Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Chicago's bond rating was downgraded by Fitch; Michael Haltman reacts:
If this is the potential future fate for a city controlled by a democratic machine, what will happen in New York City now that it will be led by Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio and his socialist beliefs?
Fitch didn't mention socialism, but you have to learn to read between the lines in #deblasiosnewyork! (Linked by the Ole Perfesser, natch.) Meanwhile, Samuel Gonzalez of The Last Tradition:
In the past few weeks since the election of Bill de Blasio New York City has suffered an increase of gun violence.
The criminal element in the city have been given a unofificial green light to carry their guns as a result of de Blasio's promise to abolish Stop and Frisk.
I didn't know street criminals followed politics so closely. That free library at Occupy Wall Street really had an impact.  Also:
So de Blasio faces a crisis even before he's taken his oath as mayor. He either carries through with his campaigne promise to dismantle Stop and Frisk or he renigs on his pledge and leaves it in place.
A typo? Sure, that's what Fred Hiatt said.  And at The American Spectator, Paul Kengor:
New Yorkers have elected their first Red Diaper Baby Mayor to go with their first Red Diaper Baby President, who they likewise gleefully elected in landslides. 
So, to repeat my friend’s plea: “What the HELL is going on???”
The answer: Communist brainwashing in our classrooms! Don't blame Kengor, he's doing his part:
Many times I’ve given a speech titled “Why Communism Is Bad,” often sponsored by the excellent Young America’s Foundation. Frustrated college students, captive to the likes of the aforementioned Maoist, beg me to come to their campus: “S.O.S. Please help!”
From Cambridge to Berkeley, millions of college students blinked out cries for help to Paul Kengor from their reeducation centers, yet New York still elected the Red and Black Menace! Weep, eagle, weep!

UPDATE. In comments, Slocum:
As a university professor who actually does run his class like a reeducation camp, including vicious guards... I really wish these right-wingers would stop diluting my brand by using the reeducation camp trope to talk about the time Backwards-Baseball-Cap Bobby had to hear that women don't typically make as much as men for the same work in a sociology class.


  1. XeckyGilchrist11:14 PM

    So de Blasio faces a crisis even before he's taken his oath as mayor.

    This is like that thing where the economy started to suck in 2008 because Wall Street was so afraid of Obama raising taxes once he took office.

  2. Midwest_Product11:17 PM

    >In the past few weeks since the election of Bill de Blasio...

    I'll grant him that the result had been a foregone conclusion for weeks, but I'm pretty sure the election was just last week. But perhaps for Mr. Gonzalez, life under the iron fist makes it feel as if each day is 60 hours long.

  3. That's how terrible de Blasio is. He retroactively made things worse.

  4. AGoodQuestion11:28 PM

    If this is the potential future fate for a city controlled by a democratic machine, what will happen in New York City now that it will be led by Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio and his socialist beliefs?

    I can only assume that this blogger is still a Clearasil-addled teenager. The whole entry reads like a contentious school writing assignment, one to give a teacher sharp pain behind the eyes. Yes, TPC, New York will be led by both Mayor de Blasio and his socialist beliefs. Each socialist belief gets its own office and secretary.

    Also if the blogger were older, I think one of his fellow wingers would have wised him up that it's not "a democratic machine" but rather "the Democrat machine."

  5. Mooser11:38 PM

    "Weep, eagle weep"

    Good. Never liked those fish-stealing raptors anyway. They have become an American symbol, it is true, but how they got the job we shall not say.

  6. Rahm Emmanuel is a corporatist, so the bond rating tanked.
    De Blasio is a socialist, so NYC's credit rating should soar.


  7. There seem to be a lot of De Blasio mayoralty pre-mortems out there.

  8. DocAmazing12:52 AM

    Bond ratings will soar when "I (heart) NY" is replaced by "the Internationale unites the human race!" I mean, look at how Wall Street has poured money into China...

  9. If this is the potential future fate for a city controlled by a democratic machine, what will happen in New York City now that it will be led by Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio and his socialist beliefs?

    Smug gays will cause earthquakes with their rampant fabulosity, I reckon, until the day a Republican daddy is elected again with the courage to drive skinny jeans and urban tango classes from the walls of the city and eject godless socialism along with them. Until then the people will cry out for a leader who may mix fabrics, or stripes and plaids, but not races. A leader who will ensure that people will have to WORK to earn the blessings of God and the bond holders and not mooch them from their wealthy betters. A leader like...

    Emperor Justinian.

    Vote Justinian for Mayor in '17.

