Tuesday, November 27, 2012

ANOTHER DAY IN BIZARRO WORLD. At the Wall Street Journal, James Taranto tells us several ways in which black people are oppressing white people. For example, the Obama campaign sent a survey to the President's constituents, asking "Which constituency groups do you identify yourself with? Check all that apply" -- and there was no box for Whites! "The danger for the country," says Taranto, "is that a racially polarized electorate will produce a hostile, balkanized culture." About three hundred years too late to worry about that, buddy.

Taranto also pulls the you-were-bigots-first argument:
For a century after the Civil War, Southern white supremacists were an important part of the Democratic Party coalition. They were defeated and discredited in the 1960s, and the Democrats, still the party of identity politics, switched their focus to various nonwhite minorities.
Since history is like a game of musical chairs, this wiley Democrat shape-shifting left Republicans no choice but to play the role of Racist Assholes from the 60s onward. And people keep blaming Republicans for it! The white man is truly the white man of liberal fascism.

You know who else isn't to blame? Rightwing Assholes. Andrew Klavan explains that when Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh say "retard" and "slut," it's only because they're righteously indignant over liberal lies. Even this, they might have borne with good grace and perhaps an occasional "faggot" or "feminazi," but the damn liberals provoke them still further with their decorum: "They don’t use words like retard and slut. They don’t raise their voices. You could invite them to dinner without embarrassing yourself." Now what self-respecting sociopathic teenager wouldn't go ballistic over that? And once again, conservatives get blamed for something that isn't their fault.

Meanwhile intellectual titans Glenn Reynolds, Nick Gillespie, and Ross Douthat all say America is like The Hunger Games because there are rich people in Washington, while in giant forced labor camps like Salt Lake City and Dallas everyone lives off hardtack and dreams of a day when the white man's vote is worth something again. Extra credit to Ole Perfesser Reynolds for making this half-hearted attempt to shore up his crap metaphor:
Even in upscale parts of L.A. or New York, you see boarded up storefronts and other signs that the economy isn't what it used to be.
Yeah, someone told me they saw Michael Bloomberg the other day fighting a bum over a dead pigeon.

So, to recap: Liberals destroyed America, then bamboozled citizens into thinking the conservatives did it, leaving conservatives no choice but to act like jerks and write very poorly. Or, as I like to think of it, another day in paradise.

UPDATE. As a bonus, your moment of Goldstein, celebrating a spike in gun sales:
...at a certain point, when you can survive the loss of heat or the shutdown of an electrical grid for two weeks — when you can provide for your family and keep them safe and protected while all those who rely on government run about confused, carping, demanding, frustrated... all attempts to ironize away the concept of self-reliance and rugged individualism in favor of the glories of an overarching and protective federal government, a campaign the left has for years carried forth in the academy, in government, and through popular culture, dissipate like the insubstantial rhetorical mists they’ve always been. 
And once that fog lifts, people may once again choose liberty over tyranny.
I expect some day Jeffy will give us that post-structural version of The Turner Diaries we've been hoping for.  Or maybe his greatest achievement will be the day he sees some tweakers in a hostage situation on the TV news, yells "THIS IS IT!" like Gary Oldman in JFK, and runs stripped to the waist out his front door into a police ambush.

UPDATE 2. Comments are as usual magnificent (come on Foster, you ain't even looking). "Yeah," says Jimcima, "it really sucked when the 99 cent store that used to be between Bulgari and Tiffany down on Rodeo went out of business." zuzu and others wonder when liberals stopped being potty-mouths. (Never, says I! Even now I am working on a cognate of "slut" and "retard," a sort of ultimate weapon of Alinskyite ridicule; "sluttard," my prototype, is too cumbersome for my flow, but maybe I can train the masses to accept it, like they accepted "Thee" for "The.")

Goldstein, as usual, is a great source of inspiration. Fats Durston reacts to "attempts to ironize away the concept of self-reliance and rugged individualism":
God, if I see another movie with Bruce Willis as a caring federal bureaucrat whose agency defeats the villains with targeted food stamp distribution, I swear I am going to make my own indie film where, for once, the climactic scene will be a mano-y-mano fistfight.
Really, I should just front-page the comments and hide the posts.


