Monday, February 26, 2018


...about the Stoneman Douglas High kids, the NRA boycott, and the panic these have engendered among the people of the gun.

I will add that it's easy to see why so many wingnuts have refocused their attention on the deputy who failed to enter the school while the shooting was going on. Among the most secure safe spaces of conservative snowflakes is the comforting notion, supported by a million TV and movie action sequences, that in a pinch they'd be heroes, dodging bullets like Neo and kicking ass like Jack Ryan, and if some guy doesn't live up to that standard, that's nothing to sympathize with or even forebear to judge because in their dreams they've already shown themselves to be better men. That's why Trump made the ridiculous claim today that he'd have burst in on the gunplay himself; he knows the armchair commandos will relate to his delusion, and welcome him into their fantasy Seal Team Six.

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