  10. Best Left Undisturbed2:17 AM

    "Help! I'm a prisoner in a Chinese fortune cookie factory! THANKS OBAMA"

  11. Rahm may be a corporate dick-sucker who wants charter schools to replace public education at least as much as the Republicans, but he's still a Democrat, which means he's a commie and a socialist. Who cares if he doesn't actually, y'know, act like one?

  12. I recall when I was a child, I was playing in the yard when I saw an eagle flying overhead, Terrified, I began pounding on my front door, which was locked for some reason, and when my bewildered parents asked me what was wrong, I tried to explain, through gasps of panic, that I had heard that eagles could pick up turtles and small mammals and I wasn't convinced that I was large enough to escape its powerful talons.

    That is all.

  13. Odder3:35 AM

    Most of the prophets who writ their words on the subway wall decades ago were far more insightful than this.

  14. montag24:12 AM

    Ah, yes, the YAF (better known as Yahoos Advocating Fascism). Any connection with that batch of loonies certifies Kengor as hyperbolic and reactionary, hence his over-the-top response to the election of de Blasio.

    Kengor, btw, is the author of God and Ronald Reagan, God and George W. Bush, and God and Hillary Clinton (beginning to notice a recurring theme here?), and, of course, that extremely popular special gift for your generous contribution to our fight to keep America white free, The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor. The latter is published by the esteemed Mercury Arts Publishing, a proud imprint of the Glenn Beck family of grifts companies.

    Always remember and never forget, the root of "conservatism" is not "conserve," but "con."

  15. New Yorkers have elected their first Red Diaper Baby Mayor to go with their first Red Diaper Baby President, who they likewise gleefully elected in landslides.

    A major strain in conservatism has never been fond of the whole "democracy" thing, but they're generally not honest enough to admit it. It's especially cute because they'll rail against authoritarianism and abuse of power, but only when they come in competing flavors. It's mere lip service to freedumb – just tribalism and privilege, no deeper principles. (Bonus points to Kengor's piece for the apocryphal story about the proudly communist college prof that the conservative student told off. Why, he even throws in scare quotes around "progressive" and outrage against Sandra Fluke!)

  16. I wonder he hasn't referenced Tammany yet.

  17. I don't know why my "up" vote registers as -1. I've never seen that before.

  18. nanute7:13 AM

    And "where have you gone Joe DiMaggio, has been replaced by Joe McCarthy, and viola Ted Cruz comes to the rescue dressed up like the Music Man.

  19. chuckling8:24 AM

    They do have a point about the link between opposing stop and frisk and communist authoritarianism. Check out this quote, which obviously comes directly from the Communist Manifesto:

    "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

  20. satch8:39 AM

    "People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when
    considering the mayor-elect of New York - a white man married to a black
    woman and with two biracial children. (Should I mention that Bill de
    Blasio's wife, Chirlane McCray, used to be a lesbian?)" Richard Cohen, WaPo

    Look... I'm willing to cut Haltman, Gonzales, and Kengor some slack here. God knows it's tough enough to write pieces mendacious enough to earn your wingnut welfare checks WITHOUT first having to suppress your gag reflex...

  21. MikeJ8:41 AM

    The ones by my house seem to manage.

    Of course those fish from Puget Sound are full of PCBs and lead and arsenic. They'd probably be better off eating roadkill.

  22. Slocum8:42 AM

    As a university professor who actually does run his class like a reeducation camp, including vicious guards (TA's who need to work out some frustrations), arbitrary punishments, disgusting and paltry rations, and degrading environmental conditions, I really wish these right-wingers would stop diluting my brand by using the reeducation camp trope to talk about the time Backwards-Baseball-Cap Bobby had to hear that women don't typically make as much as men for the same work in a sociology class.

  23. Well, see, in the meantime, NYC elected a socialist.

  24. mortimer20008:56 AM

    It's so confusing. I thought "a green light to carry their guns" was a glorious Freedom in wingerland, the first and only symbol of Libertee.

    And Kengor's emailers are much more imaginative than Jonah Goldberg's, but then anyone can make up better emails than Goldberg:

    I had a Communist Prof. last semester and we were talking about communism in class and he stood in the front of the room and talked about how great communism is. He even held up his little red book a few times and yelled “Long live chairman Mao.”...

    Aside from the loons who think it's 1968, when the 6 year-old de Blasio burned his draft card, does anyone actually believe this crap. Show of hands comrades, how many of you have had professors who hold up little red books and yell "Long live chairman Mao."?

    Wow, that many. Okay, never mind.