  1. Jimcima11:28 PM

    Yeah it, really sucked when the 99c Store that used to be between Bulgari and Tiffany down on Rodeo went out of business.

  2. FMguru11:29 PM

    That Reynolds quote is wonderful, and with a twist ending - from the first half I thought we were headed for one of his beloved Limousine Liberal rants, but we ended up in the Bizzaro version of his 2008 "Dude, Where's My Recession?" routine. Nice specificity, too - "I heard a rumor that there was an empty storefront somewhere in upscale LA". It's those sorts of vivid details that make his case so compelling.

    It's doubly funny that he picked shuttered retail stores to prove his "point" - he's been proudly ordering everything he could from Amazon for a decade and declaring it to be the future of commerce over obsolete brick-and-mortar stores, only now his cyber-shopping prophecy coming true is proof that the liberals have destroyed the economy. Huh.

  3. slackerjax12:05 AM

    Actually, the survey did have a checkbox for non-Hispanic white, so both stupid and wrong...

  4. JennOfArk12:17 AM

    It's both amusing and heartening that all the talk about the Republicans needing to really revamp only lasted for a couple of days after the election. Taranto, Loadpants, and pretty much the entire crew have weighed in since (I even heard Mayor Noun, Verb & 9/11 being interviewed by Sean Hannity, Dumbest Man in Broadcasting, while flipping through the radio dial on the way home this evening) and everything I read and hear confirms that they haven't learned a goddamned thing. That's the amusing part.
    The heartening part is that this insures their continued slide into irrelevance.

  5. slackerjax12:17 AM

    Whoops, I'm wrong, so just "stupid" (must have confused it with a different post-election survey), so, obviously, Obama is a racist Kenyan socialist Hitler.

  6. Duncan12:59 AM

    Liberals "don’t use words like retard and slut"? This guy needs to get out more.

  7. Tehanu1:47 AM

    when you can provide for your family

    Uh ... when civil society breaks down because of no electricity for a week, and you live in the suburbs of (say) New York, and you have a gun to "provide" for your family ... what are you shooting with it? Pigeons? Somehow I don't think so.

  8. DocAmazing1:53 AM

    He's operating from an old principle: you can get a lot with a smile, but you can get more with a gun and a smile.

  9. Decorum? I thought liberals were uncivil because saying fuck a lot.

  10. "Even in upscale parts of L.A. or New York, you see boarded up
    storefronts and other signs that the economy isn't what it used to be."

    How true. If only Obama's win in November 08 hadn't rippled backward in time and induced Lehman Bros. and Bear Sterns to make all those bad bets during the previous five years.

  11. There's sort of a deranged charm in a bunch of Internet addicts talking about "rugged individualism" because they own handguns. It's like the Internet tough guys I remember from the 90's went and grew up (well, aged up, anyway).

  12. That was the 2012 model. For the 2013 liberal strawmen, they went retro and brought back the hypertolerant wimp.

    It's all in the catalog.

  13. Spaghetti Lee3:05 AM

    I think a Hunger Games parody along those lines could be awesome. The districts would be divided by what right-wingers actually produce (i.e. smugness, threats of violence, snotty curmudgeonisms) and the representatives (let's say Glenn Reynolds, Jeff Goldstein, and George Will for my examples) wouldn't kill each other, but would fight to see who could kill the most poor people in an enclosed arena. The winner would receive a life-long sinecure at a right-wing magazine, but so would all the losers.

  14. An aspiring looter in other words.

    But of course Goldstein can't provide for his family in normal times, so he is more of a moocher.

  15. parsec3:28 AM

    What dissipated "like the insubstantial rhetorical mists they've always been" were the revanchist dreams of Red-staters after the latest election. Rolling back the New Deal will get progressively (like that?) harder with the changing demographics of the electorate.

  16. Christopher3:46 AM

    You know, the idea of Obama sending men with guns to either kill American citizens or take them away to secret prisons where they'll be held indefinitely without charges is not paranoid, since that's the sort of thing he already does.

    What I often wonder though is, which department of the government would those gunmen work for? Homeland Security? Where'd the Department of Homeland Security come from again?

    How'd Republicans like Goldstein feel about those citizens who Obama assassinated anyway?

