Sunday, May 04, 2014


...about Benghazi Round Which One Is It I Lost Track. Nonetheless it's fascinating to see them work variations on the theme, in a sort of late-Bowery-Boys sort of way.

UPDATE. In comments, AGoodQuestion responds to Roger L. Simon's pep talk to the troops ("Every one of us has to stay the course on Benghazi until this gets sorted out... Remember, even OJ didn't get away with it in the end"): "So the plan is to keep bitching about Benghazi until Obama slips up and steals back some of his sports memorabilia?" I think he's got it!

UPDATE 2. I've got a great idea for the Benghazi guys -- collectively sponsor a NASCAR vehicle, like Reddit Dogecoin enthusiasts did at Talladega. Then, if their car wins, the guy can go to the mike and dedicate his victory to those four brave men Obama and Hillary murdered. Hell, why not have Soros and the Kochs buy up all the sponsorships and make every victory an occasion for political speech? This country's finished anyways.


  1. Season one of Trey Detective.

  2. As of this post, I've yet to read the column, but I have just one thing to say:

    Why this? Why is this the brass ring they're all grabbing for?

    It's not like this is wholly new to me. Shit, I grew up during the Clinton Scandalpalooza. My first exposure to politics (and the internet, really) came in elementary school, when I overheard two assistants discussing the Clinton Body Count List. That was the day it finally dawned on me that many adults were very silly and I should stop taking what they said at face value. There's never been a point in my life when GOP politics were not petty, cheap, opportunistic and tinged with a generous dose of paranoia.

    But even so, this makes no sense to me. I don't think it makes sense to them. I've never heard the Benghazi Brigade give a coherent explanation as to the what or the why, they just whisper darkly and hope the audience makes the connection. They do what, in the colorful parlance of digital space, is known as "JAQing off." Except it doesn't seen like an act. If it were, they would have given up after the three hundredth round failed to budge the public at all. It seems like they believe there's something genuine sinister at play, and just assume that it's obvious to everyone. It's a large group of people exhibiting the kind of leaps in logic that one normally only sees in someone in the midst of a psychotic break.

    I've heard plenty of theories as to why the conservative movement has Benghazi on the brain, and some of them make a lot of sense. But I don't think there is any sense here. Looking for logic is missing the point. This is like some kind of totem for them, some magical words that can dispel the liberal menace and the black tyrant that symbolizes it. But why latch on to this, of all things? It wasn't the first, the last, or the biggest. It's totally random, the hobby horse of a misanthropic crank who never feels the need to explain anything to anyone.

  3. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person11:12 PM

    "Never give up," Simon said

    Never surrender!

    But did he say "Simon says..."?

  4. Why this? Why is this the brass ring they're all grabbing for?

    They think it will help them in the midterms, and they want to hang it around Hilary's neck before the 2016 election.

  5. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person11:16 PM

    As I opined on another thread, on another blog, they see Hillary coming down the track, and are feverishly working to blow the bridge.

  6. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person11:23 PM

    A question, Ed, on the cartoon. There's one in every one of these columns, and some of 'em cause me to wonder--OK, most of 'em--...these are for real? This is actual "rightwing humor"? Because, holy shit...
    Maybe now I understand 'em so often saying "the Left has no sense of humor". They literally wouldn't know one if it bit 'em. I can see 'em as little kids, when their parents are laughing at something on TV, and they put their hands over their ears. "What's that noise? Stop it! Stop it!"

  7. AGoodQuestion11:28 PM

    Every one of us has to stay the course on Benghazi until this gets sorted out. Keep the media and the left on trial. Remember, even OJ didn't get away with it in the end.

    So the plan is to keep bitching about Benghazi until Obama slips up and steals back some of his sports memorabilia? They've got the first part covered, anyway.

  8. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person11:40 PM

    No shit? Who the hell is Judge Jeanine? And I thought LaRouche was dead...
    OK, WND, I see. Lawdy, she's sump melse, ain't she?

  9. AGoodQuestion11:41 PM

    There is indeed a chance that Benghazi could help run up the base vote in the midterms, since people who get all their news from talk radio and WorldNet Daily figure high in off-year elections. At the very least the Democrats will have to work to contain the damage.

    As for 2016, all the innuendo in the world won't help if the Republicans can't nominate someone who's mastered the shit-Shinola distinction in foreign affairs.

  10. I hate Pirro with the passion of a thousand burning suns. Years ago, while she was still DA, a local cop who had been three years ahead of me in grammar school (great kid, good cop) was killed while coming to take a guy who had violated an order of protection to prison. He was killed instantly with one shot from a 30-06, his partner was pinned down, and every goddamn police department in the region sent a team in full tactical gear to respond to the resultant siege. NYC even sent an armored vehicle. Pirro then got on the television grandstanding about how she was going to seek the death penalty while the siege was still ongoing. Fuck, how can somebody try to negotiate with the gunman while the DA is grandstanding? Thankfully, the gunman ate a bullet before anyone else was hurt, but he had already killed his grandmother, the family dog, and my friend,

    Fuckin' Pirro, she's a bundle of awful.

  11. Right-wing humor is different. You don't hear something absurd and then laugh, like with most forms of comedy. There's a procedure. First, you absorb the humor, in whatever form it takes. Then, you mentally extract a portion of the humor, turning it into a talking point-sized package. From there, you then imagine a social situation (a cocktail party is traditional, but there are many variants) in which you might encounter a liberal. This liberal will not be a person with a left-of-center political philosophy, but rather a stereotype appropriate to the "joke" - in this case, maybe an ex-hippie bra burner with an organic food stand in Vermont. You approach this fictional liberal and utter the talking point, at which point her face turns bright red and she begins to sputter (liberal stereotypes being prone to transforming into helium-filled balloons under the proper circumstances). Then you laugh.

    It's like photosynthesis, except instead of proteins, it produces email forwards and blog posts.