  25. Mark_Bzzzz9:01 AM

    Free copies of 'Witness' for every college freshman and Jack Chick tracts for everyone. That's the only way we're going to beat this devil!

  26. Mark_Bzzzz9:05 AM

    DeBlasio not only turned democracy upside down, he did the same to mathematics!

  27. BigHank539:25 AM

    I see you haven't delved into the Wingnut Mines and perused the emanations* of the John Birch Society. The overstuffed, panicked tone was practically invented by them. Every one of them is sure that this document is going to be the last one published in a free America before their door is smashed down by the jackbooted** forces of the State. You might think they'd have noticed that the menace of International Communism is pretty much a joke these days (North Korea is too far away, and Cuba's 85,000 soldiers could likely be repelled without Florida having to call for help. China remains inscrutable.) but the truth of the matter is that these guys have been quivering about the monster under the bed for so long that they can't evenlook at it. If it were gone, it would take their life's purpose with it.

    *While it is certainly made out of words that form actual sentences and paragraphs that somehow manage to convey ideas, it's still a bit of a stretch to call it "writing".

    **If an item like jackboots featured so regularly and prominently in my fantasy life, I'd do something about it, as both boots and sex partners*** are available in a free society.

    ***Actually, I see where I went wrong there, and perhaps there's a reason why these guys are down in the basement whacking away at a keyboard.

  28. Mark_Bzzzz9:25 AM

    Didn't Chairman Mao die quite a while ago? I can't see anyone saying 'Long live Chairman Mao' unironically these days. Perhaps it was an acid flashback. Someone needs to remind Kengor's readers not to eat the brown acid.

  29. RogerAiles10:16 AM

    Gonzalez is none to speedy. Call him Special Gonzalez.

  30. ... and Cuba's 85,000 soldiers could likely be repelled without Florida having to call for help.

    I dunno, those commies are pretty wily. Just send a few dusky, fleet-of-foot agent provacateurs through the suburban streets, then sit back and wait for the Stand Your Ground crossfire to do its work.

  31. Procopius10:39 AM

    I don't know ... the chariot races would be awesome, but questions remain about his personal character and his wife's morally suspect background. Why, some say "Justinian" isn't even his real name.

  32. Mr. Wonderful10:41 AM

    That's not acid.

  33. sophronia10:46 AM

    How long until one of them writes the inevitable "So when the terrorists attack New York again, don't expect any sympathy from us Real Americans!" column?

  34. He even held up his little red book a few times and yelled “Long live chairman Mao.”

    Wow, that is the stupidest thing I've read on the intertubes so far today.** A "few times," eh? Just broke off midsentence because it had been several minutes since he had last yelled it, eh? And all Mao's people said "Amen!" I know this is hard to believe, pal, what with your being a dishonest dumbshit and all, but modern-day leftists don't usually act like so much like your fundamentalist Christian fellow travelers.

    **Then again, it's not even noon yet, and Sarah Palin has a new book to promote.

  35. Halloween_Jack10:51 AM

    That reminds me of the idea I had to have Chris Hansen of To Catch a Predator confront a polar bear.

  36. I give it until sometime in September, 2001.

  37. Halloween_Jack11:03 AM

    I read something recently that claimed that jackboots were part of an American soldier's standard uniform; my first thought was, well, they've upgraded.

  38. Halloween_Jack11:05 AM

    So Chicago controls the world? Awesome.

  39. whetstone11:08 AM

    Well, if you're voting for a Marxist, you're inevitably voting for deterministic history.

  40. whetstone11:13 AM

    In (actual) fairness to Rahm, he's inherited a giant shitpile from Da Mare. Who was also a corporatist, just no one realized it because he was Real Chicago or something. Rahm's not actually all that different from Daley; he just speeded up the process.

  41. whetstone11:15 AM

    It's true. Can't you tell from how it's just left New York and the D.C. metro in the dust?

  42. If you anagram his name "Emperor Justinian" you get "Pot Urine Remains," an obvious reference to the awful state of the city under Democrat administrations past and an ominous warning by the same deity that brought us the "Bible Code. Voters take heed!

  43. XeckyGilchrist11:17 AM

    Dragged 'em through the garden.

  44. XeckyGilchrist11:18 AM

    A week ago yesterday: http://alicublog.blogspot.com/2013/11/as-if-you-needed-another-reason-to-vote.html

  45. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person11:43 AM

    or he renigs on his pledge

    Very few things really "say it all". That one does...