  17. smut clyde4:02 AM

    Strikes me that the only way that superior firepower can help you "survive the loss of heat or the shutdown of an electrical
    grid for two weeks" and "provide for your family and keep them
    safe and protected" is by allowing you to kill your neighbours and take their stuff.

    Apparently Godlstein's martial-arts unarmed combat skills do not count for enough these days.

  18. Ah yes, just as they smugly try to claim Animal Farm as their own while rooting for the pigs at the end, and try to claim many pieces of popular culture (when they don't prefer railing against them), they're trying to claim The Hunger Games even though they're the bad guys in that series.

    I ran this at the start of the year:

  19. But it mentioned "Hispanic," so tag, you're racist, no backsies!

  20. 'We have a straw man to fit your every need! History starts when you say it starts, and with interchangeable filters. Obama is a weakling abroad and a tyrant domestically. Liberalism is both a floor wax and and dessert topping! Lysol is the fascism of, um...'

  21. Pope Zebbidie XIII4:32 AM

    One sold genuine handbags and the other fake. In an ironic twist, both were manufactured by the same Beijing youngsters.

  22. Pope Zebbidie XIII4:33 AM

    He is equally concerned that there is a e-commerce site still using marquee html tags.

  23. Pope Zebbidie XIII4:37 AM

    Thank heaven all our concern trolling was not taken seriously. I thought for a while they'd cotton we were hiding the solution in plain sight.

  24. Pope Zebbidie XIII4:40 AM

    Perhaps they weren't really liberals at all. Let's look again shall we? Why see, it was "not even the liberal" Joe Lieberman all the time!

  25. Pope Zebbidie XIII4:42 AM

    I can imagine how the neighbourhood would handle the armed psycho in number 4 who keeps shooting people and stealing their Cheetos.

  26. Pope Zebbidie XIII4:43 AM

    Do you have them in a pleasing variety of ethnicities?

  27. Pope Zebbidie XIII4:48 AM

    Financial Masters of the Universe are worth paying the GDP of a small country because they are creators who shrug aside all obstacles except for when they are as helpless as babies against Obama.

  28. Pope Zebbidie XIII4:48 AM

    You wouldn't think rugged individualists would need quite so much validation.

  29. hells littlest angel7:20 AM

    They wouldn't have to kill poor people, just talk about how ready they were to kill them.

  30. Doghouse Riley7:51 AM

    all attempts to ironize away the concept of self-reliance and rugged individualism in favor of the glories of an overarching and protective federal government, a campaign the left has for years carried forth in the academy, in government, and through popular culture

    The brave, cammo-clad gun fetishists have ironized the concept of rugged individualism far beyond our poor powers to add or detract.

    And by the way, I was fighting against an overarching federal government before Goldstein killed his first neighborhood pet, and we still have a military bigger than the next fifty countries combined, and a social safety net that ranks 25th out of 34 developed countries. But maybe I'm the one who's confused.

  31. redoubt8:01 AM

    And a week after that, Godlstein slowly realizes that no help is forthcoming from Galt's Gulch, because someone else shot and ate the carrier pigeon he sent the message by. . .

  32. aimai8:34 AM

    This is starting to look like the Signals Catalog. On one page there will be a spread of touching Irish sayings and motifs, in brass, silver, or gold. On another a nearly identical set of "Jewish" motifs--Dancing Rabbis faux embroidered on multi colored silks with "May the Road Rise up to Meet You" in Jewish Sans Serif (not comic Sans!) with an incorrect attribution to Hillel. Plus, also, too, Cats!

  33. Fats Durston8:37 AM

    Yes, nothing says "self-reliance" like stocking up on guns that factories made. C'mon, Godlstein, show us some real ruggedness: You need to dig up the ore and smelt the iron; drill the gun barrels yourself; manufacture the saltpeter from your own piss. I am not going to be convinced of your rugged individualism 'til you're eating acorn paste from dishes made out of squirrel skulls, you pathetic sponge cake.

  34. Fats Durston8:39 AM

    Wait, you can get a black belt in cock-slapping?

  35. Fats Durston8:43 AM

    all attempts to ironize away the concept of self-reliance and rugged
    individualism in favor of the glories of an overarching and protective
    federal government, a campaign the left has for years carried forth... through popular culture,

    God, if I see another movie with Bruce Willis as a caring federal bureaucrat whose agency defeats the villains with targeted food stamp distribution, I swear I am going to make my own indie film where, for once, the climactic scene will be a mano-y-mano fistfight.