  12. GeniusLemur11:52 PM

    Rightwing jokes (or "jokes")
    A liberal was walking down the street, and a truck ran over him.
    A liberal was walking down a country lane, and a bear ate him.
    A liberal walked into a bar, and everyone saw he was gay and beat him up.

  13. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person11:53 PM


  14. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person11:55 PM

    And some truly perplexing cartoons...

  15. I googled Benghazi polling2014 and got a lot of Faux Snews articles mentioning Hillary. It's their last pitiful gasp to tar her before the Republicans unite behind someone to lose the 2016. After a while, people aren't gonna care because it doesn't help them financially and it could be something that Democrats running against House Republicans can use on them in the fall.

    When your enemy makes a blunder, do not interfere!

  16. And that makes sense, but this doesn't seem to be coming from the top. This is a ground-up derangement, and the WND crowd never seemed all that calculating to me. The Clinton connection might be the ticket, though. These guys love to hate the Clintons, and I've always felt that their hatred for Obama felt like an attempt to capture that old magic that never quite hit the mark. Everyone else is nostalgic for the 90's - why not movement cons, too?

  17. FlipYrWhig12:10 AM

    Way too sophisticated. The quintessential right-wing joke is: "Hey, fag, you're a fag. Just joking."

  18. FlipYrWhig12:16 AM

    It's supposed to negate, then override, the whole killing bin Laden thing, thereby confirming that Obama is the wussy he always was, and also that he knows it himself, which is why he tried to cover it up, but didn't succeed. So it's a case of a cover-up of wussiness, which is way wore than a cover-up of rule-breaking toughness, like Oliver North or Scooter Libby did. In other words, penis.

  19. "I don't recognize this country. But I can tell you this: I'm not
    alone... It's the ruling class vs. the rest of us. And but for a brief
    blip in history when the US was founded, in has always been thus. -
    None of which means we have to take it. The question is, will we...?"

    Why doesn't Goldstein go to the Bundy Ranch (Burning Cross Man) and join the resistance? I'm sure a bunch of "ZOG" obsessed nutters would be happy to have him join.

  20. The date is convenient, they can say that Obama didn't keep Americans safe on 9/11............................................. 2012.

  21. It may seem like a ground-up derangement, but it's never a ground-up movement. I'm sure they've gotten e-mails from AEI, Heritage, and the RNC. It's just like the astroturf Tea Parties being portrayed as a grass-roots movement.

    Righties can't even wipe their asses without instructions from Grover Norquist or Ralph Reed.

  22. Daniel Björkman12:27 AM

    Yes, rightwhingers, they blamed the video. What were they supposed to do? Stand up and say, "yeah, some violent nuts attacked us again. Because they fucking hate us. Which should come as no surprise, because even sensible people fucking hate us at this point, never mind violent nuts. This should be unsurprising given, well, pretty much our entire foreign policy for the last several decades. There is really no way to keep this from happening again and again except maybe scaling back on how much we exploit our World's Only Remaining Superpower status, and let's face it, the damage has probably been done already and no one's likely to forgive us at this point no matter what we do, especially not the kind of violent nuts who do things like this"?

    Yeah, that would sure have gone down well with the American public at large, to say nothing of the right-leaning part. :P

  23. JennOfArk12:32 AM

    I think the courtroom scene in Idiocracy gets about as close to illustrating right-wing humor as anything ever has.

  24. Damn, I clicked through to that Lloyd Marcus video... I can't believe he released it so close to the anniversary of the Kent State shootings (5/4). I didn't think he was smart enough to troll so topically.

    Didn't watch more than thirty seconds, it's more awful than you think. Dumbass didn't even get the syllable count right to scan properly.

  25. Daniel Björkman12:35 AM

    Well. A site I frequent often posts leftist political cartoons that aren't exceedingly witty either. They're in Swedish or I'd link you, but they do have the same general feeling of just being a way of going "you STUPID!" at the opposition. I figured it was just a lazy-political-cartoon thing.

  26. I think it is political for the money guys, and the pols. They can read polls and they know that absent something really sticky, Hillary is going to wipe ass on whichever human fecal bolus the Republican primary squirts out.
    I get a different feeling from the rightbloggers, and the Base. It's got everything they need; Muslim-killed Americans, in a military action that has no connection to Dubya, hence no uncomfortable historical re-hashes on the Sunday shows; realtime communications that might, if you squint just right, come off as something your average Fox viewer imagines the Kenyan Usurper spends all his time doing (Plotting To Decieve!); and enough non-specific details(?) to pretty much hang whatever fevered tales you like on it.

    All hanging in space unsupported. It's koan-like, in a way; the act of questioning it entangles the susceptible mind.

  27. JennOfArk12:36 AM

    Not to mention the fact that there actually was a protest in Benghazi on 9/11/12 over that internet video.

  28. Dude, you're brave. I couldn't face it; knowing it exists is bad enough.

  29. I think the 4chan'ers will turn it into the next "rickroll".

    Never gonna give Benghazi up,
    Never get blood pressure down.

  30. JennOfArk12:50 AM

    Funniest bit in the whole piece:

    "Why Sean Hannity Believes This Is the 'Smoking Gun' on Benghazi"

    Funny because here's some other stuff that Sean Hannity "believes." First up, he believes that this guy is a patriot for freeloading off the taxpayers.

    Also, he believes the guy who painted this is a great artist, and claims to "collect" his work.

    So, clearly, what Sean Hannity "believes" is a signpost of what is real.

  31. Great, now I have the picture in my head: Lindsey Graham, in the well of the Senate "By Grapthar's hammer, by the Sons of Morvan, Bengazi shall be avenged!" ... could have lived without that image, thanks.

  32. DocAmazing1:02 AM

    If the frame don't fit, Roger's gonna shit.

  33. Formerly_Nom_De_Plume1:08 AM

    I've never heard the Benghazi Brigade give a coherent explanation as to the what or the why

    Neither have I, come to think of it. It's the same with Whitewater--to this day I don't really have any idea what is supposed to have happened.

