And the Gay Left and Tea Party Right might even want to talk to each other; they may find they’ve got more in common than they realize...
Let's see what the "Gay Left" will find if they talk to the
Augusta, Maine Tea Party Right:
Attendees of the Independence Day Tea Party rally came for many reasons -- to speak out against what they called the "socialistic liberal agenda," to petition against gay marriage and to speak up for individual rights and the Constitution among them.
Major Strasser might say, they would find the conversation a trifle one-sided. Let's try
Eric Aguirre, who attended an assembly in College Station, Texas, described how one of the guest speakers, a World War II veteran, spoke about gay marriage.
He said that while he believed that God made you the way you were, he felt there were limits to how marriage is defined. He said God made men, and God made women, and marriage is between each of those sexes. The crowd erupted in applause.
Maybe we can expect some more tolerant-like in the Northeast, from
TEA New York:
(Why we oppose) Support of the homosexual agenda
I’ll refer to these two bodies of intelligent created beings as “my gay friends” and “the Agenda.” My gay friends have freely opted for the marvelous divine gift of free will, whereas the Agenda seeks to force its will upon others – not unlike the Grand Inquisitors, or those that would force the Infidel to convert or die...
...we should be objecting very strongly to the gay Agenda, militantly mainstreaming dangerous and unhealthy behavior into our laws and schools.
On the bright side, the author adds, "We appreciate the creative talents of gay artists, stylists and designers." And let's see
Mark Noonan on GOP outreach to the Tea Party People:
Our first task is to restore the Constitutional order… after that, the rest will fall our way of its own accord. If we can’t do this, then all our arguments against abortion, against gay marriage, in favor of family and faith are pointless...
To be fair, the Boston Tea Party
came out for gay marriage in 2008. And some of the brethren counsel
soft-pedaling social issues in the interests of coalition building. But good luck getting any gathering of conservative activists to stay off the "gay agenda" for any length of time.