  46. glennisw11:44 AM

    The criminal element in the city have been given a unofificial green light to carry their guns as a result of de Blasio's promise to abolish Stop and Frisk.
    Ah, so carrying guns is a bad thing now?

  47. glennisw11:45 AM

    New Yorkers have elected their first Red Diaper Baby Mayor to go with their first Red Diaper Baby President, who they likewise gleefully elected in landslides.
    So, to repeat my friend’s plea: “What the HELL is going on???”

    Um, Democracy?

  48. tigrismus11:48 AM

    In the past few weeks since the election of Bill de Blasio New York City has suffered an increase of gun violence.... So de Blasio faces a crisis even before he's taken his oath as mayor.

    So, wait, this crime spree is taking place with Bloomberg still running things and Stop and Frisk still in place? UNPOSSIBLE.

  49. glennisw11:50 AM

    I totally believe the story that in 2013 a college professor would stand up and shout "long live" about a guy who died in 1976.

  50. In (actual) fairness to Rahm, he's inherited a giant shitpile from Da Mare.

    When life hands you a giant shitpile, make shitade. Then forcefeed it to public employees and the poor.

  51. Was it not Ronald Reagan who once said, "The sacred Second Amendment clearly doesn't apply to the darkies"? (I'm paraphrasing slightly.)

  52. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person12:01 PM

    The economy sucked in early '61, too. I think we know the reason now...

  53. DrTimmy12:09 PM

    I sympathize. But I think I've worked out an even better model. (This may only work in sociology.) I just let the doctrinaire marxists among my students run the class discussions. I just sit on my fat ass at the front of the room, smiling, waiting to cash my equally fat paycheck (your tax dollars, naturally). Because I am an indoctrinator and a lazy college professor AT THE SAME TIME!

  54. Hot Jazz Murder Music12:18 PM

    The danger of eagles should not be underestimated; every time you step outside you run the risk of having one drop a turtle on your head, although this only really applies to those whose craniums are shiny and resemble rocks, like old Aeschylus.

  55. Gromet12:57 PM

    Conservative Student Tells Off Commie Prof must be another branch on that weird fantasy tree that also sprouts Conservative Dinner Guest Stands Up To Liberal Hosts. It has all the same elements: courageous violation of intimidating social norms, cartoonish villains who are the worst mouthpiece ever for ideas no one actually espouses, onlookers who represent a whole swath of society lost to the abyss, no chance of victory except in a personal sense, and near crushing fear of drastic repercussions for speaking one's mind such that names are never mentioned, not even the names of cities or colleges; but an enemy always made to look ridiculous by the hero's ringing tones, in the hero's telling of it to the brethren 'round the fire later.

    Conservatives live a rich fantasy life. I'm almost jealous.


  56. merl11:18 PM

    so did Seattle. for real.

  57. Gromet1:33 PM

    Xecky, you're not looking at the BIG picture. 2008 wasn't Obama's fault!* That would be silly. No: I've been informed by a Republican relative that the crash of 2008 actually was teed up in the 70s, by some bank law that Carter (D) passed. Clinton (D) augmented this law in the 90s, which cued Barney Frank (D) to do something or other in the 00s, and THAT'S how 2008. Reagan**, Gingrich, Average Bush, Worst Bush -- they were all powerless to address these machinations!

    *Obama just made it worse by scaring Wall Street.
    **DO NOT misinterpret this: Reagan was a brilliant leader who did in fact scare Iran into giving back the hostages on his inauguration day. It had nothing to do with Carter negotiating for more than a year before that day, and everything to do with Ronnie's staunch moral clarity. Which was terrifying to mooslims and commies both, evidently. But was also so clarityish it stood no chance against the machiavellian Democrats, who were not restrained by principles or reasoning? Something something REAGAN!

  58. Aieeeeee! The Ebonic Plague is about to decimate New York!

  59. mgmonklewis2:13 PM

    Hey, at least he made the Hippodrome run on time.

  60. smut clyde2:37 PM

    if you're voting history causes you to vote for a Marxist


  61. Gromet2:39 PM

    That Kengor essay is a pill. "We won the Cold War. In an important sense, however, we also lost it
    at home. We failed to teach the essential truths to the next generation.
    ...It explains how the likes of de Blasio, Obama, Pelosi,
    Sebelius, Boxer, McAuliffe, get elected. It’s how Sandra Fluke becomes a
    “progressive” heroine rather than a public outrage."

    Sure, OBVIOUSLY McAuliffe is a huge Commie with plans to (re-)enslave Virginia (and worse this time, because whites too!). But even in Kengor's capitalist paradise of freedom, how the hell would Sandra Fluke's testimony ("Contraceptives can address medical issues other than contraception") make her a public outrage?