  36. aimai9:09 AM

    Andrew Klavern is writing a series of teen-angst novels. He has set the most recent one in that paradise for wingnuts--failure of the liberal imagination. Some do-gooder teens go down to build a school/mission/hospital in some weird hispanicy place and then are trapped by a revolution!!!! and need to fight their way out. Its Red Dawn crossed with that movie about the crashed plane full of soccer players who had to commit cannibalism.

  37. assassinations? drone strikes? torture and indefinite detention? dude, we're talking about fascism here - you know, the aca, new black panthers, and marginal tax rates!

  38. aimai9:13 AM

    OK, that was posted in the wrong place. My response to Pope Zebbidie, however, is based on my reading of Klavern's (really? Is that his real name?) thread. Basically: the answer is no. They do not realize the solution is hiding in plain sight. There is an animated discussion of how stupid and slutty women voters are, and how foolish they were to take Rush Limbaugh's attacks on Sandra Fluke as a slutty bitch as a "personal" attack on her. He was, in his obviously well reasoned way, simply using her slutty, lazy, socialistic behavior as a way of demonstrating the slippery slope (oh, stop that you people) from allowing your gentlemen callers to pay for your contraception to the total breakdown of the marital bond forever more. Society to follow.

    I actually joined the fray but I doubt that my comments will survive moderation because they were...moderate. They amounted to pointing out that if the question is what Limbaugh actually said, well, opinions may difer. But if the question is "what did actual women voters heear?" The answer lies in the electoral results. Its no point arguing that women are even stupider than you thought--even if its true it remains a rather unattractive appeal for votes.

  39. Ethics Gradient9:34 AM

    " Even now I am working on a cognate of "slut" and "retard," a sort of ultimate weapon of Alinskyite ridicule"

    May I suggest, courtesy of the Oxford English Dictionary:

    malkin, n.1.
    a. A typical name (usu. derogatory) for: a lower-class, untidy, or sluttish woman, esp. a servant or country girl. In Scotland: an awkward or ungainly young girl. †Also in various proverbial expressions, esp. there are more maids than Malkin (obs.).
    b. Sc. The female genitals.

    2. An impotent or effeminate man; a weakling.

    a. A mop; a bundle of rags fastened to the end of a stick, esp. for cleaning out a baker's oven. regional in later use.
    b. Naut. A sponge attached to a jointed pole, used for cleaning out ships' guns. Obs.

    4. A scarecrow; a ragged puppet or grotesque effigy; a guy. Also fig.

    5. As a designation for certain animals (sometimes as if a proper name).

    a. A cat. Cf. grimalkin n. Obs.

    b. Sc. and Eng. regional (north.). A hare.

    malkin-mad adj. mad as a hare.
    malkin-trash n. Obs. rare a person dressed in dark gloomy clothes

  40. Environmental Protection Agency Gestapo.

  41. John D.10:16 AM

    "4. A scarecrow; a ragged puppet or grotesque effigy; a guy. Also fig."

    I thought this was the dictionary definition of "Coulter."

  42. Halloween_Jack10:40 AM

    Yeah, damn those liberals for their relentless oppression of rugged individualism in movies by studiously ignoring them in their (recycled) celebration of American can-do attitude in our eternal struggle against the RussiansChineseNorth KoreansSouth KoreansAlaskansPolynesians! [non-Michigan]WOLVERINES!

  43. So ... would that make Lieberman the anti-Fafnir?

  44. Obviously, the correct attribution to Hillel would be for "Hit the road before the scapegoating starts back up." In Gothic.

  45. KatWillow11:05 AM

    "Even in upscale parts of L.A. or New York, you see boarded up
    storefronts and other signs that the economy isn't what it used to be."
    I don't think UpScale Locations would allow boards over windows, or even soap. More likely a tasteful window display of flowers and -er- upscale stuff with a small elegant sign saying: "Opening soon----"

  46. zencomix11:07 AM

    "attempts to ironize away the concept of self-reliance and rugged individualism"

    You need to Martinize before you ironize, or the blood stains will set.

  47. tigrismus11:12 AM

    the Democrats, still the party of identity politics, switched

    I guess I'm a sluttard but I can't figure out how this works.

