had youth unemployment in the 25% range for over half a decade...
Despite some demurrers -- inserted, no doubt, to keep the men in the white suits off his tail -- Goldman's clear implication is that Jay Z is Obama's Ernst Rohm, enforcing the Kenyan Tyrant's big takeover with an Ooga Booga Army of brownshirts.

Religion can't compete, because the kids aren't going to church anymore, says Goldman. His best advice to fellow conservatives is to heed the example of the Orthodox Jews' stubborn resistance to modernity:
It is an extended war of attrition to recreate a conservative majority from the grass roots up, in the face of a truly evil effort to exploit the rage and frustration of young Americans. It will last the rest of our lifetimes and more.
Maybe Goldman can give this as a speech at the 2016 GOP Convention. I bet it achieves some real movement at the polls!

For a competing but equally valid conspiracy theory, check out Michael T. Snyder on how Jay Z's mobbed up with the Illuminati. Obama isn't mentioned, but Hillary is -- it's a long game!

UPDATE. Famous rapper Jay B has one of the many normal-person reactions in comments: "Jesus Christ, I guess the last 35 fucking years of conservative race panic over 'rap' flew past this guy, seeing how he's just now heard about this new fangled rhyming ghetto thing. He takes on literally the only rap artist that my mom knows about and who seems to rap with about the same amount of rage as the average mall walker and still, even after all this time, tries the ol' 'if you can call it music' bullshit. It's like this was beamed in from 1988. Someone should sneak him a copy of It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold us Back, he might never go outside again."