    This is what comes of living in a confined bubble. It's like the shorthand that you and your friends have developed over the years. Everything is an in-joke, no explanation necessary.

  34. AGoodQuestion1:10 AM

    The ruling class, BTW, means exactly what Goldstein wants it to mean. No more, no less.

  35. smut clyde1:22 AM

    Why this? Why is this the brass ring they're all grabbing for?

    If I understand correctly, the current crusade is that there was a cover-up. We all know that the cover-up is always worse than the original malfeasance, so it doesn't matter that in this case there was no original malfeasance, and the fact that the Administration has tried so hard and so successfully to cover up something that never happened just goes to show how untrustworthy they are.

  36. Kordo1:28 AM

    Does pretending a tree has fallen cause people to believe they heard the noise?

  37. KatWillow1:36 AM

    The PLAN is to keep on screaming about Benghazi until someone somewhere stumbles across another "Monica Lewinski" type scandal involving Obama or Hillary, or better yet involving Obama AND Hillary, with Michelle looking-on approvingly.

  38. Spaghetti Lee2:23 AM

    But what is the "it" they want to hang? I'm with DJ: I can't even tell what they think the lies are, let alone the facts.

  39. Spaghetti Lee2:32 AM

    Alright, I give...what's with the rooster?

  40. Daniel Björkman2:38 AM

    Well. Yes. But I don't think that anyone would have gotten that upset over a video if it hadn't been the last in a long string of grievances.

  41. BadExampleMan2:38 AM

    That makes me think of the scene in Two Mules For Sister Sara where the grievously-wounded, shitfaced drunk Clint Eastwood is trying to shoot the dynamite with help from Shirley Maclaine. Maybe someone can help me flesh out the metaphor.

  42. smut clyde2:44 AM

    Are you sure that isn't just a Swedes-have-no-sense-of-humour" thing? [/Dane]

  43. Daniel Björkman2:47 AM

    We do too! Our sense of humour is just... a little odd and hard to explain to foreigners. ^_^;

  44. smut clyde3:10 AM

    I was always taught that there are only five jokes in Scandinavia (and three of them are about Finns).

  45. davdoodles3:21 AM

    "'s John Sexton. "...the messaging goals offer insight into how senior advisers in the White House saw the video as an important scapegoat, a way to direct public attention away from questions about the president's foreign policy toward another cause... ""

    Weren't these very same people who raved that anyone that wondered that 9/11 might just have been a reaction to US foreign policy were filthy traitors? Insisted that 9/11was all-and-only about the inscrutable brown people "hating our freedums"?

  46. Daniel Björkman3:28 AM

    Nonsense. There's plenty of jokes. They just don't look like jokes to ignorant southerners. :P

    (though as far as Denmark is concerned - and since we're speaking of national stereotypes - I will grant you that this Danish lady is kind of hilarious)

  47. Pope Zebbidie XIII5:03 AM

    Is "Benghazi Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi (Benghazi Benghazi) Benghazi" the new "Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo"?

  48. Derelict6:07 AM

    As somebody on the intertubes pointed out, the price America has to pay for Nixon resigning is Republicans trying to impeach every Democratic president for the next 100 years.

  49. Derelict6:16 AM

    They have no idea what "it" might be. At the end of the day, the entire "scandal" come down to this: Susan Rice said something on a Sunday morning talk show, and that something may or may not have reflected the actual reality on the ground in Libya 36 hours prior to that.

    The "smoking gun" here would be a tape recording of Obama giving the order to have Stevens killed, or maybe video of Hillary sending zombie Vince Foster to tell the embassy guards to take the night off.

  50. Derelict6:18 AM

    Just type in the orange-faced (and crippled) John Boehner, and pick any one of the harpies from Fox and you got it.

  51. Derelict6:21 AM

    Whitewater was supposed to be about the Clintons making obscene profits off a fixed land deal. Three investigations later, it turned out that the Clintons lost money on the deal. But we did find out that lots of Republicans had made lots of money from fixed land deals--including then-senator Alfonse D'Amato who turns something like $1,000 into more than $100,000.

  52. Wrangler6:26 AM

    Is this the same artist who did those Saddam portraits they found in his bedroom of him riding a dragon surrounded by women who look like Red Sonja?

  53. Derelict6:28 AM

    Never forget rightwing reasoning on foreign affairs: The only way to get people to love us is by destroying their homes and killing their wives, children, parents, cousins, neighbors, and anyone else they care about.

    As always, the fact that conservatives are incapable of empathy makes them incapable of understanding why such acts result in the survivors hating us.

  54. Derelict6:32 AM

    Those of us who've had the misfortune of watching her "career" know she's much much more awful than even that incident demonstrates. Her husband is no day at the beach, either.

  55. I am ashamed at each and every one of ya.

  56. Buffalo Rude6:39 AM

    If you don't know, you aren't paying attention. Duh.

  57. It's the "damnable LIE" that some fruitcake, asshole made a hateful anti-Muslim propaganda film that might have gotten Americans killed, that keeps the fire burning.

    Add a layer of "anything bad that happens while the Dark Man is in office is punishment from Gawd (for letting a Dark Man in office," and throw in some military issue glow sticks, and you have the basic ingredients for a Wingnut Rave.

  58. Bizarro Mike7:30 AM

    But it'll make heck of scene in Benghazi! The Musical.

  59. The epitome of Right Wing Humor can be found on church roadside signs all across the nation (God made figs, but He hates fags).

    Short and judgmental are the only two requirements. Dressing it in cartoons or wordplay is only for the experts.

  60. sotto voce"Want to come back to my place?"

  61. mortimer20007:34 AM

    Actual fair and balanced Fox News Poll question January 24, 2014:
    In the aftermath of the attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Libya, the Obama administration falsely claimed it was a spontaneous assault in response to an offensive online video, even though the administration had intelligence reports that the attacks were connected to terrorist groups tied to al Qaeda. Which of the following do you think best describes why Obama administration officials gave false information in their early public statements about the September attacks in Libya?
    Answers: They were protecting America; They were protecting Obama politically; They just made a mistake; (Don't know.)