  48. Right--and THEN you can slap people across the face with your cock and they'll thank you for it. Until then, well, try not to...

  49. Belt, no. Cock, yes, with enough application.

  50. tigrismus11:21 AM

    "Hurrah, die Butter ist alle!"

  51. Sad to say, "All of them, Katie" has become the "Play it again, Sam," of politics--a classic quote that's not quite accurate. La Palin didn't really say "Katie." (I just checked.) She said, "All of them, any of them...." etc. Not that it matters.

  52. mortimer11:28 AM

    ...at a certain point, when you can survive the loss of heat or the shutdown of an electrical grid for two weeks — when you can provide for your family and keep them safe and protected while all those who rely on government run about confused, carping, demanding, frustrated...

    A friend lives in Belle Harbor, just up the street in one direction from 18 houses and a restaurant burned to the ground, and from tens of totally destroyed beach front homes in the other. There isn't a store open in the entire area and power was out for two or three weeks, and still out for many areas. I see the entire Rockaway peninsula filled with Goldstein's hated government workers -- FEMA employees, New York City police and fire fighters, City sanitation workers by the hundreds, all members of despised unions, and all working their asses off doing a remarkable job cleaning up utter devastation and helping people get their lives and homes back. Not to mention the dozens of bleeding heart volunteers whose sense of community hasn't been smothered by a selfish blend of cynicism and glibertarian insanity. Oddly, I didn't hear a single resident screaming about tyranny and liberty.

    And best of all, there was no self-described "outlaw" like Goldstein, who in similar circumstances would be the ultimate headless pussy running out of his house brandishing his night-scoped, strobe-stunning assault weapons looking to shoot some unarmed moocher because his local Piggly Wiggly was closed. Jeffrey thinks his manliness comes from length of his high-tech gunbarrels, but he should come here and see what real men and women do when disaster strikes, and how proud and grateful they are to live in a country where government -- which they elected to do exactly this -- doesn't hesitate to come to the aid of its citizens in need.

  53. Headless pussy? Sounds like something from a horror movie.

  54. XeckyGilchrist12:05 PM

    in giant forced labor camps like Salt Lake City and Dallas everyone
    lives off hardtack and dreams of a day when the white man's vote is
    worth something again.

    There is a grain of truth to this. I am a white man living in Salt Lake City and, because I'm a Democrat, my vote doesn't count for shit.

    The hardtack part, not so much, but Mormon potluck food is definitely an acquired taste.

  55. Al Swearengen12:14 PM

    Reading Goldstein's CV, I see that he now abides here in the lovely state of CO. As a fellow seIf-reliant rugged individualist fur trapper, I simply must ask him where he puts his beaver traps forthwith. Perhaps a canoe paddle up the St. Vrain is in order! Tally ho! (Practicing my fucking liberal-speak.)

  56. witlesschum12:23 PM

    Anyone else wonder how many times per week Goldstein day dreams about shooting his neighbors? If I lived on his street and read his blog, I'd be seriously considering moving and/or arming myself. I mean, you assume he's not really going to do anything and probably wouldn't be any more dangerous than the average suburb dork who knows guns from movies if he did, but I think I'd be very nervous the next time there's an ice storm.

  57. Jay B.12:26 PM

    Or Ace of Spade's dream date.

  58. PersonaAuGratin12:29 PM

    Around here they display artworks (mostly paintings) by local Grandma Moses wannabes.

  59. Jay B.12:29 PM

    They were defeated and discredited in the 1960s, and the Democrats, still the party of identity politics, switched their focus to various nonwhite minorities.

    Because, clearly, that was the politically cynical thing to do given the massive power nonwhite minorities had in the early 60's.

  60. Halloween_Jack12:49 PM

    Goldstein wouldn't make that trip. To people like him, the devastation in New Orleans post-Katrina was deeply satisfying, and the idea that not only was it the result of a deliberate dismantling of FEMA by W instead of natural bureaucratic incompetence, let alone that W fiddling while NO drowned would lead to big Democratic gains in 2006 as well as influencing Obama's election two years later, just doesn't compute.