    Maybe some day a rightwinger will manage to type a whole 800 words without saying something lunatic. But probably not in my lifetime (and I expect to live forever).

    OH ALSO: Kengor calls Reagan the "architect" of our victory over the Soviets. I'd always thought Truman and Kennan! But now I realize I learned that at a university, so it must have been communist propaganda. LLCM!

  62. smut clyde2:43 PM

    You forget the "unofficial green light" beamed back from the future. Admittedly, excuses involving "unofficial green lights" make little headway when you are are explaining your driving behaviour to a traffic cop, but perhaps it works differently for the criminal classes.

  63. smut clyde2:50 PM

    Lots of good spartarsery in the LGM discussion of that image.

  64. smut clyde3:09 PM

    So now I have this cockade, how do I wear it?

  65. redoubt3:52 PM

    Aux armes, shitoyens. . .

  66. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person4:00 PM

    But even in Kengor's capitalist paradise of freedom, how the hell would Sandra Fluke's testimony ("Contraceptives can address medical issues other than contraception") make her a public outrage?

    Easy. Even without a Left, you'd still have the Right, whose mortal enemy would be the Not Right Enough, and Limbaugh would still be trashing everything to the left of Atilla the Hun just as he is now. "It's what he does. It's alll he does"...

  67. Funny enough, I had a number of college professors deliberately trying to move away from the "professor lecturing at you for an hour" model and devote more time to class participation. After four years of experience both models, I have to say, I vastly prefer the "professor lecturing at you for an hour" model.

    I mean, listen to a highly educated person who knows what they're talking about, or 20 uninformed yokels (I count myself among the uninformed yokels, lest you think I'm being elitist) spouting ignorant nonsense? Is the latter choice really so appealing?

  68. My favorite Bible codes are the ones dreamed up by monolingual American evangelicals that only work if you use the King James Version. Because God was craftily waiting 1600 years to reveal his code to the speakers of his chosen language!

  69. China remains inscrutable

    VICE was actually asking a military expert recently if any army could be large enough to conquer the US. His answer was basically that, even if it were, unless they had some serious help from Canada and/or Mexico, they'd never get it past the US Navy.

    Here's the article (you may or may not find its deliberately obnoxious anti-Americanism amusing; VICE isn't really a source of serious journalism): http://www.vice.com/read/we-asked-a-military-expert-if-the-whole-world-could-conquer-the-united-states

  70. Plus, in the Brave Conservative Student version, they can pretend he was Einstein, because American conservatives are pretty sure Einstein went to college, but their jury's still out on whether Germans have "dinner" or "guests."

  71. Is Richard Cohen under the impression that this sounds less racist than just shouting, "N****r-lover!"?

  72. smut clyde4:57 PM

    It took McCain to make the palindrome run both ways.

  73. glennisw6:59 PM

    Sandra Fluke is an "outrage" because women shouldn't be seen speaking in public, at least if they're going to be saying progressive stuff. (see: exception, Sarah Palin.)

  74. glennisw7:04 PM

    Time for the pedant's pet peeve, here - it's "Voila!" pronounced Vwah-Lah! (meaning "behold!"), not "Viola", pronounced Vie-oh-lah (meaning a stringed instrument, or a pansy, also, too.)

  75. Jaime Oria7:09 PM

    Yup - hard to hide an OVERLORD-plus sized invasion fleet from satellites. And there are many videos of CROSSROADS-BAKER on YouTube showing what a modestly sized nuke could do to said same fleet...

  76. Spaghetti Lee8:13 PM

    Look at that sinister nose!

  77. stepped_pyramids11:01 PM

    "Past few weeks"? It was a week ago.

  78. AGoodQuestion11:36 PM

    Conservatives live a rich fantasy life. I'm almost jealous.

    Eh, high in quantity, low in quality.

  79. nanute5:12 AM

    Well, in Ted Cruz's case, it could be either. (Pansy.) That would be speculation on my part. I thank you for the lesson. Is it capitalized, too?

  80. Al Swearengen10:26 AM

    "Red Diaper Baby"? Way to keep your lingo up to date, Daddy-O.

  81. David Sagneri6:42 PM

    No no they just misheard. He was saying long live Chairman Miao a soldier I served with in 2009-2010. He was named Miao hence the Chairman.

  82. Jack Dominey12:57 PM

    One of my favorite professors termed such class discussions as "pooling our ignorance".

    Talk about a concept with widespread applications.