    Next up: When did Obama stop beating his wife? Yesterday; A few years ago; Not yet; He's not man enough to start.

  62. Daniel Björkman7:35 AM

    Exactly. Which is why I doubt they'd like the more honest explanation of, "they hate us because we blow so much shit up" any better than they liked the diplomatic explanation of, "they hate us because of this one video."

    The explanation they would have liked, of course, is, "they hate us because they are EVIL and we are GOOD!" :P

  63. Daniel Björkman7:38 AM

    It's true that the famous Swedish habit of moderation does not seem to apply to alchohol...

  64. When one of those militia idiots finally shoots someone there (probably one of their own "accidentally"), it will obviously be Obama's arrogant refusal to turn over the government and send himself to Elba that is to blame.

  65. mortimer20007:41 AM

    Simon's mention of MANPADS made me think I was reading a Jeff Goldstein post about his latest gun-nut gear: "Manpads, for those special ejaculatory moments that can occur when shooting your entire high-capacity wad into your favorite Obama-in-a-hoodie target."

  66. mortimer20007:54 AM

    I love how Goldstein always finishes off with some molon labe "us vs. them" call to action no matter the topic. He's just itching for the chance to lead the rabid mob in his head against his local ruling class -- i.e., the Starbucks on Main Street where they deliberately get his grande Soypacino* order wrong. Of course, if the shooting starts, you'll find him in the basement working on yet another call to arms.

    *With extra pacino.

  67. Jeff Goldstein: "I don't recognize this country. But I can tell you this: I'm not alone... It's the ruling class vs. the rest of us. And but for a brief blip in history when the US was founded, in has always been thus. - None of which means we have to take it. The question is, will we…?"

    Wha..? Does he not know who the Ruling Class is?

  68. It's always projection with the wingnuts.


  69. Derelict8:11 AM

    Libretto and costume design by Sen. Lindsey Graham!

  70. tigrismus8:37 AM

    Is that Erroneous Bosh?

  71. glennisw9:10 AM

    This is why it's such a stupid scandal. There is no cover-up. There was an attack, administration spokesperson Rice went on a tee-vee talk should and said, "We think the attack was motivated by X." Then a few days later, the administration issued a statement saying, "No, actually it turns out that though X may have been a factor, there was also Y."

    Plus the administration didn't use the Magic Word "Terroists!" in the statement.

    The whole frigging scandal is an argument after a round of "Mother May I?"

  72. glennisw9:11 AM

    That chicken's not going to.... oh, never mind.

  73. glennisw9:14 AM

    If you follow the logic of the right wing's outrage, the only appropriate response for the Obama administration to have made to Benghazi would have been "We just got attacked! Elect Mitt!"

    They are outraged that the attack did not make Obama hand over the White House.

    Mind you, this is a culmination of an underlying sense of rage that he had the temerity to run at all.

  74. Helmut Monotreme9:18 AM

    He's itching for someone else to lead the rabid mob.

  75. Smarter than Your Average Bear9:24 AM

    So you're saying the GOP riled up the terrerist mooslims, or paid them with future promises once they are in office again, to attack the Benghazi consulate and to do it on 9/11 Sounds about

  76. Halloween_Jack9:27 AM

    Ah, right, now I remember:

    In the midst of her 2006 State Attorney General campaign, Pirro revealed that she was the subject of a federal investigation into whether she illegally taped her husband’s conversations in order to catch him committing adultery.

    She lost that and bailed on the 2006 Senate nomination after polls showed her losing to HRC by a 2-1 margin. Clearly she's perfectly qualified to be a Fox News analyst.

  77. glennisw9:29 AM

    Didn't she initially run against Sen. Clinton, before a financial scandal made her drop out? No wonder she hates Hilary.

  78. Halloween_Jack9:30 AM

    Why this? Why is this the brass ring they're all grabbing for?

    It's the fallback position since Obamacare is (to them) unexpectedly popular, and the God Told Me To Hate Fags "religious freedom" stuff is also turning out to be a wash.

  79. Al Swearengen9:40 AM

    Well, they both are blah, and we know all blahs are the same so...

  80. Daniel Björkman9:42 AM

    Yeah. Everything they've done since he got elected the first time looks an awful lot like just another way of screaming, "MAKE THIS NOT BE HAPPENING!"

    It started out funny, then got a bit scary because it looked like they might actually sustain that sense of white-hot outrage for long enough to enact some real change for the worse with it, but now it's getting funny again because they've started running out of steam and their bellowing of rage is starting to sound a lot more like petulant blubbering.

  81. LittlePig9:45 AM

    Silly. The President has a big cock.

  82. ". . . but they can cover the airliner without any political consequences."

    You fuckin' libs politicize everything!

  83. The PLAN is to keep on screaming about Benghazi until someone somewhere
    stumbles across another "Monica Lewinski" type scandal involving Obama
    or Hillary

    Indeed. That's the true parallel with Whitewater: mendaciously trumped-up bullshit as an excuse to dig through a popular Democratic politician's underwear drawer looking for something---anything. If you think that all the hollering over Benghaziiiiii doesn't make any sense, remember that a "corrupt" land deal that cost the Clintons money inevitably led to impeachment for oral sex.

  84. I don't think the "facts" are what's important here. We're not talking about the couple dozen opinion shapers who show up in Congress and on TV to try and make whatever point they're trying to make that will impress the news media and keep the story alive. What we're talking about is the millions of voters who can be expected to respond to the anti-Obama/Hillary, anti-Democrat, anti-liberal dog-whistle message that the term "Benghazi" has been reduced to.

    Facts don't matter when you're dealing with the lizard brain.

  85. I disagree that right wingers are always acting out of cynical motives. I think that's liberal projection. I think you're projecting your intelligence onto a movement that mostly lacks it. There are right wing leaders who have cynical ploys, but there are also a lot of stone idiots.