    It's something that I've said before (and the continued implications of which still make me very, very nervous): they can't and won't admit that their buying up scads of guns and ammo is borne out of their own insecurity and racism; there has to be a reason why they need it; it can't be wasted money. It certainly wouldn't do to see law and order and good government in practice in those legendary lawless urban shitholes of New York and New Jersey.

  61. Beth Spencer12:53 PM

    Phhhpppttthh. Where are the zombies?

  62. I want to buy this comment a beer--and none of your hipster PBR, either. Good stuff.

  63. Beth Spencer12:55 PM

    "For a century after the Civil War, Southern white supremacists were an
    important part of the Democratic Party coalition. "

    There seems to be an important part of this story missing. I won't spoil the surprise for you, but after the 60's, the white supremacists didn't disappear into a cloud of pig fat and sweat. They went somewhere else. Guess. Guess where they went!

  64. Beth Spencer12:57 PM

    "Really, I should just front-page the comments and hide the posts."

    Silly talk. We come for the Roy, we stay for the comments. It's a beautiful symbiotic relationship.

  65. Beth Spencer12:59 PM

    I thought we were uncivil because we fucked a lot*.

    *Not sure we fuck more than anybody else, it's just we're, you know, libertines and such. I guess.

  66. aimai1:10 PM

    Oh vacuumslayer, its you! How did you get an avatar. I can't even manage to re-register with disqus?


  67. aimai1:20 PM

    Oh, damn you, Jay B. Or, in the immortal words of Thurber in The Thirteen Clocks "Strike a light or light a lantern. Something I have hold of has no head."

  68. "there has to be a reason they need it"

    It's so once a disaster strikes they can drive around and find some black kid to "stand their ground" against, like that asshole in Florida who fired eight shots into a parked vehicle, killing 17 year-old Jordan Davis for listening to music too loudly, before screeching away in a panic.

    Or at least dream about it.

  69. I just signed in with my Google account. I've also used Facebook and twitter. (Apparently there's nobody I don't like to give my email address.)

  70. aimai1:32 PM

    Its not because we have more sex that we are a problem--its because its so darned consensual.

  71. whetstone1:39 PM

    "at a certain point, when you can survive the loss of heat or the shutdown of an electrical grid for two weeks... all attempts to ironize away the concept of self-reliance and rugged individualism..."

    And if you can't, dying of pneumonia is a pretty sincere gesture, too.

  72. M. Krebs1:50 PM

    what are you shooting with it? Pigeons? Somehow I don't think so.

    Squirrel does make a nice hearty stew.

  73. smut clyde2:02 PM

    Cute, no? The white supremacists moved en masse from the Democratic to the Republican party, so it's the former who deserve the label of "identity politics".

  74. smut clyde2:02 PM

    How many martinis? AFAF.

  75. If you're not doing it bareback with two wetsuits, a dildo, a wide stance, and a heaping helping of shame, you're a whore.

  76. It's almost as if the nonwhite minorities had no agency of their own and instead the Democrats hyp-mo-tized them.

  77. I'm using a gmail address that's largely anonymous, and sign in with Google that way.

  78. Pope Zebbidie XIII2:24 PM

    They are thrillingly awful.

  79. Pope Zebbidie XIII2:25 PM


  80. smut clyde2:25 PM

    That Amazon link informs me that one new copy of "The Emerging Republican Majority" is available "from $1,185.06". There are, however, used copies available for less.

  81. wileywitch2:59 PM

    The GOP is now the party of terminal ideas. They stand athwart history shouting "WHA?!"

  82. MikeJ3:05 PM

    they're trying to claim The Hunger Games even though they're the bad guys in that series.

    The almost explicitly stated motto of the empire in Huger Games was "more rubble, less trouble."

  83. bourbaki3:07 PM

    Your comment immediately made me think of Michael Bay producing a remake of Ikiru featuring CGI Mecha suits.

    I then went out side and stared blankly at the sky for several minutes...

  84. Another Kiwi3:22 PM

    Goldstein is so clever that he will shoot them and steal their electrical goods. "Ha ha, all your computer are miiiiinnnneeee!!!

  85. Another Kiwi3:26 PM

    It is going to rough for them when they can't post things on the internet due to the Obamashirts keeping all the power.

  86. Another Kiwi3:27 PM

    Iraq? Iran? Some other bad place, I just know it.

