Wednesday, October 09, 2013

BOTH SIDES DO I-- [drowns in bullshit]

Charles C.W. Cooke at National Review:
Perhaps it is the product of the Manichean way in which partisan fights such as this one encourage people to think. Perhaps it is a morbid fear of being accused of “false equivalence.” Perhaps tempers are just so frayed at this point that none of us can see straight. But whatever it is, few progressives appear willing to acknowledge that, regardless of where the blame lies for its arrival, the White House has not reacted to the shutdown well at all.
Similarly, few conservatives will admit that they're a stupid moron with an ugly face and big butt and their butt smells and they like to kiss their own butt. O tempora O mores! 

My favorite part:
“Reality has a liberal bias,” one of my less original Twitter stalkers told me nervously earlier in the week in the course of manfully pretending that nothing was awry.
Cooke could tell the guy was nervous by the sudden awkward shift in his data transfer speed.

Cooke's overall point seems to be that the world is being a jerk and will one day admit it was wrong and Cooke is right. That's often the subtext when rightbloggers talk about Obama, but lately it seems most of them have it floating right on top.