  86. M. Krebs10:22 AM

    Why did the liberal cross the road?
    --- To get to the Marxist bookstore to buy something to read while sipping latte next door at the organic coffee shop.

    Why did the conservative cross the road?
    --- To get to the other side.


  87. M. Krebs10:31 AM

    Yep. All they need is the right Special Prosecutor.

  88. Jeffrey_Kramer10:32 AM

    The closest I can come "it" would go something like this: Obama wanted to come off during the election as the killer of Osama and the wrecker of Al Qaeda; if it had come out that an Al Qaeda-linked Libyan group had killed the Benghazi officers, that would interfere with Obama's prized narrative, since it showed that Al Qaeda wasn't as dead as alleged; therefore, Obama ordered a different narrative served up, in which it was generic angry Muslims who did it.

    It has an element of sense in the alternate universe in which A) the Obama campaign was constantly boasting that Al Qaeda couldn't harm anybody any more, B) the CIA had from the start attributed the attack to Al Qaeda and received angry instructions from Obama or Hillary to change their story, and C) a lid was thereby kept on the Al Qaeda connection until the election was over. In our universe, not so much.

    Even in that alternate universe, moreover, one could question whether "President, running for re-election, distorts facts for political advantage" is the most scandalous scandal in the history of scandals.

  89. M. Krebs10:36 AM

    You left out "converting them to Christianity."

  90. And at least one of the other two about Norwegians?

  91. M. Krebs10:39 AM

    But it's not free-range. To the dismay of some on the Right.

  92. It is a weirdly sexual sounding acronym, isn't it?

  93. M. Krebs10:44 AM

    It's all those English departments that wouldn't hire him.

  94. M. Krebs10:46 AM

    Or a great brand name for huge camouflage bandages.

  95. You don't really need scare quotes around corrupt when referring to Whitewater. It really was a corrupt land deal, and the Clintons were the victims.

    Of course that makes it even more odd to use it as an excuse to investigate the Clintons.

  96. Jeffrey_Kramer10:50 AM

    Especially since he's already giving the Bundy Password: "I don't recognize this country."

  97. "To get to the other side, where he could confront a limp-wristed liberal with his bulletproof conservative logic and so there, libtard!" (I'd have said, "Touche, libtard!" but that would be French and conservatives don't speak that chickenshit language.)

  98. M. Krebs10:56 AM

    Knock, knock.
    Who's there?
    A liberal.
    A liberal who?
    A liberal who wants your guns.


  99. Mentstruating mujahedeen running around with huge bulletproof maxipads.

  100. Shakezula10:56 AM

    They're so desperate for a scandal. I wonder if Obama is tempted to bait them? Hire a look alike to hang out at Black Panther meetings. Send Issa anonymous tips that he regularly receives [ahem] services at a disreputable massage parlor. Dine out in a restaurant and on the table leave a cocktail napkin, upon which he has scrawled "Redistribute."

  101. StringOnAStick10:59 AM

    Well, its funny until they win the Senate, then it will be Depression 2.1, "let's stop Hitlery in her tracks economically." Trashing the US and world economy is not too high a price to pay in order to restore a rethug white penis to the WH.

  102. GeniusLemur11:03 AM

    Why did the feminist cross the road?
    Because she wanted to get a man, but she's too ugly and hairy-legged!

  103. LittlePig11:53 AM

    He paints pictures of himself in the shower.

    Oh, wait, Bosh. Nevermind.

  104. You think they'd have been satisfied with just the resignation, especially give that it was Republican senators (Scott, Goldwater, et al.) who finally convinced Nixon to leave. He was lucky they didn't let it go all the way to impeachment. And the godfather was the only one of the family who didn't do jail time. Ungrateful pricks.

  105. LittlePig11:56 AM

    by the Sons of Moran, I believe you mean.

  106. I want to take this comment to the next TED talk.

  107. Derelict11:58 AM

    As they've already shown with the debt ceiling, sequestration, and refusal to pass a budget, Republicans have no qualms whatever about pushing the country into a depression.

    I sometimes really wonder about these people. They get on stage and yell really loudly about how much they hate the government of the United States. They actively foment armed insurrection against that government. They publicly air violent eliminationist fantasies about killing or imprisoning more than half the country. And they consider all of this to be the ultimate expression of true patriotism.

  108. LittlePig11:58 AM

    I'm reminded of Joe Piscopo in his Sta-free Peenie-Pads.

  109. LittlePig11:59 AM

    Hey, nothing says 1776 like staying in the 18th Century.

  110. LittlePig12:01 PM

    Mr. Gohmert, come on down!

  111. Derelict12:05 PM

    I want to engage in late-Renaissance cos-play with this comment, and then colonize it in the name of the King.

  112. tigrismus12:11 PM

    "Strip of Fool"

  113. No its the new watermelonwatermelonwatermelon.

  114. Why did the conservative cross the road?

    Because crosswalks are statist.

  115. You remember when the quintessential "Internet Tough Guy" was a scrawny teenage boy, issuing vain threats online because he could never get away with it in real life? Well, now we see what happens when they grow up - they add guns and politics into the equation but don't touch the fundamentals. Go figure, huh?

  116. Well, its funny until they win the Senate, then it will be Depression 2.1, "let's stop Hitlery in her tracks economically."

    Besides what Derelict has already noted, that they are already able to sabotage the economy out of spite, the 2016 Senate map is much more favorable for Democrats. On the other hand, barring unforseen wackiness, it'll potentially take until 2022 at the earliest for Democrats to win back the House. Fun times, fun times.

  117. redoubtagain12:44 PM

    like Oliver North or Scooter Libby did.
    or Colson, Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Liddy. What this is really about is Watergate.
    'Cause I was in elementary school when Watergate went down, and that was my introduction to GOP venality. They were caught serially abusing the First and Fourth Amendments, and once the tapes showed up Nixon's resignation was a matter of when, not if. And the GOP has been trying to score one of their own for forty years now. (They would have had theirs in 1998 if it wasn't for that meddling Senate.)