  87. Another Kiwi3:37 PM

    Well I'd love to stay and kick around the rotting corpse of conservatism but I have to go and ironize my shirt.

  88. Funny you should mention that. I know of one extra-psychotic wingnut blogger who just bought a portable generator and is convinced that this will entitle him to become the neighborhood warlord when everything collapses. He's been writing these long treatises on how he plans to use his militia to restore order.

    I'm never sure if I love the Internet or hate it.

  89. smut clyde3:44 PM

    After guns & ammo, the next growth market is going to involve selling fish-tanks to wannabee town governors.

  90. Another Kiwi3:50 PM

    Be sure to tell him that the generator, while the centre of his power, is also the weak spot and must be kept inside the house. He should keep it in the bathroom and maintain a personal watch over it.

  91. You know what's great about that? The article Reynolds linked to for that statement doesn't mention storefronts at all - it's about homes under foreclosure. And according to the article, it's not because the owners couldn't pay, they're letting the bank take over because the properties are costing too much money.

    Glenn, you cheeky monkey, you weren't expecting anyone to actually click your links, were you?

  92. Whew, that was close.

  93. Budbear6:07 PM

    I just went over there to see if they published your comments. They did, but, of course, your points were ignored, you were insulted and those comments were just used to further their agenda of fetid outrage. It's really just a circle jerk over there and they resent anyone upsetting the stroke rhythm. I feel a need to shower after that sojourn out of the boat and I recommend you get a tetanus shot after actually engaging that lynch mob.

  94. jimmy6:53 PM

    Haha. This is priceless.

    Find me a GF

  95. AGoodQuestion8:19 PM

    Personal responsibility begins... begins at... I'm not exactly sure where it begins, but I think we can rule out the Reynolds/Smith household.

  96. AGoodQuestion8:33 PM

    The book is called "If We Survive", apparently. From the jacket copy available online it looks like Klavan believes there's no social, political, or economic situation that can't be reduced to a first person shooter.

  97. BigHank5310:12 PM

    Dude lives in the MidWest, no? Lot of people out there with a rifle for deer and a shotgun for ducks, and either one of them works fine for turning 180lbs of paranoid fuckwit into compost. Usually effective at much longer ranges than handguns, too.

  98. BigHank5310:16 PM

    Have you pointed out that his glorious reign as warlord will, by his own logic, last about three minutes longer than his supply of gasoline?

    On second thought, it's rude to interrupt people while they're masturbating.

  99. BigHank5310:18 PM

    I'll bring extra shame next time.

  100. tim11710:54 PM

    He isn't dependent on the government. He's dependent on his wife

  101. tim11710:54 PM

    Goldstein spent 6+ years defending torture as manly and likes the idea of murdering as many Muslims as possible

  102. tim11710:54 PM

    Right, 'cause they'd piss themselves before they ever pulled a trigger on anything alive

  103. tim11711:05 PM

    Idiot lives in a subdivision and spends his money on guns which kill people. Providing for his family with a laser sight should be funny

  104. tim11711:07 PM

    It's a diminishing return cycle. After awhile the fat, out-of-shape, 50 year engineer-cum-ubermen who read his blog couldn't get hard on the martial stuff, so Goldy had to break out the gun porn.

    The comments are a laugh riot, as they share links to pretty guns

  105. tim11711:08 PM

    He's Goldstein and shooting people is hard. He'd ask his wife to do it

  106. tim11711:08 PM

    he blogs about the neighbors calling the cops on him for doing weird shit

  107. tim11711:13 PM

    Well, when the Brethren were making comments just in the last 2 days about how Sandra Fluke is "hirable by the hour" hint, hint, I'm pretty sure Limbaugh said what they meant

  108. Until this day, I didn't realize we were supposed to be envious of the lifestyle of Charlton Heston's character in The Omega Man.

  109. the white supremacists didn't disappear into a cloud of pig fat and sweat.

    Well, not "disappear," no.

  110. BigHank5312:27 AM

    Real men choose dysentery.

  111. smut clyde4:48 AM

    Enough for the whole class?

  112. Pope Zebbidie XIII4:51 AM

    I signed up with disqus directly, then assigned the user name and avatar in the profile.

  113. XeckyGilchrist2:22 PM

    I think it's the reverse of AoS's dream date.

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