  118. Dine out in a restaurant and on the table leave a cocktail napkin, upon which he has scrawled "Redistribute."

    Eh, unless he added "downwards," that could just as easily be Arthur Laffer's napkin.

  119. That's just wrong.

  120. redoubtagain12:58 PM

    (If the above was a typical sample I wouldn't hire him to do technical writing)

  121. The only coherent thread is that Susan Rice LIED!!!1! about what invoked the attack - and by "lied," of course, we mean "went with what the CIA was saying at the time." But even if you assume that she was lying, there's no explanation as to why. The fringe types believe that the President was setting this embassy up to be attacked, with a variety of theories as to why - anything from a false flag attack to an incredibly complicated cover for an assassination.

    But the guys at the top - the politicians and the more respectable commentators - never give a reason. That's what puzzles me. It's one thing when the Alex Jones set goes off on these tangents, it's another when fucking Boehner gets pulled into it.

  122. Another absurdity of the Benghazi rolling scandal, is that Ambassador Stevens was a veteran of the Peace Corps, who appeared to sincerely love the middle east and its people, and who called for diplomacy. If he hadn't been murdered by armed fanatics first, Fox News would probably have started their own jihad against him.

  123. BigHank531:10 PM

    Well, let's face it: if every time you opened the front door to go out the street was full of Swedes, you'd probably stay in and drink too.

  124. LittlePig1:11 PM

    Hey, Ole and Lena jokes really crack me up, and I'm a hillbilly.

    At least I was always told such.

    Yet Ole and Lena jokes are funny as hell.

    Why am I now suspecting a Swede in the woodpile at some point...

  125. mrstilton1:22 PM

    God made figs, but He hates fags

    By contrast, His Son never said a damn thing about fags, but was a total dick to the only fig tree the Bible records Him encountering.

  126. BigHank531:27 PM

    As with Dr. King, Daniel Pearl, and Pat Tillman, it turns out the right wing has a lot more use for them once they're safely dead.

  127. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person1:28 PM

    Sister Sarah, with her crosshairs surveyor's reticle.
    Will they be steadying the rifle on the body of a dead mule?

  128. They are fascists. Imagine what it must have been like to be a liberal-democratic German or Italian in the 1930s and to hear the kind of rhetoric being bandied about in the political circles of those days. You'd have been appalled, as many were, and they gathered up their belongings and took the next boat to England or America or who knows where. They were the lucky ones, of course.

    I'm, amazed at the resilience of the authoritarian mind, given if nothing else the history of the mid 20th century.

  129. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person1:32 PM

    Wasn't for the RC, the 'Baggers and other Righties would still all be shouting to an empty hall on blogspot...

  130. XeckyGilchrist1:38 PM

    No, I think it's the thing Lee Atwater said you couldn't yell anymore because it backfires, hurts you.

  131. LittlePig1:40 PM

    They just like the part about how the only industrial manufacturers left after the rubble stopped bouncing were either in the United States or over at Uncle Joe's joint. They do tend to forget the subsequent events in said joint, in which Comrade Nikita teaches the world the word "Sputnik".

  132. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person1:42 PM

    The Plan? Benghazi!-Blowjob!-Benghazi!Travelgate!-Benghazi!-Vince Foster!-Benghazi!-Whitewater!-Benghazi!-Bimbos!-Benghazi!

    "A huge portion of the electorate that's going to be her target don't remember the Clinton administration at all," Tim Miller, who's heading an anti-Hillary PAC called America Rising, told TPM recently. "A lot of the negative stuff about the Clinton era has congealed into like a joke or a historical blip, but people don't remember the details."

    "While that's not going to be central to our nominee's campaign against Hillary,


    what was happening in 1994," he continued, "I do think it's important for that to be part of the discussion about her, so that the folks who are getting information about 2016 don't have a clouded vision, a nostalgic vision of the Clinton era."

    Just trying to educate the youth of today, is all...

  133. LittlePig1:52 PM

    Ha! Forgot that one. Professor Bart Ehrman points out it is almost certainly from the first century, because nobody's going to append that one to this particular crowd-authored work.

  134. Mooser2:04 PM

    Well, let's just say they won't get out-Benghazi'ed again!

  135. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person2:13 PM

    What I wonder is if Bill will be playing hardball when the campaign finally starts. You know he can bring it, but it'll be Hillary's campaign, and her decision. Will she turn the Big Dog loose?

  136. Derelict2:34 PM

    Yes, we certainly don't want anyone remember 8 years of peace and the longest, biggest economic expansion in American history as having happened under a Democratic president.

  137. J Neo Marvin2:38 PM

    Badger badger badger badger badger badger Benghazi!

  138. Mooser2:41 PM

    Long ago, a commenter named IIRC "Cole" explained the right-wing concept of hypocrisy in a way that greatly impressed me.
    He said that to wingers, (I paraphrase, poorly, and I think it was so long ago the expression "wingers" was hardly extant.) hypocrisy is when you fail to condemn verbally the same things everybody else condemns. It has nothing to do with your actions.

  139. We bombed Kosovo and the economic expansion was due to a stock bubble. Still was better than the Bush years.

  140. PersonaAuGratin2:46 PM

    I've got a great idea for the Benghazi guys -- collectively sponsor a NASCAR vehicle...

    Or, the Kochs could buy the BenGay brand from Johnson & Johnson, change the name to "Ben-Gay-Zi", and devote their advertising budget exclusively to sponsoring Fox News.

    Talk about your corporate synergy!

  141. I don't see it as being particularly effective as a driver for the getting out the base vote. I mean, anyone who would be convinced is already convinced of numerous other myths, like the Demoncrat Party is coming for their guns, forcing people off their perfectly good health insurance, raising their taxes, surrendering to the terrorists, yadda yadda. I don't believe for a second that there's anyone on the fence about voting for or against Clinton in 2016 for whom Bengazi! is going to be the deal-breaker or prime motivator.
    So what's the point? Distraction, maybe. Every minute of media time spent on this non-issue is a minute not spent having to present a real argument.

  142. Nine month long winters would do it for me.

  143. Yeah, if I may be drily understated for a moment, the Clinton years weren't totally awesome at the time. But memory of that era is also one of the few times when low-information perceptions work in favor of the non-insane party**, so I say bring it. Better phony-baloney nostalgia for something other than the antebellum South or the Gilded Age for a change.

  144. Bethany Spencer3:16 PM

    Does anyone know why "the left" should also be on trial? As far as I know, most of us had nothing to with Skreegazi.

  145. Bethany Spencer3:17 PM

    That's a goddamn dirty lie. I crossed the road to get to the radfem book store.

  146. GeniusLemur3:21 PM

    In the spirit of Rush:
    Why did the black cross the road?
    -- So he could play the race card!

  147. Bethany Spencer3:21 PM

    Nobody puts Babegazi in the corner.

  148. Bethany Spencer3:25 PM

    "White-hot" is an appropriate description in more ways than one.

  149. Gromet3:28 PM

    They don't need to prove any specifics, or even believe any specifics -- they just love the air of perfidy. I had a conservative roommate during the Clinton Administration who was certain Vince Foster had been murdered. Not maybe, not JQA -- it was 100% fact. And why? Because, as she told me, "Where there's smoke, there's fire." That is to say, for a lot of people, as soon as there is doubt about the Democrat, the very worst might as well be true -- because certainly something has gone very wrong, or we wouldn't have any cause for doubt, would we?

    It's important to note, she didn't really have a cynical bone in her body. She could be incredibly dishonest, sort of self-deluding, she had low self-esteem, and she was extremely superstitious, with a highly janky thought political process. But not a cynic. And fairly well read! (Though lots off the "Hillary shot Vince" book shelf.)

  150. Wait, I think I can explain this whole thing. Marklar, these marklars want to change your marklar. They don't want this marklar or any of these marklars to live here because it's bad for their marklar. They use marklars to try and force marklars to believe their marklars. If you let them stay here, they will build marklars and marklars. They will take all your marklars and replace them with marklar. These marklars have no good marklar to live on marklar so they must come here to marklar. Please, let these marklars stay where they can grow and prosper without any marklars, marklars, or marklars.

  151. And the last thing we'd want is for Americans to remember the then-deadliest terrorist attack in US history was carried out by right-wing extremists attempting to foment a rebellion against the US government.

  152. He doesn't recognize this country, but he also says this country has had the same problem for about 200 years, so I guess it takes him a long time to recognize things. Assuming Goldstein has gone through puberty, does he start every day with an "I don't recognize this body" moment?

  153. ADHDJ3:49 PM

    "It's like photosynthesis, except instead of useful energy, it produces email forwards and blog posts."

    The Maynard G. Krebs cycle?

  154. Poor thing.

  155. realinterrobang3:58 PM

    Gee, thanks...

    /technical writer

  156. That's a good joke and I'm not Swedish at all. But I realize not everyone is a fan of "unlikely cognitive mistakes" humor like I am.

  157. "Wo-o-ork!"

  158. Swedish ladies? I think not, sir.

  159. Benghazi me once... won't get Benghazi'd again.

  160. redoubtagain4:23 PM

    (No offense/offence meant to REAL technical writers.)

  161. JennOfArk4:30 PM

    I dream of a world where chickens (or anyone else) can cross the road without having their motives questioned.

  162. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person4:41 PM

    Another consideration for the Republicans is the fact that the Democrats haven't had 3 consecutive Presidential terms since FDR/Truman, '33-'53. The glory days of JFK/LBJ only lasted from '61 to '69. The republicans had 12 years straight with Reagan/Bush, and the idea of the Democrats doing it is driving them insane. er. The fact that it's Teh Klintoonz! is just adding insult to their percieved impending injury.

  163. XeckyGilchrist4:58 PM

    It's all fine to speculate about Republicans' motives, but I'm not sure the modern party has anything as thoughtful as motives, and I'm not even sure if they have anything as thoroughly considered as reflexes.

    I think the formation of the Tea Party signaled the completion of their move to raw Stupid Anger as a driving force.

  164. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person4:58 PM

    But, it's a rooster, so...Obama's a gay chickenfucker?

  165. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person5:00 PM

    Um, we're talking about the Right Wing *Noise* Machine here...

  166. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person5:08 PM

    Or percieved grievances, because the fundie Right can get just as BOOS over even less.

  167. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person5:18 PM

    "...not Adam and Steve!" is probably their best punchline...

  168. smut clyde5:43 PM

    I remember going on the tour of the Carlsberg brewery, decades ago before the merger with Tuborg when they were still brewing in a central location. The tour guides divided us into three groups. English speakers -- come over here. Danish speakers -- you're in that group. All you Swedes, just here for the free samples -- OK, line up here.

  169. Was the attack in Benghazi a terrorist attack, or was it a response to an offensive video?

    Hillary Clinton addressed this question by asking “What difference does it make?” That answer brought a hail of criticism down upon her. The Right was absolutely INFURIATED with that answer (I thought it was a good response myself. I wonder what difference it makes too.)

    The Right has a special relationship with the word “terrorism” I guess. It's THEIR word, and it means only what THEY say it means.

    Actually, it seems to me that the Right doesn't treat the word "terrorism" as though it has ANY specific definition; it's just a word to refer to "the bad guys." It's all about identity, and not about method or motivation at all. For them, the word has been unmoored from any objective way of defining it and has become a mere symbol, like the black hat of a villain.

    But the objective definition of the word (as I understand it) has EVERYTHING to do with method and motivation. The method is violence against individuals or groups of people. The motivation is to create fear among those individuals in order to effect political change.

    If anyone has used the violent acts in Benghazi to try to effect political change in our country, it is the Rightwing media. They have the same motivations as terrorists, even if their methods differ, in that they did not commit the initial violent acts themselves.

    Perhaps there should be a word for this kind of "one-step-removed" form of terrorism. In my opinion, these people who are attempting to benefit politically from such tragedy should be ashamed of themselves.

  170. TGuerrant6:25 PM

    Let us not forget that companion product sales are vitally important.

    Ban-the-Gay ointment would be a big seller in certain states.

    'Specially since it's such a tingly ointment. Say "Amen!"

  171. TGuerrant6:28 PM

    And can Chelsea out bristol Bristol? (Please, God, no.)

  172. smut clyde7:55 PM

    I don't recognize this country
    Is this a common side-effect of his medication?

  173. j_bird8:07 PM

    Oh, but did you see this?

    PJ Media CEO Roger L. Simon . . . called Benghazi "a hundred times worse than Watergate and Monicagate"

    I didn't know it was possible to have a scandal worse than Monicagate, but now we're going to need one a hundred and one times worse.

  174. This entire kerfuffle is about semantics- it is 100% bullshit.

  175. Lancelot Link8:54 PM

    It's not surprising these people are concerned about Benghazi. I'm sure they would be equally outraged if four Americans had been killed in the Middle East during the Bush administration.

  176. LittlePig9:04 PM

    Dammit, I was going to do that yesterday.

    Snake! It's a snake!

  177. davdoodles9:07 PM

    "Actually, it seems to me that the Right doesn't treat the word "terrorism" as though it has ANY specific definition; it's just a word to refer to "the bad guys."
    And even then, only a subset of "the bad guys": the bad, brown, guys...

  178. LittlePig9:09 PM

    Hear, hear! Friend William got too cozy with the corporate folks. His classic triangulation strategy failed him in the long term, thanks to the lovely second turn soap-opera, As The Overton Window Turns.

    That said, it sure beat the hell out of waking up every day hating Sec'y of the Interior James Watt with the heat of a thousand suns.

  179. Or if some other terrorist disaster might have happened on our own soil.

  180. StringOnAStick11:58 PM

    Yes, which makes 2014 the hill they must take to get in that last frenzied hate-fuck of anyone from the middle class on down. 2016 has demographic advantages, 2014 has.....importance you could say.

  181. JennOfArk12:12 AM

    I think I see what happened here...thanks to a mistranslation, conservatives are convinced that God hates fags, when in fact, he hates figs, which is why he fucked over that fig tree.

    That's a pretty big "oops" I'd say.

  182. JennOfArk12:17 AM

    As I like to say, back in the Reagan era, Evil drove the bus and made Stupid empty its pockets to pay for the gas. But Stupid got tired of sitting at the back of the bus, and about 15 years ago, it yanked Evil out of the driver's seat and took the wheel, and since then Evil's been paying for the gas, because as long as the bus keeps moving, Evil figures it will be able to put itself back in the driver's seat, and even if it can't, Stupid can be counted on to follow Evil's directions most of the time anyways.

  183. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person12:42 AM

    Yup. The Nutso '90s weren't the Best of Times, nor the worstiest. They were, however better for more people than a lot of decades, and that fucking budget surplus was real. And didn't survive a fucking year of King Junior the Foist.

  184. DocAmazing12:43 AM

    Eh, there may actually be some intellectual conservatives out there:

    Why did the Marxist cross the road?
    It was historically inevitable.

    Why did OWS cross the road?
    Lots of NYPD encouragement.

    And the classic from 'way back when:
    Why did the feminist cross the road?
    That's NOT funny.

  185. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person12:43 AM

    The best Bristol would get from Chelsea is the Cut Direct...

  186. AGoodQuestion12:47 AM

    Ah. Fantasy Intern Football, then.

  187. Daniel Björkman2:40 AM

    Now that just gives me with a warm, patriotic glow. :D

  188. Daniel Björkman2:41 AM

    Oi! The winters aren't that long!

    ... it just feels like they are. >_>

  189. David Lloyd-Jones4:21 AM


    You need to do your homework. That الله أكبر.

    on all their flags means "Vince Foster lives!"

  190. David Lloyd-Jones4:30 AM


    I'm not sure leadership versus ground up really works as a distinction when the leadership is in the mud.

    I had always assumed that Ericson's vile "Red State" newsletter was some sort of fringe apparition, but I repeatedly see him listed as a leading Republican of the stature of say Kos or Begala.
    Pari passu for Daily Caller: I forget who the founders are, but apparently the Republicans are willing to consider them Republicans.

    That's not stupid, that's crazy.



  191. David Lloyd-Jones4:33 AM

    Yup. President Obama is a free enterprise, free trade, health care by insurance industry, conservative.

    Best of a bad lot, but still one solid conservative.


  192. smut clyde4:34 AM

    a ground-up derangement, but it's never a ground-up movement.
    Is this one of your foraging recipes> Do not want.

  193. Another Kiwi5:56 AM

    He doesn't recognise it? It's the same killing machine it's ever been.

  194. Aimai7:25 AM

    Alas the bus is headed over a cliff with the rest of us in it.

  195. Aimai7:27 AM

    Syphilis was better than the bush years.

  196. Derelict7:36 AM

    I'll stack the two Clinton terms up against any presidential periods since Ike. Did we have an IPO stock bubble? Sure. And all that extra cash sloshing around meant that employees were in demand and real wages actually rose. Did we bomb Kosovo? Sure. And the upshot of that is that people in that region are naming their children after Clinton.

    Maybe it wasn't the era of ponies for everyone. But it was the best period of the last 50 years.

  197. David Lloyd-Jones10:48 AM

    Wasn't it a Republican, Senator Vanderberg, who said "politics stops at the water's edge"?

    If there are any decent Republicans left they must be highly uncomfortable at their Party campaigning on the dead bodies of American diplomats killed in the line of duty.


  198. David Lloyd-Jones10:52 AM

    In the same vein, I've always thought that "True Grit" referred to the girl, and I simply don't understand the interior monologue of people who think it's the John Wayne character.

